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Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality

Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Degree title:
Bachelor of Hospitality Management

210 ects

Name of the Degree Programme

Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality

Field of study

The classification of the educational field is based on the international ISCED classification used by the Ministry of Education and Culture.


Optional studies are organized in either nutrition or food production or development of services.

Qualification awarded

Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Level of qualification

The degree programme leads to a higher education degree which is a first cycle Bachelor-level degree in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the eight-level classification of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the degree represents level 6.
The description of the level of the Degree is included in the Statute, at

Specific admission requirements

Eligibility for studies at a university of applied sciences is stipulated in the Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014.
The selection criteria are specified in the data of the Degree Programme at and
On the websites, application and instructions are in Finnish language for the degree programmes taught in Finnish.

Qualification requirements and regulations (incl. graduation requirements)

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Structure of the studies

In accordance with the Universities of Applied Sciences Act, the studies in the Degree Programme (210 ECTS) consist of basic studies, vocational studies, internships promoting professional skills, elective studies, and a final thesis. The extent of the annual studies is 60 ECTS. The recommended time to complete the programme is three and a half year.
The degree programme in Food and Hospitality offers alternative advanced studies (30 ECTS). Advanced studies begin according to the student's choice in the second study year.
During the first study year, the focus will be on the process of producing food services and related background skills. The emphasis is on combining theoretical professional studies with manual skills.
The theme of the second study year is management and process control. The student skills in work community management as well as managing the quality, processes and business evolve. The student starts the advanced studies in accordance with his/her choice.
In the third and fourth study years, the main focus is on advanced studies and training. The studies coached in writing the thesis end and the thesis topic is selected. Acquired knowledge and skills are applied in the thesis.
In addition, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences offers free-choice studies e.g. alternative studies in the own degree programme and courses offered in other degree programmes and on CampusOnline can be selected.
The thesis is 15 ECTS. It is intended to demonstrate the student's familiarity in his/her own profession through the chosen subject. Student chooses the topic of the thesis according to his/her interest, career plans and employment goals.
The curriculum includes five seams permeating through the studies and extending over them. They are based on SeAMK’s reports, studies and strategy, as well as on the national and international recommendations and regulations related to education provided by universities of applied sciences.
- The Information Search seam strengthens the student’s professional and field-specific information search skills throughout the studies.
- The Internationalization seam secures the improvement of the student’s international competencies during their studies.
- The studies corresponding to the Entrepreneurship seam help the student understand the central and growing role of entrepreneurship in society.
- The Sustainable Development seam makes the student aware of social responsibility and helps them understand the diversity of sustainable development as a working life skill.
- The seam of Career Guidance helps the student recognise their competencies and own strengths. It also includes working life knowledge, job search skills, and lifelong learning.
Students have the opportunity to include multidisciplinary, working life-oriented project studies in their personal curricula (SeAMKPro).

Profile of the programme

Studies in the Degree Programme Food and Hospitality are multidisciplinary based on natural sciences, business studies and behavioral sciences. The education is based on applying these sciences to specific tasks in the food service industry. Alternative Advanced Studies in the Degree Programme (30 ECTS) deepen the student's competence in the development of food production, digital solutions for professional kitchens, skills in nutrition and food education, product development, tourism and experience services. Advanced studies are selected during the second study year.
The studies provide a strong theoretical and practical base for delivering food services, managing and serving customer as well as utilizing data generated by digital systems. The studies will focus on food safety, quality and process development, nutrition expertise required by food services and business expertise needed in the service sector. These studies will provide the capability to meet challenges in the food service sector now and in the future. This requires raw material and process knowledge as well as ability to use creative solutions.

Generic and subject specifc competences

Competencies are extensive knowledge entities, or combinations of the individual’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes. They describe qualifications, performance potential, and the ability to cope with professional duties.
Common/general competencies are fields of know-how common to different Degree Programmes, but their special characteristics and importance may vary between professions and work assignments. General competencies form the basis for professional activities, cooperation, and the development of expertise. According to Arene’s (Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences) recommendations, general competencies include learning skills, ethical competence, cooperation skills, innovation skills, and internationalization skills. In addition to the above-mentioned competencies, entrepreneurial skills and quality management skills are emphasized in the degree studies of SeAMK as competencies common to all.
Degree programme-specific competencies form the basis for the development of the student’s professional expertise.

Pedagogical approach and learning environment

The constructivist theory of learning emphasises the active role of students and their own experiences in their education, which helps them to understand what is being taught. The teacher acts as facilitator of the learning process.

Characteristics of learning:

1. Students set their own learning objectives, e.g. Personal Study Plan.
2. The information to be learned is connected to students' world of experiences, work and working environment.
3. Open communication between the students and teacher is nurtured to deepen the understanding of the information to be learned and to evaluate learning experiences.
4. The process of learning is emphasised in the studies, not merely objectives and contents.
5. Together with the teachers, students monitor and evaluate their own learning and the learning of their peers. Learning is systematically developed based on feedback. The feedback is discussed together with the students, and they lead the development of the learning situations.

Teaching involves the use of various topic-related, applied methods. The variety of teaching methods is used in the programmes to support students' professional development, readiness for the working world and professional expertise. Students attend lectures, engage in independent information acquisition, work in projects, work online, do practical assignments and exercises, and participate in co-operative learning.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (RPL)

The RPL procedure means the identification and recognition of the student’s previously acquired learning. The student has the opportunity to apply for the recognition of their competencies if the competencies correspond to the learning goals of the Degree Programme. The identification process is closely connected with the preparation of the student’s personal curriculum and is updated during personal counselling discussions.
The identification and recognition practices are presented in the RPL Instruction of SeAMK. It specifies how recognition of competencies is applied for, how the application is processed, and how the student is informed of it. The instruction lists the RPL contact persons of each Degree Programme, who counsel students on matters related to the process.
In the assessment of prior learning, for example the following evidence is used:
– certificates on training programmes with similar content and other training programmes
– testimonials and further clarifications by an employer
– interviews of the student
– written and oral exams or reports
– functional or written assignments or other evidence
– presentations, portfolios
The final project/thesis and the Maturity Test cannot be submitted to the RPL procedure.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.
The head of the degree programme, student counsellor, and when necessary, the teacher of the course in question are responsible for RPL. Their task is to inform students of the recognition and assessment process, to discuss students' Personal Study Plan and to guide students in the demonstration of prior learning.

Work-based learning and work placements

The development of both manual and professional skills is important for employment. The degree includes two training courses i.e. basic training in the first year and advanced training in the third year. In the first year, there is also a course on Catering services in commercial kitchens, which is carried out at partners’ commercial kitchens.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.

Work-based learning and work placements

The development of both manual and professional skills is important for employment. The degree includes two training courses i.e. basic training in the first year and advanced training in the third year. In the first year, there is also a course on Catering services in commercial kitchens, which is carried out at partners’ commercial kitchens.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.

Work-based learning and work placements

The development of both manual and professional skills is important for employment. The degree includes two training courses i.e. basic training in the first year and advanced training in the third year. In the first year, there is also a course on Catering services in commercial kitchens, which is carried out at partners’ commercial kitchens.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.

Work-based learning and work placements

The development of both manual and professional skills is important for employment. The degree includes two training courses i.e. basic training in the first year and advanced training in the third year. In the first year, there is also a course on Catering services in commercial kitchens, which is carried out at partners’ commercial kitchens.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.

Occupational profiles

A Bachelor in Hospitality Management is a multi-skilled employee working as supervisor and in expert positions with business ideas in various food service organizations, the food industry and as an independent entrepreneur. He/she works with tasks requiring skills e.g. in service design, digitalization, international know-how, food education and communication. He/she is developing the field taking into account consumers’ needs as well as social and ecological responsibilities. The most common tasks are as supervisors and experts in restaurants, staff restaurants and public kitchens (e.g. schools and hospitals). In addition, companies hiring personnel within the tourism and experience industry are increasingly employing bachelors in hospitality management.
Typical positions are e.g. entitled supervisor, restaurant manager, food service manager, product developer, project expert/manager, customer/service manager and entrepreneur.
After completing language studies, students are able to communicate in target languages both orally and in writing in situations, to seek knowledge and to monitor development in the own profession/field.


Each student has the possibility to complete internships abroad and to study at the higher education institutions of our international partners. This is actively encouraged.
The students study together with the international exchange students. Some of the courses can be implemented partially or as a whole in English or in some other language. Material in English is used in the courses. Both international and multicultural perspectives and visions are included in the study modules.

Access to further studies

After three years of work experience, the student will be eligible for further studies for a Master’s Degree in the field in question.

Graduation requirements

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and instructions for graduates at Intra.

Mode of study

Studies are organized both as fulltime and as part-time.

Head of degree programme

Mrs Eija Putula-Hautala, GSM +358 40 830 3953, e-mail: eija.putula-hautala(at)

Student counsellor

Mrs Eija Putula-Hautala, GSM +358 40 830 3953, e-mail: eija.putula-hautala(at)

Coordination of Practical Training

Mrs. Paula Juurakko, GSM +358 40 830 2293, e-mail: paula.juurakko(at)

Coordination of international mobility

Tiina Välimäki, 040-830 4127, tiina.valimaki(at), Coordinator, Outgoing student exchanges to Europe
Maria Loukola, 040-830 2240, maria.loukola(at), Coordinator, Incoming and outgoing student exchanges outside Europe

Student services

Tel. +358 20 124 5055,

Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


22.04.2024 - 01.10.2024


27.01.2025 - 23.02.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kirta Nieminen
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student is able to define the basics of sensory evaluation. Student is able to evaluate the sensing properties of the product. Student is able to present sensory evaluation methods and preference methods of products. Student is able to design a sensory evaluation for rag evaluators. Students know how to implement sensory evaluation as a tool for product development and quality assurance.


Senses and their meaning
Sensing properties of food
Sensory measurement - sensory assessment methods and preferences of products
Organizing the sensory assessment rage
Sensory assessment as a tool of product development process


Tuorila, H., Parkkinen, K., & Tolonen, K. (2008). Aistit ammattikäyttöön. WSOY Oppimateriaalit.
Tuorila, H., & Appelbye, U. (2008). Elintarvikkeiden aistinvaraiset tutkimusmenetelmät (2. p.). Palmenia Helsinki University Press.
Meilgaard, M. C., Civille, G. V., & Carr, B. T. (2016). Sensory evaluation techniques (Fifth edition.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises and learning assignment 2 op

Student workload

The student's total work volume is 54 hours, of which 44 hours of independent studies, online teaching 6 h and contact teaching at the sensory laboratory 4 h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student is able to define the basics of sensory evaluation. Student is able to recognize sensing properties of the product. Student is able to designate sensory evaluation methods and preference methods for products. Student is able to carry out sensory evaluation for rag evaluators. Students can determine how sensory evaluation can be used as a tool for product development and quality assurance.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student is able to present the basics of sensory evaluation. Student knows how to name the sensing properties of the product. Student is able to give examples of sensory evaluation methods and preference methods of products. Student is able to plan and implement a sensory assessment for rag evaluators. Student is able to implement sensory evaluation as a tool for product development and quality assurance.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to present the basics of sensory evaluation. Student is able to evaluate the sensing properties of the product. Student is able to present sensory evaluation methods and preference methods of products. Student is able to plan and implement a sensory assessment for rag evaluators. Student is able to apply sensory assessment as a tool for product development and quality assurance.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exercises, learning assignment and active participation


Food Production Processes, Planning of menus


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


28.10.2024 - 27.04.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kaija Nissinen
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Students know how to plan and implement an independent project. Students can use data acquisition methods and build a theoretical frame of reference for the project. He applies his/her knowledge of nutrition and can explain and draw conclusions from the project.


Planning and implementation of the Nutrition Project on a current Nutrition topic and reporting it.


Will be announced in the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Lctures, guided exercises, nutrition related project

Student workload

Work amount 81 h
- lectures and guided exercises app. 20 h
- independent learning and project working app. 60 h

Further information

Note: the course includes times required to be present in order to carry out a practical project.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student needs plenty of guidance in the design and implementation of the project. (S)he works schematically. The report weakly lays out project outputs and the conclusions are fragmented and have little connection to the theory.
The student can follow the instructions and the given schedule in some respects.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students can plan and implement a project under supervision. (S)he knows how to use his/her knowledge of nutrition during the project. The report presents the output of the project and the conclusions are, as a rule, based on the project as well as on the theory.
The student can follow the instructions and the given schedule in large part.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students make effective use of the guidance they receive in the planning and implementation of the project. (S)he applies his/her knowledge of nutrition creatively and competently. The report comprehensively provides project outputs and conclusions based clearly on the project as well as on the theoretical frame of reference.
Students are initiative and have the capacity to apply what they learn to practice. Students are able to develop their own and work community activities. The student can precisely follow the instructions and the given schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignments, portfolio/learning diary, project report


Nutrition research
Nutrition communication

Further information

Course in english on request.


11.11.2024 - 19.02.2025


07.01.2025 - 11.05.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Merja Kyntäjä
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • MRESTO25
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student knows the most essential sections of the food legislation for microbiology and the hygiene. He / she can present the general microbes of the food industry and their living conditions and can use the concepts of the microbiology. The student can design the safe and hygienic making of foods. He / she knows the risks which are related to foods.


Grounds of the food hygiene and more essential laws, degrees and decisions pertaining to foodstuffs
Grounds for the cleaning
Microbe groups, their most important properties and living conditions
Working in the laboratory and handling of samples


Korkeala, H. (ed.). (2007). Elintarvikehygienia: ympäristöhygienia, elintarvike- ja ympäristötoksikologia. Helsinki. Elintarvikehygienia.
Hygieniaopas- Elintarvikehygienian perusteet. (2023). Ympäristökustannus Oy.
Rahkio, M., Suontamo, T., Virtalainen, T., Terimaa, S., Syyrakki, S., & Välikylä, T. (2013) Pintahygieniaopas - Opas suurtalouksien, elintarviketeollisuuden, elintarvikekaupan, elintarvikealan opetuksen ja terveydensuojelun käyttöön (7. p.). Suomen Ympäristö- ja Teveysalan Kustannus Oy.
Koskinen, M., Kakko, L. & Välikylä, T. (ed.). (2021). Keittiöiden siivous- ja hygieniaopas. Ympäristökustannus Oy.

Student workload

5 credits - 135 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows and controls the basic concepts of food hygiene and of microbiology and can adapt them in the solving of the usual problems. He / she knows the risks of food production. He acts responsibly, entrepreneurially and in accordance with food hygiene. The student is able to get information about the food legislation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows and controls well the basic concepts of food hygiene and of microbiology and can adapt them in the solving of the usual problems. The Student knows and is able to take into account the risks inherent in professional kitchen activities. He acts responsibly, entrepreneurially and in accordance with food hygiene. The student is able to get information about the food legislation and can adapt them in his work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows and controls excellent the basic concepts of food hygiene and of microbiology and are able to do them variously solving different problems. He / she knows, take into consideration and manage the risks in food production. He is able to act as an entrepreneur and take responsibility for his own actions and their consequences.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation, assignments and reports.


11.11.2024 - 19.02.2025


07.01.2025 - 11.05.2025


7 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Sari Rimpelä
  • Leena Arjanne
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • MRESTO25
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Upon completion of the course, student
- Will be able to name and write elements and compounds, their chemical formulas and basic reaction equations in food chain.
- Is familiar with importance of chemical safetyness of raw material.
- Can interpret and to apply chemical theory of food chain chemistry in practice and in professional context.
- Has basic knowledge of digestion.
- Tells importance of nutrition recommendations for food services and public health.
- Can define Finn’s food use.
- Know how to calculate and analyze different meals’ nutritional value in Fineli.
- Can evaluate foods and meals based on their nutritional content.
- Will be able to familiarize and use professional literature.
- Solve applied problems.


Circulation of nutrients in food chain
Main nutrients (proteins, carbonhydrates, fats) chemical composition, formula and behaviour in food chain
Chemistry of the most significant minerals and micronutrients in food chain
The basic concepts of water chemistry
pH, acidity and basicity , significance in food chain
Anatomy of digestion_ basics
Nutrition recommendations
Food use and nutrient intake in Finland
Fineli – nutrient calculation
Food and diet as a source of nutrients
Applied problems: chemistry in kitchen


Parkkinen, K., & Rautavirta, K. (2020). Utelias kokki: Elintarviketietoa ja -kemiaa ruoanvalmistajalle. Restamark.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows and understands to a basic concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain , and is able to apply them to usual problems.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is familiar with the concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain, and is able to apply them to different types of problems. The student is able to combine the accumulated knowledge and skills with previous experiences in the subject.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is familiar with the concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain, and is able to apply them to a variety of different problems. The student has demonstrated creativity and innovation, and is able to find new meanings when applying what they have learned.


22.04.2024 - 01.10.2024


03.03.2025 - 31.07.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Eliisa Ylinen
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student understands the preconditions for extraordinary customer experience and understands the diversity in producing extraordinary customer experiences. Student is also able to evaluate quality of service performance from customer`s viewpoint. Student is able to design a target-oriented experiential food service concept which is multisensorial and memorable. In planning and implementing the service student can also take into account different parts of service such as product, space, atmosphere and customer encounter and is able to manage the system.


Event planning and organization
Experiential food
Experiential space and atmosphere
Experiential customer encounter


Gustafsson, I-B., Öström, Å., Johansson, J. & Mossberg, L. (2006.) The Five Aspects Meal model: a tool for developing meal services in restaurant. Journal of Foodservice 17. 84-93.
Hynynen, A., Hopia, A., Uimonen, H.,Pitkäkoski, T., Aaltojärvi, I., Paakki, M., & Kontukoski, M. (2018). Ei ainoastaan leivästä. Tampereen yliopisto.
Kalliomäki, A. (2014). Tarinallistaminen. Palvelukokemuksen punainen lanka. Talentum.
Pine, B.J., & Gilmore, J.H. (1999). The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre & Every Business a Stage. Harvard Business Press.
Pitkäkoski, T. (2015). Elämysperusteisen ruokapalvelutapahtuman tuottamisen konseptointi. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu.
Tarssanen, S. 2005. Elämystuottajan käsikirja.Lapin elämysteollisuuden osaamiskeskus.

Teaching methods

Planning and execution of experiential food event

Student workload

5 credits - 135 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students can name the main principles of experience production.
Students can realize a food event experience when assisted, taking account of resources, quality and themes. Students recognize some aspects of food products, atmosphere, customer service and managing the whole, when planning and realizing a service package.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students manage the basics of producing an experience and are able to report on experience production. Students are able to realize and evaluate a food experience even taking account of resources, quality and themes. Students are able to plan and realize a service package taking account of the food product, atmosphere, meeting the customers and managing the whole.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to produce experiences and adventures and they can analyze the experience production relative to the customers´ experiences. Students can plan and organize a food experience event within the framework of resources , quality and different themes.
Students are able to plan and realize a versatile service package taking account of the food product, atmosphere, meeting the customers and managing the whole.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation, assignment.


Food service production
Food service management
Asiakkaan kohtaaminen
Elämykselliset ruokapalvelut


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Mari Heinonen
Student groups
  • BIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Full-time studies


The student is able to communicate in English both orally and in writing in work-related communication situations. The student can discuss matters related to their field and workplace, and enhance their knowledge of the field using English-language articles and other source materials.

The student:
- Can introduce oneself, his/her education, and work experience.
- Handles job application situations.
- Can write work-related messages and cope with oral communication situations.
- Masters polite expressions and everyday speech situations.
- Is familiar with basic terminology in their field.


- Introducing oneself and discussing studies
- Job searching
- Polite phrases and small talk
- Written and oral communication in the workplace, e.g., phone, email, counseling, presenting one's own field of expertise
- Professional texts in one's own field


Moodle -material
Supplementary reading: Engineer your English, Way to Go etc

Teaching methods

Classes (hybride), oral and written exercises, independent virtual studies

Exam schedules

Written test(s)
Oral tests (interview, presentation)

Completion alternatives

Identification of prior learning (oral/written)

Student workload

ca 24 h classes, other work load independent virtual studies

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student uses simple structures and limited vocabulary in their communication, but errors hinder understanding. Understands slow and clear speech and relatively straightforward professional texts. Manages adequately in predictable work-related situations. Pronunciation shows influence from other languages. European Framework of Reference skill level B1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student uses basic structures in communication almost flawlessly and employs professional basic vocabulary understandably. The student copes moderately well in anticipated work-related situations. Pronunciation is understandable. European Framework of Reference skill level B1/B2.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student uses almost flawless, varied structures and an extensive professional vocabulary in communication. They are active and independently and fluently navigate written and oral work-related situations. Pronunciation is native-like. European Framework of Reference skill level B2.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment based on active attendance, oral and written assignments, oral and written tests


Mastery of key structures and general vocabulary in the English language.
Previous English language studies at the secondary level are required.

Further information

Minimum attendance requirement of 50% of contact hours. Supervised exam.


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 30.11.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Mari Heinonen
Student groups
  • MBIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Part-time studies


The student is able to communicate in English both orally and in writing in work-related communication situations. The student can discuss matters related to their field and workplace, and enhance their knowledge of the field using English-language articles and other source materials.

The student:
- Can introduce oneself, his/her education, and work experience.
- Handles job application situations.
- Can write work-related messages and cope with oral communication situations.
- Masters polite expressions and everyday speech situations.
- Is familiar with basic terminology in their field.


- Introducing oneself and discussing studies
- Job searching
- Polite phrases and small talk
- Written and oral communication in the workplace, e.g., phone, email, counseling, presenting one's own field of expertise
- Professional texts in one's own field


Material announced at the beginning of the course
Supplementary reading: Engineer your English, Way to Go

Teaching methods

Contact classes, spoken and written exercises, independent virtual studies

Student workload

81 h

Further information

80 % attendance

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student uses simple structures and limited vocabulary in their communication, but errors hinder understanding. Understands slow and clear speech and relatively straightforward professional texts. Manages adequately in predictable work-related situations. Pronunciation shows influence from other languages. European Framework of Reference skill level B1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student uses basic structures in communication almost flawlessly and employs professional basic vocabulary understandably. The student copes moderately well in anticipated work-related situations. Pronunciation is understandable. European Framework of Reference skill level B1/B2.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student uses almost flawless, varied structures and an extensive professional vocabulary in communication. They are active and independently and fluently navigate written and oral work-related situations. Pronunciation is native-like. European Framework of Reference skill level B2.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment based on active attendance, oral and written assignments, oral and written tests
Written test
Spoken tests (interview, presentation)


Mastery of key structures and general vocabulary in the English language.
Previous English language studies at the secondary level are required.

Further information

Minimum attendance requirement of 50% of contact hours. Supervised exam.


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 11.05.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1.5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Mari Heinonen
Student groups
  • MRESTO25
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student is able to communicate in English both orally and in writing in work-related communication situations. The student can discuss matters related to their field and workplace, and enhance their knowledge of the field using English-language articles and other source materials.

The student:
- Can introduce oneself, his/her education, and work experience.
- Handles job application situations.
- Can write work-related messages and cope with oral communication situations.
- Masters polite expressions and everyday speech situations.
- Is familiar with basic terminology in their field.


- Introducing oneself and discussing studies
- Job searching
- Polite phrases and small talk
- Written and oral communication in the workplace, e.g., phone, email, counseling, presenting one's own field of expertise
- Professional texts in one's own field


Material in Moodle.
Supplementary reading: Engineer your English, Way to Go

Teaching methods

Classes together (hybride), spoken and written exercises, independent virtual studies in Moodle

Completion alternatives

Identification of prior learning ( oral /written)

Student workload

20 language classes, other work load independent studies in Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student uses simple structures and limited vocabulary in their communication, but errors hinder understanding. Understands slow and clear speech and relatively straightforward professional texts. Manages adequately in predictable work-related situations. Pronunciation shows influence from other languages. European Framework of Reference skill level B1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student uses basic structures in communication almost flawlessly and employs professional basic vocabulary understandably. The student copes moderately well in anticipated work-related situations. Pronunciation is understandable. European Framework of Reference skill level B1/B2.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student uses almost flawless, varied structures and an extensive professional vocabulary in communication. They are active and independently and fluently navigate written and oral work-related situations. Pronunciation is native-like. European Framework of Reference skill level B2.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment based on active attendance, oral and written assignments
Written test
Spoken tests (interview, presentation)


Mastery of key structures and general vocabulary in the English language.
Previous English language studies at the secondary level are required.

Further information

Minimum attendance requirement of 50% of contact hours. Supervised exam.


23.04.2024 - 05.09.2024


12.09.2024 - 14.12.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Mari Heinonen
Student groups
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student is able to communicate in English both orally and in writing in work-related communication situations. The student can discuss matters related to their field and workplace, and enhance their knowledge of the field using English-language articles and other source materials.

The student:
- Can introduce oneself, his/her education, and work experience.
- Handles job application situations.
- Can write work-related messages and cope with oral communication situations.
- Masters polite expressions and everyday speech situations.
- Is familiar with basic terminology in their field.


- Introducing oneself and discussing studies
- Job searching
- Polite phrases and small talk
- Written and oral communication in the workplace, e.g., phone, email, counseling, presenting one's own field of expertise
- Professional texts in one's own field


Material in Moodle.
Supplementary reading: Engineer your English, Way to Go

Teaching methods

Classes together (hybridi), spoken and written exercises, independent virtual studies in Moodle

Completion alternatives

Identification of prior learning ( oral /written)

Student workload

20 language classes, other work load independent studies in Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student uses simple structures and limited vocabulary in their communication, but errors hinder understanding. Understands slow and clear speech and relatively straightforward professional texts. Manages adequately in predictable work-related situations. Pronunciation shows influence from other languages. European Framework of Reference skill level B1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student uses basic structures in communication almost flawlessly and employs professional basic vocabulary understandably. The student copes moderately well in anticipated work-related situations. Pronunciation is understandable. European Framework of Reference skill level B1/B2.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student uses almost flawless, varied structures and an extensive professional vocabulary in communication. They are active and independently and fluently navigate written and oral work-related situations. Pronunciation is native-like. European Framework of Reference skill level B2.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment based on active attendance, oral and written assignments, oral and written tests
Written test
Spoken tests (interview, presentation)


Mastery of key structures and general vocabulary in the English language.
Previous English language studies at the secondary level are required.

Further information

Minimum attendance requirement of 50% of contact hours. Supervised exam.


03.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Mari Heinonen
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Students know the basic terminology and vocabulary within their special field. They can apply the above mentioned skills in spoken and written communication in different professional contexts and can search and obtain professional information from various sources and apply it in spoken and written communication


Field specific contents (2 cr)
Specific terminology of the field, field related texts
Professions and duties in the field
Service situations
Field related conversations and oral presentations


Material in Moodle, supplementary reading Expert, English for Food Professionals

Teaching methods

Contact classes (hybride) and independent virtual studies (Moodle), oral and written exercises

Completion alternatives

Identification of prior learning (written, oral)

Student workload

Ca 15h contact classes, other work load independent studies in Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student uses simple structures and a limited vocabulary in their communication, but errors hinder understanding. They understand slow and clear speech and relatively easy professional texts. They manage adequately in predictable work-related situations. There is noticeable influence from other languages in pronunciation. European Framework of Reference proficiency level B1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student uses basic structures in communication almost flawlessly and employs professional vocabulary understandably. The student manages reasonably well in anticipated work-related situations. Pronunciation is understandable. European Framework of Reference proficiency level B1/B2..

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student uses almost flawless communication with versatile structures and an extensive professional vocabulary. They are active and handle independently and fluently written and oral situations in the workplace. Pronunciation is native-like. European Framework of Reference proficiency level B2

Assessment methods and criteria

Active attendance, written and oral assignments and tests (passed)


English 1


15.04.2024 - 30.09.2024


23.09.2024 - 22.11.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Marjo Latva-Kyyny
Student groups
  • AGRO21PR
    Agrologi (AMK)
  • AGRO21TA
    Agrologi (AMK)


Students can analyze management and understand various concepts and models and apply this knowledge to the work in the food sector. They can explain the entire sphere of duties of a supervisor involved and in significance of leadership in productive operations. Students will learn the basics of management and leadership and be familiar with the various areas of personnel management and will get readiness to act as a supervisor and as an employee.
-The student is familiar with the system of Employment legislation and is able to apply in practice legislation concerning the rights and duties of the parties of employment relationship. - The student is able to form an opinion on essential contents of the Collective Agreements Act and on the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings. S/he is able to describe and retell legislation concerning social security of the employer.


Basic concepts of management and organizations, wholeness of the superior work and field of the personnel management which includes among others, the supervisors tasks, good employee skills, acting as an employer and as a figurehead of the organization, recruiting, orientation, development discussions, feedback, motivation, organizational communication.
- essential regulations of Employment Contracts Act, Collective Agreements Act and Act on Co-operation within Undertakings
- main points of the social security of the employer


Viitala, R. (2014). Henkilöstöjohtaminen: strateginen kilpailutekijä. Edita.
tai Viitala, R. (2021) Henkilöstöjohtaminen: keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Edita.
Hyppänen, R. (2013) Esimiesosaaminen: liiketoiminnan menestystekijä. Edita.
Suitable laws accoring to employment and work safety

Teaching methods

Classroom teaching that utilizes team learning and the flipped teaching method. Independent study, group work and exams.

Completion alternatives

Student has a possibility for employment integrated learning if the student is in a workplace where there are similar contents in the work assignments. Through the recognition of competence, previous similar studies can be taken into account. To be agreed with the teacher.

Student workload

135 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the concepts of work organization, and management. They recognize the leadership and the leadership of the whole management, as well as the importance of successful operations. They recognize the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
The student is able to search the Finlex legislation related to the rights and obligations of the parties to the employment relationship. He is familiar with the collective agreement. The student has an idea of what type of legislation the employee's social security belongs.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to look at the organization, management and work through various concept systems. He is able to interpret managerial and leadership of the entity, as well as the importance of successful operations management. He is familiar with the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
Students are able to find and apply the rights and obligations of the parties related to practice on employment law provisions. He is able to act in accordance with the collective agreement. The student has an overall employee social security.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to view and consider the organization, management and work through various concept systems. He can explain the leadership and the leadership of the whole, as well as the importance of successful operations management. He learns to know the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
Students will find and be able to apply and related to the parties' practice of employment rights and obligations of the law provisions on. He is able to interpret the collective agreement and act in accordance with the collective agreement. The student is familiar with the outline laws on social security for employees.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exams and required assignments completed


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


16.09.2024 - 18.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Nina Sillvan
Student groups
  • MBIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Part-time studies


Students can analyze management and understand various concepts and models and apply this knowledge to the work in the food sector. They can explain the entire sphere of duties of a supervisor involved and in significance of leadership in productive operations. Students will learn the basics of management and leadership and be familiar with the various areas of personnel management and will get readiness to act as a supervisor and as an employee.
-The student is familiar with the system of Employment legislation and is able to apply in practice legislation concerning the rights and duties of the parties of employment relationship. - The student is able to form an opinion on essential contents of the Collective Agreements Act and on the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings. S/he is able to describe and retell legislation concerning social security of the employer.


Basic concepts of management and organizations, wholeness of the superior work and field of the personnel management which includes among others, the supervisors tasks, good employee skills, acting as an employer and as a figurehead of the organization, recruiting, orientation, development discussions, feedback, motivation, organizational communication.
- essential regulations of Employment Contracts Act, Collective Agreements Act and Act on Co-operation within Undertakings
- main points of the social security of the employer

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the concepts of work organization, and management. They recognize the leadership and the leadership of the whole management, as well as the importance of successful operations. They recognize the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
The student is able to search the Finlex legislation related to the rights and obligations of the parties to the employment relationship. He is familiar with the collective agreement. The student has an idea of what type of legislation the employee's social security belongs.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to look at the organization, management and work through various concept systems. He is able to interpret managerial and leadership of the entity, as well as the importance of successful operations management. He is familiar with the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
Students are able to find and apply the rights and obligations of the parties related to practice on employment law provisions. He is able to act in accordance with the collective agreement. The student has an overall employee social security.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to view and consider the organization, management and work through various concept systems. He can explain the leadership and the leadership of the whole, as well as the importance of successful operations management. He learns to know the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
Students will find and be able to apply and related to the parties' practice of employment rights and obligations of the law provisions on. He is able to interpret the collective agreement and act in accordance with the collective agreement. The student is familiar with the outline laws on social security for employees.


03.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Nina Sillvan
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


Students can analyze management and understand various concepts and models and apply this knowledge to the work in the food sector. They can explain the entire sphere of duties of a supervisor involved and in significance of leadership in productive operations. Students will learn the basics of management and leadership and be familiar with the various areas of personnel management and will get readiness to act as a supervisor and as an employee.
-The student is familiar with the system of Employment legislation and is able to apply in practice legislation concerning the rights and duties of the parties of employment relationship. - The student is able to form an opinion on essential contents of the Collective Agreements Act and on the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings. S/he is able to describe and retell legislation concerning social security of the employer.


Basic concepts of management and organizations, wholeness of the superior work and field of the personnel management which includes among others, the supervisors tasks, good employee skills, acting as an employer and as a figurehead of the organization, recruiting, orientation, development discussions, feedback, motivation, organizational communication.
- essential regulations of Employment Contracts Act, Collective Agreements Act and Act on Co-operation within Undertakings
- main points of the social security of the employer

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the concepts of work organization, and management. They recognize the leadership and the leadership of the whole management, as well as the importance of successful operations. They recognize the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
The student is able to search the Finlex legislation related to the rights and obligations of the parties to the employment relationship. He is familiar with the collective agreement. The student has an idea of what type of legislation the employee's social security belongs.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to look at the organization, management and work through various concept systems. He is able to interpret managerial and leadership of the entity, as well as the importance of successful operations management. He is familiar with the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
Students are able to find and apply the rights and obligations of the parties related to practice on employment law provisions. He is able to act in accordance with the collective agreement. The student has an overall employee social security.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to view and consider the organization, management and work through various concept systems. He can explain the leadership and the leadership of the whole, as well as the importance of successful operations management. He learns to know the basic concepts of management and human resource management areas.
Students will find and be able to apply and related to the parties' practice of employment rights and obligations of the law provisions on. He is able to interpret the collective agreement and act in accordance with the collective agreement. The student is familiar with the outline laws on social security for employees.


03.04.2024 - 31.10.2024


06.03.2025 - 26.04.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Leena Arjanne
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student recognizes and is able to structure public food services as actors in promoting the helth and well-being of the population and the individual. He / she is able to describe the principles of a food service that promotes nutritional health. The student is familiar with the minimum nutritional quality criteria for meal portions, menu planning, and public food procurement, and is able to give examples of these. The student identifies criteria in the design of food services for different customer target groups. He knows the Heart symbol and is able to use it in nutrition communication and food service planning.


Regional and municipal nutritional health promotion
The principles of a food service that promotes well-being by customer target groups
Nutrition care and malnutrition
Communicating the quality of nutrition in a restaurant per menu and per meal
Minimum quality requirements for nutritional and dietary recommendations for different parts of a meal, a menu and a Heart symbol product
Nutrition quality criteria in municipal and state public food procurement

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student recognizes the importance of food services in promoting well-being. He / she is able to name the principles of a food service that promotes wellbeing. He / she can describe nutrition care and malnutrition in disease and malnutrition. The student is familiar with the minimum nutritional quality criteria for meal portions, menu planning and public food procurement. The student knows how to utilize them in the planning of food services for the customer target group. He recognizes the Heart Sign and is able to use it in nutrition communication and food service operations.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student recognizes and is able to structure public food services as actors in promoting the well-being of the population and the individual. He / she can describe nutrition care and malnutrition in disease and malnutrition. He / she is able to describe the principles of a food service that promotes nutritional health and well-being. The student knows the minimum criteria for nutritional quality for meal components, menu planning and public food procurement, being able to give examples of these and evaluate their implementation. He knows the Heart symbol and is able to use it in nutrition communication and food service planning.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to define and give examples of public food services as actors in promoting the well-being of the population and the individual. He / she can describe extensively nutrition care and malnutrition in disease and malnutrition. He knows and justifies the principles of a food service that promotes nutritional health and well-being. The student knows the minimum nutritional quality criteria for meal components, menu planning and public food procurement, is able to give examples of these and apply them. The student knows and is able to apply quality criteria in the planning of food services for customer target groups. He is familiar with the Heart symbol and is able to apply it extensively in nutrition communication and in the planning and development of food services.


Food and nutrition (completed)
Special dietary needs (completed)


10.05.2024 - 30.11.2024


08.01.2025 - 30.06.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kaija Nissinen


The student is familiar with the national and international environment of health promotion. He/she is also able to analyze the environment where health promotion projects are carried out. He/she can view nutrition health promotion from theoretical perspectives. The student's health promotion planning and analysis skills evolve. She/he can analyse the structure, the elements and the content of the health promotion projects and compare them internationally. Student participates in the international project in which the nutrition health promotion tasks are analyzed, estimated and developed internationally. Her/his international and cultural understanding skills improves.


- intercultural dimensions
- national and international challenges in health and health promotion
- nutrition health promotion project work where health promotion projects are analyzed, estimated and developed


Will be announced in the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

on-line lectures
independent working and international teamworking
intensive week in Belgium week 19/2025 (compulsory)
literature review on theoretical foundations of health promotion and food and nutrition education

International connections

Course will be organised in international co-operation

Student workload

- on line lessons 11 h
- intensive week 40 h
- independent learning, teamwork and group exercises 30 h
- independent working on theoretical foundations of health promotion and food and nutrition education. 54 h

Further information

The course includes common studying and pre-work for exercises in Finland and also international group meetings and learning on-line. In the course there are students from Finland, Belgium and Spain. The culmination of the course is the intensive week in Belgium 19/2024. Remember to reserve extra days for travelling. ERASMUS-funding for students guaranteed.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can give examples of main health concerns in international level and compare them with national issues. The student can take part and analyze nutrition health promotion projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can analyze challenges, relate it is some respects to already known, is able to search information and integrate it to generate some solutions. The student builds up a in some respect quality reasoning in a group, has his/her own input, has respect for the input of others and proposes solutions. Student shows interest to the field of the course. He can only in some case follow instructions and operate on schedule.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can name main health concerns in international level and compare them with national issues. The student can analyze and develop nutrition health promotion projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can analyze challenges, relate it to already known, is able to search information and integrate it to generate solutions. The student builds up a quality reasoning in a group, has his/her own input, has respect for the input of others and proposes constructive solutions. He/she demonstrates insight and analysis capacity in his own work. He can mainly follow the instructions and can operate on schedule.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can define main health concerns in international level and compare them with national issues. The student can analyze, strengthen, and develop nutrition health promotion projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can analyze challenges, relate it to already known, is bale to search information and integrate it to generate creative solutions. The student builds up a quality reasoning in a group, has his own active input, has respect for the input of others and proposes constructive solutions. He/she demonstrates insight and analysis capacity in his own work. He/she can follow the instructions and can operate exactly during the process on schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

Course assignments
self-evaluation and peer review

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can give examples of main nutrition issues in international level and compare them with national issues. The student can take part and analyze nutrition projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can explain and give basic examples of theoretical frameworks of nutrition, food education and health promotion.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can name main nutrition issues in international level and compare them with national nutrition issues. The student can analyze and develop nutrition projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can explain, evaluate and utilize theoretical frameworks of nutrition, food education and health promotion.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student can define main nutrition issues in international level and compare them with national nutrition issues. The student can built, analyze and develop nutrition projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can explain, evaluate, utilize and combine theoretical frameworks of nutrition, food education and health promotion.


Hospitality management students: Food and Nutrition
Other students: Ravitsemuspassi (only in Finnish) or Introduction to Nutrition or equivalent


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


23.08.2024 - 27.04.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kirta Nieminen
  • Eija Putula-Hautala
  • Maria Hemminki
Student groups
  • RESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning


- website and intranet of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences:
- curricula of degree programmes:
- material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Lectures, assignments, group work

Student workload

53 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria



03.04.2024 - 31.12.2024


10.02.2025 - 27.04.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Kirta Nieminen
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Student is able to define and interpret principles of restaurant construction, function and interior design. Student is to able separate different phases of functional design in a project and can distinguish the differences and similarities in design between restaurant’s dining area and kitchen. Student can explain the meaning of interior design as an integral part of creating company’s image and marketing communication. Student can design user centered restaurant with suitable spaces, workstations, appliances based on offered products and services. Student gets acquainted with visual expression and esthetics through practical assignment and learns to solve problems with materials, colors and lightning in order to create a harmonious setting for the restaurant


Design and construction process of professional kitchen
Functional design of professional kitchen
Rules and regulations affecting restaurant construction process
Representing concept in restaurant dining area
Esthetics and functionality of restaurant dining area
HVAC design, equipment and furniture procurement, IT systems
Layout planning of professional kitchen and dining area


To be announced at the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Lectures and working life-oriented development project 5 ects

Employer connections

Working life-oriented development project

Completion alternatives

Identification of prior learning and studification

Student workload

The student's total work volume is 135 hours, of which 111 hours of independent studies and online sudies 24 h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student is able to define principles of restaurant construction, function and interior design. Student is to able separate different phases of functional design in a project and can distinguish the differences and similarities in design between restaurant’s dining area and kitchen. Student can explain the meaning of interior design as an integral part of creating company’s image and marketing communication. Student can design user centered restaurant with suitable spaces, workstations, appliances based on offered products and services. Student recognizes the importance of visual expression and esthetics through practical assignment.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student is able to define and interpret principles of restaurant construction, function and interior design. Student is to able separate different phases of functional design in a project and can distinguish the differences and similarities in design between restaurant’s dining area and kitchen. Student can explain the meaning of interior design as an integral part of creating company’s image and marketing communication. Student can design user centered restaurant with suitable spaces, workstations, appliances based on offered products and services. Student recognizes the importance of visual expression and esthetics through practical assignment.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to define and interpret principles of restaurant construction, function and interior design. Student is to able separate different phases of functional design in a project and can distinguish the differences and similarities in design between restaurant’s dining area and kitchen. Student can explain the meaning of interior design as an integral part of creating company’s image and marketing communication. Student can design user centered restaurant with suitable spaces, workstations, appliances based on offered products and services. Student gets acquainted with visual expression and esthetics through practical assignment and learns to solve problems with materials, colors and lightning in order to create a harmonious setting for the restaurant.


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


01.12.2024 - 23.03.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Nina Sillvan
Student groups
  • AGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises


The student knows principles of marketing planning, implementation and measurement. Student understands the special characteristics of marketing in the food chain and is able to position a product or a service in the chain. During the course, students improve their skills in the marketing planning either in primary products, processed food or restaurant services.


- Consumer and business purchasing processes
- The role of the customer segmentation in marketing
- Marketing planning and implementation
- Factors affecting pricing in different parts of the food chain
- Marketing mix in B2B and B2C markets
- Measurement and development of marketing
- Advanced section (2 credits) in which the student chooses the marketing of either in primary products, processed food or restaurant services.


Bergström, S. & Leppänen, A. 2021. Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi. 19 painos. Edita. Helsinki. Available also e-book.
Grönroos, Christian. 2020. Palveluiden johtaminen ja markkinointi. Available also in e-book

Teaching methods

- Lectures, online-learning , exercises, book examination.
- The course consists of lectures, studying alone or in the group by adapting practice learning material.
- The studies also consist of doing the exercises which requires the utilisation of the literature of the field and case study companies. Students look for and create information in self-directed groups. Students are doing some marketing measures.

Completion alternatives

Student has a possibility for employment integrated learning if he/she fulfills following prerequisites: Students works with marketing and employer has a suitable project to offer for the course

Recognition of prior learning is possible with prior Higher Education Studies

Student workload

Total study hours 135h
Contact learning 10 h
Independent and group work 125 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student masters the key principles of marketing and know how to apply them to some extent in the food chain of products and services marketing.

Satisfactory completion of the course requires that the student has written and reported all the given tasks successfully and satisfactorily completed a part examination which focuses on the general principles of the marketing

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student masters the main principles of marketing and can adapt them to the sales and marketing of the products and services of advanced area he has chosen.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student masters the main principles of marketing and can adapt them to the sales and marketing of the products and services of advanced area he has chosen. The student is also able to build marketing product- and service packages creatively.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation focuses on the student’s applied skills, as evidenced by satisfactorily performing the theory and concepts focusing on the written exam and the development of the exercises given in an acceptable manner.


No prerequisites.

Further information

online-learning 1 point


22.04.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 30.04.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Nina Sillvan
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) 1 (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • MAGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student) 1


The student knows principles of marketing planning, implementation and measurement. Student understands the special characteristics of marketing in the food chain and is able to position a product or a service in the chain. During the course, students improve their skills in the marketing planning either in primary products, processed food or restaurant services.


- Consumer and business purchasing processes
- The role of the customer segmentation in marketing
- Marketing planning and implementation
- Factors affecting pricing in different parts of the food chain
- Marketing mix in B2B and B2C markets
- Measurement and development of marketing
- Advanced section (2 credits) in which the student chooses the marketing of either in primary products, processed food or restaurant services.


Bergström, S. & Leppänen, A. 2021. Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi. 19 painos. Edita. Helsinki. Available also e-book.
Grönroos, Christian. 2020. Palveluiden johtaminen ja markkinointi. Available also in e-book

Teaching methods

- Lectures, online-learning , exercises, book examination.
- The course consists of lectures, studying alone or in the group by adapting practice learning material.
- The studies also consist of doing the exercises which requires the utilisation of the literature of the field and case study companies. Students look for and create information in self-directed groups.

Completion alternatives

Student has a possibility for employment integrated learning if he/she fulfills following prerequisites: Students works with marketing and employer has a suitable project to offer for the course

Recognition of prior learning is possible with prior Higher Education Studies

Student workload

Total study hours 135h
Contact learning 16 h
Independent and group work 119 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student masters the key principles of marketing and know how to apply them to some extent in the food chain of products and services marketing.

Satisfactory completion of the course requires that the student has written and reported all the given tasks successfully and satisfactorily completed a part examination which focuses on the general principles of the marketing

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student masters the main principles of marketing and can adapt them to the sales and marketing of the products and services of advanced area he has chosen.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student masters the main principles of marketing and can adapt them to the sales and marketing of the products and services of advanced area he has chosen. The student is also able to build marketing product- and service packages creatively.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation focuses on the student’s applied skills, as evidenced by satisfactorily performing the theory and concepts focusing on the written exam and the development of the exercises given in an acceptable manner.


No prerequisites.

Further information

online-learning 1 point


29.04.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 23.03.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Nina Sillvan
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student knows the principles of marketing planning, implementation and measurement of results
The students know the special features of marketing in the food chain.
The student knows the possibilities of value creation to be built in the marketing process.
The students are able to apply their knowledge either in the marketing of primary products, industrial products or restaurant services.


- Consumer and business market purchasing decision processes
- The importance of customer segmentation in marketing
- Marketing planning and implementation
- Marketing development and evaluation
- Marketing mix in the business and consumer markets
- Basics of digital marketing
- Exercises to design, implement and evaluate the marketing of either primary products, industrial products or restaurant services.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows the basic principles of marketing and is able to apply them to some extent in the marketing of food chain products and services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows the basic principles of marketing and is able to apply them well in the marketing of food chain products and services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows the basic principles of marketing and is able to apply them excellently to the marketing of food chain products and services. The student is also able to develop creative marketing solutions for product and service concepts.


No prerequisites.


22.04.2024 - 01.10.2024


06.01.2025 - 30.04.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Sanna Jyllilä
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student is able to standardize different aspects of tourism service and can explain the importance of quality development in business.
Student isable to analyze business information and use it to build a development plan for a case company.
Students is able to apply one or more strategic management frameworks in practice.
The student is able to create key performance indicators for the case project and and operating model for the case company.


Quality management systems in tourism business
Standardization and quality measurement of tourism services
Strategic management frameworks in practice
Performance indicators in tourism company

Teaching methods

Online teaching. Lectures, independent and working in groups. Study materials are in the Moodle.

Employer connections

The course has a mandate. A development plan is drawn up for the company as a group effort.

Student workload

27 h/ ECT = 135 h
Lectures 9 h, individual and group assignments, independent study.

Content scheduling

Theme 1. Knowledge Management in the Tourism Industry
Theme 2. Strategic and Operational Management
Theme 3. Data Derived Products and Experiences

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to develop quality elements of tourism service.
Students will be able to name strategic management frameworks and quality management models and name advanced projects in Case.
The student can name strategic management frameworks and quality management models.
The student can explain the principles of profit management.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to design and develop tourist services and classify different elements of their quality.
The student is able to explain strategic management frameworks and quality management models in practice and build on them a development plan for Case.
The student is able to classify strategic management frameworks and quality management models.
The student is able to explain the effects of the principles of revenue management on the company's operational activities.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to design, develop and standardize high-quality tourism services.
The student is able to analyze strategic management frameworks and the impact of quality management models on practice and build a development plan for a case based on them.
The student is able to create performance indicators that support the implementation of a development plan.
The student is able to classify strategic management frameworks and quality management models.
The student is able to apply the principles of revenue management in practice.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the development plan (assessment 1-5, disqualified)
Peer feedback.


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025


15 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Kaija Nissinen
  • Eija Putula-Hautala
  • Leena Arjanne
  • Kirta Nieminen
  • Eliisa Ylinen
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student will be competent in planning, implementing and reporting a research or development project, which combines the essential body of knowledge gained in preceding studies and the needs of the working life. Student will develop and provide indication of their readiness and apply his/her knowledge and skills in practical specialist tasks associated with their professional studies He/she is able to present his/her work in thesis seminars. In a maturity test student indicate his/her knowledge of Finnish or Swedish and the contents of his/her thesis.


Planning, producing and reporting of a thesis
Thesis seminars
Maturity test


SeUAS Thesis guidelines
SeUAS Instructions for written work
Hirsjärvi, S., Remes, P. & Sajavaara, P. Newest edition. Tutki ja kirjoita. 11 painos. Helsinki: Tammi.
Heikkilä, T. Newest edition. Tilastollinen tutkimus. Helsinki. Edita.
Vilkka, H. Uusin painos. Tutki ja kehitä. Helsinki: Tammi.
Other relevant research and development work litterature

Teaching methods

Goal-oriented, organised and purposeful information seeking and processing of information, utilising research methods, practical implementation and reporting of own work. Each thesis has a nominated supervisor. Student need to be active to search for supervising.

Student workload

405 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Evaluation according to Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences assessment criteria of thesis and requirements and assessment criteria of maturity test.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Evaluation according to Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences assessment criteria of thesis and requirements and assessment criteria of maturity test.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Evaluation according to Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences assessment criteria of thesis and requirements and assessment criteria of maturity test.

Assessment methods and criteria

Thesis and the thesis process. The criteria for evaluation can be found in the SeUAS thesis guidelines.


Introduction to research and development
Research and development work


11.11.2024 - 07.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Paula Juurakko
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student is familiar with the basic structures of an organization and its significance for the functioning of the organization. The student is familiar with different aspects of organizational behaviour and can apply them in the work community. After completing the course, students will be able to identify and evaluate their own and work community members' strengths and development targets. He / she is able to lead his / her own and work community activities and is able to take responsibility for learning the group and sharing the lessons learned.


Individuals and groups in organization
Emotion, emotional intelligence
Stress, burnout
The psychological capital of the organization


Dunderfelt, T. (2010). Tunnista temperamentit. Väriä elämään ja itsetuntemukseen. PS-kustannus.
Lämsä, A-M., & Päivike, T. (2005). Organisaatiokäyttäytymisen perusteet. E-kirja.
Rauhala, I., Leppänen, M., & Heikkilä, A. (2013). Pääasia –Organisaation psykologinen pääoma. Alma Talent.
Salmela-Aro, K., Nurmi, J-E., & Feldt, T. (2017). Mikä meitä liikuttaa: motivaatiopsykologian perusteet. E-kirja.

Teaching methods

Online study.

Student workload

2 credits - 54 h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows different aspects of organizational behavior and is able to act as a member of a multicultural work community. He / she identifies his own and the members of the work community's differences, strengths and areas for development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student understands different aspects of organizational behavior and is able to act as a member of a multicultural work community while maintaining the well-being of the community. He / she recognizes his / her own and the work community members' differences, strengths and areas for development and is able to take them into account when working in the work community.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student understands different aspects of organizational behavior and is able to act as a member of a multicultural work community, promoting the well-being of the community. He / she recognizes his / her own and the work community members' differences, strengths and development targets and is able to take them into account in the management and development of the work community.

Assessment methods and criteria



Customer service
Tourism and experience services
Food Service Production


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student is able to develop hospitality service businesses in a customer centric way by applying methods of service design. The student is able to name the basics of strategic planning and management and align development work into the company's strategy. Student understands the importance of forecasts. The student is able to use innovativeness and creativity in developing a company. The student knows how to evaluate financial business realities and objectives of the development project.


- Methods and processes of service design
- Innovativeness and creativity in service business
- Strategic planning and management
- Financial planning of development project


material will be announced at the beginning of lectures

Teaching methods

Lectures, Assignments, Develpoment Project, eLearning
For blended learning students: the course includes time-bound online teaching. The lectures will be recorded
For a day student, the course also includes lectures. You can follow lectures remotely and lectures will be recorded

Completion alternatives

Student has a possibility for employment integrated learning if he/she fulfills following prerequisites: Students works in a supervisory role and employer has a suitable project to offer for the course
Student can carry out course tasks at Enterprise Team. For further information contact the Head of Enterprise Team
Recognition of prior learning is possible with prior Higher Education Studies

Student workload

Lectures 15h, Independent work and group work 93h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student recognizes methods of service design.
Student is able to combine the principles of customer orientation, process and resource based development.
Student is able to list the basics of strategic planning and management.
Student recognizes the importance of innovation and creativity in the development of a company.
Student is able to interpret the budget and financing of a development project and to list its sub-areas.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student recognizes and knows how to use service design methods.
Student is able to explain the principles of customer orientation, process and resource based development.
Student can explain the importance of strategic planning and leadership.
Student is able to justify the importance of innovation and creativity in the development of a company.
Student is able to prepare a budget for a development project and plan its financing.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to construct a customer-oriented development plan using service design methods.
The student takes into account business realities and goals.
The student is able to design a development project that takes into account the principles of customer orientation, process and resource based development.
The student is able to apply and evaluate the importance of strategic planning and management as part of a service design project.
Students apply the means of innovation and creativity in company development.
The student is able to prepare a budget for a justified development project and plan the financing.

Assessment methods and criteria

-Active participation, learning assignments 20 %, Projects 80 %


Business Operations and Entrepreneurship
Personnel management and superior work in food chain
Marketing planning and implementation in the food chain.


22.04.2024 - 19.02.2025


03.03.2025 - 13.04.2025


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kirta Nieminen
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student can identify, describe, analyze and develop the service processes and manufacturing processes of the organization. Student understands the objectives of the customer-oriented process design and effects on the quality and profitability of the service processes and manufacturing processes. Student can utilise different tools in the process design. The student controls the cost-efficient and sustainable supply process of the products and services.


Process design
Quality Management and assurance, quality systems
Sustainable supply process


To be announced at the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises and learning assignment 4 op

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The student's total work volume is 108 hours, of which 95 hours of independent studies and 13 hours of online education

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can identify the service processes and manufacturing processes of the organization. Student understands the objectives of the customer-oriented process design and effects on a service process and manufacturing process. Student knows the tools which are used in the process design. The student perceives the cost-efficient and sustainable supply process of the products and services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can identify and can describe the service processes and manufacturing processes of the organization. Student understands the objectives of the customer-oriented process design and effects on a service process and manufacturing process. Student can utilize different tools in the process design. The student controls the cost-efficient and sustainable supply process of the products and services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can identify, can describe, can analyze and can develop the service processes and manufacturing processes of the organization. Student understands the objectives of the customer-oriented process design and effects on the quality and profitability of the service processes and manufacturing processes. Student can utilize different tools in the process design. The student controls the cost-efficient and sustainable supply process of the products and services.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment and active participation


Foodstuffs and Nutrition
Food safety and microbiology
Development of Food Service Quality


03.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 28.02.2025


6 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Sari Rimpelä
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Kirta Nieminen
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies


The student learns to understand the importance and possibilities of information and communication technology in the service business. Students are able to use data generated by information systems in the management and development of food services. She / he is able to use the production control system as part of the planning, implementation and management of food services. They are able to interpret and apply a collective agreement in the field and to draw up work shift plans that promote the well-being of the work community using information technology.


Digital information systems in food service and the use of data from them.
Jamix Food Production Program
Basics of work shift planning
Work shift planning program


Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajan palveluita koskeva työehtosopimus, työntekijät.
Anothers material will be announced at the beginning of studies

Teaching methods

Lectures and Food program, Planier- computer program 3,5 op
Online lectures and assignments 2 op
Mathematics 0,5 op

Student workload

6 credits / 162 h, by 81 h online learning

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows what is meant by an operational control system and ergonomic shift design.
Students identify digital means in the production, management and development of services.
He knows the importance of good planning regarding the bottom line of the company and the well-being of the work community. Students are able to use the basic functions of the food production and shift planning program.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student understands what is meant by an operational control system and ergonomic shift design. Students are able to utilize digital means in the production, management and development of services. They understand the importance of good planning regarding the bottom line of the company and the well-being of the work community. Students are well able to use the basic functions of the food production and shift planning program.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student understands what is meant by an operational control system and ergonomic shift design. Students are able to utilize digital means in the production, management and development of services. He understands the importance of good planning regarding the bottom line of the company and the well-being of the work community. Students are able to use the basic functions of the food production and shift planning program commendably.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation, assignments and exam 3 op
Online learning and learning assignments 3 op


Food Service Production


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


6 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Sari Rimpelä
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Kirta Nieminen
Student groups
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student learns to understand the importance and possibilities of information and communication technology in the service business. Students are able to use data generated by information systems in the management and development of food services. She / he is able to use the production control system as part of the planning, implementation and management of food services. They are able to interpret and apply a collective agreement in the field and to draw up work shift plans that promote the well-being of the work community using information technology.


Digital information systems in food service and the use of data from them.
Jamix Food Production Program
Basics of work shift planning
Work shift planning program


Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajan palveluita koskeva työehtosopimus, työntekijät.
Muu materiaali ilmoitetaan opintojakson alkaessa

Teaching methods

Lectures and Jamix -food program, Planier- computer program 3,5 op
Online lectures and assignments 2 op
Mathematics 0,5 op

Student workload

6 credits / 162 h, by 81 h online learning

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows what is meant by an operational control system and ergonomic shift design.
Students identify digital means in the production, management and development of services.
He knows the importance of good planning regarding the bottom line of the company and the well-being of the work community. Students are able to use the basic functions of the food production and shift planning program.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student understands what is meant by an operational control system and ergonomic shift design. Students are able to utilize digital means in the production, management and development of services. They understand the importance of good planning regarding the bottom line of the company and the well-being of the work community. Students are well able to use the basic functions of the food production and shift planning program.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student understands what is meant by an operational control system and ergonomic shift design. Students are able to utilize digital means in the production, management and development of services. He understands the importance of good planning regarding the bottom line of the company and the well-being of the work community. Students are able to use the basic functions of the food production and shift planning program commendably.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation, assignments and exam 3 op
Online learning and learning assignments 3 op


Food Service Production


11.11.2024 - 19.02.2025


03.03.2025 - 17.05.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Tiina Wakaume
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student is able to analyze company’s business environment, competitors and trends affecting to market. He or she can use business terminology and different strategic development methods in the project that is carried out. He or she is able to compile a budget for planned / executed project and create key performance indicators for it.
Student can construct a contract that is not strained by interpretative ambiguities. He or she knows how to operate as participant in a contract. Student is able to search and obtain information from legal sources and apply that information into practice. He or she can describe outlines of movable sales, specifically, rights and obligations of seller and buyer both in business to business trade and in consumer trade.


- Contracting techniques
- Sale of Goods Act (355/1987)
- Consumer Protection Act (38/1978)
- Legal information search
- Development methods for strategic management
- Investment calculation
- Budgetary planning and finance in practice

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student can construct a contract. Student can search and compare acts regulating business transactions and consumer transactions
Student can recognise the importance of development and reporting in restaurant business. He or she is knows business terminology and can use some of the development methods in the project that is carried out during the course. He or she can compile a budget partly for the planned or executed project.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student can construct a contract in which student has payed attention to essential legal issues. Student is able to search essential acts regulating business transactions and consumer transactions and apply them into practice.
Student can plan and report restaurant business. He or she is able to use terminology and different development methods in the project that is carried out during the course. He or she can compile a budget for the planned or executed project.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student can construct a contract, that is not strained by interpretative ambiguities. Student can search and compare acts regulating business transactions and consumer transactions, and apply obtained information into practice.
Student can plan, develop and report restaurant business. He or she can apply business terminology and different development methods in the project that is carried out during the course. He or she can compile a budget, that is in align with business strategy and well reasoned, for the planned or executed project.


Service Design as a development tool for businesses or Conceptualizing services


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Tiina Wakaume
Student groups
  • RESTO21


Student is able to analyze company’s business environment, competitors and trends affecting to market. He or she can use business terminology and different strategic development methods in the project that is carried out. He or she is able to compile a budget for planned / executed project and create key performance indicators for it.
Student can construct a contract that is not strained by interpretative ambiguities. He or she knows how to operate as participant in a contract. Student is able to search and obtain information from legal sources and apply that information into practice. He or she can describe outlines of movable sales, specifically, rights and obligations of seller and buyer both in business to business trade and in consumer trade.


- Contracting techniques
- Sale of Goods Act (355/1987)
- Consumer Protection Act (38/1978)
- Legal information search
- Development methods for strategic management
- Investment calculation
- Budgetary planning and finance in practice

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student can construct a contract. Student can search and compare acts regulating business transactions and consumer transactions
Student can recognise the importance of development and reporting in restaurant business. He or she is knows business terminology and can use some of the development methods in the project that is carried out during the course. He or she can compile a budget partly for the planned or executed project.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student can construct a contract in which student has payed attention to essential legal issues. Student is able to search essential acts regulating business transactions and consumer transactions and apply them into practice.
Student can plan and report restaurant business. He or she is able to use terminology and different development methods in the project that is carried out during the course. He or she can compile a budget for the planned or executed project.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student can construct a contract, that is not strained by interpretative ambiguities. Student can search and compare acts regulating business transactions and consumer transactions, and apply obtained information into practice.
Student can plan, develop and report restaurant business. He or she can apply business terminology and different development methods in the project that is carried out during the course. He or she can compile a budget, that is in align with business strategy and well reasoned, for the planned or executed project.


Service Design as a development tool for businesses or Conceptualizing services


23.08.2024 - 04.10.2024


23.08.2024 - 20.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kirta Nieminen
Student groups
  • IEPFF24F
    From Field to Fork


Students can analyze develop high-quality and customer-oriented menus. The student identifies the professional kitchen business idea and customer needs. Students can analyse the nutrition quality, accountability and profitability of menus. Students can develop menus with ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions. The student knows how to develop recipes in his work and understand the importance of standardized recipes as part of quality.


Menu planning, menu analysis and recipe optimization
Nutritional content, carbon footprint and cost calculations
Food cultures and social dimensions of food

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student can give examples of high quality and customer-oriented menus. The student identifies the professional kitchen business idea and customer needs. Student is able to name factors related to the quality of nutrition, accountability and profitability of menus.
Student is able to name ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions of menus. The student can identify the benefits of optimized recipes in his work and recognizes the importance of standardized recipes as part of quality.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student know how to implement high quality and customer-oriented menus. The student identifies the professional kitchen business idea and customer needs, as well as interpret them. Student can analyze the nutrition quality, accountability and profitability of menus. Student can plan menus with ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions. The student knows how to develop recipes in his work and know how to explain the importance of standardized recipes as part of quality.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student can analyze develop high quality and customer-oriented menus. The student identifies the professional kitchen business idea and customer needs, as well as interpret and apply them. Student can analyze and evaluate the nutrition quality, accountability and profitability of menus. Student can plan and develop menus with ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions. The student knows how to develop recipes in his work and know how to explain and justify the importance of standardized recipes as part of quality.


Food Production Processes

Further information

Three credits for R&D


21.08.2024 - 04.09.2024


16.09.2024 - 30.11.2024


2 - 10

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Kirta Nieminen
  • Sanna Jyllilä
Student groups
  • IEPFF24F
    From Field to Fork


The student will build a project concerning hospitality management. He will understand and be able to evaluate the demands associated with the duties of hospitality management and catering services. The students' problem-solving and information acquisition abilities as well as communication skills are developed in this type of project studies.


Concepts and methods of project work
- project phases and process
- project plan (time, resource and cost planning)
- possible organisation and interest groups
- changes, risks and problems in project work
- project communication, reporting and presentation
- opposing a course mate’s report and presentation
- concluding the project

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows the main project management concepts and methods. The student is able to make a project plan and he has an understanding of the project implementation and management.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows well the main project concepts and management techniques. The student is able to draw up a project plan and has a good understanding of the project implementation and management. The report and presentation are presented clearly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows perfectly the main project concepts and methods. The student is able to draw up a functional entity from starting of the project to the project end including analysing the results and outcome. The student has an excellent understanding of the project implementation, management and leadership.


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 27.04.2025


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Eliisa Ylinen
Student groups
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


The student masters the production and service process of the service and learning environment. He can plan, organize and manage food and customer services in accordance with the service concept. The student acts responsibly, entrepreneurially and customer-oriented, and is capable of creative problem solving and developing of working methods. In connection with the management of work, he/she can act in accordance with the professional ethical principles of the field and to consider different actors in his/her work. The student can evaluate and analyze both his / her own and other students' activities.


Managing food services in an operating environment


Lehtinen, M., Peltonen, H., & Talvinen, P. (2007). Mestarikokin käsikirja. WSOY.
Lehtovaara, T., & Hämäläinen, J. (2007). Ravintolakokista mestariksi. WSOY.
Määttälä, S., Nuuttila, J., & Saranpää, T. (2008). Juhlapalvelu, suunnittele ja toteuta. Helsinki: WSOY.

Teaching methods

Planning, organizing and managing of restaurant services in a service and learning environment.

Student workload

24h contact lessons
32h practical management
52h independent studies

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can under supervision plan, organize and manage food and customer services in accordance with the service concept. The student knows the importance of both his own and other students' activities in different service and learning environments.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can plan and manage food and customer services in accordance with the service concept. The student organizes the work and solves problems despite the pressure.
The student can give feedback and evaluate both his / her own and other students' activities in service and learning environments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can plan and apply food and customer services in accordance with the service concept in the operational management. The student organizes the work clearly and consistently and solves problems despite the pressure. The student can comprehensively evaluate, give feedback and analyze both his/her own and other students' activities in different service and learning environments.

Assessment methods and criteria

Planning, organizing and managing restaurant services in a service and learning environment.
Active participation, self-evaluation, group evaluation, customer feedback, assignments, reports.


Customer Experiences in Food Services or Customer service and Experiential Food Services / Tourism and Experience Services
Production of food services


03.04.2024 - 31.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 30.04.2025


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Eliisa Ylinen
Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
Education groups
  • Small group 1
  • Small group 2


The student masters the production and service process of the service and learning environment. He can plan, organize and manage food and customer services in accordance with the service concept. The student acts responsibly, entrepreneurially and customer-oriented, and is capable of creative problem solving and developing of working methods. In connection with the management of work, he/she can act in accordance with the professional ethical principles of the field and to consider different actors in his/her work. The student can evaluate and analyze both his / her own and other students' activities.


Managing food services in an operating environment


Lehtinen, M., Peltonen, H., & Talvinen, P. (2007). Mestarikokin käsikirja. WSOY.
Lehtovaara, T., & Hämäläinen, J. (2007). Ravintolakokista mestariksi. WSOY.
Määttälä, S., Nuuttila, J., & Saranpää, T. (2008). Juhlapalvelu, suunnittele ja toteuta. Helsinki: WSOY.

Teaching methods

Planning, organizing and managing of restaurant services in a service and learning environment.

Student workload

24h contact lessons
32h practical management
52h independent studies

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can under supervision plan, organize and manage food and customer services in accordance with the service concept. The student knows the importance of both his own and other students' activities in different service and learning environments.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can plan and manage food and customer services in accordance with the service concept. The student organizes the work and solves problems despite the pressure.
The student can give feedback and evaluate both his / her own and other students' activities in service and learning environments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can plan and apply food and customer services in accordance with the service concept in the operational management. The student organizes the work clearly and consistently and solves problems despite the pressure. The student can comprehensively evaluate, give feedback and analyze both his/her own and other students' activities in different service and learning environments.

Assessment methods and criteria

Planning, organizing and managing restaurant services in a service and learning environment.
Active participation, self-evaluation, group evaluation, customer feedback, assignments, reports.


Customer Experiences in Food Services or Customer service and Experiential Food Services / Tourism and Experience Services
Production of food services


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kaija Nissinen
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Students can explain the methods to research food consumption. They are able to follow the development of the nutrition field and apply the latest research knowledge and information to their work. He is able to assess the reliability of nutrition information.


Methods of food consumption research
Nutrition information retrieval
Current topics in the field of nutrition


Ravitsemustiede: Marja Mutanen, Harri Niinikoski, Ursula Schwab, Matti Uusitupa (toim.). Newest edition.
Other material will be announced in the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

• On-line learning, lectures, guided exercises

Exam schedules

On-line exam

Student workload

work amount 54 h
- lectures 10 h
- independent working 44 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can name research methods for food consumption. The student is able to occasionally assess the reliability of the nutrition information. He/she is also occasionally able to do information retrieval with reliable content. The student is able to summarize nutrition researches and is able to apply the latest nutrition knowledge in his/her work in some respects. Student shows interest in nutrition research. The student can follow the instructions and the given schedule in some respects.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can name research methods for food consumption. The student is able assess the reliability of the nutrition information. He/she is also able to do information retrieval with reliable content. The student is able to summarize nutrition researches and is mostly able to apply latest nutrition knowledge in his/her work. Students are aware of the need for development in their own activities and perceive development opportunities. He/she demonstrates insight and ability to analyze his/her own work. The student can follow the instructions and the given schedule in large part.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can name research methods for food consumption. The student is able assess the reliability of the nutrition information. He/she is also able to do information retrieval with reliable content. The student is able to summarize nutrition researches and is able to apply latest nutrition knowledge in his/her work by justifying decisions made. Students are initiative and have the capacity to apply what they learn to practice. Students are able to develop their own and work community activities. The student can precisely follow the instructions and the given schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

On-line exam
Learning assignments


Food and nutrition
Nutrition quality in food services

Further information

Course in english on request.


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 30.04.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ulla-Maaria Paukkunen
  • Leena Arjanne
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student can name the characteristics of the media, they can analyze texts which are related to nutrition and can apply these characteristic elements in their own text. She/he can analyze the structure, the textual elements and the content of the text. Student familiarize himself with media and is able to write about the topics related to nutrition or food in media. He/she can explain their choices in a convincing way and can give constructive feedback. He/she is able to evaluate the reliability of information.


Characteristics of nutrition and media communication
Analyzing a media text related to nutrition
Media text related to nutrition (information retrieval, planning, producing and self- ja peer assessment)


Will be announced on the course.

Teaching methods


Exam schedules

Will be announced during the course.

Student workload

135h in total

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student masters some of the principles how to analyze and to produce media texts which are related to their field, if he gets some help. He knows the significance of the target group and the media, if he gets some help. He can analyze the structure, language and the content of text sporadically. The student is able to use reliably sources of information in some respects. He can occasionally explain his choices and is able to give feedback. Student shows interest to the field of the course. He can only in some case follow instructions and operate on schedule.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student masters the principles how to analyze or to produce media texts which are related to their field. He knows the significance of the target group. He knows the principles of writing a media texts and is able to analyze them partially. The student is mostly able to apply reliable sources of information. He can explain his choices in a convincing way and is able to give constructive feedback. He is able to analyze his own activities. He/she demonstrates insight and analysis capacity in his own work. He can mainly follow the instructions and can operate on schedule.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student masters the principles how to analyze or to produce media texts which are related to his field. He knows the significance of the target group and the right media and is able to analyze texts from that point of view. He knows the principles of writing a media texts and is able to analyze the structure, language and the content of texts. The student is able to apply to use reliable information sources in his/her work in a reasoned way. able to give constructive feedback. Student is initiative, can analyze his activities and is able to recognize development possibilities. He has the ability to apply what he has learned to practice. He/she can follow the instructions and can operate exactly during the process on schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

- written assignments
- online exam(s)
- self-evaluation and peer review


Food and nutrition
Nutrition quality in food services


23.08.2024 - 04.10.2024


30.09.2024 - 30.11.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • From Field to Fork
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Sanna Jyllilä
Student groups
  • IEPFF24F
    From Field to Fork


The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. Students will identify key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and elsewhere. The student understands the basic principles of sustainable tourism and responsible activities and is able to apply them in practice. The student is able to apply new knowledge to the development of the tourism industry and critically examine existing operating models in tourism companies and destinations. The student recognizes the impact of tourism on the environment and society.


- Principles of sustainable tourism
- Sustainable Tourism Certificates and Programs
- Sustainable business
- Impact of tourism on environment and society

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has completed the assignments and participated in the course. The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. The student knows the key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and globally. The student understands the impact of tourism on the environment and society. The student understands the principles and operating models of sustainable business and recognizes them in practice. The student is able to apply new information satisfactorily to the development of the tourism industry and to develop operating models for tourism companies.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has completed the assignments well and has actively participated in the course. The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. The student knows the key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and globally. The student understands the impact of tourism on the environment and society. The student recognizes the principles and operating models of sustainable business and is able to apply them in practice. The student is able to apply new knowledge to the development of the tourism industry and to develop new operating models for tourism companies.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has completed the assignments in an excellent manner and has participated actively and constructively in the course. The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. The student knows the key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and globally. The student understands the impact of tourism on the environment and society. The student understands the principles and operating models of sustainable business and he/she is able to critically examine them and apply them in practice. The student is able to apply new knowledge to the development of the tourism industry and to develop new operating models for tourism companies.


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies


- Student can apply different preparation methods in cooking
- Student is able combine food with different wines and plan a wine menu which supports selected dishes in food menu
- Student knows how region, variety and winemaking process affects the taste of wine
- Student knows the basics of cocktail making and how strong liqueurs and spirits are made
- Student knows the basics of brewing a beer and is able to combine different beers with food


-Winetasting, appearance and pairing wine with food
-Wine regions, wine appellations and varietal differences of grapes
-Preparation methods of food and cocktails
-Beer making, distillation and maturation process of Spirits

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student is able to rationalize wine selections passably by using theories of taste combinations and wine knowledge. Student knows different approaches of how to cook to end up with a desired result. Student has knowledge that different manufacturing processes of different style of beers and spirits exists.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student is able to rationalize wine selections moderately by using theories of taste combinations and wine knowledge. Student is able to use different approaches in cooking to end up with a desired result. Student knows the basics of different manufacturing processes of different style of beers and spirits

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to rationalize wine selections adequately by using theories of taste combinations and wine knowledge. Student is able to apply different approaches in cooking to end up with a desired result. Student knows different manufacturing processes of different style of beers and spirits.


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


28.10.2024 - 27.04.2025


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kaija Nissinen
  • Leena Arjanne
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Students can analyze the concept of food education. Student identifies food education as part of the field of welfare promotion. Students are able to compare different educational science approaches against the background of food and nutrition education. Students are also able to view food education through different perspectives. The student's food and nutrition education planning and analysis skills evolve. Students are able to justify the use of various teaching methods, materials and tools.


Food education and welfare promotion
Ethical, ecological, social, cultural, psychological perspectives in food education
Approaches of educational science
Analysis of food and nutrition education projects


Will be announced in the the course

Student workload

Work amount 108 h
- contact lessons 22 h
- independent work 70 h
- Food education 16 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students can analyze the concept of nutrition education. He can portray the importance of food education as part of the field of welfare. Students identify approaches of educational science against the background of food and nutrition education. The student identifies different aspects of food education. Students are able to analyze the use of various teaching methods. Student shows interest in food education. He/she follows the instructions given in some respects and operates on the given schedule.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to analyze the concept of nutrition education in a wide range. He can portray the importance of food education as part of the welfare field very well. Students are able to present educational science approaches against the background of food and nutrition education. Students are able to analyze different aspects of food education. Students are able to analyze the use of different teaching methods. Students are aware of the need for development in their own work and perceive development opportunities in their activities. He/she demonstrates insight and ability to analyze his/her own work. He/she follows the instructions given and operates on the given schedule.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to analyze the concept of nutrition education in a diverse and profound manner. They can broadly describe the importance of food education as part of the field of welfare. Students are able to present educational science approaches against the background of food and nutrition education. Students are able to analyze in depth various aspects related to food education. Students can analyze the use of different teaching methods. Students are initiative and have the capacity to apply what they learn to practice. Students are able to develop their own and work community activities. Student follows the instructions given and will act on the schedule given accurately.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active on lessons
Independent work, assignements
Food education -project


Food and nutrition (completed)
Nutrition quality in food services (completed)

Further information

Course in English on request


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Sari Rimpelä
Student groups
  • AGRO24
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises


Upon completion of the course, students will
- Be familiar with nutrient circulation and knows the importance of elements in food chain.
- Be able to name and write elements and compounds, their chemical formulas and basic reaction equations in food chain.
- Be familiar with importance of chemical safetyness of raw material
- Be able to interpret and to apply chemical theory of food chain chemistry in practice and in professional context.
- Be able to familiarize and use professional literature
- Be able to solve applied problems


The course deals with
- Circulation of nutrients in food chain
- Main nutrients (proteins, carbonhydrates, fats) chemical composition, formula and behaviour in food chain
- Chemistry of the most significant minerals and micronutrients in food chain
- The basic concepts of water chemistry
- pH, acidity and basicity , significance in food chain
- Applied problems


Tekniikan kemia 2018: Hänninen, Karppinen, Leskelä & Pohjakallio. EDITA.
Material shared by a teacher in Moodle.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises

Student workload

3 x 27 h student work, of which 28 h lectures and exercises,
53 h independent study.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows and understands to a basic concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain , and is able to apply them to usual problems.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is familiar with the concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain, and is able to apply them to different types of problems. The student is able to combine the accumulated knowledge and skills with previous experiences in the subject.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is familiar with the concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain, and is able to apply them to a variety of different problems. The student has demonstrated creativity and innovation, and is able to find new meanings when applying what they have learned.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course is evaluated by two Moodletent


No previous studies are required.


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Sari Rimpelä
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • MAGRO24
    Bachelor of Natural Resources
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Upon completion of the course, students will
- Be familiar with nutrient circulation and knows the importance of elements in food chain.
- Be able to name and write elements and compounds, their chemical formulas and basic reaction equations in food chain.
- Be familiar with importance of chemical safetyness of raw material
- Be able to interpret and to apply chemical theory of food chain chemistry in practice and in professional context.
- Be able to familiarize and use professional literature
- Be able to solve applied problems


The course deals with
- Circulation of nutrients in food chain
- Main nutrients (proteins, carbonhydrates, fats) chemical composition, formula and behaviour in food chain
- Chemistry of the most significant minerals and micronutrients in food chain
- The basic concepts of water chemistry
- pH, acidity and basicity , significance in food chain
- Applied problems


Tekniikan kemia 2018: Hänninen, Karppinen, Leskelä & Pohjakallio. EDITA.
Material shared by a teacher in Moodle.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises in Teams

Student workload

3 x 27 h student work, of which 18 h Teams-lectures and exercises,
Rest of it independent study.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows and understands to a basic concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain , and is able to apply them to usual problems.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is familiar with the concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain, and is able to apply them to different types of problems. The student is able to combine the accumulated knowledge and skills with previous experiences in the subject.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is familiar with the concepts and methods of chemistry in food chain, and is able to apply them to a variety of different problems. The student has demonstrated creativity and innovation, and is able to find new meanings when applying what they have learned.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course is evaluated by two Moodletent


No previous studies are required.


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


20.01.2025 - 21.02.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Samu Palander
  • Leena Arjanne
  • Merja Kyntäjä
Student groups
  • BIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Full-time studies
  • AGRO24
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • RESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies


The student knows the origin and history of food, from primary production to the consumer. Student is able to combine future studies knowledge of primary production, food industry, trade and catering services, processes and thus is able to solve their own special area development issues as part of a whole and will be able to cooperate with other stair experts chain. Student can identify changes in the food chain in action in recent years.


-the main crops of Finnish agricultural production and the use of food as well as quality factors
-animal husbandry: the main products and fodders, as well as the main product quality factors
-most significant global food raw materials and product features
-basic technological processes in the bakery-, dairy- and meat sector, the quality of the raw material and its importance in production processes
-basic food processing methods and the importance of the quality elements of food service production
-the main dimensions of quality which are common for the whole food chain
-main actors working in the food chain and employability in Finland


Will be assigned at the beginning of the course and researched during lectures

Teaching methods

Group work
Online materia

Student workload

The work load of the study is 134 hours:
-Independent study
-Group Work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to describe the production processes of domestic staple foods in agriculture and the food industry, as well as the operating methods of typical food services. The student knows how to use key professional terminology to describe the operation of the different areas of the food chain and their interfaces.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to take into account the connections of other activities in the food chain related to his own field of study. At a basic level, the student can compare production processes between different foods and forms of production and service and give examples of the importance of each part of the food chain in the formation of quality.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to form an overall view of the operation of the food chain, taking into account the natural scientific and social conditions and goals of production, and is able to plan the operation of the chain taking these into account. The student can apply the knowledge of the domestic food chain and its quality requirements and combine examples of well-known food ingredients from the global market into the chain.

Assessment methods and criteria

Based on assignments and student's active participation


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 07.03.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Samu Palander
  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Leena Arjanne
  • Merja Kyntäjä
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • MAGRO25
    Bachelor of Natural Resources
  • MRESTO25
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
  • MBIELI25
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student knows the origin and history of food, from primary production to the consumer. Student is able to combine future studies knowledge of primary production, food industry, trade and catering services, processes and thus is able to solve their own special area development issues as part of a whole and will be able to cooperate with other stair experts chain. Student can identify changes in the food chain in action in recent years.


-the main crops of Finnish agricultural production and the use of food as well as quality factors
-animal husbandry: the main products and fodders, as well as the main product quality factors
-most significant global food raw materials and product features
-basic technological processes in the bakery-, dairy- and meat sector, the quality of the raw material and its importance in production processes
-basic food processing methods and the importance of the quality elements of food service production
-the main dimensions of quality which are common for the whole food chain
-main actors working in the food chain and employability in Finland


Will be assigned at the beginning of the course and researched during lectures

Teaching methods

Lectures online
Group work
Online material

Student workload

The work load of the study is 134 hours:
-Independent study
-Group Work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to describe the production processes of domestic staple foods in agriculture and the food industry, as well as the operating methods of typical food services. The student knows how to use key professional terminology to describe the operation of the different areas of the food chain and their interfaces.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to take into account the connections of other activities in the food chain related to his own field of study. At a basic level, the student can compare production processes between different foods and forms of production and service and give examples of the importance of each part of the food chain in the formation of quality.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to form an overall view of the operation of the food chain, taking into account the natural scientific and social conditions and goals of production, and is able to plan the operation of the chain taking these into account. The student can apply the knowledge of the domestic food chain and its quality requirements and combine examples of well-known food ingredients from the global market into the chain.

Assessment methods and criteria

Based on assignments and student's active participation


11.11.2024 - 31.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 25.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Samu Palander
  • Leena Arjanne
  • Merja Kyntäjä
Student groups
    Secondary-Education Pathway Studies, Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises


The student knows the origin and history of food, from primary production to the consumer. Student is able to combine future studies knowledge of primary production, food industry, trade and catering services, processes and thus is able to solve their own special area development issues as part of a whole and will be able to cooperate with other stair experts chain. Student can identify changes in the food chain in action in recent years.


-the main crops of Finnish agricultural production and the use of food as well as quality factors
-animal husbandry: the main products and fodders, as well as the main product quality factors
-most significant global food raw materials and product features
-basic technological processes in the bakery-, dairy- and meat sector, the quality of the raw material and its importance in production processes
-basic food processing methods and the importance of the quality elements of food service production
-the main dimensions of quality which are common for the whole food chain
-main actors working in the food chain and employability in Finland

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to describe the production processes of domestic staple foods in agriculture and the food industry, as well as the operating methods of typical food services. The student knows how to use key professional terminology to describe the operation of the different areas of the food chain and their interfaces.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to take into account the connections of other activities in the food chain related to his own field of study. At a basic level, the student can compare production processes between different foods and forms of production and service and give examples of the importance of each part of the food chain in the formation of quality.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to form an overall view of the operation of the food chain, taking into account the natural scientific and social conditions and goals of production, and is able to plan the operation of the chain taking into account these starting points. The student can apply his knowledge of the domestic food chain and its quality requirements and combine examples of well-known food ingredients from the global market into the chain.


11.11.2024 - 27.01.2025


20.01.2025 - 04.04.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Eija Putula-Hautala
  • Merja Kyntäjä
  • Teija Rönkä
Student groups
  • BIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Full-time studies
  • AGRO24
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • RESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies


Student knows the dimensions of the responsible food chain. Those dimensions are environmental impacts of the food chain, food safety, nutrition, well-being at work, animal welfare, economic responsibility and local market presence.


- The significance of responsible food chain in globally
- Environmental responsibility of the food chain
- Safety food and traceability
- Nutritional recommendations
- Well-being at work
- Animal welfare as one dimension of the responsible food chain
- Economic responsibility and local market presence


Material assigned by teachers.

Teaching methods

Independent web-studies.
Lectures and assingments during lectures

Student workload

Totally 80 h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is graded as pass/fail.
Pass: The student knows the dimensions of the responsible food chain.

Assessment methods and criteria

Approved assignments and participation.


Structure of Food Chain


11.11.2024 - 27.01.2025


03.02.2025 - 04.04.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Eija Putula-Hautala
  • Merja Kyntäjä
  • Teija Rönkä
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • MAGRO25
    Bachelor of Natural Resources
  • MRESTO25
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
  • MBIELI25
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Student knows the dimensions of the responsible food chain. Those dimensions are environmental impacts of the food chain, food safety, nutrition, well-being at work, animal welfare, economic responsibility and local market presence.


- The significance of responsible food chain in globally
- Environmental responsibility of the food chain
- Safety food and traceability
- Nutritional recommendations
- Well-being at work
- Animal welfare as one dimension of the responsible food chain
- Economic responsibility and local market presence


Material assigned by teachers.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work, autonomous studies.

Student workload

81 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is graded as pass/fail.
Pass: The student knows the dimensions of the responsible food chain.

Assessment methods and criteria

Approved assignments.


Structure of Food Chain


11.11.2024 - 31.12.2024


03.02.2025 - 04.04.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Eija Putula-Hautala
  • Merja Kyntäjä
  • Teija Rönkä
Student groups
    Secondary-Education Pathway Studies, Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises


Student knows the dimensions of the responsible food chain: environmental impacts of the food chain, food safety, nutrition, well-being at work, animal welfare, economic responsibility and local market presence. He/she is able to use this knowledge in later studies and is able to follow and participate in the discussion on the responsibility of the food chain in the media. The students are able to evaluate the reliability of information and are able to find reliable sources on topics related to responsibility in the food chain.


• The significance of responsible food chain in globally
• Environmental responsibility of the food chain
• Food safety and traceability
• Nutritional recommendations
• Well-being at work
• Animal welfare as one dimension of the responsible food chain
• Economic responsibility and local market presence


Heikkurinen, M. (2012). Vastuullisuus ruokaketjussa: Eväitä johtamiseen, mittaamiseen ja viestintään. MTT.

Heikkurinen, P., Jalkanen, L., Järvinen, M., Katajajuuri, J-M., Koistinen, L., Kotro, J., Riipi, I., Forsman-Hugg, S., Järvelä, K., Mäkelä, J., Pesonen, H-M., & Ulvila, K-M. (2012). Vastuullisuus ruokaketjussa. Eväitä johtamiseen, mittaamiseen ja viestintään. Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT). 26 s.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can name and define most of the dimensions of responsibility in the food chain. He/she is able to evaluate the reliability of the information and retrieve reliable information on the subject occasionally. The student shows an interest in different areas of responsibility. They follow the given instructions and work within the given schedule in some respects.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can define and present the different dimensions of food chain responsibility. He/she is able to evaluate the reliability of information and to name and search for sources of reliable information in different areas of food chain responsibility. Students can refer to professional writings in the field and use the latest knowledge in their work for the most part. The student observes the need for development in his/her own activities.
The students exhibit analytical ability in their activities. They are able to follow the given instructions and work within the given schedule with minor exceptions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can define and explain the different dimensions of responsibility in the food chain reliably. Students are able to evaluate the reliability of information and are able to use sources of reliable information extensively. The student can refer to and interpret professional writings in the field and uses the latest information justifiably.
Students are prepared to apply what they have learned to practice and to develop their own and their work community's activities. They can follow the given instructions and act on the specified schedule during the process.


Structure of Food Chain


22.04.2024 - 01.10.2024


07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kaija Nissinen
  • Leena Arjanne
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student can explain and argue why do human eat as we do. (S)he can name and give examples of psychological, physiological, social and other environmental factors affecting food behavior and food choice. (S)he is able to study and compare features of food environment and evaluate their significance on food behavior. (S)he can name and evaluate nutrition policy makers, aims and ways.


Food behavior from psychological, physiological, social and public healt perspectives
Observing good service as a food environment


Will be announced in the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

On-line learning, lectures, guided exercises

Student workload

Work amount 81 h
- lectures approximately 20 h
- independent working approximately 60 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student can explain why do human eat as we do. (S)he can name psychological, physiological, social and other environmental factors affecting food behavior and food choice. (S)he is able to name features of food environment and its significance on food behavior. (S)he can name nutrition policy makers, aims and ways.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student can explain and argue why do human eat as we do. (S)he can name and give examples of psychological, physiological, social and other environmental factors affecting food behavior and food choice. (S)he is able to study and compare features of food environment and evaluate their significance on food behavior. (S)he can name and evaluate nutrition policy makers, aims and ways.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student can explain and argue holistically why do human eat as we do. (S)he can name and give in many ways examples of psychological, physiological, social and other envoronmental factors affecting food behavior and food choice. (S)he is able to study, compare and improve features of food environments when evaluating their significance on food behavior. (S)he can name and evaluate nutrition policy makers, aims and elaborate ways to achieve aims.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam., learning diary, assignments

Further information

Course is held in english if necessary


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 17.11.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • From Field to Fork
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kirta Nieminen
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Students can analyze and develop high-quality and customer-oriented menus. In the design, the student recognizes the operating idea of the professional kitchen and the needs of customer. The student is able to analyse the nutritional quality, responsibility and profitability of menus. The student is able to develop menus taking into account ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions. The student is able to implement studies in his/her work and is able to define the importance of standardised recipes as part of quality.


Menu planning, menu analysis and recipe optimization
Nutritional content, carbon footprint and cost calculations
Food cultures and social dimensions of food


To be announced at the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Lectures and working life-oriented development project 5 ects

Employer connections

Working life-oriented development project

Completion alternatives

Identification of prior learning and studification

Student workload

The student's total work volume is 135 hours, of which 100 hours of independent studies, 16 hours of online education and 19 hours of contact teaching at student restaurant Prikka. Contact teaching in Prikka requires attendance in accordance with the schedule.

Further information

The course will be arranged in English if needed

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student can give examples of high quality and customer-oriented menus. The student identifies the professional kitchen business idea and customer needs. Student is able to name factors related to the quality of nutrition, accountability and profitability of menus.
Student is able to name ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions of menus. The student can identify the benefits of optimized recipes in his work and recognizes the importance of standardized recipes as part of quality.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student know how to implement high quality and customer-oriented menus. The student identifies the professional kitchen business idea and customer needs, as well as interpret them. Student can analyze the nutrition quality, accountability and profitability of menus. Student can plan menus with ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions. The student knows how to develop recipes in his work and know how to explain the importance of standardized recipes as part of quality.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student can analyze develop high quality and customer-oriented menus. The student identifies the professional kitchen business idea and customer needs, as well as interpret and apply them. Student can analyze and evaluate the nutrition quality, accountability and profitability of menus. Student can plan and develop menus with ecological, economic, nutritional, cultural and social dimensions. The student knows how to develop recipes in his work and know how to explain and justify the importance of standardized recipes as part of quality.

Assessment methods and criteria

Development project, self- and peer reviews and active participation.


Food Production Processes

Further information

Three credits for R&D


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 16.02.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Kirta Nieminen
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student knows the basics of quality management and assurance. Student can plan and develop the hygiene and in-house control of the professional kitchen according to the legal provisions. Students can estimate and apply the in-house control as part of quality management. Students can explain security of supply and identify related legislation. Students are able to define the possibilities of food supply to safeguard citizens' needs and know the relevant operators. (S)he sees his own role as a food chain professional in securing the food supply.


Quality control systems in food services
Food hygiene legislation
In-house control system as a part of quality control
Security of supply and it’s organization
Food supply and operators
Contingency arrangement


To be announced at the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Lectures and learning assignment 3 ects

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The student's total work volume is 81 hours, of which 69 hours of independent studies

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

They know the basics of the quality management and assurance, and hygiene and in-house control of the professional kitchen. Students can list the purpose of the in-house control system as part of quality management. Students can define weakly security of supply and the basic concepts associated with it. Students can randomly name food supply issues and operators. He shows only little interest in the matter. The student can follow the instructions and the given schedule in some respects.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

They can plan the quality, and hygiene and in-house control of the professional kitchen according to the legal provisions. Students can use and plan the in-house control as part of quality management. Students can define broadly security of supply and the basic concepts associated with it. Students can explain food supply issues and operators. (S)he is interested in his own role in food supply as a professional in the field and also recognizes the importance of contingency arrangements. The student can follow the instructions and the given schedule in large part.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

They can plan and develop the quality, and hygiene and in-house control of the professional kitchen according to the legal provisions. Students can estimate and apply with the in-house control system as part of quality management. Students can introduce security of supply and related concepts and legislation. Students can comprehensively define the potential for food supply in safeguarding citizens' food needs and the specific characteristics associated with it. He can justify his role in the food supply as a professional and can assess contingency arrangements. Students are initiative and have the capacity to apply what they learn to practice. Students are able to develop their own and work community activities. The student can precisely follow the instructions and the given schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment and active participation


Food safety and microbiology


03.04.2024 - 31.10.2024


06.01.2025 - 31.03.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Eliisa Ylinen
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


The student can develop food production processes by using different production methods and modern technology and understands the influence of the production method on the quality of the products. The student can evaluate the influence of different production methods on sensory, hygienic and nutritional quality of the products. One can compare and analyse energy and cost efficiency of production processes and is able to apply the knowledge in production planning and product development.


Food production methods (cook and hold/serve, cook and chill, cook cold, sous vide, hot fill) and equipment technology
Impact of production methods on food, hygiene and nutritional quality
Measurement of energy consumption at equipment and process level, cost impact assessment methods for production methods


Will be announced at the beginning of studies.

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises and development assignments.

Employer connections

Possibly a client in development assignment

Student workload

Students total work load 135 h
contact lessons 24 h
independent study 111 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows how to make by using different production methods and modern technology and understands the influence of the production method on the quality of the products. The student can identify the influence of different production methods on sensory, hygienic and nutritional quality of the products. One can evaluate energy and cost efficiency of production processes and is able to use the knowledge in production planning and product development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can make food by using different production methods and modern technology and understands the influence of the production method on the quality of the products The student can evaluate the influence of different production methods on sensory, hygienic and nutritional quality of the products. One can compare and analyse energy and cost efficiency of production processes and is able to apply the knowledge in production planning and product development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can develop food production processes by using different production methods and modern technology and understands the influence of the production method on the quality of the products. The student can evaluate the influence of different production methods on sensory, hygienic and nutritional quality of the products. One can compare and analyse energy and cost efficiency of production processes and is able to apply the knowledge in production planning and product development.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in lectures (presence 80 %), development tasks.


Food service production
Food stuffs and Nutrition


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 13.10.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Erja Heikkilä
Student groups
  • BIELI23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Full-time studies


The student will have a good knowledge of Swedish standard language. He/she can use field related basic vocabulary in his/her studies in oral and written communication.
He /she can manage his/her learning both in oral and written communication


Basic grammar: theory and assignments.
General and field related vocabulary assignments.


Material will be announced at the beginning of the course. Moodle -material and study book Reflex etc.

Teaching methods

Contact classes and virtual self-studies (Moodle)

Exam schedules

Level test at the beginning of the academic year, students will be invited to the course based on the test.

Student workload

Ca 10 h contact classes, other work load independent work in Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Approved: Students participate actively in contact classes (80 %) and complete all given assignments. They can use basic structures and limited vocabulary in spoken and written communication and they understand slow and clear speech and simple field-related texts. They manage reasonably well in familiar everyday situations. Their pronunciation is understandable.
Failed: Student does not do or fail assigments

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation, returned assignments. Assessment: pass /fail


No previous studies required.
Course is recommended to the students who fail or pass the level test with T1 or T2,


03.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 13.10.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Erja Heikkilä
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies


The student will have a good knowledge of Swedish standard language. He/she can use field related basic vocabulary in his/her studies in oral and written communication.
He /she can manage his/her learning both in oral and written communication


Basic grammar: theory and assignments.
General and field related vocabulary assignments.


Material will be announced at the beginning of the course. Moodle -material and study book Reflex etc.

Teaching methods

Contact classes and virtual self-studies (Moodle)

Exam schedules

Level test at the beginning of the academic year, students will be invited to the course based on the test.

Student workload

Ca 10 h contact classes, other work load independent work in Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Approved: Students participate actively in contact classes (80 %) and complete all given assignments. They can use basic structures and limited vocabulary in spoken and written communication and they understand slow and clear speech and simple field-related texts. They manage reasonably well in familiar everyday situations. Their pronunciation is understandable.
Failed: Student does not do or fail assigments

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation, returned assignments. Assessment: pass /fail


No previous studies required.
Course is recommended to the students who fail or pass the level test with T1 or T2,


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 13.04.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Riina Heinämäki
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


Learning Outcomes (common, 3 cr) :
The students can communicate in Swedish both orally and in writing in working life situations. They are able to discuss field related topics in Swedish. They are able to develop their expertise using literature as well as other sources in Swedish.
can tell about themselves, their education and work experience
can write a cv and a job application and can handle job interviews
can write work relevant messages (e.g. e-mails and business letters) and manages spoken communication situations
can use polite phrases and handle small talk
know the basic terminology of the field


Telling about oneself and ones studies
Job application, cv, job interview
Presentation skills (e.g. company presentations)
Polite phrases and small talk
Basic written messages and letters, spoken work life communication
Basic terminology of the field, field specific texts


Online material in Moodle

Teaching methods

Online studies, oral and written exercises, independent Moodle-studies

Completion alternatives

Identification of prior learning (written, oral)

Student workload

18h contact lessons in Teams
63h independent studies.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

can present themselves and their field of work if sufficient time is given for preparation
can write simple letters and field specific texts on familiar subjects with the help of, for example, a dictionary - the resulting text may have many mistakes but is understandable.
can cope with job application situations with the support of the interviewer.
can communicate verbally using simple phrases at a basic level on familiar topics with support and assistance
understand the basic ideas behind field specific texts.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

can present themselves and their field of work
they can write letters and field specific texts with some mistakes but the text is easily understandable.
can cope with job application situations with some preparation and can act as an interviewer.
can communicate verbally without difficulty on familiar as well as field related topics.
understand the main points and most details of field specific texts without any help: mistakes or misunderstandings might occur.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

can present themselves and their field of work spontaneously
can write letters and field specific texts on a variety of subjects - the resulting texts are clear and well-structured with hardly any mistakes.
can cope with job application situations effortlessly and can act as an interviewer
can communicate verbally on a variety of topics and can use polite phrases appropriately.
understand both the main points and details of field specific texts and can integrate and apply new information gained.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active attendance in the contact lessons in Teams.
Oral and written assignments.
Vocabulary tests (passed).
Written exam in virtual exam-room at the end of the course.


No previous studies are required.


11.11.2024 - 19.02.2025


03.03.2025 - 30.03.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Riina Heinämäki
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Field specific learning outcomes (2 cr)
-know the basic terminology and vocabulary within their own field
-can apply the above mentioned skills in spoken and written communication in different professional contexts


Field specific contents (2 cr):
Basic terminology of the field
Professions and duties
Customer service
Field related conversations and oral presentations


Material in Moodle, supplementary reading Expert, Svenska för matproffs.

Teaching methods

Active participation in the contact classes in Teams.
Oral and written exercises.
Pair- and group work.
Independent studies.

Student workload

12h contact classes in Teams.
42h independent studies.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

can present themselves and their field of work if sufficient time is given for preparation
can write simple letters and field specific texts on familiar subjects with the help of, for example, a dictionary - the resulting text may have many mistakes but is understandable.
can cope with job application situations with the support of the interviewer.
can communicate verbally using simple phrases at a basic level on familiar topics with support and assistance
understand the basic ideas behind field specific texts.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

can present themselves and their field of work
they can write letters and field specific texts with some mistakes but the text is easily understandable.
can cope with job application situations with some preparation and can act as an interviewer.
can communicate verbally without difficulty on familiar as well as field related topics.
understand the main points and most details of field specific texts without any help: mistakes or misunderstandings might occur.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

can present themselves and their field of work spontaneously
can write letters and field specific texts on a variety of subjects - the resulting texts are clear and well-structured with hardly any mistakes.
can cope with job application situations effortlessly and can act as an interviewer
can communicate verbally on a variety of topics and can use polite phrases appropriately.
understand both the main points and details of field specific texts and can integrate and apply new information gained.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active attendance, oral and written assignments.
Written exam in virtual exam-room at the end of the course.
Oral exam (face to face/ Teams) at the end of the course.


Svenska 1


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 27.04.2025


18 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Paula Juurakko
Student groups
  • RESTO22


The student recognized his / her own professional strengths and development targets as well as sets goals for the practical training which supports his / her career plans and employment. (S)he will critically reflect upon their progress in the field and as a member of a work community. The student becomes acquainted with the principles and methods of operational management of the internship and participates in responsible tasks. The student develops into a responsible specialist with inner entrepreneurship. (S)he recognizes operational targets for development.
It is recommended to complete part or all of the training abroad.


The student chooses his / her specialization internship place according to his / her career wishes and goals. The tasks are related to supervisory, consulting, marketing, product development, design and other tasks.

Teaching methods

Practical training.

Employer connections

Training place is a public or private organisation.

Student workload

18 credits

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has got a good conception of their professional tasks and future visions of the field. (S)he can reflect critically his / her own progress in the field and as a member of the work community. (S)he can be a management and (s)he can work independently.
The student has not followed the completed training plan or the student does not have a vision of the tasks in his / her field. The student does not understand a vision for the future of his / her field or know how to look at his / her own progress in the field and as a member of the work community. The student is not able to lead and act independently.

Assessment methods and criteria

Report, feedpack of counsellor.


Training, Management of restaurant services, Service production planning, total at least 100 cr.


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 17.11.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Kirta Nieminen
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Student is able to explain the possibilities of using technology in food services. Student is also able to solve current development issues using technology and by applying relevant data. Student knows how to demonstrate the possibilities of using technology in creating experiences.


Introduction into the possibilities of technology (e.g. Big Data, Mobile applications, Robotics, IOT-sensors, VR and AR)
The process of applying technology and using digital data in food services
Applying technology in creating experiences


To be announced at the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises and learning assignment 5 op

Student workload

The student's total work volume is 135 hours, of which 119 h hours of independent studies, 16 hours of online education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student is able to describe the possibilities of using technology in food services. Student define technological solutions and is able to define development problems by using relevant data. Student is able to explain the possibilities of using technology in creating experiences.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student is able to describe the possibilities of using technology in food services. Student recognizes technological solutions exist and is able to define development problems by using data. Student is able to demonstrate the possibilities of using technology in creating experiences.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to explain the possibilities of using technology in food services. Student is also able to solve current development issues using technology and by applying relevant data. Student is able to demonstrate the possibilities of using technology in creating experiences.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignments and active participation


User centered space design

Further information

RDI 3 credits


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Leena Arjanne
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student is able to name the physiology and anatomy related to food utilization and explain how nutrients end up in the body. The student is able to use nutritional physiology to explain the connections between diet and ncd’s. He / she is familiar with a variety of factors that affect obesity and weight management. The student knows the health connections of overweight and is able to describe the basics of weight management.


Nutritional physiology (digestion, absorption, transport, storage, metabolism and excretion, need and nutritional status)
Nutrition and non-communicable diseases in Finns’
Overweight and obesity
Weight management


Mutanen, M., Niinikoski, H., Schwab, U., & Uusitupa, M. (toim.). (2021) Ravitsemustiede, (8. p,). Kustannus OY DUODECIM.
Voutilainen, E., Fogelholm, M. & Mutanen, M. (2016). Ravitsemustaito (1.-3. painos.). Sanoma Pro.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the physiology and anatomy related to food use. The student is able to name the health-promoting and health-reducing features of the diet. The student is able to describe the non-communicable diseases of Finns and the connections between nutrition and them. He / she is able to define the factors that affect obesity and weight management.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to name the physiology and anatomy related to food utilization and explain how nutrients end up in the body. The student is able to use nutritional physiology to explain the connections between diet and ncd’s. He / she is familiar with a variety of factors that affect obesity and weight management. The student knows the health connections of overweight and is able to describe the basics of weight management.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to name the physiology and anatomy related to food utilization in a variety of ways and explain how nutrients end up in the body. The student is able to explain the connections between diet and lifestyle diseases with the help of nutritional physiology. She is widely aware of the many factors that affect obesity and weight management. The student knows the health connections of overweight and is able to describe the basics of weight management and compare different methods.


Food and nutrition (including basics of digestion)


22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Sirkka Nieminen
  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Sari Rimpelä
  • Paula Juurakko
  • Kaija Nissinen
  • Kirta Nieminen
  • Leena Arjanne
  • Eliisa Ylinen
  • Mari Heinonen
Student groups
  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies


Student will be able to define and implement different concepts of research and various research methods. Student can independently utilise different opportunities of information retrieval in his/her own field and is able to critically evaluate different information. Student has basic knowledge of analysis and is able to carry out a statistical research including research plan, implementing and reporting. He is also able to evaluate the results of the work and the whole process. Student can take into consideration the ethics of the research work. Student knows the conventions of academic writing and is able to draw up a research report which meets the demands of the style and the structure. Student has skills for producing thesis.


- implementation of basic research concepts and methods
- web search, databases and information sources of the field
- evaluation and developing of the information retrieval, evaluation and use of the information
- academic writing: structure, style and language, sources and citation
- basics of statistical mathematics and statistics
- compilation of statistical research Project
- development methods and reporting


SeUAS Thesis guidelines
SeUAS Instructions for written work
Hirsjärvi, S., Remes, P. & Sajavaara, P. Latest edition. Tutki ja kirjoita.
Vilkka H. Latest edition. Tutki ja kehitä.
Heikkilä, T. Latest edition. Tilastollinen tutkimus.
Other material will be announced in the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Research project, lectures, guided exercises

Employer connections

Project work is based on the case from working life

Student workload

work amount 135 h
- lectures and guided exercises 38 h
- independent working 97 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students know the basics and methods of research and development work. They can collect research data based on quantitative research material. They can describe the data with statistics program and report the results. Students can use some data acquisition methods and recognize some conventions of scientific texts. Students can compile a structurally acceptable written research report. Student knows how to to development project.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to use statistical and functional thesis methods and know the thesis process. They act according to the principles of scientific reasoning. They produce data collecting based on quantitative research material. They can describe the data with statistics program and report the results. They use some data acquisition methods and utilize the data. Students use the conventions of scientific texts in their own academic writing. They can compile a written research report structurally meeting the demands of a scientific text. Student can do development work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students can apply statistical thesis methods and manage the thesis process. Students apply the principles of scientific reasoning. They can produce data collecting based on quantitative research material. They can describe and analyze the data with statistics program, report the results and anlyse them versatily. They use different data acquisition methods independently, utilize and value the data critically. Student apply results of the quantitive research in his/her development project. Students apply the conventions of scientific texts in their own academic writing. They can compile a written research report meeting the demands of a scientific text. Students can compile a structurally acceptable written research report.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation is based on the research report produced in the course:
Statistics and statistical data processing: accepted / rejected: partly based on the research report
Research project: research report and its public introduction, numeral evaluation according to SeUAS thesis criteria (the evaluation of the supervisor)
Study communication: research report (accepted/rejected)
Information retrieval: research report, abstract, (accepted/rejected)


Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work


22.04.2024 - 30.09.2024


30.09.2024 - 18.12.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Helena Myllymäki
Student groups
  • AGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises


After the course, the student is able to interact appropriately and draw up the most ordinary texts needed in the working life. He is acquainted with the conventions of the academic text, which are needed in the thesis, and is able to apply them in his own text. He can express himself coherently, convincingly and clearly.


- basics of business communication
- essential texts within the field, business letters, informing
- basics of academic writing


Food and Hospitality:
Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. 2015. Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
Kielikello 4/1997 ja 1/2007 (ns. Ruokakello)
and Web material

Food Processing and Biotechnology:
Kauppinen, A., Nummi, J. & Savola, T. 2012. Tekniikan viestintä. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
and Web material

Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. 2015. Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
and Web material

Teaching methods

Team learning

Student workload

54 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can not take the objective, receiver or situation into consideration sufficiently. The structure of the text is illogical and the argumentation is one-sided. Illustration is inadequate. The student can evaluate his communication only from his point of view.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can take only partly into consideration the objective, situation and receiver. He can maintain the interaction. The structure of the text is mainly clear and consistent and the argumentation is versatile and credible. The illustration is appropriate. The student can in some part evaluate his communication realistically. He identifies the culturally bound character of the communication to some extent.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can take the objective, situation and receiver into consideration skilfully and credibly. He can act responsibly and according to the agreed ways of action. The structure of the text follows the structure which is characteristic of the text species. The text is logical and the argumentation is versatile and convincing. The illustration is appropriate and efficient. The student can estimate his communication realistically. He can identify the culturally bound character of the communication.

Assessment methods and criteria

Self- and peer-evaluation, teacher evaluation
Completion of written and oral tasks

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can not take the objective, receiver or situation into consideration sufficiently. The structure of the text is illogical and the argumentation is one-sided. Illustration is inadequate. The student can evaluate his communication only from his point of view.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can take only partly into consideration the objective, situation and receiver. He can maintain the interaction. The structure of the text is mainly clear and consistent and the argumentation is versatile and credible. The illustration is appropriate. The student can in some part evaluate his communication realistically. He identifies the culturally bound character of the communication to some extent.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student can take the objective, situation and receiver into consideration skilfully and credibly. He can act responsibly and according to the agreed ways of action. The structure of the text follows the structure which is characteristic of the text species. The text is logical and the argumentation is versatile and convincing. The illustration is appropriate and efficient. The student can estimate his communication realistically. He can identify the culturally bound character of the communication.


Communication Skills


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Helena Myllymäki
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
Student groups
  • MAGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


After the course, the student is able to interact appropriately and draw up the most ordinary texts needed in the working life. He is acquainted with the conventions of the academic text, which are needed in the thesis, and is able to apply them in his own text. He can express himself coherently, convincingly and clearly.


- basics of business communication
- essential texts within the field, business letters, informing
- basics of academic writing


Food and Hospitality:
Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. 2015. Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
Kielikello 4/1997 ja 1/2007 (ns. Ruokakello)
and Web material

Food Processing and Biotechnology:
Kauppinen, A., Nummi, J. & Savola, T. 2012. Tekniikan viestintä. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
and Web material

Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. 2015. Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
and Web material

Teaching methods

Team learning

Student workload

54 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can not take the objective, receiver or situation into consideration sufficiently. The structure of the text is illogical and the argumentation is one-sided. Illustration is inadequate. The student can evaluate his communication only from his point of view.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can take only partly into consideration the objective, situation and receiver. He can maintain the interaction. The structure of the text is mainly clear and consistent and the argumentation is versatile and credible. The illustration is appropriate. The student can in some part evaluate his communication realistically. He identifies the culturally bound character of the communication to some extent.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can take the objective, situation and receiver into consideration skilfully and credibly. He can act responsibly and according to the agreed ways of action. The structure of the text follows the structure which is characteristic of the text species. The text is logical and the argumentation is versatile and convincing. The illustration is appropriate and efficient. The student can estimate his communication realistically. He can identify the culturally bound character of the communication.

Assessment methods and criteria

Self- and peer-evaluation, teacher evaluation
Completion of written and oral tasks

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can not take the objective, receiver or situation into consideration sufficiently. The structure of the text is illogical and the argumentation is one-sided. Illustration is inadequate. The student can evaluate his communication only from his point of view.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can take only partly into consideration the objective, situation and receiver. He can maintain the interaction. The structure of the text is mainly clear and consistent and the argumentation is versatile and credible. The illustration is appropriate. The student can in some part evaluate his communication realistically. He identifies the culturally bound character of the communication to some extent.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student can take the objective, situation and receiver into consideration skilfully and credibly. He can act responsibly and according to the agreed ways of action. The structure of the text follows the structure which is characteristic of the text species. The text is logical and the argumentation is versatile and convincing. The illustration is appropriate and efficient. The student can estimate his communication realistically. He can identify the culturally bound character of the communication.


Communication Skills


11.11.2024 - 02.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 23.02.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Ulla-Maaria Paukkunen
Student groups
  • BIELI23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Full-time studies


After the course, the student is able to interact appropriately and draw up the most ordinary texts needed in the working life. He is acquainted with the conventions of the academic text, which are needed in the thesis, and is able to apply them in his own text. He can express himself coherently, convincingly and clearly.


- basics of business communication
- essential texts within the field, business letters, informing
- basics of academic writing


Food Processing and Biotechnology:
Kauppinen, A., Nummi, J. & Savola, T. 2012. Tekniikan viestintä. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2022. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
and Web material

Teaching methods

- contact lessons, written and spoken assignments, independent study, distance learning only if needed

Exam schedules

Time of the exams will be announced during the course.

Student workload

54h, incl. lectures 18h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can not take the objective, receiver or situation into consideration sufficiently. The structure of the text is illogical and the argumentation is one-sided. Illustration is inadequate. The student can evaluate his communication only from his point of view.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can take only partly into consideration the objective, situation and receiver. He can maintain the interaction. The structure of the text is mainly clear and consistent and the argumentation is versatile and credible. The illustration is appropriate. The student can in some part evaluate his communication realistically. He identifies the culturally bound character of the communication to some extent.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can take the objective, situation and receiver into consideration skilfully and credibly. He can act responsibly and according to the agreed ways of action. The structure of the text follows the structure which is characteristic of the text species. The text is logical and the argumentation is versatile and convincing. The illustration is appropriate and efficient. The student can estimate his communication realistically. He can identify the culturally bound character of the communication.

Assessment methods and criteria

- written and spoken assingments
- self-assessment and peer review


Communication Skills


11.11.2024 - 19.02.2025


03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Ulla-Maaria Paukkunen
Student groups
  • MBIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Part-time studies


After the course, the student is able to interact appropriately and draw up the most ordinary texts needed in the working life. He is acquainted with the conventions of the academic text, which are needed in the thesis, and is able to apply them in his own text. He can express himself coherently, convincingly and clearly.


- basics of business communication
- essential texts within the field, business letters, informing
- basics of academic writing


Food and Hospitality:
Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. 2015. Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
Kielikello 4/1997 ja 1/2007 (ns. Ruokakello)
and Web material

Food Processing and Biotechnology:
Kauppinen, A., Nummi, J. & Savola, T. 2012. Tekniikan viestintä. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
and Web material

Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. 2015. Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2013. Communicare: kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi. MIF.
and Web material

Teaching methods

distance learning, written and spoken assignments, independent study

Exam schedules

Time of the exams will be announced during the course.

Student workload

54 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can not take the objective, receiver or situation into consideration sufficiently. The structure of the text is illogical and the argumentation is one-sided. Illustration is inadequate. The student can evaluate his communication only from his point of view.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can take only partly into consideration the objective, situation and receiver. He can maintain the interaction. The structure of the text is mainly clear and consistent and the argumentation is versatile and credible. The illustration is appropriate. The student can in some part evaluate his communication realistically. He identifies the culturally bound character of the communication to some extent.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can take the objective, situation and receiver into consideration skilfully and credibly. He can act responsibly and according to the agreed ways of action. The structure of the text follows the structure which is characteristic of the text species. The text is logical and the argumentation is versatile and convincing. The illustration is appropriate and efficient. The student can estimate his communication realistically. He can identify the culturally bound character of the communication.

Assessment methods and criteria

written and spoken assingments
self-assessment and peer review


Communication Skills


11.11.2024 - 06.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 26.04.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Sirkka Nieminen
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


After the course, the student is able to interact appropriately and draw up the most ordinary texts needed in the working life. He is acquainted with the conventions of the academic text, which are needed in the thesis, and is able to apply them in his own text. He can express himself coherently, convincingly and clearly.


- basics of business communication
- essential texts within the field, business letters, informing
- basics of academic writing


Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. 2015. Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Edita.
Juholin, E. 2022. Communicare! Kasva viestinnän ammattilaiseksi.
and online material

Teaching methods

- distance learning
- written and spoken assignments
- independent study

Exam schedules

Time of the exams will be announced during the course.

Student workload

54h, incl. lectures 12h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can not take the objective, receiver or situation into consideration sufficiently. The structure of the text is illogical and the argumentation is one-sided. Illustration is inadequate. The student can evaluate his communication only from his point of view.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can take only partly into consideration the objective, situation and receiver. He can maintain the interaction. The structure of the text is mainly clear and consistent and the argumentation is versatile and credible. The illustration is appropriate. The student can in some part evaluate his communication realistically. He identifies the culturally bound character of the communication to some extent.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can take the objective, situation and receiver into consideration skilfully and credibly. He can act responsibly and according to the agreed ways of action. The structure of the text follows the structure which is characteristic of the text species. The text is logical and the argumentation is versatile and convincing. The illustration is appropriate and efficient. The student can estimate his communication realistically. He can identify the culturally bound character of the communication.

Assessment methods and criteria

- written and spoken assignments
- exams


Communication Skills


03.04.2024 - 04.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality
  • Ilkka Latomäki
  • Sari Rimpelä
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies


- Student is able to consider accounting requirements in operative restaurant management
- Student is familiar with accounting reports
- Student knowns principles of the contribution margins
- Student knows purpose and principles of the accounting
- Student is able to plan cash flow statements
- Student can calculate internal key performance indicators
- Student can apply economical reports in business development
- Student knows principles of pricing


- Requirements of the HoReCa accounting
- Accounting statements
- Management accounting reports
- Accounting basics
- Management accounting basics
- Pricing methods
- Financial calculations

Completion alternatives

Students may also complete the math part by taking a test given at the beginning of the course. Fifty per cent of the test must be passed to receive full credit for the course.
Financial Management part: Student has a possibility for employment integrated learning if he/she fulfills following prerequisites: Students works in a supervisory role and employer has a suitable project to offer for the course
Student can carry out course tasks at Enterprise Team. For further information contact the Head of Enterprise Team
Recognition of prior learning is possible with prior Higher Education Studies

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

- Student can name accounting requirements in operative restaurant management
- Student can name accounting statements
- Student is able to calculate cross profit
- Student can name accounting purposes and principles
- Student knows parts of the cash flow statement
- Student can calculate some of the internal key performance indicators
- Student knows basics of the pricing in the industry

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- Student understands accounting requirements in operative restaurant management
- Student can read parts of the accounting statements
- Student knows some of the principles of the contribution margins
- Student knows accounting purposes and principles
- Student can partly plan cash flow statement
- Student knows and can calculate some of the internal key performance indicators
- Student knows how to apply accounting information in business development
- Student knows some principles of the pricing in the industry

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- Student can apply accounting requirements in operative restaurant management
- Student can read accounting statements
- Student knows contribution margins
- Student knows accounting purposes and principles
- Student can plan cash flow statement
- Student knows and can calculate internal key performance indicators
- Student can apply accounting information in business development
- Student knows basics of the pricing in the industry