Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto

Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), Bachelor of Health Care

210 op

Tutkinto-ohjelman nimi

Degree Programme in Nursing, 210 ECTS credits


Health and welfare
The classification of the educational field is based on the international ISCED classification used by the Ministry of Education and Culture.


- Nursing, 210 ECTS credits

Tutkinto, tutkintonimike ja sen tuottama kelpoisuus

Bachelor of Health Care, Registered Nurse

Tutkinnon taso

The degree programme leads to a higher education degree which is a first cycle Bachelor-level degree in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the eight-level classification of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the degree represents level 6.

Valintaperusteet ja erityiset pääsyvaatimukset

Please see the websites and

Tutkintovaatimukset ja -säännökset

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

Tutkintosääntö ja arviointiasteikot

Students must obtain the grade 'pass' or a numerical grade for all studies in the degree programme, including those obtained through recognition of prior learning. Academic success entitles a more substantial scholarship.


Opintojen rakenne

Students complete at least 60 credits per academic year. Students have the possibility to apply for interdisciplinary studies (at least 15 credits) in the FramiPro learning environment provided to all students of Seinäjoki UAS. FramiPro studies mainly involve working life projects undertaken during the third year. In addition, a variety of summer school studies is provided.

* The nursing education (210 credits) contains Basic Studies common to all in SeAMK 20 credits. Basic studies on Social and Health Care 10 credits, Free-Choice Studies 5 credits for finnish students/ 0 credit for international students, Profession- Spesific Nursing Studies 175 credits for finnish students/180 credits international students , which contain Practical Training 75 credits and Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity 15 credits.
In the nursing education the student can study multi-field and -professional studies also in the practical training od projects and in the international studies.

The curriculum includes five seams permeating through the studies and extending over them. They are based on SeAMK’s reports, studies and strategy, as well as on the national and international recommendations and regulations related to education provided by universities of applied sciences.

- The Information Search seam strengthens the student’s professional and field-specific information search skills throughout the studies.

The basis of the nursing education is evidence-based learning, which is one of the central red lines. Information seeking and using are the essential parts in this learning process in the all studies.

-The Internationalization seam secures the improvement of the student’s international competencies during their studies.

The Nurse`s profession is international, therefore in the contents of the education there are multiculturalism, the meeting of the people from the different cultures, teaching and learning in the foreign languages, international exchange periods abroad, acting as a international tutor, home internationalization

- The studies corresponding to the Entrepreneurship seam help the student understand the central and growing role of entrepreneurship in society.

Acting according the principles of Entrepreneurship has an important part in the nurse`s profession. In the contents of studies there are internal and external Entrepreneurship and also economic thinkig, which support the nurse`s Entrepreneurship. During the renewing of the structures of health and social services we have to account the private sector and voluntary organizations as the procuders of the services in teh contents of the studies.

- The Sustainable Development seam makes the student aware of social responsibility and helps them understand the diversity of sustainable development as a working life skill.

In the different phases of the education in the connections with health promotion students learn about the sustainable development with the nature, social and human relations and economics.

- The seam of Career Guidance helps the student recognise their competencies and own strengths. It also includes working life knowledge, job search skills, and lifelong learning.

The model of the career development is implementing clearly in the study courses of Nurse`s/Public Health Nurse`s Profession and career development

Students have the opportunity to include multidisciplinary, working life-oriented project studies in their personal curricula (FramiPro).


The aims of the nursing education have been designed in the national Nurse`s professional Competence and have been described in the general part of Nursing curricula

Tutkinto-ohjelman koulutuksen sisältö

The purpose of the Degree Programme in Nursing is to train professionals of nursing , whose work is based on evidence-based multi-disciplinary knowledge, extensive nursing and multicultural competence and high ethical standards. Registered Nurses (UAS) are qualified to examine, evaluate and develop their nursing competence, professional work, work community and professional field. They plan, implement and develop nursing in national, international and multicultural contexts.

Registered Nurses (UAS) are licensed to practice professional nursing. The training abides by the directives of the European Council pertaining to the education of nurses responsible for general care. Part of the studies is carried out in Finnish and the practical training takes place mainly in Finnish environments. It is also possible to partly study abroad.

Registered Nurses work as independent professionals of nursing in primary health care, specialized medical services, social services and in the private and third sectors. Finnish language skills are required in order to work in Finland as a professional of health care. Registered Nurses support, nurse and counsel healthy and ill individuals of all ages, families, groups, and communities. Nurses implement and develop evidence-based nursing to promote and maintain their patients' health, to prevent and cure illness, to ensure rehabilitation and to implement medical care prescribed.


The competences of nursing education have been designed in the national Nurse`s professional Competence and have been described in the general part of Nursing curricula.

Pedagoginen toimintamalli ja oppimisympäristö

Teaching in the Degree Programme in Nursing follows the constructivist theory of learning and the principles of Problem-Based Learning (PBL- pedagogical approach). Various kinds of student-centred, experiential, individual and collaborative learning methods enhance the student’s evidence-based learning. As learning methods there are simulation exercises and other exercises. The web-based learning supports the development of the nursing competence.


In the Degree Programme in Nursing the recognition of prior learning (RPL, or AHOT in Finnish) is based on the general and profession-specified (Registered Nurse) competences. The student can apply for the recognition of prior learning according to the instructions provided. The members of the OT-team in the DP in Nursing are Raija Palo, Head of DP in Nursing and temprary Study councellor Marjut Asunmaa.

The RPL Coordinators describe the process of the recognition of prior learning at the beginning of the first semester. The student evaluates her/his own competences, comparing them to the objectives of the study course or module. She/he collects all the documents needed during this process. The student must also provide a description, where she/he argues for her/his own competences compared to the objectives of the study course or module. The student must send all the electronic documents concerning the recognition of prior learning to the temporary Study Counsellor Marjut Asunmaa.

Having received the application and documentary evidence, the temp. Study counsellor will contact a lecturer in charge of the course. The lecturer will examine the documents, decide about demonstration of competence, assess the evidence by comparing it to desired learning outcomes as defined for the Degree Programme. Temp. Study counsellor presents a suggestion to the Head of the DP on whether to recognize the student’s prior learning or not. After the final decision, the lecturer will enter the credits onto the Winha registration system. If the course is taught by a visiting lecturer, the RPL team will be responsible for the assessment and decision-making.

Students can ask for exemption from studies of the ongoing semester by applying for recognition of their previous learning by September 30 during the fall semester and by January 31 during the spring semester.

The RPL decisions are subject to current guidelines on outdated studies and appeal practices, given in the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. The studies that remain outside the RPL practice are defined for each field of study and each degree programme separately.

Työssäoppiminen ja harjoittelu

In the nursing education the student carries out after the EU- directives demandings 75 credits practical training periods in the health care and social services, simulation- and other exercises and in the seminars.

Työssäoppiminen ja harjoittelu

In the nursing education the student carries out after the EU- directives demandings 75 credits practical training periods in the health care and social services, simulation- and other exercises and in the seminars.

Työssäoppiminen ja harjoittelu

In the nursing education the student carries out after the EU- directives demandings 75 credits practical training periods in the health care and social services, simulation- and other exercises and in the seminars.

Työssäoppiminen ja harjoittelu

In the nursing education the student carries out after the EU- directives demandings 75 credits practical training periods in the health care and social services, simulation- and other exercises and in the seminars.

Ammatillinen osaamisprofiili

Key competences in nursing involve promoting the health of individuals, families, communities and environment; prevention of illness; planning, implementation and evaluation of client-centred nursing and clinical nursing expertise. Other key competences involve client and patient counselling and teaching, as well as the ability to work in multi-professional and multicultural teams. Finally, the key competences involve the use and command over nursing scientific research and evidence-based knowledge as well as nursing management and quality management.


International student and teacher mobility is implemented through exchange programmes and collaborative networks. The most important mobility programmes are Erasmus+ and programmes implemented by CIMO. It is our goal to increase the volume of student and teacher mobility and to improve the contents of the international experience to meet the development needs of the Degree Programme.

Concrete development areas involve creating a network of expert lecturers together with partner universities and to make it possible for students to undertake theoretical studies in the target country. We will also increase and develop the volume and content of international intensive courses and increase students’ possibilities to write their Bachelor’s Thesis in cooperation with international partners.

Students will be encouraged to collaborate with immigrants, international students and Finnish people by awarding credit points for these activities within the framework of Free-Choice Studies. Students are also encouraged to take part in international exchange programmes.

As regards the curriculum, our goal is to develop joint theoretical and practical studies for Finnish and international students. Our goal is to assure that international and multi-cultural dimensions are visible in the studies. Much of the study material and virtual learning environments are in foreign languages.


Upon completion of the programme and after three years of work experience, students are eligible to begin second cycle (Master level) studies. The receiving higher education institution determines acceptance into the programme. Universities of Applied Sciences offer a number of second cycle degrees. e.g. Registered Nurse (UAS Master's Degree). Scientific universities in Finland do not require three years of work experience.

Valmistumisen edellytykset

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and instructions for graduates on Intra


Theoretical studies, simulation and lab exercises mostly take place during the day-time. Regular attendance and participation is required and students must complete their learning assignments in time. The practical training periods included in the nursing education will partly run in three shifts in the home country or abroad, depending on the nature of the nursing area. Theoretical studies, simulation and lab skills exercises and practical training periods can also be undertaken in projects.

Student-centred, multi-form learning methods are applied according mainly to PBL- pedagogical approach. Regular attendance and participation is required in theoretical, simulation and lab skills studies. Part of the studies are implemented independently, as individual work, in small groups or online. To be able to graduate in time, students are expected to follow the study programmes planned for each academic year, to regularly attend and participate in all classroom activity and to complete all learning assignments in time.

Koulutuspäällikkö / Vastuuyliopettaja

Ms Kristiina Vaahtera, : +358 40 830 2132,


Study Counsellor Ms Marjut Asunmaa, GSM +358 40 680 7117,

Harjoittelun koordinointi

Ms Tiina Koskela, GSM +358 40 6807144, tiina.koskela(at)

Kansainvälisen opiskeluvaihtojakson koordinointi

Tiina Välimäki, +358 40-830 4127, tiina.valimaki(at), Coordinator, Outgoing student exchanges to Europe
Maria Loukola, +358 40-830 2240, maria.loukola(at), Coordinator, Incoming and outgoing student exchanges outside Europe


Tel. +358 20 124 5055,

Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation

Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation

Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation

Bachelor of Health Care, Registered Nurse, DP in Nursing, Multimodal implementation


23.10.2023 - 11.02.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

1 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Suzana Zegrea
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


After the study module, students are able to use academic English accurately, effectively, and with confidence. Students have developed skills required for academic study, including language accuracy, authenticity and avoiding plagiarism, note-taking, essay-writing, preparing and giving presentations considering the multicultural audience background, reporting, critically searching, choosing and using scientific sources, while at the same time developing time management and clear and logical organizational skills.


Part 1: the writing process (effective reading, finding suitable sources, developing critical approaches to reading, avoiding plagiarism, planning, finding key points and note-making, paraphrasing, summarizing, references, combining sources, organizing paragraphs, introductions and conclusions, re-writing and proof-reading).
Part 2: elements of writing (argument and discussion, cause and effect, cohesion, comparison, examples, numbers, problems and solutions, style, visual information, working in groups).
Part 3: accuracy in writing and writing models (reports, case studies, literature reviews etc.)

Aika ja paikka

Teams & luokka


online materials, Academic Writing- books


verkko-opetusta, moodle-tehtäviä

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat





21.10.2024 - 02.02.2025


10.02.2025 - 31.07.2025


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Suzana Zegrea
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


After the study module, students are able to use academic English accurately, effectively, and with confidence. Students have developed skills required for academic study, including language accuracy, authenticity and avoiding plagiarism, note-taking, essay-writing, preparing and giving presentations considering the multicultural audience background, reporting, critically searching, choosing and using scientific sources, while at the same time developing time management and clear and logical organizational skills.


Part 1: the writing process (effective reading, finding suitable sources, developing critical approaches to reading, avoiding plagiarism, planning, finding key points and note-making, paraphrasing, summarizing, references, combining sources, organizing paragraphs, introductions and conclusions, re-writing and proof-reading).
Part 2: elements of writing (argument and discussion, cause and effect, cohesion, comparison, examples, numbers, problems and solutions, style, visual information, working in groups).
Part 3: accuracy in writing and writing models (reports, case studies, literature reviews etc.)




01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


23.08.2024 - 31.07.2025


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Suzana Zegrea
  • Marika Toivonen
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Marjut Asunmaa
  • Virpi Rantanen
  • Kari Jokiranta
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK
Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning
- Ethics in studies and working life



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)


Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Knows how to apply for a job in Finland. Is able to plan their studies according to curriculum.

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


02.09.2024 - 15.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 30.04.2025


2 op


SeAMK International Business


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Päivi Uitti
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
  • IB24A
    Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • IB24B
    Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa)


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK
Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning
- Ethics in studies and working life


Material provided by the lecturer (in Moodle)


Lessons, visits, visiting lecturers

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Online participation possible, if needed.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

54 hours of student's work.
40 hours of lessons and visits, 14 hours of independent studies (=learning diary).



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)


Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Knows how to apply for a job in Finland. Is able to plan their studies according to curriculum.

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Participation in the lessons and visits (min 50%)
Learning diary


02.09.2024 - 05.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 23.02.2025


2 op


VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Jarmo Alarinta
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Sarita Ventelä
  • AFE24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering , full time studies


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK
Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning
- Ethics in studies and working life



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)


Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Knows how to apply for a job in Finland. Is able to plan their studies according to curriculum.

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


30.09.2024 - 20.10.2024


02.10.2024 - 31.05.2025


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Suzana Zegrea
  • Andres Mendez
  • Marjut Asunmaa
  • Terhi Voltti
  • Kari Jokiranta
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK
Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning
- Ethics in studies and working life


Teachers will provide the material
SeAMK intra and students' guides for studying at SeAMK


On site lectures, online studies

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1ects = 27 hours



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)


Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Knows how to apply for a job in Finland. Is able to plan their studies according to curriculum.

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


22.04.2024 - 18.08.2024


11.11.2024 - 25.05.2025


10 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Suzana Zegrea
  • Raila Kärnä
  • Sinikka Vainionpää
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


Students are able to contribute to development, innovation and research processes. They critically evaluate and use scientific publications in their Bachelor's Thesis. During the process and in Thesis students use evidence-based knowledge. Students present their Bachelor's Thesis. In the maturity test they analyse and evaluate the methods and contents of their Thesis.


Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis. Acting as an opponent to another student's Thesis. Bachelor's Thesis presentation.

Aika ja paikka

1. Bachelor´s Thesis Implementation and Report start (Kampus) 21.11.24
2. BT- workshop (Kampus) 12.12.24


SeAMK - intra, Opinnäytetyöohjeet
SeAMK -intra, Kirjallisten töiden ohjeet
Hoitotieteellinen kirjallisuus/artikkelit
Muu materiaali aiheen mukaan


Seminar days at Kampus, Independent and group work online

1. Bachelor´s Thesis Implementation and Report start (Kampus) 21.11.24
2. BT- workshop (Kampus) 12.12.24
3. BT- Theory seminar (Kampus)
4. BT - Method seminar (Kampus)
5. BT - Results seminar (Kampus)
6. Bachelor´s Thesis final seminar (Kampus)

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Kyspsyysnäyte keväällä 2025

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5op, 27h/op



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

SeAMK - intra opinnäytetöiden arviointikriteerien mukaisesti (1-5)


Bachelor's Thesis Plan


02.10.2024 - 26.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 28.09.2025


10 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Suzana Zegrea
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Students are able to contribute to development, innovation and research processes. They critically evaluate and use scientific publications in their Bachelor's Thesis. During the process and in Thesis students use evidence-based knowledge. Students present their Bachelor's Thesis. In the maturity test they analyse and evaluate the methods and contents of their Thesis.


Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis. Acting as an opponent to another student's Thesis. Bachelor's Thesis presentation.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

See Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for a Bachelor's Thesis


Bachelor's Thesis Plan


21.10.2024 - 16.03.2025


07.04.2025 - 31.12.2025


5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Minna Laitila
  • Leena Elenius
  • Johanna Soini
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to contribute to development, innovation and research processes in collaboration with working life. He/she can critically evaluate and use scientific publications in planning their Bachelor's Thesis.

The student knows how to search, locate, evaluate and use scholarly information in studies and working life. The student knows how to use databases of health sciences. The student knows how to use library and information services effectively.


Choosing the topic, defining the scope and writing a research plan for the Bachelor's Thesis. Collaboration with worklife representatives during the planning stage.

Library and information services. Information seeking process. Effective use of databases of health sciences.


SeAMK - intra, Opinnäytetyöohjeet
SeAMK -intra, Kirjalliste töiden ohjeet
Hoitotieteellinen kirjallisuus/artikkelit
Muu materiaali aiheen mukaan


Opinnäytetyön suunnitelma: Luennot ja seminaarit

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö 27h/1op

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Opinnäytetyön suunnitelma: 5 op (sisältää tiedonhankinnan).



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

See the Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for Bachelor's Thesis .

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Opinnäytetyön suunnitelma: hyväksytty/hylätty
Arviointi SeAMK - intran arviointikriteerien mukaisesti


Research and Development Methods

Information Seeking 1


01.10.2024 - 24.11.2024


18.11.2024 - 02.03.2025


5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Christopher Hudson
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Leena Elenius
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to contribute to development, innovation and research processes in collaboration with working life. He/she can critically evaluate and use scientific publications in planning their Bachelor's Thesis.

The student knows how to search, locate, evaluate and use scholarly information in studies and working life. The student knows how to use databases of health sciences. The student knows how to use library and information services effectively.


Choosing the topic, defining the scope and writing a research plan for the Bachelor's Thesis. Collaboration with worklife representatives during the planning stage.

Library and information services. Information seeking process. Effective use of databases of health sciences.


Opettajan osoittama materiaali.
Seamk:n opinnäytetyön viralliset ohjeet.


Itsenäinen opiskelu. Työpajat. Seminaarit koululla (Opinnäytetyön esittäminen ja opponenttina toimiminen).



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

See the Seinäjoki UAS assessment criteria for Bachelor's Thesis .


Research and Development Methods

Information Seeking 1


01.10.2024 - 12.01.2025


06.01.2025 - 28.02.2025


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Tiina Hemminki
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Prevention of infections and asepsis in nursing. Individual, family and resource-centered nursing, the effect of health and illness on the client's life. Student practices most common hand skills needed in nursing. Sustainable development in nursing. Need and function of nutrition in the organism during nutritional care, guidelines for healthy nutrition to prevent prevalent diseases, challenges in the nutrition of people of different ages. Documentation. The student knows how to use Finnish nutrition recommendations. The student can apply the infection prevention principles and explain why these principles are important in clinical nursing.


Under supervision the student practices:
Basics of clinical nursing, bedside testing. Need and function of nutrition in the organism during nutritional care, guidelines for healthy nutrition to prevent prevalent diseases, challenges in the nutrition of people of different ages. Statutory duties and safety guidelines for health care organizations, safe care environment, accidents.


Hemminki: Opettajan osoittama materiaali

Book:Essentials for Nursing Practice, ninth edition, 2019
Infection Prevention and Control; pages 235-266
Safety; pages 782-803
Hygiene; pages 812-850
Nutrition; pages 972-1000
Urinary Elimination; pages 1018-1046
Bowel Elimination; pages 1059-1083
Sleep; pages 917-937
Pain Management; pages 939-965
Spiritual Health; pages 578-595
Skin Integrity and Wound Care; pages 1100-1137
Informatics and Documentation; pages 157-176


Hemminki: Lähiopetus / verkko-opetus: Kirjalliset tehtävät

Matala-aho: verkko-opetus, itsenäiset tehtävät, koe

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Hemminki: Info 1h, lähiopetus 4h, itsenäinen opiskelu 8h



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- searches information required in individual situations in client-centered clinical nursing.
- demonstrates that he/she is able to some extent to use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- makes a difference between everyday knowledge and evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- follows instructions, is competent to work in individual client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- demonstrates that he/she knows the ethical principles for registered nurses in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to work as a member of a team and shares some of his/her knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is able to analyse his/ her strengths and development needs in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- searches various sources for information required in client-centered clinical nursing and actively familiarizes himself/ herself with the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- uses and applies evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to implement responsible and safe client-centered clinical nursing.
- at work, in client-centered clinical nursing, observes ethical principles for registered nurses.
- is competent to work as a member of a team, following the principles of client-centered clinical nursing and sharing knowledge.
- develops himself/herself and his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- searches various sources for information required in client-centered clinical nursing and is able to explain its use in client-centered clinical nursing.
- uses and applies evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to implement responsible and safe client-centered clinical nursing.
- can explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is able to solve tasks and problems in client-centered clinical nursing.
- can give reasons for his/her actions based on the ethical principles of registered nurses.
- is competent to work as a member of a team and shares his/her knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- systematically develops himself/herself and his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not know how to search information required in individual situations in client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not make a difference between everyday knowledge and evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not competent to work in individual client-centered clinical nursing situations even if instructed.
- cannot demonstrate awareness of the ethical principles for registered nurses in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not competent to work as a member of a team or to share knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is unable to analyse his/her strengths or development needs in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Kirjaaminen: Moodletehtävät ja kirjaamisharjoitus Doccassa

Exam (numerical evaluation1-5).


01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


23.08.2024 - 03.11.2024


4 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Meri Matala-Aho
  • Tiina Hemminki
  • Leena Arjanne
  • Pasi Alanen
  • Norbert Abamukong
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


- The student can prevent infections and understand the meaning of asepsis in nursing. The student can apply the infection prevention principles and explain why these principles are important in clinical nursing.
- The student understands the meaning of individual, family and resource-centered nursing, the effect of health and illness on the client's life. The student also understands the meaning of sustainable development in nursing.
- The student can practice most common hand skills needed in nursing. And students will be able to respond to the need for care using evidence-based nursing support methods.
- The student can assess the patient's need for treatment using appropriate clinical and physiological assessment and measurement methods.
- The student is able to take into account the need and function of nutrition in the organism during nutritional care, guidelines for healthy nutrition to prevent prevalent diseases, challenges in the nutrition of people of different ages. And the student understands how to use Finnish nutrition recommendations.
- The student can document the nursing plan and understand the meaning of the documentation.
- The student is able to document according to the national structured documentation model.


Under supervision the student practices:
- Infection control and asepsis in nursing.
- Individual- and family-centered nursing, resource-oriented nursing, the impact of health and illness on the life of the client.
- Assessment of care needs.
- Monitoring the patient's basic vital functions.
- Key nursing intervention methods.
- Special activities (urinary and bowel function)
- Skin and wound care.
- Pain management.
- Sleep management.
- In nutritional care, the need for and role of nutrients in the body, dietary recommendations for health promotion and prevention of common diseases, nutritional challenges of different age groups.
- Spirituality and culture in nursing.
- End of life care.
- Legal obligations and other guidelines on safety in the health care setting, e.g. how to deal with needlestick accidents and a safe care environment.
- National structured documentation model for nursing care.
- Basics of clinical nursing, bedside testing.
- Monitoring the patient's vital functions by using ABCDE-protocol and NEWS.


Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th edition, 2019.
Book:Essentials for Nursing Practice, ninth edition, 2019
Infection Prevention and Control; pages 235-266
Safety; pages 782-803
Hygiene; pages 812-850
Nutrition; pages 972-1000
Urinary Elimination; pages 1018-1046
Bowel Elimination; pages 1059-1083
Sleep; pages 917-937
Pain Management; pages 939-965
Spiritual Health; pages 578-595
Skin Integrity and Wound Care; pages 1100-1137
Informatics and Documentation; pages 157-176


Verkko-opetus, flipped learning, lähiopetus, yksilötehtävät, koe

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 opintopiste = 27 tuntia opiskelijalle

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Taitopajat ovat pakollisia.
Kurssi toteutetaan suomen- ja englannin kielellä



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- searches for information required in individual situations in client-centered clinical nursing.
- demonstrates that he/she is able to some extent to use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- makes a difference between everyday knowledge and evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- follows instructions, is competent to work in individual client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- demonstrates that he/she knows the ethical principles for registered nurses in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to work as a member of a team and shares some of his/her knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is able to analyze his/ her strengths and development needs in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- searches various sources for information required in client-centered clinical nursing and actively familiarizes himself/ herself with the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- uses and applies evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to implement responsible and safe client-centered clinical nursing.
- at work, in client-centered clinical nursing, observes ethical principles for registered nurses.
- is competent to work as a member of a team, following the principles of client-centered clinical nursing and sharing knowledge.
- develops himself/herself and his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- searches various sources for information required in client-centered clinical nursing and is able to explain its use in client-centered clinical nursing.
- uses and applies evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to implement responsible and safe client-centered clinical nursing.
- can explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is able to solve tasks and problems in client-centered clinical nursing.
- can give reasons for his/her actions based on the ethical principles of registered nurses.
- is competent to work as a member of a team and shares his/her knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- systematically develops himself/herself and his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not know how to search for information required in individual situations in client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not make a difference between everyday knowledge and evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not competent to work in individual client-centered clinical nursing situations even if instructed.
- cannot demonstrate awareness of the ethical principles for registered nurses in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not competent to work as a member of a team or to share knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is unable to analyse his/her strengths or development needs in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Kirjaaminen: Moodle tehtävät ja kirjaamisharjoitus Doccassa
Koe arvioidaan numeerisesti 1-5.


01.10.2024 - 21.10.2024


03.10.2024 - 10.11.2024


1 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Raila Kärnä
  • Terhi Voltti
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Professional behavior and interaction. Co-operation skills. Working in pairs and groups.
Demonstrating hand skills in basics of clinical nursing.
Sharing his/ her knowledge of the basic care of the patient


Prevention of infections and asepsis in nursing.
Assessment of nursing needs.
Demonstrates competencies in most common hand skills needed in nursing:
Taking care of patient's hygiene
Rehabilitation in nursing
Urine Catheterization male/ female, intermitted/ single
Manual and automatic blood pressure measurement
The use of feeding tubes
Administering oxygen, suctions


Material given by the teacher


Group work in the laboratory class

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 ECTS = 27h of student work


Fail (0)
The student
is not able to use co-operation skills
does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in patients' basics care
does not follow aseptical rules in patient care

Sisällön jaksotus

Independent reading and studying
2. Skills test
3. Reflection, peer reflection



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail (0)
The student
is not able to use co-operation skills
does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in patients' basics care
does not follow aseptical rules in patient care

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Participation in Skills test
Reflection and peer reflection

Hylätty (0)

The student
is not able to use co-operation skills
does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in patients' basics care
does not follow aseptical rules in patient care


02.10.2024 - 01.12.2024


25.11.2024 - 12.01.2025


1 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Raila Kärnä
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student
- demonstrates that he/ she is familiar with the knowledge foundation and core contents of safe drug and fluid care.
- has adequate knowledge to act safely in various situations that are related to medication and fluid care.
- works with a client-centered approach in implementing drug and fluid care.
- is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care.
- shares his/ her drug and fluid care competence with other members of the group.


- information seeking about safe medication and fluid care from various sources and use the knowledge to implement drug and fluid care
- dividing the tablets into dosage cups
- injections
- start fluid infusion.
- administer infusion concentrates safely.
- make drug dilutions.
- the safety and ethical principles defined for drug and fluid care implemented by registered nurses.
- drug and fluid care competence with other members of the group.


Opettajan ilmoittama materiaali


Itsenäinen opiskelu

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 op = 27h opiskelijan työtä


Fail (0)
The student
does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in safe drug and fluid care
applies medication and fluid care knowledge incorrectly
does not approach to safe drug and fluid care client-centered
does not adequately observe safety and ethical principles for registered nurses when implementing drug and fluid care
fails in drug calculations



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail (0)
The student
does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in safe drug and fluid care
applies medication and fluid care knowledge incorrectly
does not approach to safe drug and fluid care client-centered
does not adequately observe safety and ethical principles for registered nurses when implementing drug and fluid care
fails in drug calculations

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Vaadittujen suoritusten hyväksytty suorittaminen


01.10.2024 - 02.02.2025


10.02.2025 - 13.04.2025


1 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • Raila Kärnä
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Team work, multi-professional co-operation.
Professional actions in acute situations in hospital care.
Most typical ALS situations.


Basic First Aid
Monitoring the patient's vital functions by using ABCDE-protocol and NEWS.
Advanced Life Support
Different care situations for most common medical, surgical, cardiac, respiratory and neurological acute and critically ill patients.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail (0)
The student
is not able to use co-operation skills
does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in patients' advanced life support
does not follow aseptical rules in patient care
does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in patient's acute care


17.03.2025 - 20.04.2025


28.04.2025 - 25.05.2025


7 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Rn Nimeämätön
  • Marjut Asunmaa
  • Terhi Voltti
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student
- focuses in adapting Finnish nursing culture and registered nurse's responsibilities in it.
- with the help of supervisor communicates in multi-professional teams and in patient care.
-implements multi-professional nursing care for medical, surgical, perioperative, gynaecological patients or patients in out-patient clinics while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting.
- maintains patient safety
- knows how to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin from different cultural backgrounds and how to support them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
- plans, implements and evaluates nursing interventions for nursing of out-patient clinics or surgical, perioperative and/or gynaecological patients and their next-of-kin facing common health changes and/or problems.
- practices nursing documentation and oral reporting in English and in Finnish
- uses evidence-based nursing interventions to help, support and counsel patients in outpatient clinics, surgical, medical, perioperative or gynaecological nursing environments.
- is competent in common clinical nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of nursing in outpatient clinics or surgical, medical, perioperative or gynaecological patients' comprehensive care.
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate drug and fluid care and blood transfusions for adult patients.
- is able to implement nutritional care.
- knows how to support and promote patients in out-patient care or surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients' and their next-of-kin's health and ability to function and rehabilitation.
- knows how to counsel and support patients and their next-of-kin in self-care.
- knows how to counsel patients before and after common clinical and radiological examinations.
- observes asepsis and is able to explain why this is important in the care of nursing in outpatient clinics or surgical, medical, perioperative or gynaecological patients.


Practical training in clinical nursing placements, which allow students to practice nursing of out-patient clinics or in medical, surgical, perioperative or gynaecological nursing. eDrug Care Certificate. Writing and presenting an assignment. Competence test.


clinical training



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- does not try to comminicate in Finnish.
- is not interested of Finnish nursing culture and does not seek opportunities to learn of it.
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making.
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession.
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

clinical training


04.03.2024 - 31.05.2024


23.09.2024 - 08.12.2024


14 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • Minna Laitila
  • Niina Keskinen
  • Virpi Rantanen
  • Tiina Koskela
  • RN21
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student
- understands that a client-centered approach, nursing ethics and professionalism form the foundation of the nurse's work.
- bases his/her actions and decisions on evidence.
- understands how the promotion of health and functional capacity are both the starting point and the goal of the nurse's work.
- evaluates and develops clinical nursing, teaching and counselling from the perspective of future competence requirements.
- is able to act and prioritize in nursing situations that involve multiple simultaneous problems.
- knows how to work in multidisciplinary, multicultural and multi-professional health and social services, while taking into account current development strategies in the setting.
- knows how to act as an expert in multidisciplinary, multicultural and multi-professional work groups, teams and networks.
- is able to manage work groups and teams.
- makes use of eHealth, health technology and digital services in nursing.
- promotes data security and patient safety.
- is able to evaluate and develop the quality of nursing.


Practical training in clinical nursing settings that allow the student to practice advanced nursing expertise. The eDrug Care Certificate. Assignments.


Harjoittelutehtäviin liittyvä materiaali


Hoitotyön kliininen harjoittelu

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Opiskelijan harjoittelussa tehtävä tuntimäärä: 37h/viikko x 9 viikkoa = 333h
14op = 378h
45h harjoitteluun orientoitumiselle, tehtäville, harjoittelun infolle, ja harjoittelun reflektiolle ja yle sh kokeeseen



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- demonstrates no understanding of the role of nursing scientific knowledge in decision-making.
- does not know nursing scientific concepts, their meaning or connection to the practice of nursing.
- does not know how to seek information in the most important health science databases.
- learning assignments are lacking in relation to the instructions, with major errors in the referencing system.
- his/her work is unplanned and of poor quality.
- presentations on learning assignments are inadequate or he/ she fails to give the presentations.
- has a limited understanding of the concept of peer feedback, or completely fails to give feedback.
- is passive in seminars, with little or no contribution.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Harjoittelun ja siihen liittyvien tehtävien suorittaminen


All previous theoretical studies passed
All previous clinical training periods passed


The student has a possibility to do this training abroad as part of student exchange.
The student has a possibility to do this training partially as part of his/ her own nursing work after the third academic year if the student has a work contract as registered nurse. The student must take contact to his/ her student counselor and discuss about this possibility.

In these clinical training environments there may also be under-aged patients. Therefore, the student must show criminal record certificate before starting this training.
The criminal record certificate is shown to Head of DP in Nursing two weeks before the training starts.


26.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


06.01.2025 - 01.06.2025


6 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Tiina Koskela
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student
- implements multi-professional nursing care for medical, surgical, perioperative, gynaecological patients or patients in out-patient clinics or in acute care settings while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting.
- knows how to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin from different cultural backgrounds and how to support them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
- plans, implements and evaluates nursing interventions for nursing of acute care settings, out-patient clinics or medical, surgical, perioperative and/or gynaecological patients and their next-of-kin facing common health changes and/or problems.
- is competent in nursing documentation and oral reporting.
- is competent in clinical examinations.
- is competent in using nursing protocols that support the care of the patient.
- uses evidence-based nursing interventions to help, support and counsel patients in acute care, outpatient clinics, medical, surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients and their next-of-kin.
- is competent in common clinical nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of nursing in acute care, outpatient clinics or nursing of surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients' comprehensive care.
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate drug and fluid care and blood transfusions for adult patients in acute care or in out-patient care as well as in medical, surgical, perioperative or gynaecological care settings.
- is able to implement nutritional care.
- knows how to support and promote patients of out-patient clinics or surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients' and their next-of-kin's health and ability to function and rehabilitation.
- knows how to counsel and support patients and their next-of-kin in self-care and in health education.
- knows how to counsel patients before and after common clinical and radiological examinations.
- observes asepsis and is able to explain why this is important in the care of nursing in acute care, outpatient clinics or medical, surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients.


Practical training in clinical nursing placements, which allow students to practice nursing of acute care, out-patient clinics or in medical, surgical, perioperative or gynaecological nursing. eDrug Care Certificate. Writing and presenting an assignment.




Clinical training

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 ects means 27h of student work = 162h
35h/week + independent work and reflection



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centred clinical nursing
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centred clinical nursing
- does not adequately use a client-centred approach or observe patient safety in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centred clinical nursing
- does not follow Finnish working life rules

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Approved completion of the training
Self-assessment in Workseed
Writing and presenting an assignment.
Reflection of the training

Hylätty (0)

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centred clinical nursing
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centred clinical nursing
- does not adequately use a client-centred approach or observe patient safety in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centred clinical nursing
- does not follow Finnish working life rules


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Medication management and drug calculations
Medication and fluid care I-II

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


It is possible that in these clinical training environments may also be under-aged patients. Therefore, the student must show criminal record certificate before starting this training.
The criminal record certification is shown to Head of DP in Nursing two weeks before training starts.


22.04.2024 - 11.05.2025


01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025


5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Marjut Asunmaa
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student deepens his/ her nursing competencies. The student is part of the working community and understands the Finnish working life. Works with collegial manners. The student shows professionalism and ethicality in nursing. The student searches information and uses evidence based information and is competent to share his/ her knowledge to colleagues.


Practical training in clinical nursing environment after the second academic year. The student deepens his/ her competencies in clinical nursing, nursing ethics, evidence based knowledge and critical thinking.
The student practices in a nursing environment where he/ she already has theoretical background. Written assignment.


All previous nursing material.
Surgical nursing, medical nursing, medication and fluid care.


Clinical training in free choice nursing environment.

Info lesson on teams Wednesday 21.8.24 at 10.00. Link sent via email.
Please check the slides:

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Clinical training in free choice nursing environment.


This clinical training is possible to do as part of your international student exchange.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

There are different options to do this clinical training:

1. Book your place from jobiili, discuss with study counselor and tutor teacher, when it is suitable time to do this clinical training

2. Opinnollistaminen, you can apply for opinnollistaminen and do this clinical training in your own nursing work. Apply opinnollistaminen normally in intra. Before doing this, discuss with your tutor teacher.

3. You can do this clinical training abroad as part of your exchange (student mobility). Discuss about this option with study counselor and teacher Raila Kärnä and contact international office.

4. If you have work experience as practical nurse or from the field of social and health care you can apply for recognition. Discuss about this option with study counselor.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 ECTS = 135 hours of clinical training



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centred clinical nursing
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centred clinical nursing
- does not adequately use a client-centred approach or observe patient safety in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centred clinical nursing
- does not follow Finnish working life rules


Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


The student can do this training in the second year after completing project studies.
The student has a possibility to do this training abroad as part of student exchange.
The student has a possibility to do this training as part of his/ her own nursing work after the second academic year. The student must contact the student counselor and discuss about this possibility.

It is possible that in these clinical training environments may also be under-aged patients. Therefore, the student must show criminal record certificate before starting this training.
The criminal record certification is shown to Head of DP in Nursing two weeks before training starts.


01.08.2024 - 29.05.2025


01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025


5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sinikka Vainionpää
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student deepens his/ her nursing competencies. The student is part of the working community and understands the Finnish working life, as well as works with collegial manners. The student shows professionalism and ethicality in nursing. The student searches information and uses evidence-based information and is competent to share his/ her knowledge to colleagues.
The student uses his/ her competencies as a registered nurse. The student is able to plan his/ her career as a registered nurse and uses guidance for that.


Practical training in clinical nursing environment in the third academic year. The student deepens his/ her competencies in clinical nursing, nursing ethics, evidence-based knowledge and critical thinking.
The student practices in a nursing environment where he/she already has theoretical background. Written assignment.


All previous material used in the studies
Patient care, surgical, medical nursing, acute care nursing. Medication and fluid care


Clinical training in nursing environment

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Clinical training in nursing environment.


Possibility to do this clinical training as part of your exchange.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

There are different options to do this clinical training:

1. Book your place from jobiili, discuss with study counselor and tutor teacher, when it is suitable time to do this clinical training

2. Opinnollistaminen, you can apply for opinnollistaminen and do this clinical training in your own nursing work. Apply opinnollistaminen normally in intra. Before doing this, discuss with your tutor teacher.

3. You can do this clinical training abroad as part of your exchange (student mobility). Discuss about this option with study counselor and teacher Raila Kärnä and contact international office.

4. If you have work experience as practical nurse or from the field of social and health care you can apply for recognition. Discuss about this option with study counselor.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 ECTS = 135 hours of clinical training.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Clinical training coordinators don't seek training places for this training. The students must find it by themselves. You can use jobiili.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing
- does not follow Finnish working life rules


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-IV
Medication management and drug calculations
Medication and fluid care I-II

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing
Clinical training in mental health nursing


The student has a possibility to do this training abroad as part of student exchange.
The student has a possibility to do this training as part of his/ her own nursing work after the third academic year. The student must contact the student counselor and discuss about this possibility.

It is possible that in these clinical training environments may also be under-aged patients. Therefore, the student must show criminal record certificate before starting this training.
The criminal record certification is shown to Head of DP in Nursing two weeks before training starts.


25.03.2024 - 18.08.2024


07.10.2024 - 09.02.2025


7 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sinikka Vainionpää
  • Virpi Rantanen
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student
- implements multi-professional nursing care for aged patients while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting.
- knows how to assess the resources of patients and next-of-kin from different cultural backgrounds and knows how to support them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
- plans, implements and evaluates nursing interventions for aged patients and their next-of-kin facing common health changes and/or problems and/or crises medical conditions and/or disability and end of life.
- is competent in documentation and practices oral reporting.
- uses evidence-based interventions developed for medical conditions, infectious diseases, gerontological and dementia nursing care to help, support and counsel patients and their next-of-kin.
- is competent in common nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of aged patients' total care.
- knows how to safely plan, implement and evaluate drug and fluid care for adult and aged patients.
- knows how to implement nutritional care.
- knows how to support and promote aged patients' and their next-of-kin health and ability to function.
- is able to help and support patients and their next-of-kin in palliative and end-of-life nursing situations.
- is able to counsel and support patients and their next-of-kin in self-care and rehabilitation.
- is able to counsel patients before and after clinical examinations.
- observes asepsis and is able to explain why this is important in the care of aged patients.


Practical training in clinical nursing environment where it is possible to practice the care, rehabilitation and medical conditions of aged patients/ clients. The student takes into consideration the nursing process of an aged patient/ client and utilizes his/ her theoretical and evidence based knowledge.

Aika ja paikka

1. Training info / harjoitteluinfo (online tai koululla) 1 2h
- training path 1 vko 42-45 14.10.2024 - 10.11.2024 28 x 8h
- training path 2 and 3 vko 46-49 11.11.2024 - 08.12.2024 28 x 8h


Literature according to Gerontological theory studies


Supervised training
Reflection of the training

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Student´s study time: 27h/1cr



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot adequately explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making.
- does not adequately take into account the safety or the ethical principles of the profession.
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately familiar with or does not know how to use gerontological nursing concepts.
- uses the nursing scientific knowledge base narrowly and is not adequately familiar with sources of information in gerontological nursing.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Pass / Failed
Approved completion of the training
Filling in the eMedicine passport
Self-assessment in Workseed


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-II
Drug calculations

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing


25.03.2024 - 18.08.2024


07.10.2024 - 09.02.2025


7 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Hanna Keski-Saari
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Sinikka Vainionpää
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student
- implements multi-professional nursing care for long term ill and aged patients while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting.
- knows how to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin from different cultural backgrounds and knows how to support them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
- plans, implements and evaluates nursing interventions for long term ill and aged patients and their next-of-kin facing common health changes and/or problems and/or crises medical conditions and/or disability and end of life.
- is competent in documentation and oral reporting.
- uses evidence-based interventions developed for medical conditions, infectious diseases to help, support and counsel patients and their next-of-kin.
- is competent in common nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of long term ill patients' comprehensive care.
- knows how to safely plan, implement and evaluate drug and fluid care and blood transfusions for adult and aged patients.
- knows how to implement nutritional care.
- knows how to support and promote long term ill and aged patients' and their next-of-kin's health and ability to function.
- is able to help and support patients and their next-of-kin in palliative and end-of-life nursing situations.
- is able to counsel and support patients and their next-of-kin in self-care and rehabilitation.
- is able to counsel patients before and after clinical examinations.
- observes asepsis and is able to explain why this is important in the care of long term ill patients.


Practical training in settings which allow students to practice nursing long term ill patients. eDrug Care Certificate. Writing and presentation of an assignment.


Opettajan erikseen ilmoittama materiaali.


Ohjattu harjoittelu
Harjoittelun reflektio

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op tarkoittaa 27h opiskelijan työtä = 189h.
35h/vk + itsenäinen työskentely ja reflektio


Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot adequately explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making.
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession.
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately familiar with or does not know how to use gerontological and medical nursing concepts.
- uses the nursing scientific knowledge base narrowly and is not adequately familiar with sources of information in gerontological or in medical nursing.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot adequately explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making.
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession.
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately familiar with or does not know how to use gerontological and medical nursing concepts.
- uses the nursing scientific knowledge base narrowly and is not adequately familiar with sources of information in gerontological or in medical nursing.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Harjoittelun hyväksytty suorittaminen
Tuntilistan palauttaminen
Sähköisen lääkehoitopassin täyttäminen
Itsearviointi Workseedissä
Harjoittelun tehtävän hyväksytty suorittaminen


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-II
Drug calculations

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing


25.03.2024 - 18.08.2024


07.10.2024 - 03.11.2024


6 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Minna Laitila
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student
- is able to implement multi-professional mental health nursing while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting.
- knows how to assess the resources of mental health patients and families from different cultural backgrounds and how to support them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
- plans, implements and evaluates interventions for mental health clients/patients and their families, who face common health changes and/or problems and/or crises.
- is competent in documentation and oral reporting.
- uses evidence-based interventions to help, support and counsel mental health clients/ patients and family members.
- knows how to plan and safely implement and evaluate drug care for mental health clients/patients.
- knows how to support and promote mental health patients' and families' health and ability to function.
- is able to counsel and support patients and families in self-care.


Practical training in clinical nursing environment that allows training in mental health nursing settings. Electronic Drug Care Certificate. Assignments.


Opettajan ohjeistama materiaali


Ohjattu harjoittelu kliininen harjoittelu
Harjoittelun info ja reflektio

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op = 27h opiskelijan työtä



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making.
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession.
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.
- does not participate in evaluation discussion

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Harjoittelun ja siihen liittyvien tehtävien suorittaminen


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Medication management and drug calculations
Medication and fluid care I

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


It is possible that in these clinical training environments may also be under-aged patients. Therefore, the student must show criminal record certificate before starting this training.
The criminal record certification is shown to Head of DP in Nursing two weeks before training starts.


25.03.2024 - 18.08.2024


07.10.2024 - 09.02.2025


7 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Hanna Keski-Saari
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Sinikka Vainionpää
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student
-implements multi-professional nursing care for medical, surgical, perioperative, gynaecological patients or patients in out-patient clinics while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting.
- knows how to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin from different cultural backgrounds and how to support them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
- plans, implements and evaluates nursing interventions for nursing of out-patient clinics or surgical, perioperative and/or gynaecological patients and their next-of-kin facing common health changes and/or problems.
- is competent in nursing documentation and practices oral reporting.
- uses evidence-based nursing interventions to help, support and counsel patients in outpatient clinics, surgical, perioperative or gynaecological nursing environments.
- is competent in common clinical nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of nursing in outpatient clinics or surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients' comprehensive care.
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate drug and fluid care and blood transfusions for adult patients.
- is able to implement nutritional care.
- knows how to support and promote patients in out-patient care or surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients' and their next-of-kin's health and ability to function and rehabilitation.
- knows how to counsel and support patients and their next-of-kin in self-care.
- knows how to counsel patients before and after common clinical and radiological examinations.
- observes asepsis and is able to explain why this is important in the care of nursing in outpatient clinics or surgical, perioperative or gynaecological patients.


Practical training in clinical nursing placements, which allow students to practice nursing of out-patient clinics or in medical, surgical, perioperative or gynaecological nursing. eDrug Care Certificate. Writing and presenting an assignment. Competence test.


Opettajan erikseen ilmoittama materiaali.


Ohjattu harjoittelu

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 op tarkoittaa 27 h opiskelijan työtä = 189h
35h/vk + itsenäinen työskentely ja reflektio


Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centred clinical nursing
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centred clinical nursing
- does not adequately use a client-centred approach or observe patient safety in client-centred clinical nursing
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centred clinical nursing
- does not follow Finnish working life rules



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making.
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession.
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Harjoittelun hyväksytty suorittaminen
Sähköisen lääkehoitopassin täyttäminen
Itsearviointi Workseedissä
harjoittelun reflektio


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-II
Drug calculations

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing


01.10.2024 - 03.11.2024


11.11.2024 - 26.01.2025


7 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Rn Nimeämätön
  • Terhi Voltti
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student
- orientates to Finnish nursing culture and Finnish working life - uses basics of Finnish language in communication with professionals and patients
- with the help of supervisor, orientates to use structured documentation by using structured classification.
- is able to apply the principles of preventing infections and explain why this is important in clinical nursing.
- uses evidence-based methods to plan, implement and evaluate nursing interventions in Finnish nursing culture.
- can assess needs for care and report them to clinical supervisor
- orientates to use Finnish nutritional guidelines as part of patient care
- understands the principles of safety management and sustainable development, and is aware of his/her responsibility in promoting these principles at the workplace.
- can evaluate his/her professional competence critically from the perspectives of strengths and development needs.


Practical training in clinical nursing settings which allow students to practice basic client-centered clinical nursing. Writing and presenting an assignment. eDrug Care Certificate.




25.03.2024 - 20.10.2024


04.11.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

1 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Pasi Alanen
  • Tiina Koskela
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student applies legislation, ethical guidelines and principles in critical care. The student knows the structure of the service provision system, the collaborating authorities and typical service pathways for various client groups in critical care. The student knows the principals in health promotion in critical care. The student becomes competent in identifying the needs of patients and their next-of-kin, as well as in planning, implementing, evaluating and documenting critical care. The student is able to assess patient’s need of care in emergency but also in intensive care. The student safely administers drugs and fluids and follows fluid balance and nutritional status of patients in intensive care. The student is familiar to give oral and written reports and to consult. The student also becomes competent in dealing with patient and his/ her next-of-kin in various life situations and supports the patient and his/ her next-of kin in crisis. The student becomes familiar with the principles of patient-oriented, resource-based and multi-professional nursing of patients and their next-of-kin. The student utilizes information and nursing technology and equipment. The student is able to maintain patient safety and work safety in critical care nursing. The student works in a manner of sustainable development.


Care and service provision system for critically ill adult patients, ICU as care environment, main concepts and different care situations for most common medical, surgical, cardiac, respiratory and neurological critically ill patients.

Student practices: Basic care for adult patients in Intensive Care Unit. Emergency and intensive care for trauma patient. Invasive ventilation care in emergency and in intensive care. Assessment of critically ill patients by using cABCDEF-protocol, monitoring critically ill patients, planning and implementation of nursing care. Securing patient´s vital functions in critical care. Reporting and consulting by using ISBAR-protocol.
Nursing interventions: medication and fluid care, nutrition and most common laboratory and radiation examinations for critically ill medical, surgical and respiratory patients. Blood gas analyzes. Care of a septic shock patient. Care of a hypovolemic shock patient.The care of the patient in most common drug intoxications. Student understands the meaning of multi-professional co-operation in emergency and in critical care. The work of a trauma-team and MET. Written and oral information and documentation in nursing for critically ill patients. Sustainable development in critical care nursing.
Drug calculations are tested


Tarkemmin opintojakson Moodlessa


Luennot kontaktissa, osa luennoista Moodlessa.
Itsenäinen opiskelu Moodlessa.
Opintojakson luennot on nauhoitettu ja Moodlessa on aihepiiriin liittyviä tehtäviä.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tentti koululla valvotusti SeAMK Kampustalolla.
Lääkelaskut tulee suorittaa taitopajassa tai simulaatiossa. Tämän jälkeen voi uusia examissa.
Opiskelija osallistuu taitopajaan ja simulaatioon oman ryhmänsä mukana

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Kontaktiluennot syksyllä 2024

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op on 27h opiskelijan työtä

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Sisätaudit, kirurgia ja lääke- ja nestehoito tulee olla suoritettuna opintojaksolle osallistuessa.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- is able to describe some elements in the care and service provision system for critically ill patients, including collaboration between authorities.
- under supervision, recognizes changes and problems in vital functions and knows how to carry out nursing interventions to help patients in most common critical care situations.
- under supervision, is competent to plan and carry out safely intravenous fluid and drug care for critically ill patients.
- under supervision, is competent to apply nursing technology and to give reports and to consult team members in critical care.
- under supervision, documents the critical care.
- under supervision, is competent to encounter critically ill patients and their next-of-kin.
- under supervision, knows how to counsel and how to promote health for critically ill patients and their next-of-kin.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- is able to describe the care and service provision system for critically ill patients, including collaboration between authorities.
- recognizes changes and problems in vital functions and knows how to carry out nursing interventions to help patients in most common critical situations.
- is competent to plan and carry out safely intravenous fluid and drug care for critically ill patients and to evaluate the effectiveness of the care.
- is competent to apply nursing technology and to give reports, as well as to consult team members in critical care.
- is competent to document critical care.
- is competent to encounter critically ill patients and their next-of-kin professionally and works empathically.
- knows how to counsel critically ill patients and how to promote health for critically ill patients and their next-of-kin.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- is able to describe the structure of the care and service provision system for critically ill patients, including collaboration between authorities.
- is competent to follow nursing protocols and recognizes independently the changes and problems in vital functions and implements appropriate nursing interventions.
- knows how to carry out nursing interventions to help patients in most common critical situations and independently evaluates the effectiveness of the care.
- is competent to plan and carry out safely intravenous fluid and drug care for critically ill patients and to evaluate the effectiveness of the care.
- is competent to apply nursing technology, give reports, and consult team members in critical care.
- is competent to document critical care.
- is competent to encounter critically ill patients and their next-of-kin professionally and uses empathy to support them.
- is competent to counsel critically ill patients and knows how to promote health for critically ill patients and their next-of-kin.
- is competent to support the patient and his/her next-of-kin in crisis situations.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- is not able to describe the structure of the care and service provision system for critically ill patients or the collaboration between authorities.
- does not know how to meet basic needs of critically ill patients.
- skills and knowledge of critical care nursing are lacking and patient safety and/ or work safety is jeopardized.
- does not recognize changes in patient's vital functions.
- does not know any nursing interventions to promote care of critically ill patients.
- does not fully observe asepsis.
- repeatedly makes mistakes in drug and fluid care.
- avoids nursing and learning situations.
- does not respect confidentiality.
- collaboration skills are poor.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Tehtävien suorittaminen
aktiivinen osallistuminen


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Medication and Fluid Care Competencies

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


04.03.2024 - 31.05.2024


19.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Hanna Keski-Saari
  • Virpi Rantanen
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • RN21
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student understands that the promotion of health and functional capacity are both the starting point and the goal of the work. To prepare himself/ herself for future requirements in nursing, he/she evaluates and develops holistic clinical nursing competences as well as teaching and counselling competences. The student knows how to work in multi-disciplinary and multi-professional settings in health and social services, paying attention to current development strategies. The student is able to act and prioritize in nursing situations, which involve multiple simultaneous problems. The student is able to work as an expert of nursing in multi-disciplinary and multi-professional work groups, teams and networks. The student knows how to manage work groups and teams. The student applies e-Health, health technology and digital services while ensuring data security and patient safety. The student evaluates and develops the quality of nursing.


Deepening expertise in evidence-based clinical nursing, guidance and counselling. Developing the quality and safety of multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural and multi-professional health and social services. Future development strategies for health and social services and for the management of the services. The challenge of e-Health, health technology and digital services in nursing.

Student participates in national registered nurse's exam
Drug calculations are tested


Material specifically allocated by teachers.


This course is for those, who do their advancing in English

Study visits
Independent study

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

To be agreed separately

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus




Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the nursing scientific database
- uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/ her actions
- is capable of solving tasks and problems in nursing
- is capable of professional, ethical and safe nursing practice
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- is able to develop himself/ herself professionally

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses nursing scientific concepts and evidence-based nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in the development of nursing
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe nursing practice
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in nursing
- evaluates nursing actions and safety in relation to the principles of professional ethics
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the working community and the nursing practice

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates that he/ she masters the nursing scientific knowledge base and applies it as an expert to develop evidence-based nursing
- independently seeks and critically evaluates international evidence-based knowledge
- anticipates needs and applies the professional competence and is capable of independent decision-making in various nursing situations and settings
- takes into account the the client's/patient's entire care and service process
- creates innovative and alternative solutions in decision-making in nursing to develop evidence-based nursing
- develops nursing practice, ethics and safety
- develops the work as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the profession, working community and the nursing practice with a career-oriented approach

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the nursing scientific knowledge base
- cannot adequately explain the nursing actions
- is not adequately capable of applying their professional competence to nursing practice
- does not adequately follow a client-centred approach or observe patient safety
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not take into account safety and ethical principles of the profession
- does not adequately contribute to the development of nursing

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Exam, numerical assessment

Hylätty (0)

The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the nursing scientific knowledge base
- cannot adequately explain the nursing actions
- is not adequately capable of applying their professional competence to nursing practice
- does not adequately follow a client-centred approach or observe patient safety
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not take into account safety and ethical principles of the profession
- does not adequately contribute to the development of nursing

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student
- uses the nursing scientific database
- uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/ her actions
- is capable of solving tasks and problems in nursing
- is capable of professional, ethical and safe nursing practice
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- is able to develop himself/ herself professionally

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student
- competently and extensively uses nursing scientific concepts and evidence-based nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in the development of nursing
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe nursing practice
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in nursing
- evaluates nursing actions and safety in relation to the principles of professional ethics
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the working community and the nursing practice

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates that he/ she masters the nursing scientific knowledge base and applies it as an expert to develop evidence-based nursing
- independently seeks and critically evaluates international evidence-based knowledge
- anticipates needs and applies the professional competence and is capable of independent decision-making in various nursing situations and settings
- takes into account the the client's/patient's entire care and service process
- creates innovative and alternative solutions in decision-making in nursing to develop evidence-based nursing
- develops nursing practice, ethics and safety
- develops the work as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the profession, working community and the nursing practice with a career-oriented approach


The student must have passed all Modules in Registered Nurse's core competencies
Clinical trainings


21.10.2024 - 26.01.2025


02.12.2024 - 20.04.2025


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Marika Toivonen
  • Katriina Kuhalampi
  • Sh1kl Nimeämätön
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student knows the stages of the laboratory process and is able to guide the patient in the most common clinical trials. The student is able to take the ECG and most common blood and urine samples. The student is familiar with the basics of analytics, as well as basic clinical chemistry, hematology, physiology and microbiology studies.

The student knows the most important radiation safety issues related to medical radiation use. The student knows how to prepare and guide the patient for the most important radiological examinations: X-ray examinations, ultrasound examinations, MRI examinations and radiological interventions.


Clinical examinations: Laboratory process, blood and urine sampling, and Point of Care Tests. Basic examinations in clinical chemistry, hematology, physiology and microbiology.
Radiation Safety and Radiological Examinations: X-ray and basic information about biological effects of radiation, radiation safety in Finland and most common radiological examinations.


Clinical Examinations
- Teacher's material at Moodle

Radiation safety and radiological examinatios:
all materials is at Moodle.


Clinical Examinations 2cr
- lessons
- lab skills
- Moodle exam
- individual task
- exam at Exam room.

Radiation safety and radiological examinatios 1cr
-contact lessons
-individual task

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Clinical Examinations 2cr:
- info 2h
- question times 8 h
- lab skills 4 h
- Moodle exam 1 h
- Exam at Exam room 2 h
- Independent studies 37h

Radiation safety and radiological examinatios
-lessons 6 h
-Independent studies 7 h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Avoimen AMK:n opiskelijalta edellytetään aikaisempaa osaamista hoitotyöstä ja opintojakso on tarkoitettu siltakoulutukseksi EU/ETA maiden ulkopuolella valmistuneille sairaanhoitajille.

Open University student must have previous knowledge of nursing and course is meant as bridging education for nurse, who is educated outside EU/ETA area.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student is able to make some use of radiation legislation related to medical radiation use and issues related to radiation protection in nursing.
The student is able to describe briefly how he / she guides the patient in some key radiological examinations.
The student is able to distinguish the most important radiation-damaging examinations from other studies.
The student understands the most important risk factors related to magnetic examinations.

The student knows the role of the nurse in the laboratory process and in obtaining reliable laboratory results.
The student is able to guide the patient to various laboratory tests.
The student knows the basics of analytics.
The student is familiar with clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology and physiology studies.
The student is able to take different blood and urine samples as well as the EKG- film.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3- 4
The student is able to utilize radiation legislation related to medical radiation use and issues related to radiation protection in nursing.
The student is able to describe how he/she prepares and directs the patient in the most important radiological examinations.
The student is able to distinguish radiation-related studies from other studies as a rule, and to understand the risk factors associated with magnetic investigation.

The student understands the role of the nurse in the laboratory process and in obtaining reliable laboratory results and is able to apply the knowledge in practice.
The student is able to guide the patient to various laboratory tests, knowing the reasons for the respective case.
The student knows the basics of different analytics and knows how to apply them in his/her activities.
The student is familiar with key clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology, and physiology studies and is able to utilize the knowledge to guide the patient.
The student is able to control different types of blood and urine samples and EKG- film and is able to justify his/her actions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student is able to apply radiation legislation related to medical radiation use and issues related to radiation protection in nursing.
The student can reasonably describe how he / she prepares and guides the patient in all important radiological examinations.
The student can critically justify and distinguish radiation-sensitive studies from other studies.
The student understands the risk factors related to magnetic investigation, partly applying them in nursing.

The student masters the role of the nurse in the laboratory process and in obtaining reliable laboratory results.
Student patient guidance for various laboratory tests is smooth and justified.
The student is able to do high-quality analytics independently.
The student masters the essential clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology and physiology studies and understands their importance in patient care.
The student is able to control the taking of blood and urine specimens of different grades and the heart film independently, justifying their actions.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student does not master the essential issues of radiation legislation and radiation protection related to nursing.
The student is not able to describe the guidance and preparation of the patient coming to radiological / clinical studies or the description is fundamentally inadequate.
The student is unable to distinguish between radiation-sensitive studies and other studies.
The student does not know the risk factors of magnetic research.
Patient safety is compromised during the student's activities.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Clinical Examinations
- Moodle exam 50% (1-5)
- exam at Exam room 50% (1-5)
- Individual task Passed
- Lab skills Passed

Radiation safety and radiological examinatios
-be at lessons, 80 % obligatory
-reflektion task: passed


01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


23.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Anne Isoniemi
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student behaves and works according to high-quality ethical principles in learning and working environments. The student analyses ethical values, principles and norms and develops ethical thinking. The student bases his/ her actions as a nurse on ethical decisions. The student knows how to observe ethical principles in his/ her actions. The student observes professional norms and the patient's rights. The student understands the client's rights and involvement in care.


Ethical development, values, norms and principles. Ethical decision-making in nursing. The nurse's rights and duties. The patient's rights. Ethical principles in nursing.


Ellis, P. 2018. Understanding Ethics for Nursing Students
Sairaanhoitajan eettiset ohjeet


Lectures, group works and online studies

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

This course is basis for the nursing profession. The knowledge of ethics and moral is needed all the time in clinical work.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student is adequately familiar with ethical issues and able to discuss and analyse them, making a difference between evidence-based and everyday knowledge. The student knows how to seek information on individual topics and demonstrates an awareness of the knowledge foundation in nursing. The student is able to act as a team member and to assess his/ her strengths and development needs.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student is well familiar with ethical issues and able to discuss and analyse them logically and coherently.
The student knows how to seek information from various sources and bases the arguments on multiple contemporary sources. The student is well prepared to act as a team member and to develop himself/ herself.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student is very well familiar with ethical issues and able to discuss and analyse them logically and coherently.
The student knows how to seek information from various sources and critically base the arguments on multiple contemporary sources. As a team member, the student acts in a solution-focused manner, sharing knowledge and developing himself/ herself.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student does not adequately base his/ her arguments on the ethical principles or knowledge foundation of nursing. The student is not adequately familiar with the ethical knowledge foundation of nursing and uses it narrowly. The student is not adequately prepared for teamwork.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Exam and Moodle assignments


No prerequisites


01.08.2024 - 01.09.2024


23.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Leena Elenius
  • Sinikka Vainionpää
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student understands the concept and role of evidence-based nursing in health and social services. The student understands the role of a nurse in evidence-based practice and is committed to the role. The student actively seeks and uses scientific knowledge in various nursing duties and decision-making and in the Bachelor's Thesis. The student understands the importance of uniform practices and acts accordingly. The student seeks information in health science databases. He/ she knows how to define nursing needs and how to plan, implement and evaluate nursing in accordance with the nursing process. The student knows how to use nursing scientific knowledge in decision-making and is motivated to pursue evidence-based practice.

The student knows how to search, locate, evaluate and use scholarly information in studies and working life. The student knows how to use databases of health sciences. The student knows how to use library and information services effectively.


The concept and goals of evidence-based practice. The most important health science databases and sources of summarised information. Defining nursing needs and planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing. Nursing science and its central concepts. Nursing science as a knowledge foundation for nursing practice and education.

Library and information services. Information seeking process. Databases of health sciences.


Tiedonhakutaidot: SeAMK Kirjaston verkkosivut, SeAMK Kirjaston tuottamat tiedonhaun opppaat (Libguides), muut kirjaston ja opettajan tuottamat verkkomateriaalit


Tiedonhakutaidot: lähiopetus, luennot, työpajat, itsenäinen opiskelu, harjoitustyöt

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

54 h



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student has only a narrow surface understanding of the role of nursing scientific knowledge in decision-making. The student uses nursing scientific concepts in a limited way, without an understanding of their meaning or connection to the practice of nursing. Student's information seeking skills are limited and he/ she does not know how to seek information in the most important health science databases. The learning assignments are lacking in relation to the instructions, with limited use of sources and considerable errors in the referencing system. Student's work is unplanned and of poor quality. The student presents learning assignments in a shallow manner, contributing little information, without visual aids, reading from the paper. When giving feedback to peers, it becomes apparent that he/she has a limited understanding of the concept of peer feedback, and the questions are comments rather than questions. The student is passive in seminars, with little or no contribution.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student understands the role of nursing scientific knowledge and uses contemporary nursing scientific sources in decision-making. The student uses nursing scientific concepts and understands their meaning to the practice of nursing. The student knows how to seek information in the most important health science databases. The student follows instructions given on learning assignments and, when writing references, observes the Seinäjoki UAS guidelines on written assignments. The student works in a deliberate, mostly self-directed manner and in a responsible, planned way. He/ she prepares for and uses visual aids in presentations of learning assignments. The student prepares for and provides peer feedback in a constructive way. The student actively takes part in seminar discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student demonstrates interest in and understands the role of nursing scientific knowledge and applies contemporary nursing scientific sources in decision-making. The student uses nursing scientific concepts extensively, analytically and critically. The student knows how to seek information in the most important health science databases. The student applies the information extensively and critically. The student follows instructions given on learning assignments and, when writing references, observes the Seinäjoki UAS guidelines on written assignments. He/ she works in a deliberate, self-directed, responsible and planned manner. The student carefully prepares for presentations of learning assignments, uses visual aids and distinctive and creative solutions. The student prepares for and provides peer feedback in a critical way, suggesting new perspectives to the topic. He/ she actively takes part in seminar discussions and widens the perspective on the concept under discussion.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student demonstrates no understanding of the role of nursing scientific knowledge in decision-making. The student does not know nursing scientific concepts, their meaning or connection to the practice of nursing. The student does not know how to seek information in the most important health science databases. The learning assignments are lacking in relation to the instructions, with major errors in the referencing system. Student's work is unplanned and of poor quality. The presentations on learning assignments are inadequate or they fail to give the presentations.When giving feedback to peers, it becomes apparent that the student has a limited understanding of the concept of peer feedback, or completely fails to give feedback. The student is passive in seminars, with little or no contribution.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Tiedonhakutaidot: Aktiivinen osallistuminen, harjoitustehtävät.


No prerequisites


01.10.2024 - 13.10.2024


07.10.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti

10 - 30

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sirkka Nieminen
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to tell and write about daily life by using simple expressions and to communicate in everyday situations. He/she understand the main points in clear, simple messages and announcements. The student knows the basic vocabulary, grammar and typical structures of the Finnish language. The student is also able to use some basic nursing vocabulary and understands some essential nursing activities in Finnish.

The target level of the course is A1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


The student is able to communicate in simple everyday situations e.g.:
- ordering food and drinks in restaurant, special diets
- telling about daily life, hobbies and daily life at work
- asking the way, telling about places and explaining directions in daily life
- running errands e.g. in a bank or post office
- simple daily nursing activities at work (Level A1)
- grammar e.g. adjectives, verb types, the most common word types, local cases, direct object, consonant gradation, passive voice, t-plural forms, typical sentence types, typical spoken language forms


Opetus- ja verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.
Gehring & Heinzmann 2020. Suomen mestari 1
Gehring & Heinzmann. Suomen mestari 2
Mustonen, Sippola & Tuononen 2012. Hoidetaan suomeksi.


- lähiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu (sis. kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät), (etäopetus tarvittaessa)

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tentin ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat sovitaan kurssin aikana. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää suostumisen sähköisesti valvottuun tenttiin.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Kurssia ei voi suorittaa näytöllä (SeAMK:n näyttöpäivinä).

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

135h, josta luentoja 50h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A1



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the most of the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions almost without any mistakes. He/she manages independently in most everyday situations. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He/she manages independently and fluently in everyday situations. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

-aktiivinen osallistuminen (50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi, 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
-kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
-tentti (50 % tentin läpäisemiseksi)


01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


4 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti

10 - 40

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Ulla-Maaria Paukkunen
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Learning Outcomes of the Course

The student manages both in everyday life and some simple nursing situations. The student understands the main points in texts and in a clear standard Finnish and spoken language speech related to everyday life topics and work. The student can understand and participate in a conversation on familiar topics e.g., family, leisure time and simple nursing topics.

The target level of the course is A2.2 on the Common European Framework of reference.


Course Contents

The student is able to communicate in simple everyday situations e.g.:
- talking about daily life and nursing e.g., family, leisure time, basic nursing situations at work
- grammar: some word types, use of different tenses, different verb forms


Opetus- ja verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.

Mustonen, Sippola & Tuononen 2012. Hoidetaan suomeksi.


- lähiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu (sis. kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät), (etäopetus tarvittaessa)

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tentin ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat sovitaan kurssin aikana. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää suostumisen sähköisesti valvottuun tenttiin.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

108h, josta luentoja 32h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A2



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions, but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows most of the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course and does not need hardly any help or clarification. He/she can use simple constructions almost without mistakes or help. He/she manages independently in most everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He/she manages independently and fluently in everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

-aktiivinen osallistuminen (50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi, 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
-kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
-tentti (50 % tentin läpäisemiseksi)


Finnish, level A2.1


23.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


06.01.2025 - 20.04.2025


4 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti

10 - 40

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Ulla-Maaria Paukkunen
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Learning Outcomes of the Course

The student manages both in everyday life and some nursing situations. The student understands the main points in texts and in a clear standard Finnish and spoken language speech related to everyday life topics and work. The student knows how to express emotions and can participate in a conversation on familiar topics e.g., family, work and current topics.

The target level of the course is A2.2 on the Common European Framework of reference.


Course Contents

The student is able to communicate in simple everyday situations e.g.:
- talking about daily life and work
- telling about health and feelings
- simple daily nursing activities at work
- grammar: more word types, plural forms, conditional form, different verb forms


Opetus- ja verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.

Mustonen, Sippola & Tuononen 2012. Hoidetaan suomeksi


- lähiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu (sis. kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät), (etäopetus tarvittaessa)

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tentin ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat sovitaan kurssin aikana. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää suostumisen sähköisesti valvottuun tenttiin.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

108h, josta luentoja 32h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A2



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions, but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student masters most of the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course and does not need hardly any help or clarification. He/she can use simple constructions almost without mistakes or help. He/she manages independently in most everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He/she manages independently and fluently in everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

-aktiivinen osallistuminen (50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi, 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
-kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
-tentti (50 % tentin läpäisemiseksi)


Finnish Language 1,
Finnish level A2


01.10.2024 - 10.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 23.03.2025


5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti

10 - 30

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sirkka Nieminen
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student extends the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and strengthens his/her spoken and written communication skills. The student understands the main points in texts and in a clear, slow, standard and spoken language speech related to everyday topics and work. He/she understands short texts related to nursing and can find predictable information in them. The student knows, how to express emotions, opinions or plans and can participate without preparation in a conversation on familiar topics e.g. family, work and current topics.

The target level of the course is A2 on the Common European Framework of reference.


The student is able to communicate in simple everyday situations e.g.:
- telling about daily life and daily work
- making appointments and phone calls
- telling about feelings, emotions, wishes and opinions
- simple daily nursing activities at work
- grammar: more word types, i-plural forms, verbs: e.g. conditional forms, past tense and perfect tense, some non-finite verb forms


Opetus- ja verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.
Gehring & Heinzmann 2020. Suomen mestari 1
Gehring & Heinzmann. Suomen mestari 2
Mustonen, Sippola & Tuononen 2012. Hoidetaan suomeksi.


- lähiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu (sis. kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät), (etäopetus tarvittaessa)

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tentin ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat sovitaan kurssin aikana. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää suostumisen sähköisesti valvottuun tenttiin.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Kurssia ei voi suorittaa näytöllä (SeAMK:n näyttöpäivinä).

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

135h, josta luentoja 50h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A2



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the most of the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions almost without mistakes. He/she manages independently in most everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course. He/she can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He/she manages independently and fluently in everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

-aktiivinen osallistuminen (50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi, 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
-kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
-tentti (50 % tentin läpäisemiseksi)


06.01.2025 - 16.03.2025


24.03.2025 - 01.06.2025


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi

10 - 30

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sirkka Nieminen
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student extends the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and strengthens his/her spoken and written communication skills. The student understands the main points in texts and in a clear, standard, and spoken language speech related to everyday topics and work. He/she understands short texts related to nursing and can find key information in them. The student can participate in a conversation on familiar topics e.g. family, work, and current topics.

The target level of the course is A2 on the Common European Framework of reference.


The student is able to communicate in simple everyday situations e.g.:
- talking about family, daily life, and daily work
- daily nursing activities at work, instructions, routine patient situations - grammar: more word types, more plural forms, adverbs, comparison of adjectives


Opetus- ja verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.

Gehring & Heinzmann. Suomen mestari 2
Mustonen, Sippola & Tuononen 2012. Hoidetaan suomeksi.


- lähiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu (sis. kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät), (etäopetus tarvittaessa)

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tentin ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat sovitaan kurssin aikana. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää suostumisen sähköisesti valvottuun tenttiin.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Kurssia ei voi suorittaa näytöllä (SeAMK:n näyttöpäivinä).

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

81h, josta luentoja 24h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A2



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- knows some vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course.
- can use simple constructions, but mistakes can impede comprehension.
- can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- knows most of the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course.
- can use simple constructions almost without mistakes.
- manages independently in most everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- knows the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course.
- can use simple and some advanced constructions making hardly any mistakes.
- manages independently and fluently in everyday situations and work. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not know even some of the vocabulary of the topics learnt during the course.
- cannot use simple constructions, mistakes strongly impede comprehension.
- cannot communicate in everyday situations even when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

-aktiivinen osallistuminen (50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi, 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
-kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
-tentti (50 % tentin läpäisemiseksi)


Finnish for Registered Nurses 1 & 2, 10 ects


01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


23.08.2024 - 10.11.2024


4 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Anna Rauha
  • Marika Toivonen
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


Learning Outcomes:
Anatomy and physiology:
The student is able to
- name and locate the structures of different organ systems in the human body.
- understand the structure, function, regulation and underlying factors of the human body.
- explain the basic functions of the major organs and organ systems.
- explain the principles of regulation of the different organ systems.
- define and use terms and concepts related to anatomy and physiology.
- explain the structure and function of organs and organ systems and their role in the functioning of the human body.

Microbiology and pathology:
The student
- is able to form an understanding of the diagnosis, birth, effects, prevention and treatment of the most common illnesses, and the grading of medical treatment.
- is able to describe the mechanisms of infectious diseases, the body's defense system and the prevention of infectious diseases by getting acquainted with microbes, normal human flora, ways of infecting infectious diseases and microbes that cause infectious diseases.


Cell and tissues: basic structure and function of cells, tissue types and their properties, the skin
Nervous system: main features of the nervous tissue, structure of the nervous system, nervous regulation
Endocrine system: Principles of endocrine regulation, location and functions of the major endocrine organs/glands, key hormones and their function
The immune system: the basics of the immune system's functions, structure and function
Musculoskeletal system: main features of bone and muscle tissue, large bones of the body, different types of joints and their function, superficial muscles of the body, functions of the musculoskeletal system
Cardiovascular system and blood: structures and function of the circulatory system, blood composition, blood clotting process, the connections of the lymphatic system to blood circulation, role of circulation in temperature control
Respiratory system: structure and function of the respiratory system, relationship between respiration and circulation, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in the respiratory system, principles of the control mechanisms of breathing
Digestive system: structures and function of the digestive system, nutrients and their digestion
Urinary excretion and fluid balance: structure and function of the urinary system, regulation of fluid balance, involvement of the kidneys and lungs in regulating the acid-base balance of the body

Diagnosis, effects, prevention and treatment of the most common diseases; Stages of medical care; Basic information about microbes; Human normal flora; Infectious methods and factors affecting the onset of infectious disease; Infectious diseases caused by the most common human microbes; System of defense; Prevention of infectious diseases


Anatomy and Physiology:
Alternative literature:
Essentials of human anatomy & physiology, Marieb, Elaine N. Pearson Benjamin Cummings cop. 2012. 10th. ed
Essentials of human anatomy & physiology, Marieb, Elaine N., Keller, Suzanne M., Pearson 2018. 12th edition, global edition
Ross&Wilson, Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, Waugh, A. & Grant, A., Elsevier 2018, 13th edition

Microbiology and Pathology: Teacher's Moodle materials


Anatomy and Physiology: Online teaching, contact lectures

Microbiology and Pathology: Independent online studies and tasks

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Anatomy and Physiology: Timed Moodle test, retakes as EXAM test

Microbiology and Pathology: Exam at Exam room in the end of the course

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Anatomy and physiology (3 cr):
Contact lectures: 16 t
Distance learning: 4 t
Exams: 4 t
Independent work: 57 t

Microbiology and Pathology:
1h info
2h question time
2h exam
rest 22h independent studies

Sisällön jaksotus

Anatomy and Physiology: the course is divided into three parts, each with its own exam.
Part 1: The body and its constituents, communication (cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems)
Part 2: Intake of raw matrial and elimination of waste (respiratory, digestive and urinary systems)
Part 3: Protection and survival (Skin and musculoskeletal system)



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- is able to use the most relevant terminology of anatomy and physiology.
- is able to name the structures, organs and organ systems of the body and explain the basics of their functioning.
- is able to explain the basics of organ function in the functioning of the human body.
- is able to describe the mechanisms of body regulation in general.

The student
- has an understanding of the diagnosis, birth, effects, prevention and treatment of the most common diseases.
- knows the level of medical care.
- knows the mechanisms of infectious diseases, the body's defense system and the prevention of infectious diseases by getting acquainted with microbes, normal human microbial infections, infectious diseases and infectious microbes.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- can use the terminology of anatomy and physiology appropriately.
- is able to name and explain the structures, organs and organ systems of the body.
- is able to explain the importance of organ systems in the functioning of the human body.
- is able to describe the body's mechanisms of regulation in a versatile manner.

The student
- provides an understanding of the diagnosis, birth, effects, prevention and treatment of the most common diseases.
- describes the stages of medical treatment.
- is able to describe the mechanisms of infectious diseases, the body's defense system and the prevention of infectious diseases by getting acquainted with microbes, normal human microbial infections, infectious diseases and infectious microbes.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- can use the terminology of anatomy and physiology appropriately and versatile.
- can describe in detail the structures, organs and organ systems of the body and explain their activities in a comprehensive manner.
- is able to thoroughly explain the role of organ systems in the functioning of the human body and is able to integrate organ system interactions into a whole.
- is able to describe in detail the mechanisms of regulating the body and is able to explain the co-operation of regulatory mechanisms.

The student
- understands the emergence, prevention, diagnosis, effects and treatment of common diseases.
- creates an overall picture of the staging of medical care.
- is able to describe the mechanism of infectious diseases, the body's defense system and the prevention of infectious diseases by studying versatile microbes, normal human microbial infections, infectious diseases and infectious microbes.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student does not achieve the learning outcomes of the course at a satisfactory level.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Anatomy and physiology:
The final grade is the average of the three exams (1-5)
Learning tasks pass/fail

Microbiology and Pathology: Exam 1-5, individual tasks pass/fail


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Tiina Hemminki
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student implements multi-professional family nursing care while taking into consideration the patient's individuality, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting noticing also the perspectives of sustainability. The student takes into account the resources of patients and families of different cultural backgrounds. In addition, the student is able to take this assessment into consideration when planning, implementing and evaluating gynecological nursing, family planning and maternity care. The student can use evidence-based interventions to help, support and counsel gynecological patients and families planning, expecting and giving birth to a child. Current knowledge of gynecology and obstetrics is used. The student is competent in common nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of gynecological nursing and maternity care. The student is capable to manage and support pain in different ways. The student knows how to support and promote gynecological patients’ and families’ health, self-care, rehabilitation and ability to function.


Health promotion, self-care support and rehabilitation in gynecological nursing and maternity care. The most important nursing interventions in gynecological nursing, family planning and maternity care. The impact of the patient's age, sexuality and cultural background and care and service setting on gynecological nursing and maternity care. Assessment of nursing needs and monitoring vital functions. Essential examinations, nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations in gynecological nursing and maternity care. Pre-, intra- and post-operative nursing, rehabilitation and counselling. Asepsis and pain control among gynecological and obstetrical patients. Nursing and counselling of patients and families facing a crisis. Multi-professionalism in the care of gynecological and obstetrical patients and family nursing. Counselling of patients and families. A safe nursing environment. Gynecological diseases and some special aspects in obstetrics.


Sperling, R. (2020). Obstetrics and gynecology. Wiley Blackwell.
Other materials given by the teacher.


GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING: Contact lectures, online lectures, group work and interactive methods, independent studies
MATERNITY HEALTH: Online lectures, mostly independent studies / e-learning.

Skills labs and simulations


This course is available for exchange students.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING (2 cr) : Contact teaching 8 h, online teaching (Teams) 6h, Electronic exam 1h, skills labs 1 h, independent studies 38 h.

MATERNITY CARE (1 cr) : Contact teaching 2h, partly e-learning / independent studies 23 h, skills labs 2h.

Sisällön jaksotus

The course includes two modules:
1.Gynecological nursing
2.Maternity Care

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Skills labs and simulations are compulsory.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing narrowly.
- on a satisfactory level, seeks information and uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- on a satisfactory level, implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various registered nursing/public health nursing situations.
- is capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice based on ethical principles.
- possesses adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making.
- is to some extent prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses the concepts and knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing.
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe clinical practice.
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing.
- evaluates action and safety in client-centered clinical nursing based on professional ethical principles of registered nursing.
- acts as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures.
- purposefully develops himself/herself and the working community in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates competence in the nursing scientific knowledge base and competently applies this knowledge to client-centered clinical nursing.
- independently seeks, uses and critically evaluates international evidence-based nursing scientific knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- assumes responsibility for the patient's/client's care and service process in client-centered clinical nursing.
- creates innovative alternative solutions for decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing.
- develops action and safety based on the professional ethics of registered nursing in client-centered clinical nursing.
-as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing, develops action in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures.
- develops himself/herself, the profession and practice in client-centered clinical nursing purposefully, with a career-oriented approach.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to give reasons for the chosen actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply into practice his/her knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not capable of adequate client-centered and safe clinical practice.
- does not possess adequate decision-making skills for client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately take into consideration safety or ethical principles in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

1. Gynecolgical nursing: Exam / accepted theory, active participation in group work seminars
2/3 of the total
2. Maternity Care: Accepted theory in Moodle
2/3 of the total


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-II
Medication management and drug calculations


25.03.2024 - 18.08.2024


25.09.2024 - 16.02.2025


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sirkka Nieminen
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • Pasi Alanen
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student deepens simulation skills and uses internal entrepreneurship to maintain and develop skills in nursing. The student learns the principles of life-long learning and uses the skills before and after simulations. In holistic care, the student simulates in his/ her team and observes skills that are needed in health education and patient counselling. The student follows nursing ethics in nursing situations and is able to document nursing interventions.The student is familiar with the background of patient guidance (patient education/ counselling). The student knows how to plan, implement and evaluate a guidance process in various nursing situations.The student is able to use various methods and written, visual and online materials in patient guidance and practices them in simulated patient situations.
The student practices simulated patient situations also in Finnish, and prepares for clinical training.


In ways of simulations: Ethical principles and professional health education, patient counselling in interaction and co-operation with the nursing team of a patient. The student reflects on his/ her own and others' nursing skills, skills in health education and patient counselling. The student uses effective education and health promotion methods and is able to use evidence-based knowledge while practicing in simulated patient situations. The students knows the concepts of learning, guidance and teaching processes of a patient and his/ her next-of-kin. The student uses the health technology and virtual services in patient guidance.


Material is given by the teacher


Online studies
Simulation day

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 ECTS is 27h of student work

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Theoretical part online studies on Moodle
Finnish language for non-native students
Preparing simulations in a group
Simulation day
Reflection assignment after the course



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- is not familiar with the concept of patient guidance (patient education/ counselling) and its role in nursing practice.
- does not recognize factors that influence the quality of patient guidance and is unable to name guidance methods.
- analyses guidance but does not relate it to the learning objectives of the course/ instructions, nor adequately comprehends the concepts.
- The student has not actively participated in online studies and in simulations.
- The student has not done the required tasks.
- The student does not follow professionalism in simulations.
- The student does not work aseptically in simulations.
- The student takes and/ or gives feedback in an unprofessional manner.
- The student does not participate in discussions in simulations.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Online studies
Preparation for the simulation
Simulation day
Finnish class for non-native students


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Module I-II
Medication management and drug calculations
Medication and Fluid Care I


SeAMK DP in Nursing in-coming exchange students can take part in these simulations.
Simulations are partially in Finnish.


01.08.2024 - 01.09.2024


07.10.2024 - 31.12.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Kari Jokiranta
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to describe the social and health services and the service provision and delivery systems in Finland. The student is familiar with the most important Acts and Decrees that govern the provision of social and health services in Finland.


The social and health service provision system in Finland, central acts and decrees that govern the system


Luennoitsijan jakama materiaali


Luennot, opetuskeskustelut

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Luennot 10 tuntia.
Kokeeseen valmistautuminen ja materiaaleihin tutustuminen 71 tuntia.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows the key features of the Finnish social and health care system.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the central challenges of the social and healthcare system and is able to guide the client in systems.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student is able to critically evaluate systems and participate in the discussion on the development of fields.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- is not able to describe the health and provision system in Finland.
- does not know the most important laws that are securing Finnish health and social care system.
- does not do assignments required for the course.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Koe ja aktiivisuus opiskelutapahtumissa.


01.08.2024 - 24.11.2024


02.09.2024 - 08.12.2024


3 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

3 op


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Terveydenhoitaja (AMK)
  • Marjut Asunmaa
  • Tiina Koskela
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Koko: 200. Avoin AMK: 200.)
  • Ristiinopiskelu (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa)
  • Ristiinopiskelu


Tällä opintojaksolla opiskelija oppii perusteet sairaalan sisäisestä akuuttihoitotyöstä.
Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa käyttää ABCDE –protokollaa potilaan tilan arvioinnissa ja pystyy seuraamaan potilaan vointia NEWS pisteitä hyödyntäen. Lisäksi opiskelija osaa raportoida ja konsultoida ISBAR –menetelmää käyttäen.
Opiskelija tietää akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan hoitotyön palvelujärjestelmän rakenteen, viranomaisten välisen yhteistyön ja erilaisten potilasryhmien tyypilliset hoitopolut.
Opiskelija osaa hoitotyön tyypillisimmissä akuuttihoitotyön potilasryhmien hoidossa.


Akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmä, pääkäsitteet ja erilaiset sisätauti-, kirurgisen, sydän-, hengitysvaje ja neurologisen potilaan hoitotilanteet.
Potilaan tilan arviointi, hoitotyön suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen. Triage päivystyspoliklinikalla.
Potilaan tilan arviointi käyttäen cABCDEF-protokollaa.
Potilaan peruselintoimintojen turvaaminen akuuteissa ja kriittisissä ongelmissa,
Raportointi ISBAR-protokollan mukaisesti
Potilaan lääke- ja nestehoito.
Tyypillisimmät laboratorio- ja radiologiset tutkimukset
Noninvasiivinen ventilaatio
Advanced Life Support (ALS) - opiskelija tietää sairaalan hoitoelvytys-protokollan
Tyypillisimmät sydämen rytmihäiriöt.
Glasgow Coma Scalen käyttö neurologisen statuksen arvioinnissa.
Akuuttihoitotyön lääkelaskut.
Huom! SeAMKin opiskelijat suorittavat myös Taitopajat ja simulaatiot!


Kuisma, M. Holmström, P. Nurmi, J. Porthan, K. & Taskinen, T. 2021. Ensihoito. Sanoma Pro Oy. (tai vanhempi painos)

Alanen, P., Hakio, N. & Koskela, T. 2022. Tehohoitotyö, Sanoma Pro Oy.

Alanen, P., Jormakka, J. & Kettunen, J. 2023. Oireista työdiagnoosiin. Ensihoitopotilaan tutkiminen ja arviointi. Sanoma Pro Oy, Helsinki.

Akuuttihoitotyön lääkkeet, Terveysportti (soveltuvin osin)

Akuuttihoitotyön opas, Terveysportti (soveltuvin osin)


Itsenäinen opiskelu Moodlessa.
Opintojakson luennot on nauhoitettu ja Moodlessa on aihepiiriin liittyviä tehtäviä.

Tämä on campusonline non stop -toteutus

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

SeAMKin tutkinto-opiskelija:
Voit suorittaa tämän toteutuksen kautta opintojakson teorian oman aikataulun mukaisesti.
Tentti koululla valvotusti oman ryhmän mukana.
Lääkelaskut tulee suorittaa tentin yhteydessä.
Opiskelija osallistuu taitopajaan ja simulaatioon oman ryhmänsä mukana.



Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

3op = 81h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

SeAMK opiskelijoille: Kesän aikana voit suorittaa teorian itsenäisesti. Lääkelaskut, Skills labs ja simulaatio sekä tentti oman ryhmän mukana.
Suositellaan 100op suorittamista ennen opintojaksoa. Sisätaudit, kirurgia ja lääke- ja nestehoito tulee olla suoritettuna opintojaksolle osallistuessa.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

• 1-2
- osaa nimetä akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä yksittäisiä asioita
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä asioita
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmän ja viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä
- osaa auttaa potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa ja arvioida hoidon vaikuttavuutta
- osaa toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Hylätty = 0
- ei osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmää eikä viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- ei osaa hoitaa akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaan perustarpeita
- opiskelijan osaaminen ja tietämys akuuttihoitotyöstä on puutteellinen ja potilasturvallisuus on vaarantunut
- ei osaa tunnistaa muutoksia potilaan peruselintoiminnoissa
- ei toimi aseptisesti
- vaarantaa oman ja potilasturvallisuuden
- tekee toistuvia virheitä lääke- ja nestehoidossa
- välttelee hoitotyön ja oppimisen tilanteita
- välttelee potilaiden kohtaamista
- palautteesta huolimatta pukeutuu ja käyttäytyy epäasiallisesti
- ei kunnioita luottamuksellisuutta, vaitiolo- ja salassapitovelvollisuutta
- yhteistyötaidot ovat puutteelliset
- oppimismotivaatio on puutteellinen

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Tentti, tehtävät Moodlessa

Hylätty (0)

Hylätty = 0
- ei osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmää eikä viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- ei osaa hoitaa akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaan perustarpeita
- opiskelijan osaaminen ja tietämys akuuttihoitotyöstä on puutteellinen ja potilasturvallisuus on vaarantunut
- ei osaa tunnistaa muutoksia potilaan peruselintoiminnoissa
- ei toimi aseptisesti
- vaarantaa oman ja potilasturvallisuuden
- tekee toistuvia virheitä lääke- ja nestehoidossa
- välttelee hoitotyön ja oppimisen tilanteita
- välttelee potilaiden kohtaamista
- palautteesta huolimatta pukeutuu ja käyttäytyy epäasiallisesti
- ei kunnioita luottamuksellisuutta, vaitiolo- ja salassapitovelvollisuutta
- yhteistyötaidot ovat puutteelliset
- oppimismotivaatio on puutteellinen

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- osaa nimetä akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä yksittäisiä asioita
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä asioita
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmän ja viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä
- osaa auttaa potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa ja arvioida hoidon vaikuttavuutta
- osaa toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita


Tämä opintojakso sopii toisen lukuvuoden opiskelijalle, jolla on suoritettu vähintään 60 opintopistettä hoitotyön opintoja.
Opintojaksolla edellytetään anatomian ja fysiologian, sisätautien ja kirurgisen hoitotyön, lääke- ja nestehoidon osaamista.


Tietokone, internetyhteys, headset.
Tämä opintojakso on vaihtoehtoinen hoitotyö akuuteissa ja kriittisissä tilanteissa opintojaksolle, joka tapahtuu lähiopetuksessa.
SeAMKin opiskelijoiden on suoritettava teorian lisäksi opintojakson tentti, lääkelaskut, taitopaja ja simulaatio lähiopetuksessa koululla.


13.11.2023 - 18.05.2025


06.01.2025 - 01.06.2025


3 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

3 op


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Terveydenhoitaja (AMK)
  • Marjut Asunmaa
  • Tiina Koskela


Tällä opintojaksolla opiskelija oppii perusteet sairaalan sisäisestä akuuttihoitotyöstä.
Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa käyttää ABCDE –protokollaa potilaan tilan arvioinnissa ja pystyy seuraamaan potilaan vointia NEWS pisteitä hyödyntäen. Lisäksi opiskelija osaa raportoida ja konsultoida ISBAR –menetelmää käyttäen.
Opiskelija tietää akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan hoitotyön palvelujärjestelmän rakenteen, viranomaisten välisen yhteistyön ja erilaisten potilasryhmien tyypilliset hoitopolut.
Opiskelija osaa hoitotyön tyypillisimmissä akuuttihoitotyön potilasryhmien hoidossa.


Akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmä, pääkäsitteet ja erilaiset sisätauti-, kirurgisen, sydän-, hengitysvaje ja neurologisen potilaan hoitotilanteet.
Potilaan tilan arviointi, hoitotyön suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen. Triage päivystyspoliklinikalla.
Potilaan tilan arviointi käyttäen cABCDEF-protokollaa.
Potilaan peruselintoimintojen turvaaminen akuuteissa ja kriittisissä ongelmissa,
Raportointi ISBAR-protokollan mukaisesti
Potilaan lääke- ja nestehoito.
Tyypillisimmät laboratorio- ja radiologiset tutkimukset
Noninvasiivinen ventilaatio
Advanced Life Support (ALS) - opiskelija tietää sairaalan hoitoelvytys-protokollan
Tyypillisimmät sydämen rytmihäiriöt.
Glasgow Coma Scalen käyttö neurologisen statuksen arvioinnissa.
Akuuttihoitotyön lääkelaskut.
Huom! SeAMKin opiskelijat suorittavat myös Taitopajat ja simulaatiot!


Kuisma, M. Holmström, P. Nurmi, J. Porthan, K. & Taskinen, T. 2021. Ensihoito. Sanoma Pro Oy. (tai vanhempi painos)

Alanen, P., Hakio, N. & Koskela, T. 2022. Tehohoitotyö, Sanoma Pro Oy.

Alanen, P., Jormakka, J. & Kettunen, J. 2023. Oireista työdiagnoosiin. Ensihoitopotilaan tutkiminen ja arviointi. Sanoma Pro Oy, Helsinki.

Akuuttihoitotyön lääkkeet, Terveysportti (soveltuvin osin)

Akuuttihoitotyön opas, Terveysportti (soveltuvin osin)


Itsenäinen opiskelu Moodlessa.
Opintojakson luennot on nauhoitettu ja Moodlessa on aihepiiriin liittyviä tehtäviä.

Tämä on campusonline non stop -toteutus

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

SeAMKin tutkinto-opiskelija:
Voit suorittaa tämän toteutuksen kautta opintojakson teorian oman aikataulun mukaisesti.
Tentti koululla valvotusti oman ryhmän mukana.
Lääkelaskut tulee suorittaa tentin yhteydessä.
Opiskelija osallistuu taitopajaan ja simulaatioon oman ryhmänsä mukana.



Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

3op = 81h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

SeAMK opiskelijoille: Kesän aikana voit suorittaa teorian itsenäisesti. Lääkelaskut, Skills labs ja simulaatio sekä tentti oman ryhmän mukana.
Suositellaan 100op suorittamista ennen opintojaksoa. Sisätaudit, kirurgia ja lääke- ja nestehoito tulee olla suoritettuna opintojaksolle osallistuessa.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

• 1-2
- osaa nimetä akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä yksittäisiä asioita
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä asioita
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmän ja viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä
- osaa auttaa potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa ja arvioida hoidon vaikuttavuutta
- osaa toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Hylätty = 0
- ei osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmää eikä viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- ei osaa hoitaa akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaan perustarpeita
- opiskelijan osaaminen ja tietämys akuuttihoitotyöstä on puutteellinen ja potilasturvallisuus on vaarantunut
- ei osaa tunnistaa muutoksia potilaan peruselintoiminnoissa
- ei toimi aseptisesti
- vaarantaa oman ja potilasturvallisuuden
- tekee toistuvia virheitä lääke- ja nestehoidossa
- välttelee hoitotyön ja oppimisen tilanteita
- välttelee potilaiden kohtaamista
- palautteesta huolimatta pukeutuu ja käyttäytyy epäasiallisesti
- ei kunnioita luottamuksellisuutta, vaitiolo- ja salassapitovelvollisuutta
- yhteistyötaidot ovat puutteelliset
- oppimismotivaatio on puutteellinen

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Tentti, tehtävät Moodlessa

Hylätty (0)

Hylätty = 0
- ei osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmää eikä viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- ei osaa hoitaa akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaan perustarpeita
- opiskelijan osaaminen ja tietämys akuuttihoitotyöstä on puutteellinen ja potilasturvallisuus on vaarantunut
- ei osaa tunnistaa muutoksia potilaan peruselintoiminnoissa
- ei toimi aseptisesti
- vaarantaa oman ja potilasturvallisuuden
- tekee toistuvia virheitä lääke- ja nestehoidossa
- välttelee hoitotyön ja oppimisen tilanteita
- välttelee potilaiden kohtaamista
- palautteesta huolimatta pukeutuu ja käyttäytyy epäasiallisesti
- ei kunnioita luottamuksellisuutta, vaitiolo- ja salassapitovelvollisuutta
- yhteistyötaidot ovat puutteelliset
- oppimismotivaatio on puutteellinen

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- osaa nimetä akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä yksittäisiä asioita
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmästä ja viranomaisten yhteistyöstä asioita
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa ohjauksen alaisena käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- osaa kuvailla akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden potilaiden hoito- ja palvelujärjestelmän ja viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä
- osaa tunnistaa peruselintoimintojen muutoksia ja häiriöitä sekä osaa toteuttaa hoitotyön menetelmiä
- osaa auttaa potilaita hengenahdistus- tai sydänkohtaustilanteissa ja arvioida hoidon vaikuttavuutta
- osaa toteuttaa turvallista neste- ja lääkehoitoa suonensisäisesti sekä arvioida niiden vaikuttavuutta akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaiden hoitotyössä
- osaa käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja antaa raportteja
- osaa kohdata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaan potilaita ja heidän perheitään ammatillisesti
- osaa ohjata akuutisti ja kriittisesti sairaita potilaita


Tämä opintojakso sopii toisen lukuvuoden opiskelijalle, jolla on suoritettu vähintään 60 opintopistettä hoitotyön opintoja.
Opintojaksolla edellytetään anatomian ja fysiologian, sisätautien ja kirurgisen hoitotyön, lääke- ja nestehoidon osaamista.


Tietokone, internetyhteys, headset.
Tämä opintojakso on vaihtoehtoinen hoitotyö akuuteissa ja kriittisissä tilanteissa opintojaksolle, joka tapahtuu lähiopetuksessa.
SeAMKin opiskelijoiden on suoritettava teorian lisäksi opintojakson tentti, lääkelaskut, taitopaja ja simulaatio lähiopetuksessa koululla.


01.04.2024 - 30.04.2025


26.08.2024 - 01.06.2025


2 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Marjut Asunmaa
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Koko: 100. Avoin AMK: 100.)
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa)


The student searches and recognizes factors that are influencing on patient safety. The student learns the main concepts of patient safety and understands what kind of human errors in nursing are jeopardizing the patient safety.
The student uses evidence based critical thinking while observing the nursing environment. The student learns how to prevent and how to report on risk factors in patient safety.
The student learns to act professionally and maintaining patient safety.


Main concepts of patient safety. Legislation in patient safety. Documentation on errors and close-call situations. Human factors related to patient safety in nursing.


Independent online course
Non stop start. Assignment on Moodle must be completed by 30.5.2025
After completing the assignment send email to teacher

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

2ECTS = 54 hours
Course includes lectures, WHO material and videos.
Student writes reflective learning diary based on the material on Moodle and seeks more professional sourses and justifies his/ her opinions and reflections of patient safety.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
- The student does not maintain patient safety.
- The student does not understand the principles and main concepts in patient safety.
- The student does not follow patient safety and work according to its principles.
- The student does not do the assignment required for the online course.
- The student does not reflect on the written assignment.
- The student does not use evidence-based knowledge or critical thinking in the written assignment.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Learning diary


This course is suitable for second year students who have done at least two clinical training periods. The course is held fully online and it is done independently.


21.10.2024 - 31.01.2025


10.02.2025 - 06.04.2025


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Johanna Soini
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student can:
? solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
? conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
? consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
? present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
? apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
? Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
? Analysis of the problem of the development task
? Collection of customer information with different methods
? Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
? Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
? Presentation of a solution, or concept
? Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work


Materiaali Moodlessa
Projektinhallinnan oppaista joku:
- Pelin, R. (2011). Projektihallinnan käsikirja. (7. painos). Keuruu: Otava.
- Kettunen, S. (2009). Onnistu projektissa. (2. painos). WSOYpro.
- Artto, K., Martinsuo, M., Kujala, J. (2011). Projektiliiketoiminta. (3. painos) (löytyy myös netistä)
- Ruuska, K. (2013). Pidä projekti hallinnassa. (7. painos).

Moritz, Stefan 2005. Service Design. Practical access to an evolving field. Verkkojulkaisu.​


Itsenäinen työskentely/projektiyöskentely

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Kurssin työmäärä 2 op, joka on 2 x 27 h = 54 h opiskelijan työtä
Kurssi limittyy harjoiteluun Clinical Training Promoting Health by Using Project Work Methods

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

In this course a student get familiar with ongoing project and project methods.
The student will participate to a project.
Content of the course:
1) Concepts and methods of project work
- project phases and process
- project plan (time, resource and cost planning)
- project organisation and interest groups
- changes, risks and problems in project work
- project communication and reporting
- concluding a project
2) Basics of Service Design in Health Care



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

? By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
? The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
? The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
? The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Student need to pass all phases from the project work cykle.
- Theory lessons
- Finish a project from project planning to raporting the project
The course is limited to the practical training and this courses Project work plan is implemented in the Clinical Training Promoting Health by Using Project Work Methods -training.

Hylätty (0)

Student is not attending to the theory lessons.
Student can not explain the different phases of the project cycle.
Student fail to attend to Project team and do a project plan and raport within the course.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student can name and define the central concepts which describe Project and Project management. Student can define basic skills required for working as part of Project team. Student can explain different phases of the project cycle.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student can explain the central concepts which describe Project and Project management. Student can explain well different phases of the project cycle and can define skills required for working as part of Project team. Student has basic Project work skills.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student can name and define very well the central concepts of Project and Project management. Student can explain very well different phases of the project cycle and can define skills required for working as part of Project team. Student has Basic Project work skills


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Minna Laitila
  • Raila Kärnä
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student understands the stages of the crisis and is able to support patients and family members in crisis situations. The student knows the collaborative actors in crisis situations. The student understands how to maintain physical and mental safety and how to maintain and promote his/her own mental well-being in nursing. The student is able to reflect and develop skills that are needed in crisis work as well as in work related health.


Patient's view: Stages of the crisis and nursing interventions for patients who have faced a life crisis situation. Violence in close relationships (not just in families or in intimate partnership). Documentation and legislation. Ethics in close relationship violence situations. Abuse of children or aged person and nursing interventions and collaborative actors. Child protection services, statement of concern about aged person care. Crisis situations in various nursing environments.

Coping in nursing work: Main concepts: physical and mental work health and work safety. Promoting psychological resources. The use of work supervision, debriefing and defusing, PTSD, emotional burn out, surrogate traumatization, individual's and group's resilience and its meaning in work related coping. Individuals own and working community's responsibility in promoting work related health and effective methods to maintain work related health.


Materiaali Moodlessa


Infotunti opintojakson alussa
Itsenäinen opiskelu

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 op = 27 tuntia opiskelijan työtä



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

- The student does not participate actively in lessons (min. 80%).
- The student does not participate in discussions.
- The student does not search information of the course topics.
- In the assignment the student does not reflect the main concepts of the course.
- The student does not make assignments for the course.
- The student does not achieve the learning objectives of the course.
- In the assignment the student does not follow SeAMK instructions for written work.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Moodlessa olevien tehtävien suorittaminen hyväksytysti


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Competencies in Medication and Fluid Care

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing


21.10.2024 - 05.01.2025


06.01.2025 - 20.04.2025


5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Rn Nimeämätön
  • Carita Sandell-Kaukonen
  • Norbert Abamukong
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is capable of working in a multi-professional nursing team, and is able to consider the patient's age, growth and development stage. The student is able to assess the resources of patients and his/her next-of-kin coming from different cultural backgrounds. In addition, the student is able to take this assessment into consideration when planning, implementing and evaluating the nursing care for medical patients. Moreover, the student can plan, implement and evaluate nursing interventions for patients and their next-of-kin of all ages facing common medical conditions.

The student manages the essential measures and diagnostic examinations needed in clinical nursing as a part of the patient's holistic care. The student knows how to support and promote the health and functioning of patients of various ages and his/her next-of-kin. In addition, the student is able to counsel and support patients of various ages and their next-of-kin in self-care.

The student is capable of working in multi-professional nursing team, and is able to consider the patient's age, growth and development stage. The student is able to assess the resources of patients and his/her next-of-kin coming from different cultural backgrounds. In addition, the student is able to take this assessment in consideration when planning, implementing and evaluating the nursing care. Moreover, the student can plan, implement and evaluate nursing interventions for adult patients and their next-of-kin facing common medical and infection diseases. The student knows the most common medical and infection medications and is able to administer drugs safely. The student is able to apply the principles of infection control and justify the importance in nursing. The student knows the basics of immunization and is able to justify the need of immunization for patients by using evidence-based information. The student promotes health individually, nationally and globally.


Health promotion, self-care support and rehabilitation in nursing medical patients and their next-of-kin. Nursing interventions in nursing patients with medical and infection condititions. The national documentation model for nursing. The impact of the patient's age, sex, cultural background, growth and development stage and care and service setting on the care of medical patients and their next-of-kin. Assessment of nursing needs and monitoring vital functions of medical patients. Essential examinations and nursing procedures. Nursing, rehabilitation and counselling of patients and their next-of-kin suffering from nationally prevalent diseases. Multi-professionalism in nursing. A safe nursing and work environment. Sustainable development in nursing.

Student practices: The education and guidance of typical medical, neurological and infectious patients and their next-of-kin. Nursing interventions and assessing the patient by using ABCDE and NEWS.
Safe oxygen administering, non-invasive nursing interventions for patients with breathing difficulties.
Most common neurological patients and endocrinology. Oncology patients such as hematological cancers, myeloma, care of a patient in chemotherapy, protective isolation and clinical precautions.

Health promotion, self-care support and rehabilitation in nursing infectious diseases patients. Nursing interventions in nursing patients with common infectious diseases. Vaccinations.

Drug calculations are tested.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing narrowly.
- on a satisfactory level, seeks information and uses evidence-based knowledge to explain the actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- on a satisfactory level, implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various nursing situations.
- is capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice based on ethical principles.
- possesses adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making.
- is to some extent prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses the concepts and knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing.
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- implements their competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe clinical practice.
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing.
- evaluates action and safety in client-centered clinical nursing based on professional ethical principles of nursing.
- acts as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures.
- purposefully develops himself/ herself and the working community in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates competence in the nursing scientific knowledge base and competently applies this knowledge to client-centered clinical nursing.
- independently seeks, uses and critically evaluates international evidence-based nursing scientific knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- assumes responsibility for the patient's/client's care and service process in client-centered clinical nursing.
- creates innovative alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing.
- develops action and safety based on the professional ethics of nursing in client-centered clinical nursing.
- as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing, develops action in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures.
- develops himself/ herself, the profession and practice in client-centered clinical nursing purposefully, with a career-oriented approach.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to give reasons for their chosen actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply their knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not capable of adequate client-centered and safe clinical practice.
- does not possess adequate decision-making skills for client-centered clinical nursing
- does not adequately take into consideration safety or ethical principles in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing.


01.08.2024 - 03.11.2024


25.11.2024 - 06.04.2025


4 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Rn Nimeämätön
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • Norbert Abamukong
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student
- becomes familiar with statutes and regulations that concern pharmaceutical care.
- understands the role of the nurse in drug therapy, understands his / her professional responsibility to secure and promote safe drugs under supervision.
- learns the different pharmaceutical dosage forms and routes of administration, and assumes responsibility for appropriate handling and storage of medicines.
- is able to dispense pharmaceutical dosage forms correctly under supervision.
- can, under supervision, safely administer intracutaneous, subcutaneous, intramuscular and ventrogluteal injections.
- knows how to observe the effects of medicines and how to evaluate the effectiveness of drug care.
- knows the adverse drug reactions and drug interactions.
- knows and learns under supervision, how to plan, implement and evaluate safe drug care in different situations.
- performs drug calculations correctly.
- learns the general principles of pharmacology.
- knows how to use pharmaceutical databases.


- Statutes and regulations that concern pharmaceutical care
- Control of medicines in hospital and community
- The role of the nurse in drug therapy
- Different pharmaceutical dosage forms and routes of administration, and responsibility for appropriate handling and storage of medicines. Sustainable development in drug care.
- Intracutaneous, subcutaneous, intramuscular and ventrogluteal injections
- Planning, implementing and evaluating safe drug care in different situations
- The effects of medicines, adverse reactions and drug interactions.
- Drug calculations
- The general principles of pharmacology
- Pharmaceutical databases


Boyd C. 2021. Student survival skills. Medicine management skills for nurses. WILEY Blackwell.
Moodle materiaali.


Itsenäinen opiskelu

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 op=27 h opiskelijan työtä.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- has some knowledge of the statutes on pharmaceutical care.
- has the command of various pharmaceutical dosage forms and of the appropriate and careful handling and storage of medicines.
- understands the role of the registered nurse in planning, implementing and evaluating safe drug care in different situations.
- is able to list the general principles of pharmacology.
- has a basic idea about the effects of medicines, adverse reactions and drug interactions.
- manages drug calculations correctly.
- mostly uses pharmaceutical databases unsystematically.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- is familiar with the statutes on pharmaceutical care.
- has the command of various pharmaceutical dosage forms and of the appropriate and careful handling and storage of medicines.
- understands the role of the registered nurse in planning, implementing and evaluating safe drug care in different situations.
- knows the general principles of pharmacology.
- understands the basics about the effects of medicines, adverse reactions and drug interactions.
- manages drug calculations correctly.
- mostly uses pharmaceutical databases correctly.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- is familiar with the statutes on pharmaceutical care.
- has the command of various pharmaceutical dosage forms and of the appropriate and careful handling and storage of medicines.
- understands the role of a registered nurse in planning, implementing and evaluating safe drug care in different situations.
- knows and explains the general principles of pharmacology.
- knows and understands the effects of medicines, adverse reactions and drug interactions.
- manages drug calculations correctly.
- uses the pharmaceutical databases correctly.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- is not familiar with the statutes on pharmaceutical care.
- does not have the command of various pharmaceutical dosage forms or appropriate and careful handling and storage of medicines.
- does not understand the role of the registered nurse in planning, implementing and evaluating safe drug care in different situations.
- does not understand the general principles of pharmacology.
- does not know or understand effects of medicines, adverse reactions or drug interactions.
- does not manage drug calculations correctly.
- cannot use the pharmaceutical databases correctly.
- cannot guarantee patient safety.


No prerequisites


01.01.2025 - 23.03.2025


17.03.2025 - 01.06.2025


4 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Rn Nimeämätön
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student understands his/ her professional responsibility for securing and promoting the safety of patients receiving drug and fluid care under supervision. The student knows how to plan, implement and evaluate safe drug and fluid care for various diseases under supervision. Based on a doctor's instructions, the student is able to plan, implement and evaluate intravenous drug and fluid care for patients of all ages. The student is able to assess adult patient's fluid balance and to count it, and knows what influencing factors there are regarding fluid balance. The student knows how to plan, implement and evaluate safe drug and fluid care for different patient groups and for special treatments. The student knows how to observe side and combined effects of medicines and how to evaluate the effectiveness of drug care. The student can perform drug calculations correctly.


Special features in drug and fluid care of patients of various ages. Drug and fluid care for special treatments. Drug and fluid care for different adult patient groups. Effective mechanisms of drugs. Side and combined effects of medicines. Evaluation of the patient drug care. Action in various risk situations. Patient safety. Counting infusion rates and the use of infusion automates.
Under supervision the student practices: assessing and counting patient's fluid balance, IV and fluid care, i.v cannulation and starting the infusion and the safe use of 3-way line. Preparing drugs and preparing drug dilutions. Safe use of infusion concentrates. Safe blood transfusions, the safe use of Epidural catheter, CVK-line and Port-a-Cath. Drug calculations. The student works aseptically in medication and fluid care and works in a manner of sustainable development.

Drug calculations are tested.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

- The student knows how to seek information about safe medication and fluid care from various sources and use the knowledge to implement drug and fluid care.
- The student demonstrates that he/ she is familiar with the knowledge foundation and core contents of safe drug and fluid care.
- The student has adequate knowledge to act safely in various situations that are related to medication and fluid care.
- The student works with a client-centered approach in implementing drug and fluid care.
- Under supervision the student is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care.
- Under supervision, the student is able to start infusion.
- Under supervision, the student is able to administer infusion concentrates safely.
- Under supervision, the student is able to make drug dilutions.
- The student observes the safety and ethical principles defined for drug and fluid care implemented by registered nurses.
- The student shares his/ her drug and fluid care competence with other members of the group.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

- The student actively seeks information about safe drug and fluid care and explains the reasons for using various sources.
- The student consistently uses the knowledge foundation on safe drug and fluid care.
- The student explains his/ her actions using evidence-based knowledge of safe drug and fluid care.
- The student applies knowledge of professional, safe drug and fluid care to various situations, within the scope of responsibility as a registered nurse.
- The student works with a client-centered approach and with responsibility in implementing safe drug and fluid care.
- Under supervision, the student is able to start infusion.
- Under supervision, the student is able to administer infusion concentrates safely.
- Under supervision, the student is able to make drug dilutions.
- The student knows how to take correct action when implementing safe drug and fluid care in various settings, within the scope of responsibility as a registered nurse.
- The student explains the actions in drug and fluid care using the ethical principles for registered nurses, and evaluates the safety of the drug and fluid care implemented.
- The student is capable of purposeful action in teams implementing safe drug and fluid care within the registered nurses' scope of responsibility.
- The student develops himself/ herself professionally in safe drug and fluid care.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- The student applies concepts and knowledge of safe drug and fluid care competently and extensively.
- The student uses and evaluates evidence-based knowledge of safe drug and fluid care.
- The student applies knowledge of safe drug and fluid care to various situations in drug and fluid care.
- The student is able to evaluate the consequences of his/ her actions in drug and fluid care. - - The student works with a client-centered approach and with responsibility in implementing safe drug and fluid care.
- The student is able to start infusion.
- The student is able to administer infusion concentrates safely.
- The student is able to make drug dilutions.
- The student seeks and applies alternative solutions in decision-making concerning safe drug and fluid care.
- The student evaluates drug and fluid care using professional ethical principles for registered nurses.
- The student is capable of working in multi-professional and/ or multidisciplinary teams implementing safe drug and fluid care within the registered nurses' scope of responsibility.
- The student systematically develops himself/ herself, the profession and work community in safe drug and fluid care.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

- The student is not adequately familiar with the concepts of safe drug and fluid care, or is unable to use them.
- The student uses the knowledge foundation on drug and fluid care only narrowly and has little knowledge of the relevant sources of information.
- The student does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in safe drug and fluid care, and applies knowledge incorrectly.
- The approach to safe drug and fluid care is not adequately client-centered.
- The student does not adequately observe safety and ethical principles for registered nurses when implementing drug and fluid care.
- The student is not prepared to develop himself/ herself in safe drug and fluid care.
- The student has serious problems in drug calculations and his/ her medication administration is not safe for the patient.


Medication Management and Drug Calculations


25.03.2024 - 29.08.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • Raila Kärnä
  • Johanna Soini
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student understands his/ her professional responsibility for securing and promoting the safety of patients receiving drug and fluid care. The student knows how to plan, implement and evaluate more complicated drug and fluid care safely. Based on a doctor's instructions, the student is able, under supervision, to plan, implement and evaluate intravenous drug and fluid care and blood transfusions for patients of all ages. Under supervision, the student practices the safe use of more complicated i.v routes. The student knows how to plan, implement and evaluate safe drug and fluid care for different patient groups and for special treatments. The student knows how to observe side and combined effects of medicines and how to evaluate the effectiveness of drug care. The student can perform more problematic drug calculations and infusion rates correctly. The student performs sustainable development in medication and fluid care.


IV and fluid care. Safe blood transfusions. Special features in drug and fluid care of patients of various ages. Drug and fluid care for special treatments. Drug and fluid care for different patient groups. Side and combined effects of medicines. Evaluation of the patient's drug care. Actions in various risk situations.
Under supervision, the student practices: drug calculations, blood transfusions, the safe use of Epidural catheter, CVK-line and Port-a-Cath. The student follows aseptic rules in medication and fluid care. The student knows the principles of sustainable development in medication and fluid care.
Drug calculations are tested.


- Boyd C. 2022. Medicine Management Skills for Nurses, 2nd Edition, Wiley, Blackwell,
- Opettajan erikseen ilmoittama materiaali
- Moodlessa oleva materiaali


- Teoriaopetus
- Itsenäinen opiskelu
- Taitopajatyöskentely
- Teoriakoe
- Lääkelaskukoe

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Ilmoitetaan erikseen opintojakson yhteydessä

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op vastaa 27h opiskelijan työtä, yhteensä 2 x 27h = 54h



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

- The student knows how to seek information about safe drug and fluid care from various sources and the student uses the knowledge to implement drug and fluid care.
- The student demonstrates that he/ she is familiar with the knowledge foundation and core contents of safe drug and fluid care.
- Under supervision, the student has adequate knowledge to act safely in blood transfusions.
- The student works with a client-centered approach in implementing drug and fluid care and blood transfusions.
- Under supervision, the student is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care when administering medication and fluids into CVK line and into port-a-cath.
- Under supervision, the student is able to explain the use of Epidural catheter.
- The student observes the safety and ethical principles defined for drug and fluid care implemented by registered nurses.
- The student shares his/ her drug and fluid care competence with other members of the group narrowly.
- The student evaluates his/ her strengths and development needs in professional development.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

- The student actively seeks information about safe drug and fluid care and explains the reasons for using various sources.
- The student consistently uses the knowledge foundation on safe drug and fluid care.
- The student explains his/ her actions using evidence-based knowledge of safe drug and fluid care.
- The student applies knowledge of professional, safe drug and fluid care to various situations, within the scope of responsibility as a registered nurse.
- The student works with a client-centered approach and with responsibility in implementing safe drug and fluid care.
- Under supervision, the student has adequate knowledge to act safely in blood transfusions.
- Under supervision, the student is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care when administering medication and fluids into CVK line and into port-a-cath.
- Under supervision, the student is able to explain the use of Epidural catheter.
- The student knows how to take correct action when implementing safe drug and fluid care in various settings, within the scope of responsibility as a registered nurse.
- The student explains the actions in drug and fluid care using the ethical principles for registered nurses, and evaluates the safety of the drug and fluid care implemented.
- The student is capable of purposeful action in teams implementing safe drug and fluid care within the registered nurses' scope of responsibility.
- The student develops himself/ herself professionally in safe drug and fluid care.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- The student applies concepts and knowledge of safe drug and fluid care competently and extensively.
- The student uses and evaluates evidence-based knowledge of safe drug and fluid care.
- The student applies knowledge of safe drug and fluid care to various situations in drug and fluid care.
- The student is able to evaluate the consequences of his/ her actions in drug and fluid care.
- The student works with a client-centered approach and with responsibility in implementing safe drug and fluid care.
- The student has adequate knowledge to act safely in blood transfusions.
- The student is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care when administering medication and fluids into CVK line and into port-a-cath.
- The student is able to explain the use of Epidural catheter.
- The student seeks and applies alternative solutions in decision-making concerning safe drug and fluid care.
- The student evaluates drug and fluid care using professional ethical principles for registered nurses.
- The student is capable of working in multi-professional and/ or multidisciplinary teams implementing safe drug and fluid care within the registered nurses' scope of responsibility.
- The student systematically develops himself/ herself, the profession and work community in safe drug and fluid care.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

- The student is not adequately familiar with the concepts of safe drug and fluid care, or is unable to use them.
- The student uses the knowledge foundation on drug and fluid care only narrowly and has little knowledge of the relevant sources of information.
- The student does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in safe drug and fluid care, and applies knowledge incorrectly.
- The approach to safe drug and fluid care is not adequately client-centered.
- The student does not adequately observe safety and ethical principles for registered nurses when implementing drug and fluid care.
- The student is not familiar with safe blood transfusion.
- The student is not familiar with safe use of CVK line and port-a-cath.
- The student is not familiar with safe use of Epidural catheter.
- The student has problems with drug calculations and patient safety is jeopardized.
- The student is not prepared to develop himself/ herself in safe drug and fluid care.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- Lääkelaskukoe: hyväksytty/hylätty, 100% vastauksista tulee olla oikein
- Teoriakoe: numeerinen arviointi 1-5
- Läsnäolovelvollisuus tunneilla, taitopajapoissaolot korvattava toisessa ryhmässä

Hylätty (0)

- The student is not adequately familiar with the concepts of safe drug and fluid care, or is unable to use them.
- The student uses the knowledge foundation on drug and fluid care only narrowly and has little knowledge of the relevant sources of information.
- The student does not demonstrate adequate skills or knowledge in safe drug and fluid care, and applies knowledge incorrectly.
- The approach to safe drug and fluid care is not adequately client-centered.
- The student does not adequately observe safety and ethical principles for registered nurses when implementing drug and fluid care.
- The student is not familiar with safe blood transfusion.
- The student is not familiar with safe use of CVK line and port-a-cath.
- The student is not familiar with safe use of Epidural catheter.
- The student has problems with drug calculations and patient safety is jeopardized.
- The student is not prepared to develop himself/ herself in safe drug and fluid care.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student knows how to seek information about safe drug and fluid care from various sources and the student uses the knowledge to implement drug and fluid care.
- The student demonstrates that he/ she is familiar with the knowledge foundation and core contents of safe drug and fluid care.
- Under supervision, the student has adequate knowledge to act safely in blood transfusions.
- The student works with a client-centered approach in implementing drug and fluid care and blood transfusions.
- Under supervision, the student is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care when administering medication and fluids into CVK line and into port-a-cath.
- Under supervision, the student is able to explain the use of Epidural catheter.
- The student observes the safety and ethical principles defined for drug and fluid care implemented by registered nurses.
- The student shares his/ her drug and fluid care competence with other members of the group narrowly.
- The student evaluates his/ her strengths and development needs in professional development.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

- The student actively seeks information about safe drug and fluid care and explains the reasons for using various sources.
- The student consistently uses the knowledge foundation on safe drug and fluid care.
- The student explains his/ her actions using evidence-based knowledge of safe drug and fluid care.
- The student applies knowledge of professional, safe drug and fluid care to various situations, within the scope of responsibility as a registered nurse.
- The student works with a client-centered approach and with responsibility in implementing safe drug and fluid care.
- Under supervision, the student has adequate knowledge to act safely in blood transfusions.
- Under supervision, the student is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care when administering medication and fluids into CVK line and into port-a-cath.
- Under supervision, the student is able to explain the use of Epidural catheter.
- The student knows how to take correct action when implementing safe drug and fluid care in various settings, within the scope of responsibility as a registered nurse.
- The student explains the actions in drug and fluid care using the ethical principles for registered nurses, and evaluates the safety of the drug and fluid care implemented.
- The student is capable of purposeful action in teams implementing safe drug and fluid care within the registered nurses' scope of responsibility.
- The student develops himself/ herself professionally in safe drug and fluid care.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- The student applies concepts and knowledge of safe drug and fluid care competently and extensively.
- The student uses and evaluates evidence-based knowledge of safe drug and fluid care.
- The student applies knowledge of safe drug and fluid care to various situations in drug and fluid care.
- The student is able to evaluate the consequences of his/ her actions in drug and fluid care.
- The student works with a client-centered approach and with responsibility in implementing safe drug and fluid care.
- The student has adequate knowledge to act safely in blood transfusions.
- The student is able to solve common tasks and problems related to safe drug and fluid care when administering medication and fluids into CVK line and into port-a-cath.
- The student is able to explain the use of Epidural catheter.
- The student seeks and applies alternative solutions in decision-making concerning safe drug and fluid care.
- The student evaluates drug and fluid care using professional ethical principles for registered nurses.
- The student is capable of working in multi-professional and/ or multidisciplinary teams implementing safe drug and fluid care within the registered nurses' scope of responsibility.
- The student systematically develops himself/ herself, the profession and work community in safe drug and fluid care.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Module I and II
Medication Management and drug calculations


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Minna Laitila
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student knows how to act as a part of a multi-professional team in mental health and addiction nursing in a client-centred manner. The student is able to take into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting. The student knows the basics of the mental health and addiction services in Finland and is familiar with Mental Health Act. The student knows the concept of positive mental health and can describe factors associated with it. The student knows how to support and promote health and ability to function for patients with mental health and addiction problems and their next-of-kin. The student knows how to assess the resources of mental health patients, of people with addiction problems and of families from different cultural backgrounds. The student plans, implements and evaluates interventions for common psychiatric disorders, mental health problems and addiction problems. He/ she uses evidence-based interventions to help, support and counsel mental health patients, people with addiction problems and family members of all ages. He/ she is able to counsel and support patients and families of all ages in self-care and recovery. The student can use current knowledge of psychiatry and addiction medicine.


Positive mental health, service user involvement and experts by experience. Client-centredness and recovery in mental health and addiction nursing. Protective and threatening factors associated with mental and addiction problems, the stress-vulnerability model. Mental health and addiction services in Finland, Mental Health Act. Nursing process, therapeutic relationship, evidence-based psychosocial interventions, pharmacological therapy in mental health and addiction nursing. Multi-professionalism in mental health and addiction nursing. Common psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, dependency and addictive disorders. Self-harm and suicidal behaviour. The impact of the client's age, sex, cultural background, growth and development stage and the impact of the care or service environment and ethicality on mental health nursing and addiction nursing.


Tenttimateriaali kurssin Moodlessa. Oppitunneilla läpikäyty materiaali ja ryhmätyöt kuuluvat tenttimateriaaliin.

Suositeltava lisäkirjallisuus:
Varcarolis et al (2009) Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing : a communication approach to evidence-based care

Shives (2012) Basic concepts of psychiatric-mental health nursing


Seminaarit/luennot, itsenäinen opiskelu, verkko-opiskelu, simulaatiot

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op = 27h opiskelijan työtä

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Simulaatioihin/taitopajoihin osallistuminen on pakollista. Opiskelijan tulee korvata mahdolliset poissaolot toisen ryhmän mukana.

Avoimen AMK:n opiskelijalta edellytetään aikaisempaa osaamista hoitotyöstä ja opintojakso on tarkoitettu siltakoulutukseksi EU/ETA maiden ulkopuolella valmistuneille sairaanhoitajille.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing narrowly
- on a satisfactory level, seeks information and uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing
- on a satisfactory level, implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various nursing/public health nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice based on ethical principles
- possesses adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making
- is to some extent prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses the concepts and knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe clinical practice
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing
- evaluates action and safety in client-centered clinical nursing based on professional ethical principles of nursing
- acts as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself and the working community in client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates competence in the nursing scientific knowledge base and competently applies this knowledge to client-centered clinical nursing
- independently seeks, uses and critically evaluates international evidence-based nursing scientific knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- assumes responsibility for the patient's/client's care and service process in client-centered clinical nursing
- creates innovative alternative solutions for decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing
- develops action and safety based on the professional ethics of nursing in client-centered clinical nursing
- as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing, develops action in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- develops himself/herself, the profession and practice in client-centered clinical nursing purposefully, with a career-oriented approach

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to give reasons for his/her chosen actions in client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to put into practice his/her knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not capable of adequate client-centered and safe clinical practice
- does not possess adequate decision-making skills for client-centered clinical nursing
- does not adequately take into consideration safety or ethical principles in client-centered clinical nursing
- is not prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Arvosana 1-5
Aktiivinen läsnäolo tunneillaja etä-opetuksessa ja tehtävien/ryhmätöiden suorittaminen
Simulaatioihin/taitopajoihin osallistuminen


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Competencies in Medication and Fluid Care

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 01.12.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Marja Toukola
  • Kirsi Kivistö-Rahnasto
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student implements multi-professional family nursing care while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting. The student knows how to assess the resources of patients and families. The student is able to plan, implement and evaluate nursing interventions for children, young people and family members in terms of common health, health problems and diseases. The student can use evidence-based interventions to help, support and counsel families as well as children and young people. He/she supports and promotes children's, young people's and families' health and ability to function. The student knows how to support children, young people and families during health problems. The student is able to counsel and support children, young people and family members in self-care and rehabilitation. The student knows how to encounter disabled children, young people and their families. In his/her work, current knowledge of paediatrics is used.


Health promotion and self-care support in pediatric nursing. Analyzing the growth and development of the child and young people and supporting them and counselling parenting. Supporting early interaction. Planning, implementation and evaluation of the most important nursing interventions for nursing children, young people and their families. Ethicality in pediatric nursing. Nursing, rehabilitation and counselling of children, young people and their families. Nursing, rehabilitation and counselling of disabled children and young people and their families. Children, young people and their families as clients of multi-professional welfare services. Assessment of nursing needs, monitoring of patients, essential examinations and nursing procedures as well as diagnostic examinations in pediatric nursing. Counselling of children, young people and families in case of health problems. A safe nursing environment. Paediatrics.


Pediatric nursing, nursing of a sick child:
- Wong's essentials of pediatric nursing, Hockenberry, Marilyn J., toimittaja ; Wilson, David, toimittaja ; Wong, Donna L. 2013, 2021
- Care Planning in Children and Young People's Nursing
E-kirja Corkin, Doris; Clarke, Sonya; Liggett, Lorna ; Clarke, Sonya ; Corkin, Doris ; Liggett, Lorna, Wiley-Blackwell 2011
- Clinical skills in children's nursing; Coyne, Imelda ; Timmins, Fiona ; Neill, Freda
Oxford University Press 2010.

- Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Tervajärvi, L. & Hammar, A-M. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
- Talvensaari, H., Kaisvuo T., Uotila N. ja Storvik-Sydänmaa S. 2012. Lapsen ja nuoren hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.

+ other materialt that teacher presents


Keskusteleva lähiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu, taitopajat ja simulaatiot.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

3 op = n. 80 h opiskelijan työtuntia, josta noin 35 h on lähiopetusta, taitopajaa ja simulaatiota.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing narrowly
- on a satisfactory level, seeks information and uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing
- on a satisfactory level, implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various registered nursing/public health nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice based on ethical principles
- possesses adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making
- is to some extent prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses the concepts and knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing
- implements his/her competence in centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe clinical practice
- evaluates action and safety in centered clinical nursing based on professional ethical principles of registered nursing
- purposefully develops himself/herself and the working community in client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates competence in the nursing scientific knowledge base and competently applies this knowledge to client-centered clinical nursing
- is capable of decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- assumes responsibility for the patient's/client's care in client-centered clinical nursing
- develops action and safety based on the professional ethics of registered nursing in client-centered clinical nursing
-as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing, participates in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with other professionals
- develops himself/herself, the profession and practice in client-centered clinical nursing purposefully

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to give reasons for the chosen actions in client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply to practice his/her knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not capable of adequate client-centered and safe clinical practice
- does not possess adequate decision-making skills for client-centered clinical nursing
- does not adequately take into consideration safety or ethical principles in client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Opiskelija osallistuu aktiivisesti lähiopetukseen, taitopajaan ja simulaatioon. Itsenäisen opiskelun tehtävien palautus tulee suorittaa annetussa aikataulussa, tehtävät tulee suorittaa ja palauttaa ennen taitopajaan ja simulaatioon osallistumista.

Tentti lastenhoitotyöstä.

Lääke laskenta koe suoritettava ennen lastenhoitotyön käytännönharjoittelua.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Competencies in Medication and Fluid Care

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 03.11.2024


3 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

0.5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • Pasi Alanen
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student understands the legislation and care pathways in outpatient nursing. The student implements multi-professional practice and outpatient nursing while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting. The student knows how to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin from different cultural backgrounds. The student is able to plan, implement and evaluate practice, need of care and outpatient nursing. The student can use evidence-based interventions developed for practice and outpatient nursing to help, support and counsel patients and in consultation situations. The student can observe asepsis and knows how to monitor patients in practice and outpatient nursing. The student is competent in common nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of patients' total care. The student knows how to support and promote health, ability to function and self-care in patients and next-of-kin of all ages in practices and in outpatient clinics and is able to use health technology and digital guidance methods as part of the care.


Assessing the need of care, health promotion, self-care support and rehabilitation in nursing in out-patient clinics. The national documentation model for nursing. Assessment of nursing needs and monitoring vital functions of patients in nursing in out-patient clinics. The use of health technology as part of nursing. Asepsis in out-patient nursing. Multi-professionalism in out-patient nursing. Assessing the need of care in practice, on the phone and digitally online. Assessing the need of care in most common medical, neurological, surgical, ear, nose and throat diseases and infectious diseases. Secures the continuity of care. Counselling of patients and their next-of-kin. A safe nursing environment and occupational safety. The student follows sustainable development while working.


Materials on Moodle
Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14th Edition


Independent studies, lessons
skill labs

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Exam in the moodle, Teachers give instructions

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 ECTS= 27h student work

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Skill labs and simulations are mandatory



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing narrowly
- on a satisfactory level, seeks information and uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing
- on a satisfactory level, implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice based on ethical principles
- possesses adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making
- is to some extent prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses the concepts and knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and are capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe clinical practice
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing
- evaluates action and safety in client-centered clinical nursing based on professional ethical principles of nursing
- acts as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/herself and the working community in client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates competence in the nursing scientific knowledge base and competently applies this knowledge to client-centered clinical nursing
- independently seeks, uses and critically evaluates international evidence-based nursing scientific knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- assumes responsibility for the patient's/client's care and service process in client-centered clinical nursing
- creates innovative alternative solutions in decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing
- develops action and safety based on the professional ethics of nursing in client-centered clinical nursing
- as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing, develops action in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- develops himself/herself, the profession and practice in client-centered clinical nursing purposefully, with a career-oriented approach

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to give reasons for the chosen action in client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply his/her knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not capable of adequate client-centered and safe clinical practice
- does not possess adequate decision-making skills for client-centered clinical nursing
- does not adequately take into consideration safety or ethical principles in client-centered clinical nursing
- the student does not participate in lab skills and in simulations

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Grade 1-5


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Medication and Fluid Care Competencies

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing


01.01.2025 - 17.03.2025


17.03.2025 - 20.04.2025


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • Pasi Alanen
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student understands the legislation and care pathways in outpatient nursing. The student implements multi-professional practice and outpatient nursing while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting. The student knows how to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin from different cultural backgrounds. The student is able to plan, implement and evaluate practice, need of care and outpatient nursing. The student can use evidence-based interventions developed for practice and outpatient nursing to help, support and counsel patients and in consultation situations. The student can observe asepsis and knows how to monitor patients in practice and outpatient nursing. The student is competent in common nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of patients' total care. The student knows how to support and promote health, ability to function and self-care in patients and next-of-kin of all ages in practices and in outpatient clinics and is able to use health technology and digital guidance methods as part of the care.


Assessing the need of care, health promotion, self-care support and rehabilitation in nursing in out-patient clinics. The national documentation model for nursing. Assessment of nursing needs and monitoring vital functions of patients in nursing in out-patient clinics. The use of health technology as part of nursing. Asepsis in out-patient nursing. Multi-professionalism in out-patient nursing. Assessing the need of care in practice, on the phone and digitally online. Assessing the need of care in most common medical, neurological, surgical, ear, nose and throat diseases and infectious diseases. Secures the continuity of care. Counselling of patients and their next-of-kin. A safe nursing environment and occupational safety. The student follows sustainable development while working.


materials on moodle


independent studies
skill labs
tasks on moodle

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 ECTS is 27 hours of student work

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

skill labs and simulations are obligatory



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing narrowly
- on a satisfactory level, seeks information and uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing
- on a satisfactory level, implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice based on ethical principles
- possesses adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making
- is to some extent prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses the concepts and knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and are capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe clinical practice
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing
- evaluates action and safety in client-centered clinical nursing based on professional ethical principles of nursing
- acts as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/herself and the working community in client-centered clinical nursing

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates competence in the nursing scientific knowledge base and competently applies this knowledge to client-centered clinical nursing
- independently seeks, uses and critically evaluates international evidence-based nursing scientific knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations
- assumes responsibility for the patient's/client's care and service process in client-centered clinical nursing
- creates innovative alternative solutions in decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing
- develops action and safety based on the professional ethics of nursing in client-centered clinical nursing
- as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing, develops action in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- develops himself/herself, the profession and practice in client-centered clinical nursing purposefully, with a career-oriented approach

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to give reasons for the chosen action in client-centered clinical nursing
- is not adequately able to apply his/her knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing
- is not capable of adequate client-centered and safe clinical practice
- does not possess adequate decision-making skills for client-centered clinical nursing
- does not adequately take into consideration safety or ethical principles in client-centered clinical nursing
- the student does not participate in lab skills and in simulations

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

active participation
skill labs
tasks on moodle


First and second year theory studies and clinical trainings


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


2 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Terhi Voltti
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student understands the perioperative process and knows the roles of the perioperative nurse.
The student gets familiar with the perioperative environment and is able to work in a multi-professional group in the care of a perioperative patient.
The student acts aseptically at different stages of perioperative patient care.
The student knows basic anesthesia methods and basic drugs and fluids used in perioperative care.
The student knows the basic monitoring and nursing interventions related to anesthetized patients.
The student is able to support and promote the health, functional capacity, rehabilitation and self-care of perioperative patients and their next-of-kin.
The student knows the pain management in perioperative care.
The student recognizes most typical instruments and surgical methods.
The student knows the use of equipment in the theatres and recovery room and understands the importance of patient safety in perioperative care.
The student understands the principles of sustainable development in perioperative care.


- perioperative process (pathway of elective and emergency patient, ambulatory patient)
- the roles and tasks of an anesthetic nurse, scrub nurse and circulating nurse
- environment of theatres
- the principles of aseptic care (surgical hand disinfection, use of sterile gown, surgical site skin disinfection, preparing a sterile table, respecting of sterile area)
- anesthesia methods (general anesthesia, spinal – and epidural, local anesthesia)
- observation of anesthetized patient in the theatre and recovery room
- documentation and reporting (Periop documention, ISBAR)
- drug and fluid care (general anesthesia drugs, local anesthetics, pain medication, infusions)
- pain management methods (epidural, PCA, plexus, VAS)
- main instruments and equipment (diatermia, suction, c-arm)
- interaction and counselling situations with the patient
- patient safety (physical and physiological), nurse’s occupational safety (preventing accidents, ergonomic point of view, radiation protection, needle accidents)



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- perceives the perioperative process.
- perceives the roles of perioperative nurses and environment in the operating theaters.
- is able to work in a multi-professional team.
- is able to work aseptically.
- perceives different anesthesia methods and the main preparation methods for the patient’s anaesthesia.
- is able to guide the patient during the perioperative process.
- knows the infusions and medications used for the patient's anaesthesia.
- perceives the most important surgical instruments and equipment.
- knows the most-used disinfectant and sterilization methods in perioperative nursing.
- knows the importance of written documentation and oral reporting of the patient care.
- knows the importance of patient safety in perioperative care.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- knows the perioperative process.
- knows the roles of a perioperative nurse and the environment in the operating theaters.
- is able to work in a multi-professional team and understands the importance of teamwork.
- knows the importance of aseptics in the work of the operating theaters and is able to act according to the aseptic rules.
- knows different anesthesia methods and the main preparation methods for the patient's anaesthesia.
- is able to guide patients diversely during the perioperative process.
- knows the infusions and medications used in the patient's anaesthesia.
- knows the most important surgical instruments and equipment.
- knows the most-used disinfectant and sterilization methods in perioperative nursing.
- is able to document the main areas of the patient’s anaesthesia.
- understands the importance of patient safety and continuity of care during intra-operative care.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- knows the perioperative process.
- knows the roles of a perioperative nurse and the environment in the operating theaters.
- is able to work in a multi-professional team and knows the importance of teamwork.
- knows the importance of aseptics in the work of the operating theaters and is able to act according to the aseptic rules.
- knows different anesthesia methods and mechanisms and the main preparation methods for the patient's anaesthesia.
- is able to guide different patient groups diversely.
- knows the infusions and medications used in the patient's anaesthesia and knows their action mechanisms.
- knows the most important surgical instruments and equipment and the purpose for their use.
- knows the most-used disinfectant and sterilization methods in perioperative nursing.
- is able to document the main areas of the patient’s anaesthesia.
- understands the importance of patient safety and continuity of care during intra-operative care.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not understand the perioperative process.
- does not understand the roles of perioperative nurses and the environment in the operating theaters.
- is not able to work in a multi-professional team.
- is not able to work aseptically.
- does not perceive different anesthesia methods and the main preparation methods for the patient’s anaesthesia.
- is not able to guide the patient during the perioperative process.
- does not know the infusions and medications used for the patient's anaesthesia.
- does not perceive the most important surgical instruments and equipment.
- does not know the most-used disinfectant and sterilization methods in perioperative nursing.
- does not know the importance of written documentation and oral reporting of the patient care.
- does not know the importance of patient safety in perioperative care.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-II
Medication management and drug calculations


SeAMK DP in Nursing in-coming exchange students can participate in this course.


01.04.2024 - 15.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Halmesmäki
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student learns the basics of the work of pre-hospital emergency care. Legislation and ethics. Care pathways and collaborative actors and the national communication network. The student utilizes the work safety and patient safety in pre-hospital emergency care. Special features of health education and guidance competence in pre-hospital emergency care. Multi-professional team work in pre-hospital emergency care.


Pre-hospital emergency care authorities. Legislation and ethics. Basic medical procedures used in pre-hospital emergency care. National communication network between authorities. Examples of different patient groups in pre-hospital emergency care. Most common medications used in pre-hospital emergency care. Patient and work safety. Efficient communication and documentation in pre-hospital emergency care. Multi-professionalism.


Materials on moodle


Online-lessons, independent studies
can be performed completely independently

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Exam on moodle

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

2 ECTS= 54h student work



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not reflect on what he/ she has learned about the basics of the work in pre-hospital emergency care.
- does not reflect on what he/ she has learned about legislation and ethics that guide the work as a paramedic.
- does not reflect on what he/ she has learned about patient care pathways and collaborative actors and the national communication network.
- does not utilize the work safety and patient safety in pre-hospital emergency care.
- does not reflect that he/ she understands multi-professionalism in pre-hospital emergency care.
- does not reflect that he/ she understands the special features of health education and guidance competence in pre-hospital emergency care.
- does not do the assignments required for the course.
- does not participate to lessons.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Grade passed/failed


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Module I-II
Medication and Fluid Care I


The student must have at least 60 ECTS to take this course.
This course is available for in-coming DP in Nursing exchange students.
This course is available also for nursing students from Finnish nursing programme.


25.03.2024 - 27.10.2024


04.11.2024 - 15.12.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sirkka Nieminen
  • Pasi Alanen
  • Tiina Koskela
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student simulation skills are on the level that the student is competent to simulate in multi-professional teams and uses internal entrepreneurship efficiently to maintain and develop skills in nursing for him/ herself as well as for student colleagues.The student observes skills that are needed in professional co-operation in challenging nursing care situations and in health promotion of critically ill patients. The student follows nursing ethics.
The student practices the skills that are needed in working life as a member of a team as well as practices the skills that are needed in critical care nursing. The student is able to administer safe medication and drug care and is able to follow nursing protocols as well as demonstrates the documentation, reporting and consultation skills she/ he has gained while studying nursing. The student maintains patient safety and works in ways of sustainable development. The student is able to differentiate levels of medical care and specialties of medical field.


Practicing in ways of simulation: Ethical principals and legislation in nursing. Professional co-operation in nursing and multi-professionalism in nursing. Patient safety and reporting of hazards and close-call situations. Documentation, reporting and consultation in nursing. Team work in challenging nursing situations and in mental health care, paediatric care and in critical care. Team leading, employee skills and noticing positive actions. Reflection of personal and others' nursing and communication skills.


Materials on Moodle
Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14th edition


skills labs

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 ETCS = 27 student work

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Simulations and skills labs are compulsory. The student must do those with another group if she/he misses the classes.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

- The student has not actively participated in online studies and in simulations.
- The student has not done the required tasks.
- The student does not follow professionalism in simulations.
- The student does not work aseptically in simulations.
- The student takes and/ or gives feedback in an unprofessional manner.
- The student does not participate in discussions in simulations.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Medication and Fluid Care Competencies

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


21.10.2024 - 02.03.2025


03.03.2025 - 31.07.2025


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti

10 - 40

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sirkka Nieminen
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to communicate fluently and accurately in more specific professional situations with patients and colleagues. He/she understands more detailed and complex texts related to work and is able to write coherent texts on specific professional topics. Student enhances his/her spoken Finnish skills related to professional topics both in informal and formal situations.

The target level of the course is B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Interactive communication situations, telling about everyday life at work, e.g. medication, pain, patient cases, delicate or sensitive topics; instructions, forms, reporting
Grammar: standard vs. spoken Finnish, ways to make new vocabulary, expressions for the level of certainty, use of participles, complex sentences.


Opetus- ja verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.


- kontakti- ja etäopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu, kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat sovitaan kurssin aikana. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttä suostumista sähköisesti valvottuun tenttiin.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

81h, josta luentoja 22h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso B2



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2 The student is able to communicate in routine professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages everyday working life communication situations if he/she gets help. The student understands some basic professional texts and is able to write them. However, he/she makes mistakes in grammatical structures, which cause misunderstanding and complicate communication. He/she has a command of basic nursing vocabulary. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation, However, his/her pronunciation is understandable, but sometimes inaccurate in special terminology.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4 The student is able to communicate fluently in most of the detailed or specific professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages usually independently or with little help the specific working life communication situations, both in informal and formal situations. The student understands mostly the main ideas of a complex professional contents and is mostly able to write coherent and grammatically flawless text. He/she has a command of more specific nursing vocabulary. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5 The student is able to communicate accurately and fluently in more detailed and specific professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages independently more specific working life communication situations, both in informal and formal situations. The student understands the main ideas of a complex professional contents and is able to write coherent and grammatically flawless text. He/she has a good command of more specific nursing vocabulary. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student does not achieve the learning outcomes at a satisfactory level.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

-aktiivinen osallistuminen (50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi, 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
-kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
-tentti (50 % tentin läpäisemiseksi)


Professional Finnish 1 or equivalent knowledge.


Assessment Methods
- active participation (min. 50% to pass the course & min. 80% to get the highest grade)
- written and spoken Moodle assignments
- exam (Student has to score a minimum of 50% of the points to pass the exam)


21.10.2024 - 16.02.2025


03.03.2025 - 20.04.2025


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Ulla-Maaria Paukkunen
  • Rn Nimeämätön
  • Tiina Koskela
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student understands the meaning of simulations while maintaining patient safety and practicing non-technical skills in nursing. While practicing in a nursing team, the student encounters multicultural peer students and other people with respect and equality and gives and takes feedback. The student learns to evaluate his/ her own nursing skills and communication skills and methods and sees how these effect on patient safety. The student evaluates and develops the work, assumes responsibility for his/her actions and becomes aware of the interaction and co-operation skills and development needs of him/ herself.
The student practices simulated patient situations also in Finnish and prepares for clinical training.


In ways of skills labs and simulations: self-knowledge, working in a multicultural group. Professional behavior and interaction. Interaction and co-operation skills. Working in pairs, groups and teams.
Maintaining patient safety and quality of the nursing process. Assessing patient by using ABCDE and NEWS. The student practices the skills that are needed in nursing and in medication and fluid care.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
- The student is not able to reflect and to recognize strengths and weaknesses in his/ her interaction and co-operation skills, and does not seek to develop himself/ herself or to adapt his/her course of action accordingly.
- The student is not able to act in a professional manner in interaction and co-operation in simulated patient situations.
- The student is not able to follow instructions to demonstrate client-centered professional competence.
- The student does not participate in the learning process nor shares knowledge with the peers.
- The student does not want to or know how to work with various actors in a professional manner, considering equality principles.
- The student has not actively participated in online studies and in simulations.
- The student has not done the required tasks.
- The student does not follow professionalism in simulations.
- The student does not work aseptically in simulations.
- The student takes and/ or gives feedback in an unprofessional manner.
- The student does not participate in discussions in simulations.


SeAMK DP in Nursing in-coming exchange students can take part in these simulations.
Simulations are partially in Finnish


01.08.2024 - 28.02.2025


01.08.2024 - 30.04.2025


2 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Terveydenhoitaja (AMK)
  • Raila Kärnä
  • SH22K
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • SH21S
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • TH23
    Terveydenhoitaja (AMK)
  • MSH22K
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), monimuotototeutus
  • RN21
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)
  • MSH24K
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), monimuotototeutus
  • MSH23S
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), monimuotototeutus
  • SH22S
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • SH24K
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • MTH24
    Terveydenhoitaja (AMK)
  • SH23S
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • MSH23K
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), monimuotototeutus
  • SH23K
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • MSH22SB
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), monimuotototeutus
  • MSH22SA
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), monimuotototeutus
  • TH22
    Terveydenhoitaja (AMK)


The student knows how to apply and prepare for an international exchange abroad. The student knows how to act in an international environment abroad and she/he is able to take into consideration different cultures. The student will get familiar with the principles, activities, key factors and responsibilities of an out-going nursing student. The student knows how to maintain safety and their occupational ability and well-being during the exchange-period. The student evaluates the mobility period according to the given instructions.


Rules, expectations, rights and terms of Erasmus+ programme and SeAMK according to the mobility period. Exchange process (orientation, planning), health and safety issues (vaccination process, communicable diseases, mental well-being, working/studying as a student abroad). Travelling and safety (Visa process, preparing the journey, preventing accidents). Multicultural living and working/study environment (cultural diversity, cultural differences). After the exchange period (reversed cultural shock, responsibilities according to the studies)


Opettajan erikseen ilmoittama materiaali


Itsenäinen työskentely

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op vastaa 27h opiskelijan työtä = 2op on yhteensä 54h



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- under guidance, seeks information about opportunities to work/study abroad.
- participates in orientation days for exchange students.
- under guidance, plans an international experience abroad.
- under guidance, draws up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- under guidance, collects material and gets ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- under guidance, seeks information about working life and working culture in the target country.
- under guidance, seeks information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- draws up the portfolio.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- seeks information about opportunities to work in their field of study abroad.
- participates actively in orientation days.
- plans an international experience abroad.
- draws up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- collects material and gets ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- seeks information about the working life and working culture in their field of study in the target country.
- seeks information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- draws up the portfolio.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- actively seeks information about opportunities to work in their field of study abroad.
- participates actively in orientation days and expresses interest.
- draws up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- without prompting, actively plans an international experience abroad.
- collects a wide range of material and gets ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- actively seeks information about the working life and working culture in their field of study in the target country.
- without prompting, actively seeks information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- draws up the portfolio and uses various methods in it.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not seek information about opportunities to work/study abroad.
- does not participate in orientation days for exchange students.
- planning of an international experience abroad is incomplete.
- does not draw up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- does not collect material and get ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- does not seek information about working life and working culture in the target country.
- does not seek information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- the portfolio is incomplete.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Kurssin läpäisyyn sinun täytyy tehdä kaikki kurssin tehtävät hyväksytysti. Lisäksi kurssin portfolio arvioidaan 1-5 arvosanalla.

Hylätty (0)

The student
- does not seek information about opportunities to work/study abroad.
- does not participate in orientation days for exchange students.
- planning of an international experience abroad is incomplete.
- does not draw up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- does not collect material and get ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- does not seek information about working life and working culture in the target country.
- does not seek information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- the portfolio is incomplete.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student
- under guidance, seeks information about opportunities to work/study abroad.
- participates in orientation days for exchange students.
- under guidance, plans an international experience abroad.
- under guidance, draws up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- under guidance, collects material and gets ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- under guidance, seeks information about working life and working culture in the target country.
- under guidance, seeks information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- draws up the portfolio.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student
- seeks information about opportunities to work in their field of study abroad.
- participates actively in orientation days.
- plans an international experience abroad.
- draws up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- collects material and gets ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- seeks information about the working life and working culture in their field of study in the target country.
- seeks information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- draws up the portfolio.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- actively seeks information about opportunities to work in their field of study abroad.
- participates actively in orientation days and expresses interest.
- draws up the documents required for out-of-the-country experiences.
- without prompting, actively plans an international experience abroad.
- collects a wide range of material and gets ready to give presentations about their country and working culture in a foreign language.
- actively seeks information about the working life and working culture in their field of study in the target country.
- without prompting, actively seeks information about the company’s/organization’s culture and practices.
- draws up the portfolio and uses various methods in it.


This course is only for out-going DP in Nursing (including Finnish nursing programme), for students who have applied and got a permission to do a nursing exchange abroad. Before taking this course, please contact the international office and your study counselor.


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


2 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


0.5 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Katriina Kuhalampi
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student knows the meaning of a team leader in nursing. The student practices leading skills and employee skills that are needed in nursing. Professional communication in nursing between the team members. The student is able to give and get constructive feedback of his/ her actions in nursing.

The student acts with an attitude of self-management. The student is aware of the responsibility for the quality of nursing in his/her own actions and in the organization. The student is able to prevent and detect shortcomings in the quality of the nursing process and understands the meaning of communication in it. The student is able to evaluate quality throughout the nursing process and understand the responsibility in securing and promoting patient safety.


Team leading and working as a team member. Qualities of effective team leader. Employee skills.

Finnish legislation and national quality guidelines and requirements.
Care guidelines, patient classification systems, quality management systems, quality assurance, sectors of patient safety: safe care, safe equipment, safe medication, Safety Incident Reporting System



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, recognizes the role of a team.
- analyzes the topics of team management and quality assurance from a narrow perspective.
- to a limited extent, is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes the working life laws and norms to a limited extent in healthcare organizations.
- is able to list needs for quality assurance methods.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself as a member of the working community and various teams.
- is capable of discussing management and quality assurance extensively.
- is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to analyze needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself responsibly as a member of the working community and various networks.
- has good skills as an employee.
- seeks research knowledge on management and quality assurance.
- is able to extensively discuss the topics in relation to healthcare organizations.
- observes and critically applies working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to argue for and make conclusions on the needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, does not recognize the meaning of management.
- analyzes the topics of management and quality assurance without connecting them with healthcare organizations.
- is not able to describe essential laws and norms of working life.
- is not able to recognize needs for quality assurance methods in healthcare organizations.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Medication and Fluid Care Competencies

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


19.02.2024 - 04.10.2024


02.09.2024 - 29.11.2024


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Raila Kärnä
  • RN21
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student's simulation skills are on the level that the student is competent to simulate in more complicated patient simulations, works in a role of a registered nurse and uses internal entrepreneurship efficiently to maintain and develop nursing skills for the whole group and for clinical decision-making. The student is familiar with life-long learning process. The student deepens his/ her competence in various nursing situations. The student is competent in clinical decision-making and in critical thinking. The student uses evidence-based information in clinical reasoning.
The student is competent to work as a registered nurse as part of a nursing team, but also as part of a multi-professional team. The student reflects in a professional manner and supports peers.
The student understands his/ her own responsibility in patient safety, nursing, ethics and in sustainable development.


In ways of simulations: The student practices effective communication methods, working in ethical dilemmas, reporting and consulting. Documentation in nursing. The student reflects and shares his/ her knowledge in multi-professional groups. The student maintains patient safety and, if jeopardized, the student has skills to notice it and to address it. Student gives and gets constructive feedback. The student recognizes the situations where she/ he has to make clinical decisions and is able to reflect on them. The student understands the influence of clinical decision-making on patient care.
Simulated patient scenarios from various nursing fields. Advancing nursing studies and nursing specialties.


Opettajan erikseen ilmoittama materiaali


2op opiskelijoille, jotka syventävät englanniksi
1op opiskelijoille, jotka syventävät suomeksi

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op = 27 opiskelijan työtä


Failed = 0
- The student does not follow nursing ethics.
- The student does not show sufficient competencies in nursing.
- The student does not use evidence based information or does not know how to search for it.
- The student has not actively participated in online studies and in simulations.
- The student has not done the required tasks.
- The student does not follow professionalism in simulations.
- The student does not work aseptically in simulations.
- The student takes and/ or gives feedback in an unprofessional manner.
- The student does not participate in discussions in simulations.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Failed = 0
- The student does not follow nursing ethics.
- The student does not show sufficient competencies in nursing.
- The student does not use evidence based information or does not know how to search for it.
- The student has not actively participated in online studies and in simulations.
- The student has not done the required tasks.
- The student does not follow professionalism in simulations.
- The student does not work aseptically in simulations.
- The student takes and/ or gives feedback in an unprofessional manner.
- The student does not participate in discussions in simulations.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Simulaation hyväksytty suorittaminen


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-V
Registered Nurse's Competencies in Medication and Fluid Care


The student has a possibility to do this course as part of clinical training in exchange.
The student must contact the student counselor and discuss about this possibility.

Please note that if this course is attached as part of exchange, it is possible that in these clinical training environments may also be under-aged patients. Therefore, the student must show criminal record certificate before starting this training.
The criminal record certification is shown to Head of DP in Nursing two weeks before training starts.

SeAMK DP in Nursing in-coming exchange students can take part in these simulations.


21.10.2024 - 02.02.2025


10.02.2025 - 31.07.2025


3 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Niina Keskinen
  • Raila Kärnä
  • Terhi Voltti
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to contribute to development, innovation and research processes. He/ she can critically evaluate and use scientific publications. The student can describe common research, development and analytical methods.


Research methods in nursing science. Qualitative and quantitative research methods, action research, inductive and deductive content analysis methods, systematic literature review.


Opettajan määrittelemät osiot kyseisistä teoksista:
- Polit, D., & Beck, C. (2021). Nursing research : generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Wolters Kluwer Health.
- Ellis, P. (2019). Understanding research for nursing students. Sage Learning Matters.
- Gerrish, K., & Lathlean, J. (2015). The Research Process in Nursing. Wiley. e-book.
- Holloway, I. & Galvin, K. (2017). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. Wiley Blackwell. e-book.
- Kyngäs, H., Mikkonen, K., & Kääriäinen, M. (2020). The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research. Springer International Publishing. e-book.


Opintojakso on verkkopainotteinen.
Lähiopetusta (2h + 2h+ 4h): Luennot ja tunneilla tehtävät harjoitukset.
Itsenäinen opiskelu verkossa: oppimistehtävien tekeminen, tunneille valmistautuminen, materiaaleihin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opintojakso ei sisällä työelämässä tehtävää harjoittelua.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Opintojakso sisältää oppimistehtäviä, joita voi suorittaa verkossa itsenäisesti opintojakson aikana. Opintojakson lopussa tentti.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Kyseessä on verkkopainotteinen toteutustapa.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Opintojakso 3 op, eli 81h.
Lähiopetus 8h, itsenäistä opiskelua, oppimistehtävien tekemistä ja lähitunneille valmistautumista 71h, tentti koululla 2h.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- knows research and development methods and uses them in R & D processes

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- purposefully utilizes his/her research and development competence in R & D processes

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- applies his/her research and development competence to various assignments, projects, final thesis and to the nursing profession

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not satisfactorily achieve the learning outcomes defined for R & D competence

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Lähiopetuksessa tehtävät harjoitukset, verkossa tehtävät osatehtävät, opintojakson lopussa arvioitava tentti.


Evidence-Based Nursing


01.10.2024 - 10.11.2024


07.10.2024 - 31.01.2025


3 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Niina Keskinen
  • TURN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to contribute to development, innovation and research processes. He/ she can critically evaluate and use scientific publications. The student can describe common research, development and analytical methods.


Research methods in nursing science. Qualitative and quantitative research methods, action research, inductive and deductive content analysis methods, systematic literature review.


Opettajan määrittelemät osiot kyseisistä teoksista:
- Polit, D., & Beck, C. (2021). Nursing research : generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Wolters Kluwer Health.
- Ellis, P. (2019). Understanding research for nursing students. Sage Learning Matters.
- Gerrish, K., & Lathlean, J. (2015). The Research Process in Nursing. Wiley. e-book.
- Holloway, I. & Galvin, K. (2017). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. Wiley Blackwell. e-book.
- Kyngäs, H., Mikkonen, K., & Kääriäinen, M. (2020). The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research. Springer International Publishing. e-book.


Opintojakso on verkkopainotteinen.
Lähiopetusta (2h + 2h+ 4h): Luennot ja tunneilla tehtävät harjoitukset.
Itsenäinen opiskelu verkossa: oppimistehtävien tekeminen, tunneille valmistautuminen, materiaaleihin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opintojakso ei sisällä työelämässä tehtävää harjoittelua.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Opintojakso sisältää oppimistehtäviä, joita voi suorittaa verkossa itsenäisesti opintojakson aikana. Opintojakson lopussa tentti.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Kyseessä on verkkopainotteinen toteutustapa.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Opintojakso 3 op, eli 81h.
Lähiopetus 8h, itsenäistä opiskelua, oppimistehtävien tekemistä ja lähitunneille valmistautumista 71h, tentti koululla 2h.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- knows research and development methods and uses them in R & D processes

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- purposefully utilizes his/her research and development competence in R & D processes

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- applies his/her research and development competence to various assignments, projects, final thesis and to the nursing profession

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not satisfactorily achieve the learning outcomes defined for R & D competence

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Lähiopetuksessa tehtävät harjoitukset, verkossa tehtävät osatehtävät, opintojakson lopussa arvioitava tentti.


Evidence-Based Nursing


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


28.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Niina Keskinen
  • Terhi Voltti
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student can use evidence-based implementations developed for surgical and perioperative nursing to help, support, and counsel adult patients and their next-of-kin.
The student is competent in common nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of surgical nursing in pre- intra and postoperative phases. The student knows how to support and promote surgical patients' and their next-of-kin's health, self-care, rehabilitation and ability to function. The student is able to manage and support pain patients.


Pre- intra and post-operative nursing, rehabilitation and counselling. Assessment of nursing needs and monitoring vital functions of surgical patients with acute and chronic diseases. Pain assessment and control. Essential examinations, nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations in surgical and perioperative nursing. Nursing interventions (FinCC) in surgical nursing. Health promotion, self-care support and rehabilitation in nursing with surgical patients and their next-of-kin.



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not participate in skills labs and simulations
- does not use the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients narrowly.
- does not seek information and use evidence-based knowledge to explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients on a satisfactory level.
- does not implement his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various registered nursing situations on a satisfactory level.
- is not capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice with surgical patients based on ethical principles.
- does not own adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making.
- is not prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing.


Registered Nurse's clinical competence Modules I-II
Surgical and perioperative theory


01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


09.09.2024 - 28.02.2025


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Suomi
  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Maija Hiltunen
  • Meri Matala-Aho
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Pasi Alanen
  • Norbert Abamukong
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student learns to simulate and to use skills in nursing. The student understands the meaning of simulations while maintaining patient safety and practicing non-technical skills in nursing. While practicing in a nursing team, the student encounters multicultural peer students and other people with respect and equality and gives and takes feedback. The student learns to evaluate his/ her own nursing skills and communication skills and methods. The student evaluates and develops the work, assumes responsibility for his/her actions and becomes aware of the interaction and co-operation skills and development needs of him/ herself.

The student practices simulated patient situations also in Finnish and prepares for clinical training.


In ways of skills labs and simulations: Professional behavior and interaction. Co-operation skills. Working in pairs and groups.

Maintaining patient safety and quality of the nursing process. Assessing patients by using ABCDE and NEWS. The student practices the skills that are needed in basics of clinical nursing. Activities in different emergency situations. Emergency first aid. Basic Life Support, use of defibrillator.

Rehabilitation and Ergonomics in nursing.


Material provided by the teachers


Skills lab, simulations
Independent studies, online studies.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1ECTS = 27h student work

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Skills labs and simulations are compulsory. The student must do those with another group, if she/ he misses the classes.
Kurssi toteutetaan suomen- ja englannin kielellä



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
- does not participate in skills labs and simulations
- does not follow ethicality in nursing
- does not maintain patient safety while practicing clinical skills
- does not do assignments

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet



25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Jeremia Keisala
  • Paula Paloniemi
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is capable of working in a multi-professional team, and is able to consider the patient's age, growth and development stage. The student is able to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin coming from different cultural backgrounds. In addition, the student is able to take this assessment into consideration when planning, implementing and evaluating the surgical nursing. Moreover, the student can plan, implement and evaluate nursing interventions for adult patients and their next-of-kin of all ages facing common surgical conditions and situations.
The student can use evidence-based implementations developed for surgical nursing to help, support, and counsel adult patients and their next-of-kin. The student knows how to act aseptically. The student can observe and manage different wounds. The student is competent in common nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations used as part of surgical nursing. The student knows how to support and promote surgical patients' and their next-of-kin's health, self-care, rehabilitation and ability to function. The student is able to manage and support pain patients.


Pre- and post-operative nursing, rehabilitation and counselling. Assessment of nursing needs and monitoring vital functions of surgical patients with acute and chronic diseases. Pain assessment and control. Essential examinations, nursing procedures and diagnostic examinations in surgical nursing. Wound care. Nursing interventions (FinCC) in surgical nursing. Asepsis in surgical nursing. Health promotion, self-care support and rehabilitation in nursing with surgical patients and their next-of-kin. The national documentation model for nursing. The impact of the patient's age, sex, cultural background, growth and development stage and care and service setting on the care of surgical patients and their next-of-kin. Nursing and counselling of patients and their next-of-kin facing a crisis up to a surgical disease and operation. Multi-professionalism in the care of surgical patients. A safe nursing environment. Occupational safety. Common surgical diseases. The safe use of common technology in examinations and treatments throughout the care and service pathways for surgical patients.


Brunner & Suddarth`s Textbook of Medical-Surgical nursing (2018 14th edition)USA: Wolters Kluwer (tai viimeisin painos)
Moodlen materiaali.


Itsenäinen opiskelu

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 op=27 h opiskelijan työtä.

Sisällön jaksotus

Potilaan valmistelu leikkaukseen, leikkauksen jälkeinen tarkkailu, kivun hoito, haavan hoito, erilaisten kirurgisten potilaiden hoitotyö. Erilaisten materiaalien ja välineiden käyttö kirurgisen potilaan hoitotyössä.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Vaihto-opiskelijat voivat osallistua tälle kurssille.
Taitopajat ja simulaatiot ovat pakollisia.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
- uses the knowledge foundation of client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients narrowly.
- on a satisfactory level, seeks information and uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- on a satisfactory level, implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in various registered nursing situations.
- is capable of client-centered and safe clinical practice with surgical patients based on ethical principles.
- possesses adequate skills in client-centered clinical decision-making.
- is to some extent prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses the concepts and knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations with surgical patients.
- is capable of client-centered, responsible and safe clinical practice in surgical nursing.
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- evaluates action and safety in client-centered clinical nursing based on professional ethical principles of nursing.
- acts as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures.
- purposefully develops himself/herself and the working community in client-centered clinical nursing.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student
- demonstrates competence in the nursing scientific knowledge base and competently applies this knowledge to client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- independently seeks, uses and critically evaluates international evidence-based nursing scientific knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- implements his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing in an anticipatory manner and is capable of independent decision-making in various client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- assumes responsibility for the patient's/client's care and service process in client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- creates innovative alternative solutions to decision-making in client-centered clinical nursing.
- develops action and safety based on the professional ethics of nursing in client-centered clinical nursing.
-as an expert of client-centered clinical nursing, develops action in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures.
- develops himself/herself, the profession and practice in client-centered clinical nursing purposefully, with a career-oriented approach.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student
- does not adequately consider or use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- is not adequately able to give reasons for his/her chosen actions in client-centered clinical nursing with surgical patients.
- is not adequately able to apply his/her knowledge of client-centered clinical nursing in surgical nursing.
- is not capable of adequate client-centered and safe clinical practice in surgical nursing.
- does not possess adequate decision-making skills for client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately take into consideration safety or ethical principles in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not prepared to develop client-centered clinical nursing.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Module I-II
Medication management and drug calculations


21.10.2024 - 16.02.2025


17.02.2025 - 31.07.2025


3 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Tiina Hemminki
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student understands different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The student knows how to evaluate the health and well-being of the population in his/ her native country and in Finland.
The student is aware of factors that cause public health problems and future national and global health risks.
He / she understands how social decision-making, structures and sustainable development are linked with the promotion of health and functional capacity on the national and international levels.


- Levels of sustainable development (ecological, economic, social and cultural).
- Goals of Agenda 2030.
- Factors that impair public health and prevention of these factors. Factors that promote or inhibit people's resources.
- The impact of the individual's or community's socioeconomic status on health. Early detection and prevention of risk factors.
- The current health and well-being of the population in Finland and in a few other countries.
- Global health risks and preparing for these risks. Health and well-being in various countries.
- Health Promotion from the viewpoint of a smoke-free environment.
- Globally prevalent diseases in a nutshell.


Study material provided by the teacher




This course is available for exchange students

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Info (Teams) 1h, Independent studies in Moodle 53h



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student partly understands the different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student understands part of the concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. To some extent, the student is able to read research and to use research knowledge to recognize causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is professional to some extent, but the knowledge of the recovery methods is still somewhat lacking.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student understands the different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student understands the concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. The student is able to read research and partly use research knowledge to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is professional and he/ she can facilitate clients' recovery by means of a motivating method.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student understands widely the different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student has a deep knowledge of the concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. The student is able to search variety research material and use data to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is highly professional and he/ she can facilitate clients' recovery by means of a motivating method.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail = 0
The student doesn’t identify different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student fails to understand concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. He/ she is not adequately able to read research and use research knowledge to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude is lacking as regards to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse and the counselling of clients.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Successful completion of assignments in Moodle

Hylätty (0)

The student doesn’t identify different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student fails to understand concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. He/ she is not adequately able to read research and use research knowledge to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude is lacking as regards to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse and the counselling of clients.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student partly understands the different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student understands part of the concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. To some extent, the student is able to read research and to use research knowledge to recognize causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is professional to some extent, but the knowledge of the recovery methods is still somewhat lacking.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student understands the different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student understands the concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. The student is able to read research and partly use research knowledge to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is professional and he/ she can facilitate clients' recovery by means of a motivating method.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student understands widely the different levels of sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The student has a deep knowledge of the concepts related to national and global health, importance of epidemiological research and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. The student is able to search variety research material and use data to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is highly professional and he/ she can facilitate clients' recovery by means of a motivating method.


01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


21.10.2024 - 23.02.2025


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Sami Perälä
  • Marika Toivonen
  • MRN24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


The student is able to describe what the concepts eHealth and wellbeing technologies involve. The student is able to understand the main technologies used for wellbeing in health and social services as well as to describe the main current eHealth applications and to evaluate them. The student understands the role of data in wellbeing technologies and its implications in security and ethics.


- Concepts and taxonomy of eHealth and wellbeing technologies applied for health and social services.
- Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies.
- Role of health and social care professionals and their way of using wellbeing technologies
- Wellbeing solutions for patients and citizens.
- Description of state of art of eHealth technologies. Benefits and challenges.
- Use of data in wellbeing technologies. Electronic Healthcare Records.
- Aspects of security, ethics and regulations to be considered in wellbeing technologies usage and implementation.
- Designing well-being technologies and managing end-users in co-creation activities
- Interaction with actual wellbeing technologies. Principles of evaluating eHealth solutions.


Materials in Moodle and other suitable material


Lectures, discussions, independent assignments, study visit, group work, seminar

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

2 credits = 54 hours work for students
2 hours info
4 hours study visit
4 hours seminar
rest independent studies



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student cannot describe the concept of eHealth and well being technologies. The student does not know the features of healthcare data and its constraints about security and ethics. The student is not familiar with the design process of eHealth services and applications. No classroom/seminar participation, no assignments delivered.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Participation in all teaching sessions is mandatory, approved completion of independent assignments and active participation in the performance and presentation of a group assignment.


SeAMK DP in Nursing in-coming exchange students can participate in this course.