Siirry suoraan sisältöön

KV-vaihdon ohjelma/Terveysala

18 op

Professional studies in physiotherapy

Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education


01.08.2024 - 22.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo

  • Englanti
  • KV-vaihdon ohjelma/Terveysala
  • Raila Kärnä
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education


The student knows the basic aspects of Finnish working life and nursing education.
The student knows how to act in an international environment in Finland and she/he is able take into consideration Finnish culture.
The student will get familiar with the principles, activities, key factors and responsibilities of nursing in Finland.
The student will get familiar with rules and regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences'.
Student gets familiar with Nursing Degree Programme of UAS Seinäjoki
The student knows how to maintain safety and their occupational ability and wellbeing during the exchange-period. The student evaluates the mobility period according to the given instructions.


Rules, expectations, rights and terms of Finnish working life and nursing education.
Multicultural living and working/study environment (cultural diversity, cultural differences).
Introduction of UAS Seinäjoki /Nursing Degree Programme.
Safety issues in Finland.


Opettajan antama materiaali


Verkko-opinnot Moodle-alustalla

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö


Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet



Kurssi on saapuville vaihto-opiskelijoille

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

2 opintopistettä = 56 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Moodle-alustalla työskentely 38 h
Tehtävän valmistelu 14 h
Tehtävän esittäminen 2 h
Itsearviointi 2 h


The Student:
- participates actively in the Moodle platform
- without prompting, actively plans an international experience abroad
- collects a wide range of material and get ready to give presentations about their country and working culture
- actively seeks information about the working life, working culture and nursing education in the field of nursing in Finland
- without prompting, actively seeks information about Finnish culture and practices
- takes safety issues in to consideration
- draws up the assignments of the course for out-of-the-country experiences

The student
- planning of an international experience in Finland is incomplete
- does not seek information about working life and working culture
- does not seek information about the nursing education in Finland
- does not show the interest about safety issues
- does not draw up the assignments required for the course

Sisällön jaksotus

1. Johdanto Moodlessa
2. Tehtävän valmistelu
3. Tehtävän esittäminen
4. Itsearviointi

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille




Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The Student:
- participates actively in the Moodle platform
- without prompting, actively plans an international experience abroad
- collects a wide range of material and get ready to give presentations about their country and working culture
- actively seeks information about the working life, working culture and nursing education in the field of nursing in Finland
- without prompting, actively seeks information about Finnish culture and practices
- takes safety issues in to consideration
- draws up the assignments of the course for out-of-the-country experiences

The student
- planning of an international experience in Finland is incomplete
- does not seek information about working life and working culture
- does not seek information about the nursing education in Finland
- does not show the interest about safety issues
- does not draw up the assignments required for the course

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Kaikki Moodlen osiot on täytettävä. Tehtävä ja esitys. Itsearviointi


Students complete the course on their own schedule independently on Moodle platform. The course includes different themes.

Course is fully online.