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Responsible Tourism (2 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: CA00DT45-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


23.08.2024 - 04.10.2024


30.09.2024 - 30.11.2024


2 op


UUSI SeAMK Restonomi


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami


  • Englanti


  • From Field to Fork
  • Restonomi (AMK), Ravitsemispalvelut


  • Sanna Jyllilä


  • IEPFF24F
    From Field to Fork


The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. Students will identify key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and elsewhere. The student understands the basic principles of sustainable tourism and responsible activities and is able to apply them in practice. The student is able to apply new knowledge to the development of the tourism industry and critically examine existing operating models in tourism companies and destinations. The student recognizes the impact of tourism on the environment and society.


- Principles of sustainable tourism
- Sustainable Tourism Certificates and Programs
- Sustainable business
- Impact of tourism on environment and society



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student has completed the assignments and participated in the course. The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. The student knows the key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and globally. The student understands the impact of tourism on the environment and society. The student understands the principles and operating models of sustainable business and recognizes them in practice. The student is able to apply new information satisfactorily to the development of the tourism industry and to develop operating models for tourism companies.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student has completed the assignments well and has actively participated in the course. The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. The student knows the key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and globally. The student understands the impact of tourism on the environment and society. The student recognizes the principles and operating models of sustainable business and is able to apply them in practice. The student is able to apply new knowledge to the development of the tourism industry and to develop new operating models for tourism companies.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student has completed the assignments in an excellent manner and has participated actively and constructively in the course. The student is able to define the key concepts of sustainable tourism. The student knows the key sustainable tourism certifications and programs in Finland and globally. The student understands the impact of tourism on the environment and society. The student understands the principles and operating models of sustainable business and he/she is able to critically examine them and apply them in practice. The student is able to apply new knowledge to the development of the tourism industry and to develop new operating models for tourism companies.