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Bachelor of Social Services

Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Social Services

210 ects

Name of the Degree Programme

Degree Programme in Social Services

Field of study

Health and welfare
The classification of the educational field is based on the international ISCED classification used by the Ministry of Education and Culture.


The degree programme has no specialisations. Students, who want to qualify as Bachelors of Social Services in Kindergarten must include at least 60 credits of coursework in early childhood education and/or social pedagogy into their degree programme, including pedagogical training with a child group and choosing a topic related to childhood, parenthood or early childhood education for their Bachelor’s thesis.

Qualification awarded

Bachelor of Social Services
Bachelors of Social Services (sosionomi AMK) are qualified for social work posts or positions in the public and private sector and in volunteer work and organizations for which the qualification requirement is a first cycle higher education degree. Sosionomi (AMK) is a legalized and registered professional. (Act on Social Welfare Professionals 817/2015).
Act on Early Childhood Education and Care (540/2018) state that a person working as a Bachelor of Social Services in Kindergarten possesses a degree in social welfare and health care is required to complete at least 60 credits of coursework in early childhood education and social pedagogy as part of their degree programme. The students who have started their studies after 1.9.2019 will have title Bachelor of Social Services in Early Childhood Education (Act on Early Childhood and Care 540/2018).

Level of qualification

The degree programme leads to a higher education degree which is a first cycle Bachelor-level degree in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the eight-level classification of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the degree represents level 6.
The description of the level of the Degree is included in the Statute, at

Specific admission requirements

Eligibility for studies at a university of applied sciences is stipulated in the Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014.
The selection criteria are specified in the data of the Degree Programme at and
On the websites, application and instructions are in Finnish language for the degree programmes taught in Finnish.

Qualification requirements and regulations (incl. graduation requirements)

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Structure of the studies

In accordance with the Universities of Applied Sciences Act, the studies of a Degree Programme consist of basic studies, professional studies, practical training promoting professional skills, free elective studies, and a final project/thesis. The extent of the studies is 60 credits a year.
The basic studies include studies common to all students of Seinäjoki UAS, basic studies in social and health care and basic studies of the Degree Programme specifically. They prepare students for studying and introduce phenomena, concepts and the scope of practice in social work. As their studies progress, students will examine the same topic areas more profoundly.
During the professional studies, students become familiar with the services and legislation of the social field and study a great variety of social work approaches and methods. The approaches and methods have been classified as follows: psychosocial and activity-based approaches and methods; empowering social work approaches, and methods and approaches and methods in management. During the professional studies, students extensively learn about various client groups and situations, so as to gain an extensive social work competence, a preparedness to act as experts of social work with various client groups and an ability to see the overall picture of things and their connections. For a description of the practical training, please see “Work-based learning and practical training”.
Students’ research and development skills become more advanced as students progress through the Degree Programme. Students start with information seeking, communication and scientific writing skills, project work and innovation, and then move on to field-specific research and development studies. It is recommended that students write their Bachelor’s thesis on a topic related to the needs of social work practice. The thesis can take the form of a research, report, development undertaking, production or a product.
The elective (free choice) studies are based on students’ individual choice. The studies can comprise large modules, for example multidisciplinary working life projects, modules completed during international exchange programmes or the module on early childhood education. Students can also opt for free choice studies offered by other degree programmes at Seinäjoki UAS or other higher education institutions, or they can become involved in student union activity or tutoring, or request credits for professionally relevant employment.
The 60 credits of coursework in early childhood education and/or social pedagogy required as part of the Bachelor in Social Services in Kindergarten qualification are accrued as follows:
• Early childhood education and social pedagogy studies that are compulsory to all students in the degree programme. The minimum extent of these studies is 15 credits, but students can choose to study more.
• The module on early childhood education, 15 credits. Students choose this module as part of their elective (free-choice) studies and complete all the courses of the module. The courses should be undertaken in the recommended order.
• Pedagogical training in early childhood education, 15 credits. Students undertake the practical training “Psychosocial and activity-based social work methods” in an early childhood education setting where they can work with child groups.
• Bachelor’s thesis, 15 credits. Students write their thesis on a topic related to children, families or early childhood education.
There is some variation in how the social work studies proceed depending on when the student starts (autumn/spring). Some groups follow their own schedule of 8-week contact periods complemented by multiple learning methods during 2.5-3 years. The system is flexible, so students can choose studies from either these or from full-time day groups.
The curriculum includes five seams permeating through the studies and extending over them. They are based on SeAMK’s reports, studies and strategy, as well as on the national and international recommendations and regulations related to education provided by universities of applied sciences.
- The Information Search seam strengthens the student’s professional and field-specific information search skills throughout the studies.
- The Internationalization seam secures the improvement of the student’s international competencies during their studies.
- The studies corresponding to the Entrepreneurship seam help the student understand the central and growing role of entrepreneurship in society.
- The Sustainable Development seam makes the student aware of social responsibility and helps them understand the diversity of sustainable development as a working life skill.
- The seam of Career Guidance helps the student recognise their competencies and own strengths. It also includes working life knowledge, job search skills, and lifelong learning.
Students have the opportunity to include multidisciplinary, working life-oriented project studies in their personal curricula (FramiPro).

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of the Degree Programme in Social Services represent level 6 in the European Qualification Framework (EQF). The desired learning outcomes emerge from the function of social work and services in society and from the nature of the profession. The learning outcomes are described in detail in the sections on the programme profile and degree-specific competences below.

Profile of the programme

Expertise in the social aspects of individual people's everyday life in the community and society lies at the heart of the Degree Programme. It means that students learn to understand an individual's life, along with the individual's resources and needs and to perceive her or his life situation in a broader context of social and cultural life. The degree programme provides students with competence to promote the welfare, social function and social engagement of people by means of psychosocial, activity-based and empowering methods and by appropriate management practices.
Taking the degree guarantees broad and high-quality professional social work competence and it enables employment with various client groups. The degree programme does not include specialisation options, but students have a possibility to choose studies that represent different methods and work life settings. The study module Empowerment in Social Work can be studied in english language.

Generic and subject specifc competences

Competencies are extensive knowledge entities, or combinations of the individual’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes. They describe qualifications, performance potential, and the ability to cope with professional duties.
Common/general competencies are fields of know-how common to different Degree Programmes, but their special characteristics and importance may vary between professions and work assignments. General competencies form the basis for professional activities, cooperation, and the development of expertise. According to Arene’s (Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences) recommendations, general competencies include learning skills, ethical competence, cooperation skills, innovation skills, and internationalization skills. In addition to the above-mentioned competencies, entrepreneurial skills and quality management skills are emphasized in the degree studies of SeAMK as competencies common to all.
Degree programme-specific competencies form the basis for the development of the student’s professional expertise.
The degree-specific competences create the basis for the development of students’ professional expertise. The competences for the Degree Programme (Sosionomi AMK) are defined in collaboration between all the Universities of Applied Sciences that offer this programme. These HE institutions are committed to provide education that meets the competence requirements, even though the structure of the degree programme may vary from one institution to another. At Seinäjoki UAS, the study modules of the degree programme have direct equivalence with the competence requirements defined for Bachelors of Social Services. These competences for sosionomi (AMK) are described below.
Ethical competence in the social field. In their action, Bachelors of Social Services (Sosionomi AMK) observe the statutes on human and fundamental rights, the values of social work and the professional ethical principles. They are aware of the impact that their personal conception of human nature and their personal world of values has on their work with clients. In situations involving value conflicts, they act in an ethically justified manner, promoting equity and equality. They are able to take the side of the socially vulnerable individuals and groups.
Competence in client work. Bachelors of Social Services (Sosionomi AMK) know how to establish a professional interaction and cooperation relationship and how to assess clients’ need for services. They are able to support the growth and development of individual people, the everyday life of families and the relationships between family members. Paying attention to client involvement, they know how to plan, implement and evaluate clients’ service processes. Bachelors of Social Services are able to recognize risk and protective factors for welfare and to apply the perspectives of preventive work and early intervention. They know how to counsel clients, client groups and communities in a goal and resource-oriented manner while supporting client involvement. They are able to apply and evaluate theoretical client work orientations and methods, demonstrate cultural sensitivity and ability to support diversity in their work with clients, and promote intercultural dialogue. They know how to use electronic environments for counselling and how to help clients to use e-services. They are able to evaluate client work and document it in a client-oriented manner.
Competence in the social service provision. Bachelors of Social Services (Sosionomi AMK) are able to analyse local and global challenges for welfare and sustainable development and the effect they may have on health care and social services. They are familiar with the legal statutes and able to apply important legislation. They know how social and health services and education and school services are organized, provided, steered and supervised. Bachelors of Social Services have knowledge of the systems that provide social security and welfare in the public, private and third sector. They are capable of counselling people on social security, coordinating services based on client needs and acting as change agents. They are able to act as active experts in social work and services and as client advocates in multiprofessional and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Competence in critical and inclusive practices in society: Bachelors of Social Services (Sosionomi AMK) are capable of professional, critical reflection. They know how to analyse national and global structures and processes that produce inequality, disadvantage or welfare, and how to prevent social exclusion. They are able to act as advocates for people who are in a vulnerable position or have been silenced, and to bring knowledge of unreasonable life situations to the attention of political decision-makers and responsible actors. Bachelors of Social Services know the decision making mechanisms in public administration and are able to act according to these principles. They are able to promote citizens’ participation and possibilities to participate, and to influence decision-making in collaboration with various actors.
Research-oriented development and innovation competence. Bachelors of Social Services (sosionomi AMK) are capable of innovative problem-solving and networking to develop social work and services. They know how to use the partnership approach to develop client work methods, practices and service processes and to plan, implement and evaluate development projects. They are able to apply research and development methods to improve practices and to produce and evaluate knowledge required to promote welfare. They follow the ethical principles and guidelines of research and development work.
Work community, management and entrepreneurship competence. Bachelors of Social Services (Sosionomi AMK) are able to work and engage in cooperation in interdisciplinary teams and work communities and in international settings. They are able to work as first-line managers. They know the most important parts of labour legislation and know how to promote occupational safety. They are able to manage themselves, to promote their own and the work community’s wellbeing at work and to evaluate the quality, outcomes and effects of the work. They know the meaning of financial and strategic management to their own work and they are familiar with the basic prerequisites of entrepreneurship in social services.

Pedagogical approach and learning environment

The Degree Programme is based on the socioconstructivist theory of learning whereby learners themselves take an active role, constructing knowledge structures, assessing their learning needs and making an effort to reach their learning goals. The teacher is primarily a facilitator, who helps students to become aware and take steps towards professional development. An important aim in the studies is to develop reflectivity, that is the ability and will to look at one’s motivating factors and at the effects of one’s actions from multiple perspectives. Students develop their understanding and competence in a group. The group constitutes a learning environment, in which students learn interaction skills, giving and receiving feedback and ethical scrutiny of things using multiple perspectives.
The learning contents and pedagogy are based on a practice-oriented approach and progressive enquiry. The courses aim at developing competence required in practice and in the development of practice, as defined in the competence descriptions (see above). The theoretical contents of the courses are applied to practical situations in multiple ways, for example though working life projects, practical assignments and development tasks, information seeking using sources available in social work practice, guided practical training and participation in research, development and service provision. The learning contents are examined from multiple perspectives using both evidence-based and experiential knowledge. The development of the professional field is emphasised from the very beginning of the studies.
The learning environment is being developed in order to offer students an extensive range of courses and flexible progress. Alternative modes of study are offered to enable students to choose methods and schedules that suit them best. Study methods involve lectures; study circles; working life projects; group assignments; demonstrations and simulations; online learning and independent studies, among others. Full-time students and students using multimodal learning methods can choose studies from either programme, according to the registration principles.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (RPL)

The RPL procedure means the identification and recognition of the student’s previously acquired learning. The student has the opportunity to apply for the recognition of their competencies if the competencies correspond to the learning goals of the Degree Programme. The identification process is closely connected with the preparation of the student’s personal curriculum and is updated during personal counselling discussions.
The identification and recognition practices are presented in the RPL Instruction of SeAMK. It specifies how recognition of competencies is applied for, how the application is processed, and how the student is informed of it. The instruction lists the RPL contact persons of each Degree Programme, who counsel students on matters related to the process.
In the assessment of prior learning, for example the following evidence is used:
– certificates on training programmes with similar content and other training programmes
– testimonials and further clarifications by an employer
– interviews of the student
– written and oral exams or reports
– functional or written assignments or other evidence
– presentations, portfolios
The final project/thesis and the Maturity Test cannot be submitted to the RPL procedure. The students’ ability to describe their competence in relation to the course learning outcomes is an essential aspect of the recognition and accreditation of prior learning. Please notice that as regard the accreditation of theoretical studies, students must demonstrate their command of the theoretical contents. Practical work experience alone is usually not an adequate basis.

Work-based learning and work placements

Work-based learning and practical training are closely connected with the basic and professional studies described above and with the competences defined for the graduates (sosionomi AMK). Students have guided practice during their practical training periods. This means that a supervisor is appointed for the student at the university and in the practical placement. Students’ action is guided by the course learning outcomes and by the personal goals they have set for themselves. It is recommended that students carry out their various practical training periods in several placements rather than in a single one.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.
Employment-integrated learning means that it is possible for students to have their current employment or other suitable activity recognised and evaluated, so that they can earn credits from the work or activity. The work or activity must contain an adequate number of elements that coincide with the desired learning outcomes of the course and it must be of adequate duration. The student, teacher and the student’s employer carry out the employment-integrated learning process in cooperation. The employer makes a commitment to offer the student an opportunity for employment-integrated learning, in accordance with the learning outcomes of the course. The employment-integrated learning options are discussed with the contact person in charge of employment-integrated process in the degree programme, as part of the student’s personal study plan. Attention will be paid to the overall progress of the studies and to the required formation of professional competence. The practical arrangements should be discussed with the teacher of the course. Student fullfils application and afterwards the student indicates his/her competence following instructions given by teacher.

Work-based learning and work placements

Work-based learning and practical training are closely connected with the basic and professional studies described above and with the competences defined for the graduates (sosionomi AMK). Students have guided practice during their practical training periods. This means that a supervisor is appointed for the student at the university and in the practical placement. Students’ action is guided by the course learning outcomes and by the personal goals they have set for themselves. It is recommended that students carry out their various practical training periods in several placements rather than in a single one.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.
Employment-integrated learning means that it is possible for students to have their current employment or other suitable activity recognised and evaluated, so that they can earn credits from the work or activity. The work or activity must contain an adequate number of elements that coincide with the desired learning outcomes of the course and it must be of adequate duration. The student, teacher and the student’s employer carry out the employment-integrated learning process in cooperation. The employer makes a commitment to offer the student an opportunity for employment-integrated learning, in accordance with the learning outcomes of the course. The employment-integrated learning options are discussed with the contact person in charge of employment-integrated process in the degree programme, as part of the student’s personal study plan. Attention will be paid to the overall progress of the studies and to the required formation of professional competence. The practical arrangements should be discussed with the teacher of the course. Student fullfils application and afterwards the student indicates his/her competence following instructions given by teacher.

Work-based learning and work placements

Work-based learning and practical training are closely connected with the basic and professional studies described above and with the competences defined for the graduates (sosionomi AMK). Students have guided practice during their practical training periods. This means that a supervisor is appointed for the student at the university and in the practical placement. Students’ action is guided by the course learning outcomes and by the personal goals they have set for themselves. It is recommended that students carry out their various practical training periods in several placements rather than in a single one.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.
Employment-integrated learning means that it is possible for students to have their current employment or other suitable activity recognised and evaluated, so that they can earn credits from the work or activity. The work or activity must contain an adequate number of elements that coincide with the desired learning outcomes of the course and it must be of adequate duration. The student, teacher and the student’s employer carry out the employment-integrated learning process in cooperation. The employer makes a commitment to offer the student an opportunity for employment-integrated learning, in accordance with the learning outcomes of the course. The employment-integrated learning options are discussed with the contact person in charge of employment-integrated process in the degree programme, as part of the student’s personal study plan. Attention will be paid to the overall progress of the studies and to the required formation of professional competence. The practical arrangements should be discussed with the teacher of the course. Student fullfils application and afterwards the student indicates his/her competence following instructions given by teacher.

Work-based learning and work placements

Work-based learning and practical training are closely connected with the basic and professional studies described above and with the competences defined for the graduates (sosionomi AMK). Students have guided practice during their practical training periods. This means that a supervisor is appointed for the student at the university and in the practical placement. Students’ action is guided by the course learning outcomes and by the personal goals they have set for themselves. It is recommended that students carry out their various practical training periods in several placements rather than in a single one.
The student’s salaried work during their studies and the competencies achieved through it can be used in order to complete a course. This is referred to as employment-integrated learning, and it can also be related to voluntary work or hobbies. It is essential that the things learnt through working contribute to the attainment of the learning goals of the course. Learning achieved through employment-integrated learning can be verified, for instance, through skills demonstrations and assignments.
Employment-integrated learning means that it is possible for students to have their current employment or other suitable activity recognised and evaluated, so that they can earn credits from the work or activity. The work or activity must contain an adequate number of elements that coincide with the desired learning outcomes of the course and it must be of adequate duration. The student, teacher and the student’s employer carry out the employment-integrated learning process in cooperation. The employer makes a commitment to offer the student an opportunity for employment-integrated learning, in accordance with the learning outcomes of the course. The employment-integrated learning options are discussed with the contact person in charge of employment-integrated process in the degree programme, as part of the student’s personal study plan. Attention will be paid to the overall progress of the studies and to the required formation of professional competence. The practical arrangements should be discussed with the teacher of the course. Student fullfils application and afterwards the student indicates his/her competence following instructions given by teacher.

Occupational profiles

Bachelors of Social Services work in client service, management, projects and as entrepreneurs. The more common job titles in different areas of the profession include:
- In education or counselling for families: Family counsellor, school social worker, Bachelor of social Services in Kindergaten, kindergarten teacher, educator, or youth counsellor. Bachelors of Social Services work in early childhood education, child welfare (child protection), family counselling, and schools, in preventive work and in certain special education positions.
- In counselling, rehabilitation and social work with adult clients: Social services counsellor, employment counsellor, case manager, project worker, employment consultant, or insurance secretary. Bachelors of Social Services work in services for the disabled and abusers of drugs and alcohol. They may work in mental health settings, criminal justice or with the elderly, unemployed, youth or immigrants. Potential workplaces also include the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, the employment agencies and the social services agencies.
- In management and development: service manager, executive director, manager in children’s home, or office manager. Bachelors of Social Services work in management and development positions in various social service sectors and organisations or as entrepreneurs, in projects, in the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA), and in the labour administration.
Qualifications for kindergarten teachers: The Act on Qualification Requirements for Social Welfare Professionals (272/2005) and the government decree (608/2005) state that a person working as a kindergarten teacher who possesses a degree in social welfare and health care is required to complete at least 60 credits of coursework in early childhood education and social pedagogy as part of their degree programme (see the description above). The students who have started their studies after 1.9.2019 will have title Bachelor of Social Services in Early Childhood Education (Act on Early Childhood and Care 540/2018).
After completing the vocational language studies the student is able to communicate in spoken and written situations related to his field of study. He can search for information and follow the development of his professional field in the target language.


Students have the possibility to undertake exchange studies in partner institutions of Seinäjoki UAS or in other suitable institutions suggested by students themselves. The recommended length of an exchange period is three months during the second or third year of study. Groups of students can also take part in international intensive courses offered by collaborative networks. The study module Empowerment in Social Work can be studied in English language. The School also endeavours to promote internationalization at home by introducing literature in foreign languages, by utilising the expertise of mobility students and visiting lectures and by incorporating multi-cultural contents into teaching. All independent internationalization efforts of students are encouraged.

Access to further studies

After three years of work experience, the student will be eligible for further studies for a Master’s Degree in the field in question.

Graduation requirements

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and instructions for graduates at Intra.

Mode of study

Day studies. In adult education, multi-form studies

Head of degree programme

Ms Tua Niemelä, tel. +358 50 9174288, e-mail: tua.niemela(at)

Student counsellor

Ms Pirjo Takala, tel +358 40 830 2167, e-mail: pirjo.takala(at)

Coordination of international mobility

Tiina Välimäki, 040-830 4127, tiina.valimaki(at), Coordinator, Outgoing student exchanges to Europe
Maria Loukola, 040-830 2240, maria.loukola(at), Coordinator, Incoming and outgoing student exchanges outside Europe

Student services

Tel. +358 20 124 5055,

Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation

Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation

Degree Programme in Social Services, Multimodal implementation

Degree Programme in Social Services, Multimodal implementation

Degree Programme in Social Services, Multimodal implementation


06.05.2024 - 05.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Ulla-Maaria Paukkunen
  • Pirita Hakoneva
Student groups
  • IEPSW24F
    Empowerment in Social Work
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students are familiar with social importance of media and communication from different perspectives of social work and activities. Students analytically examine media contents and recognise perspectives presented by various interest groups. They can explain how media acts and what kind of meanings it keeps inside.They can apply means of communication and influence. Students have argumentation and information seeking skills. They are familiar with the internal and external communication principles and practices in work communities. Students are familiar with the professional etiquette in social media. Students also examine communication culture from the perspective of sustainable development.


- media literacy: perceiving media reality and working as social work professional in media environment
- influence in society as part of empowering social work
- communication in society
- ethical instructions and legislation of media


Hall, C. Slembrouck, S. & Sarangi S. 2006. Language Practises in Social Work: Categorisation and Accountability in Child Welfare. : Chapter 9, p. 145 - 163 Narrative transformation in media reporting; Chapter 10, p. 164 - 173 Conclusion.
Stocchetti, M. & Kukkonen, K. 2010. Critical Media Analysis: An Introduction for Media Professionals. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG. E-book.
Literature needed in assingments and in the exam is defined more closely during the course.

Teaching methods

Contact learning, learning assignments including e-learning, group discussions, exam.

Employer connections

Does not include any practise period.

Exam schedules

Exam at the end of the course.

Student workload

108 hours including contact learning.

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to recognize the importance of communication and media in society
- are able to recognize the wholeness of methods which media uses
- are able to recognize their individual behavior concerning media and communication and connected attitudes

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have capacities to itemize contents of media
- can bring out topics, which are essential from the perspective of citizens? empowerment
- are able to recognize their individual values and attitudes
- are able to recognize their responsibilities in communication-related tasks

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have competencies to evaluate and analyze critically the contents produced by different media sources
- have skills to act in network of citizens, media and other interest groups based on principles of empowering social work
- have capacities to recognize the influence of their individual values and attitudes to their actions

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation is based on active participation in contact learning, assignments and the exam.


Students of the Degree Programme in Social Services: Most part of the Basic studies

Further information

Students of the degree programme can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
Student groups
  • SOS21B
  • SOS22A
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS21C


Students know forms of work in social services, carried out on the Internet with various groups of clients. Students know how to evaluate the suitability, benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of the online environment for various clients groups. Students are able to produce appropriate content in internet in professional role Students take into account the requirements of accessibility and data protection.


- online help in the work of Bachelors of Social Services
- special features and ethical principles of helping online
- forms of online help
- professional action in social media
- digital accessibility and data protection issues
- sustainable development


Kivistö & Päykkönen (toim.) Sosiaalityö digitalisaatiossa. Lapin yliopiston yhteiskuntatieteellisiä julkaisuja. C Työpapereita 58.

Teaching methods

lectures, exercises, discussions

Student workload


Further information

Students can choose between this course and the courses Technology and Everyday Life, Community Aids and Welfare Technology.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name online surroundings and online methods of social work among different client groups. They recognize benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of web. Students are able to survive in professional role in the web and they know some principles of the production of web contents. Students can apply their knowledge under guidance.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students possess good knowledge concerning online surroundings and online methods of social work among different client groups. Students are able to observe usefulness of web from the perspective of different client groups and clients needs. They recognize benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of web. Students are capable to act as professionals in the web and they know how webcontents are produced. Students can apply their knowledge.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students possess multiple knowledge concerning online surroundings and online methods of social work among different client groups. Students are able to evaluate usefulness of web from the perspective of different client groups and clients needs. They recognize benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of web. Students are capable to act as professionals in the web and they know how web-contents are produced. Students can apply their knowledge.

Assessment methods and criteria

Students know forms of work in social services, carried out on the Internet with various groups of clients. Students know how to evaluate the suitability, benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of the online environment for various clients groups. Students are able to produce appropriate content in internet in professional role Students take into account the requirements of accessibility and data protection.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to name online surroundings and online methods of social work among different client groups. They recognize benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of web. Students are able to survive in professional role in the web and they know some principles of the production of web contents. Students can apply their knowledge under guidance.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students possess good knowledge concerning online surroundings and online methods of social work among different client groups. Students are able to observe usefulness of web from the perspective of different client groups and clients needs. They recognize benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of web. Students are capable to act as professionals in the web and they know how webcontents are produced. Students can apply their knowledge.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students possess multiple knowledge concerning online surroundings and online methods of social work among different client groups. Students are able to evaluate usefulness of web from the perspective of different client groups and clients needs. They recognize benefits, disadvantages and ethical perspectives of web. Students are capable to act as professionals in the web and they know how web-contents are produced. Students can apply their knowledge.


previous studies are not required

Further information

Students can choose between this course and the courses Technology and Everyday Life, Community Aids and Welfare Technology.


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.10.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Juulia Mäkilaine
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students gain basic knowledge and skills in creative methods and practices in the area of drama, for example theatre, role play and self-expression. Students understand the role of creative, cultural and art methods in the promotion of clients' self-image, self-esteem, self-expression and community sense. Students learn to organise goal-oriented group activities using drama methods. They know how to motivate and encourage individuals and group members to express themselves. Students work in a goal-oriented manner in the area of creative activities and they are able to plan a full creative activity process. Students are aware of their creative resources and they are motivated to use and develop these resources in the context of professional social field work.


- creative group methods in the work of Bachelors of Social Services
- use of drama methods in creative group activity
- self-expression, role play, theatrical expression
- activity-based and experiential exercises using drama methods
- practical methods of using drama in social work
- developing one's creative resources in the context of professional social field work


- Karkkulainen, M. 2011. Siivet selkään, draamakengät jalkaan ? kohtaamisia draaman pedagogisilla näyttämöillä.
- Koskenniemi, P. 2007. Osallistava teatteri. Devising ja muita merkillisyyksiä.
- Raunio, E. 2007. Prosessidraama ja tutkiva teatterityö.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are acquainted with the use of drama methods
- are able to plan and to implement drama methods in group activities
- have capacities to develop their individual creative strenghts and to use drama methods as a tool in the professional work of Bachelor of Social Services.


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Use of Pictures in Group Activities
- Use of Narrative Methods in Group Activities


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


07.01.2025 - 07.03.2025


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Juulia Mäkilaine
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students gain basic knowledge and skills in creative methods and practices in the area of drama, for example theatre, role play and self-expression. Students understand the role of creative, cultural and art methods in the promotion of clients' self-image, self-esteem, self-expression and community sense. Students learn to organise goal-oriented group activities using drama methods. They know how to motivate and encourage individuals and group members to express themselves. Students work in a goal-oriented manner in the area of creative activities and they are able to plan a full creative activity process. Students are aware of their creative resources and they are motivated to use and develop these resources in the context of professional social field work.


- creative group methods in the work of Bachelors of Social Services
- use of drama methods in creative group activity
- self-expression, role play, theatrical expression
- activity-based and experiential exercises using drama methods
- practical methods of using drama in social work
- developing one's creative resources in the context of professional social field work


- Karkkulainen, M. 2011. Siivet selkään, draamakengät jalkaan ? kohtaamisia draaman pedagogisilla näyttämöillä.
- Koskenniemi, P. 2007. Osallistava teatteri. Devising ja muita merkillisyyksiä.
- Raunio, E. 2007. Prosessidraama ja tutkiva teatterityö.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are acquainted with the use of drama methods
- are able to plan and to implement drama methods in group activities
- have capacities to develop their individual creative strenghts and to use drama methods as a tool in the professional work of Bachelor of Social Services.


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Use of Pictures in Group Activities
- Use of Narrative Methods in Group Activities


06.05.2024 - 05.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Aino Asunmaa
Student groups
  • IEPSW24F
    Empowerment in Social Work
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students are able to define the concept of empowerment and describe how it is related to critical social work theories.
They know how to analyse social mechanisms behind marginalisation and analyse structures and processes which produce inequality and disadvantage on regional, national and international level. Students analyze practices, structures and processes which produce and maintain marginalisation, inequality and lack of engagement and power in society, welfare services and social work. Students recognise needs for empowering social work in the clients' lives, work communities and in social work responsibilities. They are familiar with empowering social work methods. Students can describe what kind of conflicts may emerge in empowering work processes and what kind of solutions there are to solve them. Students are prepared to plan and evaluate a social work process, in which empowering methods are used and sustainable development promoted. Students can critically analyse their attitudes and opinions. In working with clients, they can reflect their own individual values and ethical views.


- the concept of empowerment
- critical social work theories
- marginalization, inequality and disadvantage in society
- promoting empowerment in client work, social welfare organizations and society
- empowering methods in social work
- planning and evaluating a process of empowering social work
- empowering work and sustainable development
- evaluation of one's values and action


- Kam, P. K. 2020. Strengthening the empowerment approach in social work practice: An EPS model. Journal of Social Work, 1–24. Access through SeAMK computer network or SeAMK remote access.
- Payne, M. 2014. Modern social work theory. 4th edition. New York: Macmillan International, Higher education. Parts: 11-14.
- Skene, K.R. 2021. What is the Unit of Empowerment? An Ecological Perspective. British Journal of Social Work, 1–20.

Teaching methods

Lectures, work life collaboration, seminar, learning assignments

Student workload

4 x 26,5h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students can define the concept of empowerment and describe the core content of the critical social theories underpinning it. They can describe such practices, processes and structures in society, service systems and social work that produce and maintain marginalization, inequality, lack of power and participation. They recognize the connections of these factors with ecosocial sustainability. The students are able to describe the needs, for empowering social lwork and the power structures in the lives of the service users as well as in the social work organizations and practices. The students are able to describe their own social work practice and the values behind it, and raise questions concerning value conflicts that they have experienced in social work practice and name structural factors connected to them.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

In addition, the students are able to reflect on the concept of empowerment from many perspectives and connect it to practical work and empowering methods.They can reflect the structural and social factors connected to their own values and the value conflicts they have experienced.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In addition, the students are able to reflect critically and comprehensively on the marginalizing processes in the lives of service users, in social work organisations and in social work profession. They are able to analyse it by applying critical theories. They ae able to apply empowering social work methods in the case example in a creative way and describe the use of the methods in detail, taking into account the ecosocial sustainability. They can analyse and assess critically both their own actions and the professional practices of social work from the perspective of empowering goals of social work. They are able to assess the empowering approach in relation to the other possible approaches in social work.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment criteria available in the ops


Students of the Degree Programme in Social Services:: Basic studies of the degree programme

Further information

Finnish students can choose between this course and the following courses:
- Communication and Media in Social Work
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Suzana Zegrea
Student groups
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students will learn to use essential professional vocabulary. They will be able to describe the main aspects of Finnish social welfare in English. Students will be acquainted with essential vocabulary concerning various client groups in the social field.
They will be competent in reading professional literature and in using it as reference material when writing texts. Students will learn to communicate in English in client situations and at the workplace. They will be able to improve their professional competence using the English language.


- Presenting the professional field, the Finnish social welfare system and student's education in English
- English vocabulary for client groups: children, young people, families, disabled people, intoxicant abusers, immigrants, the unemployed, homeless clients and clients with mental health problems
- Describing case studies in English
- English for client interviews


Material selected by the lecturer

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills for routine situations in multi-professional work communities (e.g. e-mail, filling out forms, CV, presenting the workplace). Students know how to give basic oral and, if necessary, written, instructions to various clients/groups. They know how to ask for and document essential information about clients' current and earlier life situation to ensure appropriate follow-up care. Students understand professional texts related to their duties. They make mistakes in common grammatical structures that might undermine communication, cause misunderstandings and require repeating contents. They know adequate professional vocabulary to pass salient information to the listener or reader. Students' pronunciation is comprehensible but may contain inaccuracies when using special terminology. Students can find the information they search in texts that discuss familiar topics. They know how to use common communication technology.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills required in typical workplace situations (e.g. telephone conversations, consultation, oral and written reports, oral presentations and for example insurance documents). They know how to explain and justify individual client instructions and describe common methods and processes in their professional field. They know how to explore clients' current and earlier life situation and how to ask for further details. Students document the information carefully to ensure approriate follow-up care and they are able to aswer the clients' questions. Students mostly use grammatical structures correctly and, in case of misunderstanding, are able to correct their language mistakes independently. They have good command over salient vocabulary for the social field and relatively good command over special terminology. Students make an effort to adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. Their pronunciation is rather natural and clear. They know how to skim for essential contents in various social field texts and use a variety of communication technology.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students' oral and written communication is accurate and appropriate even in demanding interaction situations in multi-professional and multi-cultural work communities. (e.g. meetings, client negotiations, feedback discussions). In counselling situations, students are able to take up issues with clients in a natural manner, paying attention to the client's' cultural background. They know how to interview clients and communicate professionally even in challenging, unexpected client situations. Students use a great variety of grammatical structures almost flawlessly. They accurately use extensive vocabulary, including special terminology for the social field. Their pronunciation is clear and natural and they adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. They are able to quickly grasp the contents of various texts and they critically evaluate the reliability of the source. Students use a variety of communication methods effectively.


No previous studies are required.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


07.01.2025 - 14.03.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Suzana Zegrea
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students will learn to use essential professional vocabulary. They will be able to describe the main aspects of Finnish social welfare in English. Students will be acquainted with essential vocabulary concerning various client groups in the social field.
They will be competent in reading professional literature and in using it as reference material when writing texts. Students will learn to communicate in English in client situations and at the workplace. They will be able to improve their professional competence using the English language.


- Presenting the professional field, the Finnish social welfare system and student's education in English
- English vocabulary for client groups: children, young people, families, disabled people, intoxicant abusers, immigrants, the unemployed, homeless clients and clients with mental health problems
- Describing case studies in English
- English for client interviews


Material selected by the lecturer

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills for routine situations in multi-professional work communities (e.g. e-mail, filling out forms, CV, presenting the workplace). Students know how to give basic oral and, if necessary, written, instructions to various clients/groups. They know how to ask for and document essential information about clients' current and earlier life situation to ensure appropriate follow-up care. Students understand professional texts related to their duties. They make mistakes in common grammatical structures that might undermine communication, cause misunderstandings and require repeating contents. They know adequate professional vocabulary to pass salient information to the listener or reader. Students' pronunciation is comprehensible but may contain inaccuracies when using special terminology. Students can find the information they search in texts that discuss familiar topics. They know how to use common communication technology.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills required in typical workplace situations (e.g. telephone conversations, consultation, oral and written reports, oral presentations and for example insurance documents). They know how to explain and justify individual client instructions and describe common methods and processes in their professional field. They know how to explore clients' current and earlier life situation and how to ask for further details. Students document the information carefully to ensure approriate follow-up care and they are able to aswer the clients' questions. Students mostly use grammatical structures correctly and, in case of misunderstanding, are able to correct their language mistakes independently. They have good command over salient vocabulary for the social field and relatively good command over special terminology. Students make an effort to adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. Their pronunciation is rather natural and clear. They know how to skim for essential contents in various social field texts and use a variety of communication technology.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students' oral and written communication is accurate and appropriate even in demanding interaction situations in multi-professional and multi-cultural work communities. (e.g. meetings, client negotiations, feedback discussions). In counselling situations, students are able to take up issues with clients in a natural manner, paying attention to the client's' cultural background. They know how to interview clients and communicate professionally even in challenging, unexpected client situations. Students use a great variety of grammatical structures almost flawlessly. They accurately use extensive vocabulary, including special terminology for the social field. Their pronunciation is clear and natural and they adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. They are able to quickly grasp the contents of various texts and they critically evaluate the reliability of the source. Students use a variety of communication methods effectively.


No previous studies are required.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


17.03.2025 - 30.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Mari Heinonen
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students will learn to use essential professional vocabulary. They will be able to describe the main aspects of Finnish social welfare in English. Students will be acquainted with essential vocabulary concerning various client groups in the social field.
They will be competent in reading professional literature and in using it as reference material when writing texts. Students will learn to communicate in English in client situations and at the workplace. They will be able to improve their professional competence using the English language.


- Presenting the professional field, the Finnish social welfare system and student's education in English
- English vocabulary for client groups: children, young people, families, disabled people, intoxicant abusers, immigrants, the unemployed, homeless clients and clients with mental health problems
- Describing case studies in English
- English for client interviews


Material selected by the lecturer

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills for routine situations in multi-professional work communities (e.g. e-mail, filling out forms, CV, presenting the workplace). Students know how to give basic oral and, if necessary, written, instructions to various clients/groups. They know how to ask for and document essential information about clients' current and earlier life situation to ensure appropriate follow-up care. Students understand professional texts related to their duties. They make mistakes in common grammatical structures that might undermine communication, cause misunderstandings and require repeating contents. They know adequate professional vocabulary to pass salient information to the listener or reader. Students' pronunciation is comprehensible but may contain inaccuracies when using special terminology. Students can find the information they search in texts that discuss familiar topics. They know how to use common communication technology.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills required in typical workplace situations (e.g. telephone conversations, consultation, oral and written reports, oral presentations and for example insurance documents). They know how to explain and justify individual client instructions and describe common methods and processes in their professional field. They know how to explore clients' current and earlier life situation and how to ask for further details. Students document the information carefully to ensure approriate follow-up care and they are able to aswer the clients' questions. Students mostly use grammatical structures correctly and, in case of misunderstanding, are able to correct their language mistakes independently. They have good command over salient vocabulary for the social field and relatively good command over special terminology. Students make an effort to adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. Their pronunciation is rather natural and clear. They know how to skim for essential contents in various social field texts and use a variety of communication technology.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students' oral and written communication is accurate and appropriate even in demanding interaction situations in multi-professional and multi-cultural work communities. (e.g. meetings, client negotiations, feedback discussions). In counselling situations, students are able to take up issues with clients in a natural manner, paying attention to the client's' cultural background. They know how to interview clients and communicate professionally even in challenging, unexpected client situations. Students use a great variety of grammatical structures almost flawlessly. They accurately use extensive vocabulary, including special terminology for the social field. Their pronunciation is clear and natural and they adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. They are able to quickly grasp the contents of various texts and they critically evaluate the reliability of the source. Students use a variety of communication methods effectively.


No previous studies are required.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 30.05.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Suzana Zegrea
Student groups
  • SOS25A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students will learn to use essential professional vocabulary. They will be able to describe the main aspects of Finnish social welfare in English. Students will be acquainted with essential vocabulary concerning various client groups in the social field.
They will be competent in reading professional literature and in using it as reference material when writing texts. Students will learn to communicate in English in client situations and at the workplace. They will be able to improve their professional competence using the English language.


- Presenting the professional field, the Finnish social welfare system and student's education in English
- English vocabulary for client groups: children, young people, families, disabled people, intoxicant abusers, immigrants, the unemployed, homeless clients and clients with mental health problems
- Describing case studies in English
- English for client interviews


Material selected by the lecturer

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills for routine situations in multi-professional work communities (e.g. e-mail, filling out forms, CV, presenting the workplace). Students know how to give basic oral and, if necessary, written, instructions to various clients/groups. They know how to ask for and document essential information about clients' current and earlier life situation to ensure appropriate follow-up care. Students understand professional texts related to their duties. They make mistakes in common grammatical structures that might undermine communication, cause misunderstandings and require repeating contents. They know adequate professional vocabulary to pass salient information to the listener or reader. Students' pronunciation is comprehensible but may contain inaccuracies when using special terminology. Students can find the information they search in texts that discuss familiar topics. They know how to use common communication technology.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills required in typical workplace situations (e.g. telephone conversations, consultation, oral and written reports, oral presentations and for example insurance documents). They know how to explain and justify individual client instructions and describe common methods and processes in their professional field. They know how to explore clients' current and earlier life situation and how to ask for further details. Students document the information carefully to ensure approriate follow-up care and they are able to aswer the clients' questions. Students mostly use grammatical structures correctly and, in case of misunderstanding, are able to correct their language mistakes independently. They have good command over salient vocabulary for the social field and relatively good command over special terminology. Students make an effort to adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. Their pronunciation is rather natural and clear. They know how to skim for essential contents in various social field texts and use a variety of communication technology.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students' oral and written communication is accurate and appropriate even in demanding interaction situations in multi-professional and multi-cultural work communities. (e.g. meetings, client negotiations, feedback discussions). In counselling situations, students are able to take up issues with clients in a natural manner, paying attention to the client's' cultural background. They know how to interview clients and communicate professionally even in challenging, unexpected client situations. Students use a great variety of grammatical structures almost flawlessly. They accurately use extensive vocabulary, including special terminology for the social field. Their pronunciation is clear and natural and they adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. They are able to quickly grasp the contents of various texts and they critically evaluate the reliability of the source. Students use a variety of communication methods effectively.


No previous studies are required.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Suzana Zegrea
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students will learn to use essential professional vocabulary. They will be able to describe the main aspects of Finnish social welfare in English. Students will be acquainted with essential vocabulary concerning various client groups in the social field.
They will be competent in reading professional literature and in using it as reference material when writing texts. Students will learn to communicate in English in client situations and at the workplace. They will be able to improve their professional competence using the English language.


- Presenting the professional field, the Finnish social welfare system and student's education in English
- English vocabulary for client groups: children, young people, families, disabled people, intoxicant abusers, immigrants, the unemployed, homeless clients and clients with mental health problems
- Describing case studies in English
- English for client interviews


Material selected by the lecturer

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills for routine situations in multi-professional work communities (e.g. e-mail, filling out forms, CV, presenting the workplace). Students know how to give basic oral and, if necessary, written, instructions to various clients/groups. They know how to ask for and document essential information about clients' current and earlier life situation to ensure appropriate follow-up care. Students understand professional texts related to their duties. They make mistakes in common grammatical structures that might undermine communication, cause misunderstandings and require repeating contents. They know adequate professional vocabulary to pass salient information to the listener or reader. Students' pronunciation is comprehensible but may contain inaccuracies when using special terminology. Students can find the information they search in texts that discuss familiar topics. They know how to use common communication technology.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students possess adequate oral and written interaction skills required in typical workplace situations (e.g. telephone conversations, consultation, oral and written reports, oral presentations and for example insurance documents). They know how to explain and justify individual client instructions and describe common methods and processes in their professional field. They know how to explore clients' current and earlier life situation and how to ask for further details. Students document the information carefully to ensure approriate follow-up care and they are able to aswer the clients' questions. Students mostly use grammatical structures correctly and, in case of misunderstanding, are able to correct their language mistakes independently. They have good command over salient vocabulary for the social field and relatively good command over special terminology. Students make an effort to adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. Their pronunciation is rather natural and clear. They know how to skim for essential contents in various social field texts and use a variety of communication technology.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students' oral and written communication is accurate and appropriate even in demanding interaction situations in multi-professional and multi-cultural work communities. (e.g. meetings, client negotiations, feedback discussions). In counselling situations, students are able to take up issues with clients in a natural manner, paying attention to the client's' cultural background. They know how to interview clients and communicate professionally even in challenging, unexpected client situations. Students use a great variety of grammatical structures almost flawlessly. They accurately use extensive vocabulary, including special terminology for the social field. Their pronunciation is clear and natural and they adapt their communication style to the situation at hand. They are able to quickly grasp the contents of various texts and they critically evaluate the reliability of the source. Students use a variety of communication methods effectively.


No previous studies are required.


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • MSOS22SV
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


-Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.) Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
- Poussa, L. , Lähdemäki-Pekkinen, J., Ikäheimo, H-P., Dufva, M. 2021. Tulevaisuustaajuus- Käsikirja työpajan vetäjälle (Sitran selvityksiä 173). Sitra.
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti (Raportit ja Selvitykset 13). Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22). Opetushallitus.
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14). Opetushallitus.
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki.

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Student workload

81 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- can describe and define the basic idea of anticipatory development
- can identify some uses of anticipatory development

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in social and health care and compare different methods and uses of anticipatory development
- demonstrates the ability to apply anticipatory development methods to professional practices in social and health care.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in a versatile way and compare methods and approaches of anticipatory development with each other
- demonstrates the ability to apply methods of anticipatory development to professional practices in social and health care in a versatile way
- can evaluate the usefulness of anticipatory methods in the development of services in a versatile way

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


07.01.2025 - 17.05.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B
  • SOS23A


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


-Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.) Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
- Poussa, L. , Lähdemäki-Pekkinen, J., Ikäheimo, H-P., Dufva, M. 2021. Tulevaisuustaajuus- Käsikirja työpajan vetäjälle (Sitran selvityksiä 173). Sitra.
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti (Raportit ja Selvitykset 13). Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22). Opetushallitus.
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14). Opetushallitus.
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki.

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Student workload

81 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- can describe and define the basic idea of anticipatory development
- can identify some uses of anticipatory development

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in social and health care and compare different methods and uses of anticipatory development
- demonstrates the ability to apply anticipatory development methods to professional practices in social and health care.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in a versatile way and compare methods and approaches of anticipatory development with each other
- demonstrates the ability to apply methods of anticipatory development to professional practices in social and health care in a versatile way
- can evaluate the usefulness of anticipatory methods in the development of services in a versatile way.

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


06.05.2024 - 05.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • English

5 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Marja-Liisa Saariaho
Student groups
  • IEPSW24F
    Empowerment in Social Work
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, e.g. music, drama, sport actitivity, painting, graft


Toseland, R. W. ja Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice. Eighth edition. Pearson Education limited.
Bradley T. Erford, Group work. Processes and Applications. (2011). The Merrill Counseling series.
Geoffrey, L. and Ephross, Paul H. ed. (2011) Group work with populations at risk. Oxford University Press.
The other material will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

lectures, discussions, drama and interaction exercises, group supervision exercises, experiments, action-based and interactive study methods, report of supervision excercises, individual essay

International connections

Studying in international group

Student workload

106 hours of work for a course participant including:
- contact lessons: 26h
- individual work of students:80h

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

interactive exercises, report of supervision excercises, individual essay

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote t

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group


Students of the Degree Programme in Social Services: Most part of the Basic studies

Further information

Students of the degree programme can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


01.12.2024 - 31.07.2025


12 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
  • Annukka Haapa-aho
  • Taja Kiiskilä
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students become familiar with management in social welfare field, the work of immediate supervisors and the development of the organization where they undertake their practical training period. Students learn to identify and interpret practical situations in management, leadership and organization development. They familiarise themselves with relevant documents, plans, funding systems and legislation in typical professional fields of Bachelor of Social Services. Under supervision, they gain experience of practical work of management and supervision. Students gain competence in negotiation skills, meetings, documentation and communication of information. They evaluate their action and career planning. Students are able to recognise challenges in management in the public, private and third sector.Student understand the importance of sustainable development in social management.


- strategies, quality management
- organization structures and funding
- social welfare guidelines, policies and legislation
- management, organization and development tasks
- leadership and personnel management
- interest group and network cooperation
- staff meetings
- training and wellbeing at work
- learning organization and sustainable development
- communication of information


practical training instructions and workplace documents

Teaching methods

Two orientations, practical training, learning assignments, guiding discussion and feedback session

Employer connections

practical training

Student workload

324 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- have competences to apply theoretical knowledge in practical training
- have ability to describe their individual competences in personnel management and service management
- idicate capacities of critical thinking, are able to name dvelopment needs and their alternative solutions.

Assessment methods and criteria

evaluation Accepted/Rejected according objectives


most part of the basic studies of the degree programme, the course Interaction in Psychosocial Work, practical training (minimum 10 cr) and study courses: Strategic Management of Social Services and Personnel Management


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 100

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • SOS22A
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • MSOS22SV


Students learn to recognize development targets in social field organizations and service processes, for example in the quality, design or effectiveness of services. Students learn methods and tools that can be used in the development of services. They become familiar with structures, networks and sources of funding used in the development of health and social services. Students know how to seek information about national and international organization development trends. They are able to apply their knowledge in an assignment. In the development of organizations, students take into account the perspective of sustainable development.


- methods and tools in service development
- development structures for health and social services, development networks
- the process of services development
- structural developement


National and international material required to complete the development task.

Teaching methods

implementation of a development task on the basis of a development plan prepared by the student.

Employer connections

Practical Training

Student workload

78 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to explain developement processes in social and health services. They possess knowledge about essential concepts, methods and principles. Students are able to reflect their individual values and attitudes and they recognize their responsibility as developers of social and health services.

Assessment methods and criteria

The student is able to explain the processes of developing social and health services. He masters the key concepts, methods and principles of development. The student reflects on his or her own values and attitudes and is aware of his or her responsibilities as a developer of social and health services.

Further information

The course is undertaken simultaneously or after the Practical Training on the Methods of Management and Leadership


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


07.01.2025 - 16.05.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students learn to recognize development targets in social field organizations and service processes, for example in the quality, design or effectiveness of services. Students learn methods and tools that can be used in the development of services. They become familiar with structures, networks and sources of funding used in the development of health and social services. Students know how to seek information about national and international organization development trends. They are able to apply their knowledge in an assignment. In the development of organizations, students take into account the perspective of sustainable development.


- methods and tools in service development
- development structures for health and social services, development networks
- the process of services development
- structural developement


National and international material required to complete the development task.

Teaching methods

implementation of a development task on the basis of a development plan prepared by the student.

Employer connections

Practical Training

Student workload

78 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to explain developement processes in social and health services. They possess knowledge about essential concepts, methods and principles. Students are able to reflect their individual values and attitudes and they recognize their responsibility as developers of social and health services.

Assessment methods and criteria

The student is able to explain the processes of developing social and health services. He masters the key concepts, methods and principles of development. The student reflects on his or her own values and attitudes and is aware of his or her responsibilities as a developer of social and health services.

Further information

The course is undertaken simultaneously or after the Practical Training on the Methods of Management and Leadership


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


01.10.2024 - 31.07.2025


15 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Asta Pohjola
  • Virpi Nikkola
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to engage in professional interaction with individual clients or groups of clients. Using a client-centred approach, students learn how to assess needs for support and services. They are able to describe a goal-oriented work process and participate in the implementation of such processes, as far as possible in their placement. Students are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and action-based social work methods with individuals, client groups or communities. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of the selected work methods for the counselling process. They learn to evaluate professional ethical perspectives in social field work and in their own action. Students are able to work as responsible members of the working community. They evaluate their action and assess their professional development needs and career choices.


- professional interaction relationship
- assessment of a client's and client group's social situation and needs
- planning, implementation and evaluation of a goal-oriented psychosocial and activity-based social work process/ pedagogical early childhood education
- planning individual professional goals and evaluation of one's action
- reflection of one's professional ethics


Orientation, practical training,learning assignments, feedback sessions

Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training,learning assignments, feedback sessions

Employer connections

The course consists of practical training

Student workload

405 hours, 10 weeks practice and in addition learning assignments.


- are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and activity-based methods in the practice
- have competences to act in client-centered and situation-sensitive way and to evaluate the needs of a client or a group of clients
- have competences to councel and support a client or supervise a group of clients in a goal-oriented way
- are able to describe a goal-oriented work process with a client, to apply it in the field and to evaluate the influences from the situation of the client
- have capacities to set professional goals and evaluate their individual actions from the point of professional ethics
- know how to act as a responsible member of work community.

Content scheduling

The training period takes place in weeks 2-11. Training feedback 12/2025.

Further information

The student, who has intention to work in early childhood education, has to implement one pedagogical practice during the studies. Pedagogical practice means practicing work within early childhood education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and activity-based methods in the practice
- have competences to act in client-centered and situation-sensitive way and to evaluate the needs of a client or a group of clients
- have competences to councel and support a client or supervise a group of clients in a goal-oriented way
- are able to describe a goal-oriented work process with a client, to apply it in the field and to evaluate the influences from the situation of the client
- have capacities to set professional goals and evaluate their individual actions from the point of professional ethics
- know how to act as a responsible member of work community.


Major part of the first year studies, Interaction in Psychosocial Work and Introduction to Social Welfare Legislation.. In addition the students undertaking the module Early Childhood Education must have passed the study courses: Child’s Growth and Learning and Early Childhood Pedagogy.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


01.11.2024 - 31.05.2025


15 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

1 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Mirva Siltakorpi
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Student groups
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students are able to engage in professional interaction with individual clients or groups of clients. Using a client-centred approach, students learn how to assess needs for support and services. They are able to describe a goal-oriented work process and participate in the implementation of such processes, as far as possible in their placement. Students are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and action-based social work methods with individuals, client groups or communities. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of the selected work methods for the counselling process. They learn to evaluate professional ethical perspectives in social field work and in their own action. Students are able to work as responsible members of the working community. They evaluate their action and assess their professional development needs and career choices.


- professional interaction relationship
- assessment of a client's and client group's social situation and needs
- planning, implementation and evaluation of a goal-oriented psychosocial and activity-based social work process/ pedagogical early childhood education
- planning individual professional goals and evaluation of one's action
- reflection of one's professional ethics


Orientation, practical training,learning assignments, feedback sessions

Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training,learning assignments, feedback sessions

Employer connections

The course consists of practical training

Student workload

405 hours, 10 weeks practice and in addition learning assignments.

Content scheduling

The training period takes place in weeks 12-21. Training feedback is on Teams on Friday of week 21, a more precise time will be agreed separately. Training orientations are in weeks 50 and 11.

Further information

The student, who has intention to work in early childhood education, has to implement one pedagogical practice during the studies. Pedagogical practice means practicing work within early childhood education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and activity-based methods in the practice
- have competences to act in client-centered and situation-sensitive way and to evaluate the needs of a client or a group of clients
- have competences to councel and support a client or supervise a group of clients in a goal-oriented way
- are able to describe a goal-oriented work process with a client, to apply it in the field and to evaluate the influences from the situation of the client
- have capacities to set professional goals and evaluate their individual actions from the point of professional ethics
- know how to act as a responsible member of work community.

Assessment methods and criteria

Completed training with assignments.


Major part of the first year studies, Interaction in Psychosocial Work and Introduction to Social Welfare Legislation.. In addition the students undertaking the module Early Childhood Education must have passed the study courses: Child’s Growth and Learning and Early Childhood Pedagogy.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.12.2024 - 24.08.2025


15 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Mirva Siltakorpi
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Student groups
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students are able to engage in professional interaction with individual clients or groups of clients. Using a client-centred approach, students learn how to assess needs for support and services. They are able to describe a goal-oriented work process and participate in the implementation of such processes, as far as possible in their placement. Students are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and action-based social work methods with individuals, client groups or communities. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of the selected work methods for the counselling process. They learn to evaluate professional ethical perspectives in social field work and in their own action. Students are able to work as responsible members of the working community. They evaluate their action and assess their professional development needs and career choices.


- professional interaction relationship
- assessment of a client's and client group's social situation and needs
- planning, implementation and evaluation of a goal-oriented psychosocial and activity-based social work process/ pedagogical early childhood education
- planning individual professional goals and evaluation of one's action
- reflection of one's professional ethics


Orientation, practical training,learning assignments, feedback sessions

Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training,learning assignments, feedback session.Separate HOPS plan.

Employer connections

The course consists of practical training

Student workload

405 hours, 10 weeks practice and in addition learning assignments.

Content scheduling

The time of the internship is always agreed separately with the supervising teacher, taking into account the summer free periods. Training feedback is also agreed separately. Internship in the summer always requires a separate personal study plan.
Training orientations are in weeks 50 and 11.

Further information

The student, who has intention to work in early childhood education, has to implement one pedagogical practice during the studies. Pedagogical practice means practicing work within early childhood education.
Orientations related to training are simultaneously training with implementation 3008..

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and activity-based methods in the practice
- have competences to act in client-centered and situation-sensitive way and to evaluate the needs of a client or a group of clients
- have competences to councel and support a client or supervise a group of clients in a goal-oriented way
- are able to describe a goal-oriented work process with a client, to apply it in the field and to evaluate the influences from the situation of the client
- have capacities to set professional goals and evaluate their individual actions from the point of professional ethics
- know how to act as a responsible member of work community.

Assessment methods and criteria

Completed training with assignments.


Major part of the first year studies, Interaction in Psychosocial Work and Introduction to Social Welfare Legislation.. In addition the students undertaking the module Early Childhood Education must have passed the study courses: Child’s Growth and Learning and Early Childhood Pedagogy.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


01.11.2024 - 31.07.2025


15 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Asta Pohjola
  • Virpi Nikkola
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to engage in professional interaction with individual clients or groups of clients. Using a client-centred approach, students learn how to assess needs for support and services. They are able to describe a goal-oriented work process and participate in the implementation of such processes, as far as possible in their placement. Students are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and action-based social work methods with individuals, client groups or communities. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of the selected work methods for the counselling process. They learn to evaluate professional ethical perspectives in social field work and in their own action. Students are able to work as responsible members of the working community. They evaluate their action and assess their professional development needs and career choices.


- professional interaction relationship
- assessment of a client's and client group's social situation and needs
- planning, implementation and evaluation of a goal-oriented psychosocial and activity-based social work process/ pedagogical early childhood education
- planning individual professional goals and evaluation of one's action
- reflection of one's professional ethics

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to apply psychosocial, pedagogical and activity-based methods in the practice
- have competences to act in client-centered and situation-sensitive way and to evaluate the needs of a client or a group of clients
- have competences to councel and support a client or supervise a group of clients in a goal-oriented way
- are able to describe a goal-oriented work process with a client, to apply it in the field and to evaluate the influences from the situation of the client
- have capacities to set professional goals and evaluate their individual actions from the point of professional ethics
- know how to act as a responsible member of work community.


Major part of the first year studies, Interaction in Psychosocial Work and Introduction to Social Welfare Legislation.. In addition the students undertaking the module Early Childhood Education must have passed the study courses: Child’s Growth and Learning and Early Childhood Pedagogy.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


07.01.2025 - 30.05.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 85

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Elina Kangasluoma
  • Milka Volanto
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to describe the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describle the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has in the field of welfare services. Students are able to describe every day life, strengths and challenges of service users and other people that are in the need of support. They have capacities to meet the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.


Implementation of practical training in social welfare organization, which represents public, private or voluntary sector. Practical training can alternatively be implemented in different learning environments related to working life.


The same material as for the preceding theoretical courses and material used in practical field placements.

Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training, learning assignments and a seminar on practicing experiences.

Employer connections

- This course consists of practical training (3 weeks).

Student workload

135 hours: Orientation (4h), Practicing (3 weeks/38h/week 114h),
a seminar on practicing experiences (8h).
Learning Assignments (9h).


Students are able to describle the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describe the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has. Students are able to describe, what kind of support the clients need. They have experiences of meeting the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.

Content scheduling

Orientation in week 5/2025
Practicing: weeks 19-21/2025. Seminar in week 22/2025.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to describle the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describe the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has. Students are able to describe, what kind of support the clients need. They have experiences of meeting the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.

Assessment methods and criteria

Practical training period (pass), learning assignments and a seminar on the practicing experiences.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Annukka Haapa-aho
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Student groups
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to describe the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describle the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has in the field of welfare services. Students are able to describe every day life, strengths and challenges of service users and other people that are in the need of support. They have capacities to meet the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.


Implementation of practical training in social welfare organization, which represents public, private or voluntary sector. Practical training can alternatively be implemented in different learning environments related to working life.


The same material as for the preceding theoretical courses and material used in practical field placements.

Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training, learning assignments and a seminar on practicing experiences.

Employer connections

- This course consists of practical training (3 weeks).

Student workload

135 hours: Orientation (4h), Practicing (3 weeks/39h/week 118h),
a seminar on practicing experiences (4h).
Learning Assignments (9h).


Students are able to describle the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describe the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has. Students are able to describe, what kind of support the clients need. They have experiences of meeting the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.

Content scheduling

Orientations in weeks 36 and 44 /2024
Practicing: weeks 48-50/24. Seminar week 50/2024.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to describle the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describe the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has. Students are able to describe, what kind of support the clients need. They have experiences of meeting the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.

Assessment methods and criteria

Practical training period (pass), learning assignments and a seminar on the practicing experiences.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


30.04.2025 - 30.10.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Mirva Siltakorpi
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students are able to describe the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describle the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has in the field of welfare services. Students are able to describe every day life, strengths and challenges of service users and other people that are in the need of support. They have capacities to meet the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.


Implementation of practical training in social welfare organization, which represents public, private or voluntary sector. Practical training can alternatively be implemented in different learning environments related to working life.


The same material as for the preceding theoretical courses and material used in practical field placements.

Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training, learning assignments and a seminar on practicing experiences.

Employer connections

- This course consists of practical training (3 weeks).

Student workload

135 hours: Orientation (4h), Practicing (3 weeks/38h/week 114h),
a seminar on practicing experiences (8h).
Learning Assignments (9h).


Students are able to describle the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describe the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has. Students are able to describe, what kind of support the clients need. They have experiences of meeting the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.

Content scheduling

Orientation in week 16/2025
Practicing: weeks 35-37/2025. Seminar in the next contact week 2025.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to describle the most typical professional fields of Bachelors of Social Services. Concerning their practical placement, they are able to describe the objectives and responsibilities which the organization has. Students are able to describe, what kind of support the clients need. They have experiences of meeting the service users and the people closely related to them. Students are able to name some objectives and principals of professional work in social services field. They can describe clients' service network.Students are able to reflect their individual experiences and consider their future career as Bachelor of Social Services.

Assessment methods and criteria

Practical training period (pass), learning assignments and a seminar on the practicing experiences.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


26.08.2024 - 15.12.2024


10 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
  • Marja-Liisa Saariaho
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


The student is trained to examine the client's needs, the client's equal status and the clientele from the perspective of influential, participatory and discriminatory structures and processes in society. He / she is able to identify discriminatory operating practices, system vulnerabilities and service blind spots that have a detrimental effect on the customer's position and involvement. The student is able to implement activities that support and empower the client in an resource-based way using psychosocial, functional, creative, communal, structural or empowering methods of social work. The student is able to choose methods in a way that suits the needs, situation and resources of the client or client group. He / she is able to take into account the boundary conditions and resources of the organization when planning empowering activities. The student is able to implement a process that promotes the inclusion and empowerment of a client or client group, which includes planning, implementation and evaluation in social work. He has the ability to acquire and produce information about the social work to be taken over. He / she is able to assess his / her own activities and professional development needs as well as the direction of his / her own career planning.


- empowering and resource-driven activities that strengthen the customer and involve the customer
- assessing the client's position and clientship from a structural and empowering perspective
- planning, implementation and evaluation of a process designed to promote client engagement and empowerment
- evaluation and development of one's action

Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training, learning assignment, counselling, poster seminar

Employer connections

Practical training 7 weeks

Exam schedules


International connections

Studying in international group

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Practical training time is 270 hours.

Further information

Students must have passed one of the following study courses: Structural Social Work, Community-oriented Social Work, Empowering social work or Communication and Media in Social Work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students have gained experience of client-centred action designed to promote client engagement. Students have learnt to examine clients' needs and position and clientship from the perspectives of social structures and processes. They are able to recognise practices, frinze areas and dead zones in the services and systems, which impair clients' position and engagement. Students are able to implement a variety of empowering activities which promote client engagement, using psychosocial, activity-based, creative, community-based, structural and empowering methods. Students know how to select methods that best suit the clients' or groups' needs, situation and resources. When planning activities, students take into account the boundary conditions and resources of the organization. Students have gained experience of planning, implementing and evaluating a process to promote client engagement and empowerment in a social work setting or in a project context. Students know how to acquire and produce information. They evaluate their action, professional development needs and career planning.


Students must have passed one of the following study courses: Structural Social Work, Community-oriented Social Work, Empowering social work or Communication and Media in Social Work.

Further information

The course can be taken in English language


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.12.2024 - 02.05.2025


10 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
  • Marja-Liisa Saariaho
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS23A


The student is trained to examine the client's needs, the client's equal status and the clientele from the perspective of influential, participatory and discriminatory structures and processes in society. He / she is able to identify discriminatory operating practices, system vulnerabilities and service blind spots that have a detrimental effect on the customer's position and involvement. The student is able to implement activities that support and empower the client in an resource-based way using psychosocial, functional, creative, communal, structural or empowering methods of social work. The student is able to choose methods in a way that suits the needs, situation and resources of the client or client group. He / she is able to take into account the boundary conditions and resources of the organization when planning empowering activities. The student is able to implement a process that promotes the inclusion and empowerment of a client or client group, which includes planning, implementation and evaluation in social work. He has the ability to acquire and produce information about the social work to be taken over. He / she is able to assess his / her own activities and professional development needs as well as the direction of his / her own career planning.


- empowering and resource-driven activities that strengthen the customer and involve the customer
- assessing the client's position and clientship from a structural and empowering perspective
- planning, implementation and evaluation of a process designed to promote client engagement and empowerment
- evaluation and development of one's action

Location and time




Teaching methods

Orientation, practical training, learning assignment, counselling, poster seminar.

Employer connections

Practical training 7 weeks

Exam schedules

Does not include exam.

International connections

Studying in international group.

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Practical training time is 270 hours.

Content scheduling


Further information

Students must have passed one of the following study courses: Structural Social Work, Community-oriented Social Work, Empowering social work or Communication and Media in Social Work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students have gained experience of client-centred action designed to promote client engagement. Students have learnt to examine clients' needs and position and clientship from the perspectives of social structures and processes. They are able to recognise practices, frinze areas and dead zones in the services and systems, which impair clients' position and engagement. Students are able to implement a variety of empowering activities which promote client engagement, using psychosocial, activity-based, creative, community-based, structural and empowering methods. Students know how to select methods that best suit the clients' or groups' needs, situation and resources. When planning activities, students take into account the boundary conditions and resources of the organization. Students have gained experience of planning, implementing and evaluating a process to promote client engagement and empowerment in a social work setting or in a project context. Students know how to acquire and produce information. They evaluate their action, professional development needs and career planning.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation is based on the completion of training and learning assignments.


Students must have passed one of the following study courses: Structural Social Work, Community-oriented Social Work, Empowering social work or Communication and Media in Social Work.

Further information

The course can be taken in English language


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • MSOS22SV


Students learn basic principles of personnel management and the related legislation in social welfare field. Students become aware of the connections between management and wellbeing at work and they learn to plan and implement practices to promote cooperation and sustainable development. Students become familiar with areas of management, gain competence in working as supervisors. Students know how to use the personnel's expertise and competence in running and developing the organization. Students gain competence in personnel planning. Students have assimilated the idea of self-management and are motivated to develop their work.


- personnel management principles and legislation
- working as a immediate supervisor and organization of daily routines
- making use of the personnel's competence and expertise
- wellbeing at work, supervision of work, development discussions between managers and employees, mentoring
- personnel planning, recruitment and orientation of personnel
-developing one's work, self-management


Student chooses the literatures taking into account the themes of the course. The literature must be both in finish and in foreigner language.

Teaching methods

Online learning: Every week, the student listens to the lecture recordings and familiarizes herself with the given material, after which there is a small group discussion each week about the week's theme and a joint output is produced.

Completion alternatives

Contact course

Student workload

133 hours

Content scheduling

The course begins with a joint online orientation.
The course consists of weekly assignments that include online discussions and group work. At the end of the course, the student writes a learning summary.

Further information

The student must have a webcam and a speaker / headphones.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to gesture the wholeness of personnel management
- are aware of importance of the personnel plan from the perspective of organizations functions
- are able to recognize connections between personnel management and wellbeing at work.
- indicate interrest towards personnel management issues.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to explain and implement different processes of personnel management
- reflect their individual values and work orientations as an employee and as a supervisor.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to describe and assess the influences of personnel management processes
- indicate commitment and readiness in different items of personnel management.

Assessment methods and criteria

completion of assignments


most part of the basic studies of the degree programme, the course Interaction in Psychosocial Work, practical training (minimum 10 cr)


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • SOS22A
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services


Students learn basic principles of personnel management and the related legislation in social welfare field. Students become aware of the connections between management and wellbeing at work and they learn to plan and implement practices to promote cooperation and sustainable development. Students become familiar with areas of management, gain competence in working as supervisors. Students know how to use the personnel's expertise and competence in running and developing the organization. Students gain competence in personnel planning. Students have assimilated the idea of self-management and are motivated to develop their work.


- personnel management principles and legislation
- working as a immediate supervisor and organization of daily routines
- making use of the personnel's competence and expertise
- wellbeing at work, supervision of work, development discussions between managers and employees, mentoring
- personnel planning, recruitment and orientation of personnel
-developing one's work, self-management


Student chooses the literatures taking into account the themes of the course. The literature must be both in finish and in foreigner language.

Teaching methods

Lectures, assignments, group work, guided exercises, visitors

Exam schedules

At the end of the course, the student writes a summary of their learning

Completion alternatives

Online course

Student workload

133 hours, which consists of contact teaching, assignments and exercises

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to gesture the wholeness of personnel management
- are aware of importance of the personnel plan from the perspective of organizations functions
- are able to recognize connections between personnel management and wellbeing at work.
- indicate interrest towards personnel management issues.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to explain and implement different processes of personnel management
- reflect their individual values and work orientations as an employee and as a supervisor.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to describe and assess the influences of personnel management processes
- indicate commitment and readiness in different items of personnel management.

Assessment methods and criteria

participation in lectures and exercises: completion of assignments


most part of the basic studies of the degree programme, the course Interaction in Psychosocial Work, practical training (minimum 10 cr)


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.10.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • SOS22A
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services


Students learn basic principles of personnel management and the related legislation in social welfare field. Students become aware of the connections between management and wellbeing at work and they learn to plan and implement practices to promote cooperation and sustainable development. Students become familiar with areas of management, gain competence in working as supervisors. Students know how to use the personnel's expertise and competence in running and developing the organization. Students gain competence in personnel planning. Students have assimilated the idea of self-management and are motivated to develop their work.


- personnel management principles and legislation
- working as a immediate supervisor and organization of daily routines
- making use of the personnel's competence and expertise
- wellbeing at work, supervision of work, development discussions between managers and employees, mentoring
- personnel planning, recruitment and orientation of personnel
-developing one's work, self-management


Student chooses the literatures taking into account the themes of the course. The literature must be both in finish and in foreigner language.

Teaching methods

Online learning: Every week, the student listens to the lecture recordings and familiarizes herself with the given material, after which there is a small group discussion each week about the week's theme and a joint output is produced.

Completion alternatives

Contact course

Student workload

133 hours

Content scheduling

The course begins with a joint online orientation.
The course consists of weekly assignments that include online discussions and group work. At the end of the course, the student writes a learning summary.

Further information

The student must have a webcam and a speaker / headphones.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to gesture the wholeness of personnel management
- are aware of importance of the personnel plan from the perspective of organizations functions
- are able to recognize connections between personnel management and wellbeing at work.
- indicate interrest towards personnel management issues.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to explain and implement different processes of personnel management
- reflect their individual values and work orientations as an employee and as a supervisor.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to describe and assess the influences of personnel management processes
- indicate commitment and readiness in different items of personnel management.

Assessment methods and criteria

completion of assignments


most part of the basic studies of the degree programme, the course Interaction in Psychosocial Work, practical training (minimum 10 cr)


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


07.01.2025 - 07.03.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students learn basic principles of personnel management and the related legislation in social welfare field. Students become aware of the connections between management and wellbeing at work and they learn to plan and implement practices to promote cooperation and sustainable development. Students become familiar with areas of management, gain competence in working as supervisors. Students know how to use the personnel's expertise and competence in running and developing the organization. Students gain competence in personnel planning. Students have assimilated the idea of self-management and are motivated to develop their work.


- personnel management principles and legislation
- working as a immediate supervisor and organization of daily routines
- making use of the personnel's competence and expertise
- wellbeing at work, supervision of work, development discussions between managers and employees, mentoring
- personnel planning, recruitment and orientation of personnel
-developing one's work, self-management


Student chooses the literatures taking into account the themes of the course. The literature must be both in finish and in foreigner language.

Teaching methods

Lectures, assignments, group work, guided exercises, visitors

Exam schedules

At the end of the course, the student writes a summary of their learning

Completion alternatives

Online course

Student workload

133 hours, which consists of contact teaching, assignments and exercises

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to gesture the wholeness of personnel management
- are aware of importance of the personnel plan from the perspective of organizations functions
- are able to recognize connections between personnel management and wellbeing at work.
- indicate interrest towards personnel management issues.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to explain and implement different processes of personnel management
- reflect their individual values and work orientations as an employee and as a supervisor.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to describe and assess the influences of personnel management processes
- indicate commitment and readiness in different items of personnel management.

Assessment methods and criteria

participation in lectures and exercises: completion of assignments


most part of the basic studies of the degree programme, the course Interaction in Psychosocial Work, practical training (minimum 10 cr)


22.04.2024 - 29.12.2024


07.01.2025 - 07.03.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students learn basic principles of personnel management and the related legislation in social welfare field. Students become aware of the connections between management and wellbeing at work and they learn to plan and implement practices to promote cooperation and sustainable development. Students become familiar with areas of management, gain competence in working as supervisors. Students know how to use the personnel's expertise and competence in running and developing the organization. Students gain competence in personnel planning. Students have assimilated the idea of self-management and are motivated to develop their work.


- personnel management principles and legislation
- working as a immediate supervisor and organization of daily routines
- making use of the personnel's competence and expertise
- wellbeing at work, supervision of work, development discussions between managers and employees, mentoring
- personnel planning, recruitment and orientation of personnel
-developing one's work, self-management


Student chooses the literatures taking into account the themes of the course. The literature must be both in finish and in foreigner language.

Teaching methods

Online learning: Every week, the student listens to the lecture recordings and familiarizes herself with the given material, after which there is a small group discussion each week about the week's theme and a joint output is produced.

Completion alternatives

Contact course

Student workload

133 hours

Content scheduling

The course begins with a joint online orientation.
The course consists of weekly assignments that include online discussions and group work. At the end of the course, the student writes a learning summary.

Further information

The student must have a webcam and a speaker / headphones.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to gesture the wholeness of personnel management
- are aware of importance of the personnel plan from the perspective of organizations functions
- are able to recognize connections between personnel management and wellbeing at work.
- indicate interrest towards personnel management issues.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to explain and implement different processes of personnel management
- reflect their individual values and work orientations as an employee and as a supervisor.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to describe and assess the influences of personnel management processes
- indicate commitment and readiness in different items of personnel management.

Assessment methods and criteria

completion of assignments


most part of the basic studies of the degree programme, the course Interaction in Psychosocial Work, practical training (minimum 10 cr)


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


02.12.2024 - 16.05.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Arja Haapaharju
Student groups
  • MGERO22


Students learn basic principles of personnel management and the related legislation in social welfare field. Students become aware of the connections between management and wellbeing at work and they learn to plan and implement practices to promote cooperation and sustainable development. Students become familiar with areas of management, gain competence in working as supervisors. Students know how to use the personnel's expertise and competence in running and developing the organization. Students gain competence in personnel planning. Students have assimilated the idea of self-management and are motivated to develop their work.


- personnel management principles and legislation
- working as a immediate supervisor and organization of daily routines
- making use of the personnel's competence and expertise
- wellbeing at work, supervision of work, development discussions between managers and employees, mentoring
- personnel planning, recruitment and orientation of personnel
-developing one's work, self-management


Student chooses the literatures taking into account the themes of the course. The literature must be both in finish and in foreigner language.

Teaching methods

Online learning: Every week, the student listens to the lecture recordings and familiarizes herself with the given material, after which there is a small group discussion each week about the week's theme and a joint output is produced.

Student workload

133 hours

Content scheduling

The course begins with a joint online orientation.
The course consists of weekly assignments that include online discussions and group work. At the end of the course, the student writes a learning summary.

Further information

The student must have a webcam and a speaker / headphones.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to gesture the wholeness of personnel management
- are aware of importance of the personnel plan from the perspective of organizations functions
- are able to recognize connections between personnel management and wellbeing at work.
- indicate interrest towards personnel management issues.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to explain and implement different processes of personnel management
- reflect their individual values and work orientations as an employee and as a supervisor.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to describe and assess the influences of personnel management processes
- indicate commitment and readiness in different items of personnel management.


most part of the basic studies of the degree programme, the course Interaction in Psychosocial Work, practical training (minimum 10 cr)


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Leena Elenius
  • Maria Valli
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to explain the conceptual foundation of welfare. They can explain how such factors as experienced welfare and health, mental wellbeing, social relations, work, meaningful activities and living conditions affect people's welfare and coping in daily life. Students are able to explain how physical and mental illness, disability and ageing influence people's welfare and ability to function. Students know how to seek information from various publications of organizations and from literature, articles and online sources. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Studens know how to use databases and online services offered by SeUAS library and other providers of services. Students are able to interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students know how to apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources, also international recurces).


- welfare, experienced welfare
- quality of life
- ability to function, health - work, ageing, disability
- library and information services at Seinäjoki UAS
- information sources and producers of information in the social and health care field
- databases and online information sources and how to use them
- tools for online information seeking
- evaluation, use and application of information


Knowledge base: online material and independent information seeking
Information skills:
- SeAMK Library website
- other online material
- further reading: Haasio, A. (2020). Löydä. Avain.

Teaching methods

Knowledge base: face-to-face teaching, lectures, discussion, visits and visitors, seminar; independent distance learning, group work
Information skills: face-to-face teaching, lectures, workshops, assignments

Employer connections

Working life assignment (experience interviews, vistis, mini projects etc.)

Student workload

132,5 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to define the concept of welfare and recognize factors which affect individual people's welfare. Students can recognize effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can conclude and give examples of how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, quality of life and ability to function. Students can name effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. Students know how to seek professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students know how to use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students apply most parts of the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to interpret and give examples of factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students can explain effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can explain how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, experienced welfare and ability to function. Students can explain effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. They are able to apply their knowledge and give examples of factors which promote national welfare. Students seek and use professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students extensively use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to justify and analyse factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students compare and recognise conflicting elements in factors which influence welfare and living conditions. They are able to give examples and assess factors which promote welfare, also globally. Students extensively seek, select and use professional sources of information. Students are able to extensively present and evaluate the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services effectively and extensively. Students interpret and evaluate the information competently and critically and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully and competently apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments, seminar, active participation to seminars and other discussion activities. Reflections and reports. Self and peer evaluation.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Leena Elenius
  • Maria Valli
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to explain the conceptual foundation of welfare. They can explain how such factors as experienced welfare and health, mental wellbeing, social relations, work, meaningful activities and living conditions affect people's welfare and coping in daily life. Students are able to explain how physical and mental illness, disability and ageing influence people's welfare and ability to function. Students know how to seek information from various publications of organizations and from literature, articles and online sources. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Studens know how to use databases and online services offered by SeUAS library and other providers of services. Students are able to interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students know how to apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources, also international recurces).


- welfare, experienced welfare
- quality of life
- ability to function, health - work, ageing, disability
- library and information services at Seinäjoki UAS
- information sources and producers of information in the social and health care field
- databases and online information sources and how to use them
- tools for online information seeking
- evaluation, use and application of information


Knowledge base: online material and independent information seeking
Information skills:
- SeAMK Library website
- other online material
- further reading: Haasio, A. (2020). Löydä. Avain.

Teaching methods

Knowledge base: face-to-face teaching, lectures, discussion, visits and visitors, seminar; independent distance learning, group work
Information skills: face-to-face teaching, lectures, workshops, assignments

Employer connections

Working life assignment (experience interviews, vistis, mini projects etc.)

Student workload

132,5 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to define the concept of welfare and recognize factors which affect individual people's welfare. Students can recognize effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can conclude and give examples of how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, quality of life and ability to function. Students can name effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. Students know how to seek professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students know how to use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students apply most parts of the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to interpret and give examples of factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students can explain effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can explain how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, experienced welfare and ability to function. Students can explain effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. They are able to apply their knowledge and give examples of factors which promote national welfare. Students seek and use professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students extensively use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to justify and analyse factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students compare and recognise conflicting elements in factors which influence welfare and living conditions. They are able to give examples and assess factors which promote welfare, also globally. Students extensively seek, select and use professional sources of information. Students are able to extensively present and evaluate the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services effectively and extensively. Students interpret and evaluate the information competently and critically and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully and competently apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments, seminar, active participation to seminars and other discussion activities. Reflections and reports. Self and peer evaluation.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 30.05.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Elenius
  • Maria Valli
Student groups
  • SOS25A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to explain the conceptual foundation of welfare. They can explain how such factors as experienced welfare and health, mental wellbeing, social relations, work, meaningful activities and living conditions affect people's welfare and coping in daily life. Students are able to explain how physical and mental illness, disability and ageing influence people's welfare and ability to function. Students know how to seek information from various publications of organizations and from literature, articles and online sources. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Studens know how to use databases and online services offered by SeUAS library and other providers of services. Students are able to interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students know how to apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources, also international recurces).


- welfare, experienced welfare
- quality of life
- ability to function, health - work, ageing, disability
- library and information services at Seinäjoki UAS
- information sources and producers of information in the social and health care field
- databases and online information sources and how to use them
- tools for online information seeking
- evaluation, use and application of information


Knowledge base: online material and independent information seeking
Information skills:
- SeAMK Library website
- other online material
- further reading: Haasio, A. (2020). Löydä. Avain.

Teaching methods

Knowledge base: face-to-face teaching, lectures, discussion, visits and visitors, information fair; independent distance learning, group work
Information skills: face-to-face teaching, lectures, workshops, assignments

Employer connections

Working life assignment (experience interviews, vistis, mini projects etc.)

Student workload

132,5 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to define the concept of welfare and recognize factors which affect individual people's welfare. Students can recognize effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can conclude and give examples of how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, quality of life and ability to function. Students can name effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. Students know how to seek professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students know how to use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students apply most parts of the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to interpret and give examples of factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students can explain effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can explain how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, experienced welfare and ability to function. Students can explain effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. They are able to apply their knowledge and give examples of factors which promote national welfare. Students seek and use professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students extensively use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to justify and analyse factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students compare and recognise conflicting elements in factors which influence welfare and living conditions. They are able to give examples and assess factors which promote welfare, also globally. Students extensively seek, select and use professional sources of information. Students are able to extensively present and evaluate the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services effectively and extensively. Students interpret and evaluate the information competently and critically and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully and competently apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments, information fair, active participation to information fair and other discussion activities. Reflections and reports. Self and peer evaluation.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 30.05.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Elenius
  • Maria Valli
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students are able to explain the conceptual foundation of welfare. They can explain how such factors as experienced welfare and health, mental wellbeing, social relations, work, meaningful activities and living conditions affect people's welfare and coping in daily life. Students are able to explain how physical and mental illness, disability and ageing influence people's welfare and ability to function. Students know how to seek information from various publications of organizations and from literature, articles and online sources. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Studens know how to use databases and online services offered by SeUAS library and other providers of services. Students are able to interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students know how to apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources, also international recurces).


- welfare, experienced welfare
- quality of life
- ability to function, health - work, ageing, disability
- library and information services at Seinäjoki UAS
- information sources and producers of information in the social and health care field
- databases and online information sources and how to use them
- tools for online information seeking
- evaluation, use and application of information


Knowledge base: online material and independent information seeking
Information skills:
- SeAMK Library website
- other online material
- further reading: Haasio, A. (2020). Löydä. Avain.

Teaching methods

Knowledge base: face-to-face teaching, lectures, discussion, visits and visitors, information fair; independent distance learning, group work
Information skills: face-to-face teaching, lectures, workshops, assignments

Employer connections

Working life assignment (experience interviews, vistis, mini projects etc.)

Student workload

132,5 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to define the concept of welfare and recognize factors which affect individual people's welfare. Students can recognize effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can conclude and give examples of how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, quality of life and ability to function. Students can name effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. Students know how to seek professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students know how to use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students apply most parts of the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to interpret and give examples of factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students can explain effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can explain how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, experienced welfare and ability to function. Students can explain effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. They are able to apply their knowledge and give examples of factors which promote national welfare. Students seek and use professional sources of information. Students are able to present the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyze their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students extensively use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services. Students interpret and evaluate the information and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to justify and analyse factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students compare and recognise conflicting elements in factors which influence welfare and living conditions. They are able to give examples and assess factors which promote welfare, also globally. Students extensively seek, select and use professional sources of information. Students are able to extensively present and evaluate the library and information services provided by SeUAS and to name important producers and sources of information in the social and health care field. Students analyse their needs for information and select appropriate sources of information. Students use the services offered by SeUAS library and by other providers of information services effectively and extensively. Students interpret and evaluate the information competently and critically and develop their information seeking skills. Students carefully and competently apply the SeUAS instructions provided for written assignments as regards referencing (books, articles, online sources).

Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments, information fair, active participation to information fair and other discussion activities. Reflections and reports. Self and peer evaluation.


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


07.01.2025 - 16.05.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 46

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anna-Kaarina Koivula
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) 1 (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B
  • MSOS22SV
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students become aware of the potential of wellbeing technology Students learn what kind of possibilities and limiations user-oriented technology can involve in the promotion of clients' social engagement and ability to function. Students describe and reflect on ethical issues related to wellbeing technology.


- Wellbeing technology
Robotics and artificial intelligence
- the potential and limitations of technology
- user-oriented technology from the perspective of various client groups
- sustainable development and ethical issues


Materials in moodle

Teaching methods

virtual learning independently (moodle), nonstop

Student workload

Approximately 80 hours student's work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students can describe about the applications and potential use and limitations of wellbeing technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
Students recognise ethical issues related to wellbeing technology

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- can compare about the applications and evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively discuss ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- can analyse about the applications and extensively evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively analyse ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students can describe about the applications and potential use and limitations of wellbeing technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
Students recognise ethical issues related to wellbeing technology

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- can compare about the applications and evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively discuss ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- can analyse about the applications and extensively evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively analyse ethical issues related to welfare technology


previous studies are not required

Further information

Students choose between this course and the following courses:
- Technology and Everyday Life
- Communication Aids
- Digitalisation in the Fields of Social Work


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.09.2024 - 13.12.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anna-Kaarina Koivula
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 25. Open UAS: 25.)
Student groups
  • SOS22A
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students become aware of the potential of welfare technology in welfare services and Finnish society. Students learn what kind of possibilities and limiations user-oriented technology can involve in the promotion of clients' social engagement and ability to function. Students describe and reflect on ethical issues related to welfare technology.


- welfare technology
- the potential and limitations of technology
- user-oriented technology from the perspective of various client groups
- welfare technology, sustainable development and ethical issues


Materials in moodle

Teaching methods

virtual learning independently (moodle)

Student workload

approx 80 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

- can describe about the applications and potential use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- recognise ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- can compare about the applications and evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively discuss ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- can analyse about the applications and extensively evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively analyse ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- can describe about the applications and potential use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- recognise ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- can compare about the applications and evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively discuss ethical issues related to welfare technology

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- can analyse about the applications and extensively evaluate the use and limitations of welfare technology with some client groups from the perspectives of the individual, community and society
- are able to extensively analyse ethical issues related to welfare technology


previous studies are not required

Further information

Students choose between this course and the following courses:
- Technology and Everyday Life
- Communication Aids
- Digitalisation in the Fields of Social Work


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society, its essential features and principles and its historical development. Students can explain how the Finnish welfare society is similar to other European, especially Nordic, welfare models, and how it differs from them. Students know how the welfare services are integrated into the functions of the welfare state. They know how the services of the welfare society are organized and funded. Students are able to follow current social and economic debates. They know how to describe the respective roles of the public, private and third sector as actors in the welfare society and as providers of welfare services. Students can explain the meaning of formal and informal help.They can explain about the potential changes and imminent challenges of the welfare society, wellbeing services county and its various sectors.


- the concept of welfare society
- Nordic and European welfare models
- welfare services as part of the welfare society and wellbeing services county
- funding of welfare services
- the public sector, the private sector and the third sector as providers of welfare services
- informal and formal help


- Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä ja vastuut.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
- Hyvinvointipolitiikka.
- Saari, J., Taipale, S. & Kainulainen, S. (toim.) 2013 Hyvinvointivaltion moderneja klassikoita. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu: Helsinki.

Teaching methods

This course is classroom teaching, including lectures and tasks.

Employer connections

The study course does not include Practical training.

Student workload


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name essential features and principles of the welfare society. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They recognize roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They can compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can explain properties of various welfare models. They can analyze and compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society. Students possess some recognizable economic literacy related to the welfare society.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment


no prerequisities


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society, its essential features and principles and its historical development. Students can explain how the Finnish welfare society is similar to other European, especially Nordic, welfare models, and how it differs from them. Students know how the welfare services are integrated into the functions of the welfare state. They know how the services of the welfare society are organized and funded. Students are able to follow current social and economic debates. They know how to describe the respective roles of the public, private and third sector as actors in the welfare society and as providers of welfare services. Students can explain the meaning of formal and informal help.They can explain about the potential changes and imminent challenges of the welfare society, wellbeing services county and its various sectors.


- the concept of welfare society
- Nordic and European welfare models
- welfare services as part of the welfare society and wellbeing services county
- funding of welfare services
- the public sector, the private sector and the third sector as providers of welfare services
- informal and formal help


- Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä ja vastuut.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
- Hyvinvointipolitiikka.
- Saari, J., Taipale, S. & Kainulainen, S. (toim.) 2013 Hyvinvointivaltion moderneja klassikoita. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu: Helsinki.

Teaching methods

This course is classroom teaching, including lectures and tasks.

Employer connections

The study course does not include Practical training.

Student workload


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name essential features and principles of the welfare society. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They recognize roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They can compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can explain properties of various welfare models. They can analyze and compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society. Students possess some recognizable economic literacy related to the welfare society.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment


no prerequisities


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 07.03.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Milka Volanto
Student groups
  • SOS25A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society, its essential features and principles and its historical development. Students can explain how the Finnish welfare society is similar to other European, especially Nordic, welfare models, and how it differs from them. Students know how the welfare services are integrated into the functions of the welfare state. They know how the services of the welfare society are organized and funded. Students are able to follow current social and economic debates. They know how to describe the respective roles of the public, private and third sector as actors in the welfare society and as providers of welfare services. Students can explain the meaning of formal and informal help.They can explain about the potential changes and imminent challenges of the welfare society, wellbeing services county and its various sectors.


- the concept of welfare society
- Nordic and European welfare models
- welfare services as part of the welfare society and wellbeing services county
- funding of welfare services
- the public sector, the private sector and the third sector as providers of welfare services
- informal and formal help


Karisto, A., Takala, P. & Haapola, I. (2006 tai uudempi): Matkalla nykyaikaan. Elintason, elämäntavan ja sosiaalipolitiikan muutos.
- Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä ja vastuut.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
- Hyvinvointipolitiikka.
- Palola, E. & Karjalainen, V. (toim.) 2011. Hukassa vai uuden jäljillä. THL: Helsinki.
- Möttönen, S. & Niemelä J. 2005. Kunta ja kolmas sektori. PS-kustannus: Jyväskylä.

Teaching methods

This course is classroom teaching, including lectures and tasks.

Employer connections

The study course does not include Practical training.

Student workload


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name essential features and principles of the welfare society. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They recognize roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They can compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can explain properties of various welfare models. They can analyze and compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society. Students possess some recognizable economic literacy related to the welfare society.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment


no prerequisities


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


17.03.2025 - 16.05.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 12. Open UAS: 12.)
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation
    Vocational Secondary-education Pathway, Bachelor of Social Services
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society, its essential features and principles and its historical development. Students can explain how the Finnish welfare society is similar to other European, especially Nordic, welfare models, and how it differs from them. Students know how the welfare services are integrated into the functions of the welfare state. They know how the services of the welfare society are organized and funded. Students are able to follow current social and economic debates. They know how to describe the respective roles of the public, private and third sector as actors in the welfare society and as providers of welfare services. Students can explain the meaning of formal and informal help.They can explain about the potential changes and imminent challenges of the welfare society, wellbeing services county and its various sectors.


- the concept of welfare society
- Nordic and European welfare models
- welfare services as part of the welfare society and wellbeing services county
- funding of welfare services
- the public sector, the private sector and the third sector as providers of welfare services
- informal and formal help


- Karisto, A., Takala, P. & Haapola, I. (2006 tai uudempi): Matkalla nykyaikaan. Elintason, elämäntavan ja sosiaalipolitiikan muutos.

- Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä ja vastuut.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.

- Palola, E. & Karjalainen, V. (toim.) 2011. Hukassa vai uuden jäljillä. THL: Helsinki.

- Möttönen, S. & Niemelä J. 2005. Kunta ja kolmas sektori. PS-kustannus: Jyväskylä.

- Karvonen, S., Kestilä, L., Saikkonen, P., & Aalto, A. (2022). Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2022. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. THL: Helsinki

Teaching methods

This course is online learning, independent study, tasks as online learning.

Employer connections

The study course does not include Practical training.

Student workload


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name essential features and principles of the welfare society. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They recognize roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They can compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can explain properties of various welfare models. They can analyze and compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society. Students possess some recognizable economic literacy related to the welfare society.


no prerequisities


01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024


19.08.2024 - 15.09.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 42

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Milka Volanto
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
    Vocational Secondary-education Pathway, Bachelor of Social Services
  • SOPE23S
    Basics of socionomic work
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society, its essential features and principles and its historical development. Students can explain how the Finnish welfare society is similar to other European, especially Nordic, welfare models, and how it differs from them. Students know how the welfare services are integrated into the functions of the welfare state. They know how the services of the welfare society are organized and funded. Students are able to follow current social and economic debates. They know how to describe the respective roles of the public, private and third sector as actors in the welfare society and as providers of welfare services. Students can explain the meaning of formal and informal help.They can explain about the potential changes and imminent challenges of the welfare society, wellbeing services county and its various sectors.


- the concept of welfare society
- Nordic and European welfare models
- welfare services as part of the welfare society and wellbeing services county
- funding of welfare services
- the public sector, the private sector and the third sector as providers of welfare services
- informal and formal help


- Karisto, A., Takala, P. & Haapola, I. (2006 tai uudempi): Matkalla nykyaikaan. Elintason, elämäntavan ja sosiaalipolitiikan muutos.

- Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä ja vastuut.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.

- Palola, E. & Karjalainen, V. (toim.) 2011. Hukassa vai uuden jäljillä. THL: Helsinki.

- Möttönen, S. & Niemelä J. 2005. Kunta ja kolmas sektori. PS-kustannus: Jyväskylä.

- Karvonen, S., Kestilä, L., Saikkonen, P., & Aalto, A. (2022). Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2022. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. THL: Helsinki

Teaching methods

This course is online learning, independent study, tasks as online learning.

Employer connections

The study course does not include Practical training.

Student workload


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name essential features and principles of the welfare society. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They recognize roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can describe the properties of various welfare models. They can compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society and its essential features and principles. Students can explain properties of various welfare models. They can analyze and compare roles of various sectors and the potential changes these sectors will face as actors in the welfare society. Students possess some recognizable economic literacy related to the welfare society.


no prerequisities


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1.5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students learn to name important actors in the welfare society, which produce welfare, health and social support in health and social services, social security and in the related and cooperation fields. Students can define the key actors' contribution and responsibility for organising and providing support and help. Students learn to explain what kind of help and support clients can have in various life situations. They recognise models of cooperation between the actors. Students analyse the roles and effects of the actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.


- social and health care services
- most essential social benefits
- employment services
- Digital- and population data service agency and legal aid office services
- models for cooperation between companies, public sector and civil society
- importance of companies, public sector and organizations as part of the welfare system


- Hiilamo H., Laitinen H. & Laaksonen H. (toim.) (2020) Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä.
- Sosiaaliturvaopas Järjestöjen sosiaaliturvaopas 2024.
- Recommended also the web sites of Kela ja STM and other needed organizations´s web sites.
- In addition material introduced by the lecturer.

Teaching methods

Multiform-learning involves classroom-learning, visiting in worklife and independent learning in web-learning environment Moodle.

Employer connections

Guest lectures by working life.

International connections

-Students have the opportunity to study Kela's brochures written in English or other languages.

Completion alternatives

Online implementation as online studies.

Student workload

135 hours.
Multiform learning:
- contact instruction 32 hours and
- web-learning in Moodle environment 103 hours.

Further information

The course presented here is the multiform learning courseoption.
Students choose between this course and the course called Social Security from Client Perspective. The optional study course is not allowed to include in Free Choice Studies.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can recognize the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can explain, what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can name cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to define the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to present services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to explain the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define principles for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can present cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to evaluate the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to extensively present and justify forms of welfare, health and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define from several perspectives for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations.Students can compare and justify cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to analyse the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment methods and criteria

Multiform-learning: Active participation in contact-learninglessons and also one assignment will be evaluated.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Performance does not reach level 1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to name services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can recognize the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can explain, what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can name cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to define the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to present services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to explain the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define principles for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can present cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to evaluate the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to extensively present and justify forms of welfare, health and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define from several perspectives for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations.Students can compare and justify cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to analyse the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.


The course is undertaken simultanously or after the course Introduction to Welfare Society.

Further information

Students choose between this course and the course Social Security from Client Perspective. The optional study course is not allowed to include in Free Choice Studies.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 30.05.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation
  • SOS25A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students learn to name important actors in the welfare society, which produce welfare, health and social support in health and social services, social security and in the related and cooperation fields. Students can define the key actors' contribution and responsibility for organising and providing support and help. Students learn to explain what kind of help and support clients can have in various life situations. They recognise models of cooperation between the actors. Students analyse the roles and effects of the actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.


- social and health care services
- most essential social benefits
- employment services
- Digital- and population data service agency and legal aid office services
- models for cooperation between companies, public sector and civil society
- importance of companies, public sector and organizations as part of the welfare system


- Hiilamo H., Laitinen H. & Laaksonen H. (toim.) (2020) Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä.
- Sosiaaliturvaopas Järjestöjen sosiaaliturvaopas 2025.
- Recommended also the web sites of Kela ja STM and other needed organizations´s web sites.
- In addition material introduced by the lecturer.

Teaching methods

This course is a online learning course. At the beginning of the course Orientation takes place via e-mail and with the help of a recording. The student familiarizes herself with the Orientation material at a time that suits her during the first week of the course.

Employer connections

The course does not include practice.

International connections

-Students have the opportunity to study Kela's brochures written in English or other languages.

Completion alternatives

Multi-form learning option.

Student workload

135 hours.
This Option: Web-learning

- independent web-learning 135 hours

Further information

The course presented here is the web-learningcourseoption.
Students choose between this course and the course called Social Security from Client Perspective. The optional study course is not allowed to include in Free Choice Studies.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can recognize the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can explain, what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can name cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to define the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to present services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to explain the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define principles for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can present cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to evaluate the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to extensively present and justify forms of welfare, health and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define from several perspectives for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations.Students can compare and justify cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to analyse the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment methods and criteria

Web-learning option: Active participation in web-learning discussions and other different assignments done in web-learning environment Moodle. One of those assignments will be evaluated.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Performance does not reach level 1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to name services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can recognize the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can explain, what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can name cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to define the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to present services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to explain the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define principles for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can present cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to evaluate the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to extensively present and justify forms of welfare, health and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define from several perspectives for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations.Students can compare and justify cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to analyse the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.


The course is undertaken simultanously or after the course Introduction to Welfare Society.

Further information

Students choose between this course and the course Social Security from Client Perspective. The optional study course is not allowed to include in Free Choice Studies.


01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024


28.10.2024 - 10.12.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 42

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Elina Kangasluoma
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
  • SOPE23S
    Basics of socionomic work
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students learn to name important actors in the welfare society, which produce welfare, health and social support in health and social services, social security and in the related and cooperation fields. Students can define the key actors' contribution and responsibility for organising and providing support and help. Students learn to explain what kind of help and support clients can have in various life situations. They recognise models of cooperation between the actors. Students analyse the roles and effects of the actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.


- social and health care services
- most essential social benefits
- employment services
- Digital- and population data service agency and legal aid office services
- models for cooperation between companies, public sector and civil society
- importance of companies, public sector and organizations as part of the welfare system


- Hiilamo H., Laitinen H. & Laaksonen H. (toim.) (2020) Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä.
- Sosiaaliturvaopas Järjestöjen sosiaaliturvaopas 2024.
- Recommended also the web sites of Kela ja STM and other needed organizations´s web sites.
- In addition material introduced by the lecturer.

Teaching methods

This course is a online learning course. At the beginning of the course Orientation takes place via e-mail and with the help of a recording. The student familiarizes herself with the Orientation material at a time that suits her during the first week of the course.

Employer connections

The course does not include practice.

International connections

-Students have the opportunity to study Kela's brochures written in English or other languages.

Completion alternatives

Multi-form learning option.

Student workload

135 hours.
This Option: Web-learning

- independent web-learning 135 hours

Further information

The course presented here is the web-learningcourseoption.
Students choose between this course and the course called Social Security from Client Perspective. The optional study course is not allowed to include in Free Choice Studies.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can recognize the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can explain, what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can name cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to define the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to present services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to explain the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define principles for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can present cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to evaluate the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to extensively present and justify forms of welfare, health and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define from several perspectives for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations.Students can compare and justify cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to analyse the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment methods and criteria

Web-learning option: Active participation in web-learning discussions and other different assignments done in web-learning environment Moodle. One of those assignments will be evaluated.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Performance does not reach level 1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to name services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can recognize the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can explain, what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can name cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to define the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to present services that produce welfare, health and social support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to explain the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define principles for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations. Students can present cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to evaluate the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students are able to extensively present and justify forms of welfare, health and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students can analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can define from several perspectives for what kind of support and help clients are allowed to receive in different life situations.Students can compare and justify cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to analyse the importance of actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.


The course is undertaken simultanously or after the course Introduction to Welfare Society.

Further information

Students choose between this course and the course Social Security from Client Perspective. The optional study course is not allowed to include in Free Choice Studies.


05.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 40. Open UAS: 40.)
Education groups
  • Open UAS


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


27.11.2024 - 02.03.2025


11.03.2025 - 31.05.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 40. Open UAS: 40.)
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


22.04.2024 - 15.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 14.03.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Laura Liikavainio
  • Viljo Arohonka
  • Mari Heinonen
  • Riina Heinämäki
  • Jarkko Loima
  • Matti-Pekka Pasto
  • Milka Volanto
  • Jussi Kareinen
  • Noora Kivimäki
  • Heli Simon
  • Anna Rauha
  • Pirkko Mäntykivi
  • Sari Rimpelä
  • Riku Uusi-Jaakkola
  • Satu Lautamäki
  • Jaana Liukkonen
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • BIELI23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Full-time studies
  • AUTE23SA
    Degree Programme in Automation Engineering, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • AUTE23KA
    Degree Programme in Automation Engineering, Full-time studies
  • AGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • SH23S
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • KITI23
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • FYS23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • TITE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Teaching methods

In English
The course is implemented as a week-long intensive course, SeAMK Innovation Week. During the week, students do not participate in any other SeAMK teaching.
In the multi-mode delivery, the course is delivered online according to a specified timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on course concepts and processes (design thinking, service design, group work)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer data using different methods
- Ideation of possible solutions using different methods
- Testing and development of solutions based on testing
- Presentation of the solution or concept

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


13.11.2024 - 19.02.2025


10.03.2025 - 04.05.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Student groups
  • MTH24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nursing
  • MGERO23
    Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology,Multimodal implementation
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
  • MSH24K
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation
  • MBIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Part-time studies
  • MRKM24
    Bachelor of Construction Site Management, Multimodal implementation


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 08.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Student groups
  • MKONE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • MAGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources
  • MLITA23
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management, Multimodal implementation
  • MSH23S
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


22.04.2024 - 25.09.2024


11.11.2024 - 15.11.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Marika Kääriäinen
  • Riina Heinämäki
  • Milka Volanto
  • Jussi Kareinen
  • Noora Kivimäki
  • Terhi Anttila
  • Merja Juppo
  • Heli Simon
  • Anna Rauha
  • Pia Haapala
  • Helena Myllymäki
  • Pekka Lager
  • Jaana Liukkonen
  • Saija Råtts
Student groups
  • SH24K
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Full-time studies
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • KONE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • AUTO23
  • LITA23B
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • LITA23C
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • RAK23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • LITA23D
    Tradenomi (AMK), Liiketalous
  • RKM23
    Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • LITA23A
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Teaching methods

In English
The course is implemented as a week-long intensive course, SeAMK Innovation Week. During the week, students do not participate in any other SeAMK teaching.
In the multi-mode delivery, the course is delivered online according to a specified timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on course concepts and processes (design thinking, service design, group work)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer data using different methods
- Ideation of possible solutions using different methods
- Testing and development of solutions based on testing
- Presentation of the solution or concept

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


21.10.2024 - 28.10.2024


07.01.2025 - 30.04.2025


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1 op

Teaching languages
  • English

6 - 6

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
  • Marja-Liisa Saariaho
Student groups
  • VVO


The course compares the differences and similarities between social and health services in Finland and in a European country.
- Students will practice intercultural interaction and working together with students of different nationalities.
- Students will be able to identify and recognise the impact of history, culture, legislation, funding models and policy decisions on the lives of social work clients in an international context.
- Students will be able to recognise the impact of social problems on the well-being, daily functioning and functional capacity of individuals and communities

Translated with (free version)


The content of the course is defined with each partner. In spring 2020, the partner will be UAS Saxion from the Netherlands. Mental health (life cycle and surrounding society, social effects).
- Framework (values and attitudes, mental health services, laws and regulations),
- methods (preventive mental health work, rehabilitation, empirical expertise)


Literature will be announced in the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

- lectures, individual tasks and group tasks in international group, workshop in virtual environment
- studies in Netherlands, Saxion UAS March/April 2025/time will be announced later
- studies in Finland, SeAMK UAS/February2025/time will be announced later

Employer connections

Course includes field visits in working places.

International connections

Studying in international group in english in SeAMK UAS and Saxion UAS.
Hosting introduces both countries student's daily life

Student workload

106 hours:
- 28 h lessons
- 12 h independent work
- 66 h participating in intensive weeks in Finland and Netherlands



Content scheduling

The theme is mental health:
- mental health (life cycle and society, social impact)
- frame of reference (values and attitudes, mental health services, laws and regulations),
- methods (preventive mental health work, rehabilitation, expert expertise)

Further information

Intensive weeks:
- Orientation and preparation of the student group
- Study trip to the Netherlands and studying
- Seamk study week in Finland
- The student pays for the international exchange week to the Netherlands.
- Accommodation during exchange weeks as home accommodation with another student.
- Study language is English

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted / Rejected
- The student actively participates in the whole course
- The student will be able to define, identify and evaluate the factors influencing the individual and the community of the phenomenon in question. The student will identify areas for development and find solutions in an international context. Students will be able to compare the differences between countries and cultures according to the theme.

Assessment methods and criteria

Independent tasks. group work, seminars.


No previous studies are required


02.09.2024 - 05.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Marja-Liisa Saariaho
Student groups
  • IEPSW24F
    Empowerment in Social Work


Students understand the structure of social work education in Finland and compare it with their own education. Students will learn to know the professional fields of social work professionals in Finland. Students will understand the role and position of Bachelor of Social Services in the professional field. They will also have extensive knowledge of systems that provide welfare and social security in various sectors in Finland. Students will learn to know the professional fields in which Bachelor of Social Services work in Finland. Students have sufficient knowledge of the society and culture of the country, especially on the local level, to be able to cope in everyday life. They will also learn where to seek additional information. Students understand the content, pedagogical ideas and structure of the studies undertaken in Seinäjoki UAS.


- Social work education in Finland
- Social work professional fields
- Education and professional fields of Bachelor of Social Services
- Systems providing welfare and social security in Finland
- Finnish society and culture


Announced in the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

lectures, study visits, learning portfolio

Student workload

81 hours of student work including:
- contact lessons: 22h
- individual work of students: 59h


The grade pass means that the student's performance must equal to grade 3 (good), which is equivalent to the grade C in the ECTS grading system. Students have understanding about social work education in Finland, professional fields of social work and the role and position of Bachelor of Social Services in the social field in Finland.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The grade pass means that the student's performance must equal to grade 3 (good), which is equivalent to the grade C in the ECTS grading system. Students have understanding about social work education in Finland, professional fields of social work and the role and position of Bachelor of Social Services in the social field in Finland.

Assessment methods and criteria

- participation to introductory lectures and discussions and orientation days at Seinäjoki UAS
- field visits in various sectors of the social work field
- written reflection/diary/portfolio on students' learning experiences and learning process
- seminar


26.08.2024 - 05.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • IEPSW24F
    Empowerment in Social Work
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society, its essential features and principles and its historical development. Students can explain how the Finnish welfare society is similar to other European, especially Nordic, welfare models, and how it differs from them. Students know how the welfare services are integrated into the functions of the welfare state. They know how the services of the welfare society are organized and funded. Students are able to follow current social and economic debates. They know how to describe the respective roles of the public, private and third sector as actors in the welfare society and as providers of welfare services. Students can explain the meaning of formal and informal help.They can explain about the potential changes and imminent challenges of the welfare society and its various sectors.


- the concept of welfare society
- Nordic and European welfare models
- welfare services as part of the welfare society
- the public sector as a provider of welfare services
- the private sector as as provider of welfare sevices
- the third sector as a provider of welfare service
- informal and formal help


Literature, for example:

Anttonen, A., Häikiö, L. & Stefansson, K. (eds.) (2012). Welfare state, Universalism and Diversity. Celtenham: Edward Elgar.

Ng E.C.W. & Fisher, A. (2013). Understanding Well-Being in Multi-Levels: A review. In: Health, Culture and Society. Vol. 5, No 1, pp. 308-323.

Jungerstam, S. & Wentjärvi, A. (2019). Country Portrait Finland - The Finnish Welfare State. In: socialnet International [online]. 03.06.2019 [Date of citation: 14.4.2023]. Available from Internet:

Valijärvi, R.-L. (2017). Representations of Finland in contemporary Finnish popular music. In: Finland Suomi 100: language, culture, history. Tuomarla, U. Piechnik, B. (eds.) Jagiellonian Library & University of Helsinki. Krakow & Helsinki.

Teaching methods

Lectures, assignments, discussions, exam.

Employer connections

Does not include practical training.

Student workload

Total work load 81 hours.
Lectures 18h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are name essential features and principles of welfare society. Students can describe gestures of different welfare models. They are capable to recognize roles of different sectors and their perspectives of change as actors of welfare society.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to explain definition of welfare society, its essential features and principles. Students can name gestures of different welfare models. They are capable to compare roles of different sectors and their perspectives of change as actors of welfare society.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to name some essential features and principles of welfare society. Students can describe gestures of different welfare models. They are able to recognize roles and perspectives of change concerning different sectors as actors of welfare society. Students skills of economical literacy is possible to recognize.

Assessment methods and criteria

Scale 1 - 5


no prerequisities


02.09.2024 - 13.12.2024


0 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Jaana Store
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies





Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.


03.03.2025 - 15.05.2025


0 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Jaana Store
Student groups
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies





Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.


07.01.2025 - 14.03.2025


0 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Jaana Store
Student groups
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation





Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

x Assessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.


02.09.2024 - 13.12.2024


0 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Jaana Store
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies





Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.


03.03.2025 - 15.05.2025


0 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Jaana Store
Student groups
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies





Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.


07.01.2025 - 14.03.2025


0 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Jaana Store
Student groups
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation





Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

xAssessment is based on academic criteria for oral and written proficiency.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


16.09.2024 - 13.12.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students are able to
- to perceive the international economy and its impact on the social and health sector
- to look at the key challenges related to the implementation of sustainable development
- to structure different approaches to intercultural interaction
- to guide migrants to get by in their typical dilemmas
- to examine the challenges of health and social problems in their cultural and social frameworks
- to identify the global health situation and its major threats


- international economy
- sustainable development
- intercultural interaction
- typical problems faced by migrants
- cultural aspects of health and social problems
- global health situation and related threats


Materials delivered by Lecturer

Teaching methods

Lectures, Learning Discussions, Learning Diary.

Student workload

Lectures 12h, other studies 42h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, good (3)


Assessment criteria, excellent (5)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: The student participates in the classes of the course and shows the knowledge and skills listed in the learning outcomes in class and/or by completing the required course assignments.

Fail: The student does not reach the learning outcomes of the course and is not able to show required knowledge and skills


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 09.05.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • MGERO24
    Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology,Multimodal implementation


Students are able to
- to perceive the international economy and its impact on the social and health sector
- to look at the key challenges related to the implementation of sustainable development
- to structure different approaches to intercultural interaction
- to guide migrants to get by in their typical dilemmas
- to examine the challenges of health and social problems in their cultural and social frameworks
- to identify the global health situation and its major threats


- international economy
- sustainable development
- intercultural interaction
- typical problems faced by migrants
- cultural aspects of health and social problems
- global health situation and related threats


Materials delivered by Lecturer

Teaching methods

Lectures, Learning Discussions, Learning Diary.

Student workload

Lectures 12h, other studies 42h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, good (3)


Assessment criteria, excellent (5)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: The student participates in the classes of the course and shows the knowledge and skills listed in the learning outcomes in class and/or by completing the required course assignments.

Fail: The student does not reach the learning outcomes of the course and is not able to show required knowledge and skills


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


07.01.2025 - 14.03.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to
- to perceive the international economy and its impact on the social and health sector
- to look at the key challenges related to the implementation of sustainable development
- to structure different approaches to intercultural interaction
- to guide migrants to get by in their typical dilemmas
- to examine the challenges of health and social problems in their cultural and social frameworks
- to identify the global health situation and its major threats


- international economy
- sustainable development
- intercultural interaction
- typical problems faced by migrants
- cultural aspects of health and social problems
- global health situation and related threats


Materials delivered by Lecturer

Teaching methods

Lectures, Learning Discussions, Learning Diary.

Student workload

Lectures 12h, other studies 42h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, good (3)


Assessment criteria, excellent (5)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: The student participates in the classes of the course and shows the knowledge and skills listed in the learning outcomes in class and/or by completing the required course assignments.

Fail: The student does not reach the learning outcomes of the course and is not able to show required knowledge and skills


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 30.05.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Virpi Nikkola
Student groups
  • SOS25A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students understand meanings attached to lifelong growth and socialization throughout the life span from the individual, community and society perspectives. Students are familiar with theories on childhood and youth development, with needs for special support and with wellbeing of children and families. Students can explain the meaning of parenthood and attachment for growth and socialization. Students are able to compare the effect of various social structures and cultures on socialization and families from the perspective of child and youth development and wellbeing. Students know how their future work as Bachelors of Social Services differs from other professions.


- socialization
- theories of development
- early interaction
- family and parenthood
- wellbeing of children and families
- needs for support in childhood and youth
- course of life
- need of close relations, attachment, attraction
- child and youth cultures


Material in Moodle and other litterature presented be the teacher.

Teaching methods

Lectures, independent studies, visitors/visits and group work and exam.

Employer connections

Course does not include practical training.

Completion alternatives

Taking part in the course or studying at the work place, if the work is in the social work area.

Student workload

5 credits=135 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can identify and name theories related to childhood and adolescence and define the importance of parenting and attachment to growth and socialization. The student can describe concepts related to lifelong growth and socialization as well as the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society at different stages of the life cycle. The student recognizes the effects of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to apply concepts and theories related to growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can explain the meaning of an attachment relationship and concepts related to the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society, and produce examples of them. The student can structure and evaluate the importance of parenting, attachment and special support in the socialization process. The student can explain the meanings of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows how to comprehensively analyze concepts for lifelong growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can critically and understand theories oriented towards the development of childhood and adolescence, as well as to research the relationship of parenting and attachment and their significant importance in the socialization process. With examples, the student can specify and generalize perspectives on growth and socialization in a wide area from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. The student can analyze and compare the impact of different social structures and cultures on children, families, well-being, socialization and social structures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in contact teaching, assignments on the online platform and the exam.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 30.05.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students understand meanings attached to lifelong growth and socialization throughout the life span from the individual, community and society perspectives. Students are familiar with theories on childhood and youth development, with needs for special support and with wellbeing of children and families. Students can explain the meaning of parenthood and attachment for growth and socialization. Students are able to compare the effect of various social structures and cultures on socialization and families from the perspective of child and youth development and wellbeing. Students know how their future work as Bachelors of Social Services differs from other professions.


- socialization
- theories of development
- early interaction
- family and parenthood
- wellbeing of children and families
- needs for support in childhood and youth
- course of life
- need of close relations, attachment, attraction
- child and youth cultures

Teaching methods

Online classes and contact classes:
Classes are face-to-face during weeks. At other times, classes are held online
Teaching methods include online and face-to-face lectures, individual, pair, and small group work in classes and on the Moodle platform, and an exam.

Employer connections

Does not including practical training.

Exam schedules

It will be announced at the beginning of the study period.

Student workload

5 credits = 135 hours.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can identify and name theories related to childhood and adolescence and define the importance of parenting and attachment to growth and socialization. The student can describe concepts related to lifelong growth and socialization as well as the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society at different stages of the life cycle. The student recognizes the effects of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to apply concepts and theories related to growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can explain the meaning of an attachment relationship and concepts related to the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society, and produce examples of them. The student can structure and evaluate the importance of parenting, attachment and special support in the socialization process. The student can explain the meanings of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows how to comprehensively analyze concepts for lifelong growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can critically and understand theories oriented towards the development of childhood and adolescence, as well as to research the relationship of parenting and attachment and their significant importance in the socialization process. With examples, the student can specify and generalize perspectives on growth and socialization in a wide area from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. The student can analyze and compare the impact of different social structures and cultures on children, families, well-being, socialization and social structures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation based on activity and participation in the course, assignments and an exam.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 44

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Virpi Nikkola
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students understand meanings attached to lifelong growth and socialization throughout the life span from the individual, community and society perspectives. Students are familiar with theories on childhood and youth development, with needs for special support and with wellbeing of children and families. Students can explain the meaning of parenthood and attachment for growth and socialization. Students are able to compare the effect of various social structures and cultures on socialization and families from the perspective of child and youth development and wellbeing. Students know how their future work as Bachelors of Social Services differs from other professions.


- socialization
- theories of development
- early interaction
- family and parenthood
- wellbeing of children and families
- needs for support in childhood and youth
- course of life
- need of close relations, attachment, attraction
- child and youth cultures

Location and time



Pulkkinen, Lea. Ahonen, Timo., Kuoppala, Isto. (toim). Ihmisen psykologinen kehitys. (2023) PS-kustannus.
Other literature presented at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Lectures, independent studies and group work, assignments on Moodle platform, visitors/visits are possible and home exam.

Employer connections

Course does not include practical training.

Exam schedules

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

International connections


Completion alternatives

Taking part in the course or studying at the work place, if the work is in the social work area.

Student workload

135 hours

Content scheduling


Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can identify and name theories related to childhood and adolescence and define the importance of parenting and attachment to growth and socialization. The student can describe concepts related to lifelong growth and socialization as well as the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society at different stages of the life cycle. The student recognizes the effects of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to apply concepts and theories related to growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can explain the meaning of an attachment relationship and concepts related to the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society, and produce examples of them. The student can structure and evaluate the importance of parenting, attachment and special support in the socialization process. The student can explain the meanings of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows how to comprehensively analyze concepts for lifelong growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can critically and understand theories oriented towards the development of childhood and adolescence, as well as to research the relationship of parenting and attachment and their significant importance in the socialization process. With examples, the student can specify and generalize perspectives on growth and socialization in a wide area from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. The student can analyze and compare the impact of different social structures and cultures on children, families, well-being, socialization and social structures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in contact teaching, assignments on the online platform and the exam.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 36

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students understand meanings attached to lifelong growth and socialization throughout the life span from the individual, community and society perspectives. Students are familiar with theories on childhood and youth development, with needs for special support and with wellbeing of children and families. Students can explain the meaning of parenthood and attachment for growth and socialization. Students are able to compare the effect of various social structures and cultures on socialization and families from the perspective of child and youth development and wellbeing. Students know how their future work as Bachelors of Social Services differs from other professions.


- socialization
- theories of development
- early interaction
- family and parenthood
- wellbeing of children and families
- needs for support in childhood and youth
- course of life
- need of close relations, attachment, attraction
- child and youth cultures


Pulkkinen, Lea. Ahonen, Timo., Kuoppala, Isto. (toim). Ihmisen psykologinen kehitys. (2023) PS-kustannus.
Other material presented at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Lectures, independent studies, visitors/visits and group work and exam.

Employer connections

Course does not include practical training.

Exam schedules

Will be announced at the beginning of the course

Completion alternatives

Taking part in the course or studying at the work place, if the work is in the social work area.

Student workload

5 credits=135 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can identify and name theories related to childhood and adolescence and define the importance of parenting and attachment to growth and socialization. The student can describe concepts related to lifelong growth and socialization as well as the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society at different stages of the life cycle. The student recognizes the effects of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to apply concepts and theories related to growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can explain the meaning of an attachment relationship and concepts related to the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society, and produce examples of them. The student can structure and evaluate the importance of parenting, attachment and special support in the socialization process. The student can explain the meanings of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows how to comprehensively analyze concepts for lifelong growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can critically and understand theories oriented towards the development of childhood and adolescence, as well as to research the relationship of parenting and attachment and their significant importance in the socialization process. With examples, the student can specify and generalize perspectives on growth and socialization in a wide area from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. The student can analyze and compare the impact of different social structures and cultures on children, families, well-being, socialization and social structures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in contact teaching, assignments on the online platform and the exam.


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
Student groups
  • VAKA24
    Varhaiskasvatuksen täydentävät opinnot


Students understand meanings attached to lifelong growth and socialization throughout the life span from the individual, community and society perspectives. Students are familiar with theories on childhood and youth development, with needs for special support and with wellbeing of children and families. Students can explain the meaning of parenthood and attachment for growth and socialization. Students are able to compare the effect of various social structures and cultures on socialization and families from the perspective of child and youth development and wellbeing. Students know how their future work as Bachelors of Social Services differs from other professions.


- socialization
- theories of development
- early interaction
- family and parenthood
- wellbeing of children and families
- needs for support in childhood and youth
- course of life
- need of close relations, attachment, attraction
- child and youth cultures


Pulkkinen, Lea. Ahonen, Timo., Kuoppala, Isto. (toim). Ihmisen psykologinen kehitys. (2023) PS-kustannus.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can identify and name theories related to childhood and adolescence and define the importance of parenting and attachment to growth and socialization. The student can describe concepts related to lifelong growth and socialization as well as the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society at different stages of the life cycle. The student recognizes the effects of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows how to apply concepts and theories related to growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can explain the meaning of an attachment relationship and concepts related to the well-being of children and families from the perspective of the individual, community and society, and produce examples of them. The student can structure and evaluate the importance of parenting, attachment and special support in the socialization process. The student can explain the meanings of different social structures and culture and the need for special support in growth and socialization.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows how to comprehensively analyze concepts for lifelong growth, socialization and the well-being of children and families. The student can critically and understand theories oriented towards the development of childhood and adolescence, as well as to research the relationship of parenting and attachment and their significant importance in the socialization process. With examples, the student can specify and generalize perspectives on growth and socialization in a wide area from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. The student can analyze and compare the impact of different social structures and cultures on children, families, well-being, socialization and social structures.


03.06.2024 - 06.09.2024


16.09.2024 - 30.11.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 44

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
  • Ristiinopiskelu (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Student groups
  • CO24SS
    CO24SS, CampusOnline
    Open UAS
    Vocational Secondary-education Pathway, Bachelor of Social Services
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)
  • Cross studies


Students understand meanings attached to lifelong growth and socialization throughout the life span from the individual, community and society perspectives. Students are familiar with theories on childhood and youth development, with needs for special support and with wellbeing of children and families. Students can explain the meaning of parenthood and attachment for growth and socialization. Students are able to compare the effect of various social structures and cultures on socialization and families from the perspective of child and youth development and wellbeing. Students know how their future work as Bachelors of Social Services differs from other professions.


- socialization
- theories of development
- early interaction
- family and parenthood
- wellbeing of children and families
- needs for support in childhood and youth
- course of life
- need of close relations, attachment, attraction
- child and youth cultures



Teaching methods

Online classes and contact classes:

Teaching methods: individual, pair, and small group work on the Moodle platform, and an exam.

Exam schedules

It will be announced at the beginning of the study period.

Student workload

5 credits = 135 hours.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to define concepts related to lifelong growth, socialization and wellbeing throughout the lifespan from the indidual, community and society perspectives. Students are able to list theories on childhood and youth and define the meaning of parenthood and attachment in the socialization process.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to explain concepts related to lifelong growth, socialization and wellbeing and give examples from the indidual, community and society perspectives.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to extensively analyse concepts related to lifelong growth, socialization and wellbeing. They know how to evaluate theories on childhood and youth development and analyse the meaning of parenthood and attachment in the socialization process.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation based on activity and participation in the course, assignments and an exam.


previous studies are not required


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Marja-Liisa Saariaho
Student groups
  • SOS21B
  • SOS22A
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS21C


Students learn to recognise situations in which communication aids are required to facilitate communication with clients, for example developmental delays, problems in ability to function in the area of communication and problems caused by poor language skills. Students become familiar with common methods to replace speech (ACC), for example sign language, communication with help of writing, objects and gestures. In their work with various groups of clients, they learn to recognize common communication aids. Students will recognise needs to develop communication aids and promote the development of alternative forms of communication through multiprofessional collaboration.


- common reasons for communication problems
- introduction to sign language
- picture-based communication aids
- use of objects in communication
- writing as a support to communication
- communication programs
- counselling on communication aids


- Huuhtanen,K. (toim.) Puhetta tukevat ja korvaavat kommunikointimenetelmät Suomessa. 2012. Kehitysvammaliitto. Solver palvelut Oy. Kouvola.
- Hämäläinen , P. & Haapala,M. Sosiaalinen kommunikaatio - taitojen kartoittaminen ja kuntoutus, ss. 181-244. Teoksessa Timonen, T. & Hämäläinen Pirita (toim.) Autismin kirjon kuntoutusmenetelmät. 2019. PS-Kustannus.
- Pihlaja, P. & Viitala R. (toim.) Varhaiserityiskasvatus. 2018. ss. 183-221, ss. 287-363. PS-Kustannus.
- Puustjärvi, A., Danner, P. & Niutanen U. Aistitiedon käsittelyn vaikeuksien kanssa selviytyminen. Teoksessa Puustjärvi A. (toim.) Aistitiedon käsittelyn vaikeudet. Ymmärrystä ja sujuvampaa arkea. 2024. ss.332-416. Santalahti-kustannus.
- Trygg B.H., Graafinen kommunikointi. Esineet, kuvat ja symbolit puhetta tukevassa ja korvaavassa kommunikoinnissa. 2010. Kehitysvammaliitto. Solver palvelut Oy. Kouvola.
- Papunetin sivusto,
- The other material is announced at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

lessons, independent studies, essay

Employer connections

Course consists: expert visitors and field visist. The course does not include practical training.

Student workload

80 hours
- 28 hours in the classroom
- 52 hours of independent study

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students know the most common reasons of communication difficulties. They can recognize communication aids, which are used with different client groups. They can use communication aids under guidance with different client groups. Students can apply their knowledge in practice under guidance.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students have knowledge of the most common reasons of communication difficulties anf they can use some communication aids with clients, who have communication difficulties. Students are able to observe client's needs when using different communication aids and they can act in professional way. Students can apply their knowledge in practice.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students possess multiple knowledge about use of most general communication aids in communication with different client groups.
They are able to evaluate the application of different communication aids in social work with different client groups. They have capacity to recognize clients' needs for development of communication aids and they can proceed development of alternative communication methods using multiprofessional co-operation. Students can apply their knowledge in practice.


no prerequisities


02.01.2025 - 15.01.2025


11.01.2025 - 25.05.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Johanna Koivula
Student groups
  • MPK25
    Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning


Material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Online course.
Tasks to be performed independently in moodle

Student workload

Total 54 h of independent work


• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria

Restoration of all exercises according to the assessment criteria.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Leena Elenius
  • Pirjo Takala
  • Elina Kangasluoma
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Anu Katila
  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Opiskelijapalvelut Nimeämätön
  • Eija Putula-Hautala
  • Marja Erkkilä
Student groups
  • MAGRO25
    Bachelor of Natural Resources


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning


- website and intranet of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences:
- curricula of degree programmes:
- material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Lectures, assignments, group work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria



26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Asta Pohjola
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Leena Elenius
  • Pirjo Takala
  • Elina Kangasluoma
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Virpi Nikkola
  • Leena Elenius
  • Pirjo Takala
  • Elina Kangasluoma
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 44

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Leena Elenius
  • Pirjo Takala
  • Elina Kangasluoma
  • Taja Kiiskilä
  • Kari Jokiranta
Student groups
  • SOS25A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning


The material in Moodle.

Teaching methods

Contact lessons ja independent tasks.

Student workload

54h of which part is classroom teaching and part is independent work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria

accepted / rejected


05.08.2024 - 17.11.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Johanna Koivula
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 51. Open UAS: 51.)
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning


Material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Online course. Tasks to be performed independently in moodle

Student workload

Total 54 h of independent work


• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Further information

The teacher sends a start-up message of the course, where the details of the MOODLE to SeAMK's e-mail once a week for new entrants.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria

Restoration of all exercises according to the assessment criteria.


16.12.2024 - 20.04.2025


10.01.2025 - 31.05.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Johanna Koivula
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning


Material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Online course. Tasks to be performed independently in moodle

Student workload

Total 54 h of independent work


• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Further information

The teacher sends a start-up message of the course, where the details of the MOODLE to SeAMK's e-mail once a week for new entrants.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria

Restoration of all exercises according to the assessment criteria.


01.01.2025 - 19.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 08.06.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Kristiina Store
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Tiina Hemminki
  • Virpi Salo
  • Tiina Välimäki
  • Virpi Rantanen
  • Kari Jokiranta
  • Tarja Knuuttila
Student groups
  • MTH25
    Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nursing


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


05.08.2024 - 17.11.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Annukka Haapa-aho


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning


Material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Online course. Tasks to be performed independently in moodle

Student workload

Total 54 h of independent work


• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Further information

The teacher sends a start-up message of the course, where the details of the MOODLE to SeAMK's e-mail once a week for new entrants.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria

Restoration of all exercises according to the assessment criteria.


19.08.2024 - 20.10.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Meri Matala-Aho
  • Paula Paloniemi


Learning goals
The student knows how to
- Act at the university of applied sciences
- Develop their learning and study skills
- Exploit different learning environments in diverse ways
- Become familiar with their field of study and its job opportunities (incl. abroad)
- Plan their studies from the perspective of their career aspirations


Academic studies:
- The structure of the studies and the different opportunities to complete the studies (incl. internationalisation)
- The regulations guiding academic studies, the student’s rights and responsibilities, SeAMK’s operating principles and rules
- The activities and services of the Student Association
- Study and learning skills and self-knowledge, and their development
- The welfare services at SeAMK

Career planning:
- Job opportunities in the student’s field, familiarisation with the interest groups, the international operational environment of the field
- Opportunities for further studies and career planning

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

• Is able to recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is able to use the key electronic tools of SeAMK and find information useful for their studies in the Intranet. Recognises their personal learning style and finds ways to develop it. Recognises job opportunities in their field.
• Knows their curriculum and can interpret it while planning their studies

• Does not recognise and find SeAMK's regulations and principles guiding the studies. Is not able to use SeAMK’s electronic tools and Intranet as support to their studies. Does not recognise their personal learning style and find ways to develop it. Is not able to define the career opportunities in their field.
• Does not know their curriculum.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
Student groups
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students learn to examine relationships between individuals, communities and societies at global, national and local level. They can describe meanings that cultures and ways of life can have in the construction of the individual's identity. Students learn to explain the concepts of multiculturalism and diversity. They learn to describe and analyse relationships between minorities and majorities, describe the global migration and, especially, refugeeism as a general phenomenon and individual experience. Students learn to describe discrimination, prejudice and racism, and identify underlying factors. They examine their national and ethnic identity and preparedness to encounter cultural and social diversity. They independently seek and evaluate the reliability of information about these concepts. Students develop their reflection and observation skills about their own role in local and global communities.


- ethnic, cultural and social diversity, cultural differences, majorities and minorities
- global migration, immigration, refugees
- acculturation, integration
- national and ethnic identity, stereotypes and prejudices, racism
- the effect of immigration and minority role on the individual's identity
- multicultural competence and cultural sensitivity
-dimensions of cultural and social sustainability


Castaneda, A. E., Mäki-Opas, J., Jokela, S., Kivi, N., Lähteenmäki, M., Miettinen, T., Nieminen, S., Santalahti, P. 2018. Pakolaisten mielenterveyden tukeminen Suomessa: PALOMA-käsikirja.

Kääriälä, A., Keski-Säntti, M., Aaltonen, M., Haikkola, L., Huotari, T., Ilmakunnas, I., Juutinen, A., Kiilakoski, T., Merikukka, M., Pekkarinen, E., Rask, S., Ristikari, T., Salo, J. & Gissler, M. 2020. Suomi seuraavan sukupolven kasvuympäristönä. Seuranta Suomessa vuonna 1997 syntyneistä lapsista, joilla on ulkomailla syntynyt vanhempi. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Raportti 15/2020.

Martikainen, T. & Pöyhönen, S. (toim.) 2024. Superdiversiteetti - näkökulmia maahanmuuton moninaisuuteen.

Saukkonen, P. 2020. Vimmainen maailma. Kirjoituksia muuttoliikkeestä, monikulttuurisuudesta ja nationalismista. Julkaisuja 35, 2020. Helsinki: Siirtolaisuusinstituutti.

Teaching methods

Contact lessons, independent studying at Moodle, tasks

Employer connections

The study course does not include practical training

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students recognise global processes, which cause migration and refugeeism. Students recognise the contents of the key concepts. Students are for the main part able to describe the relationships between ethnic groups in Finland. Students are able to find up-to-date information about key concepts. Students are able to formulate and justify an opinion on one of the issues discussed. Students can describe the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. They can describe their own cultural identity and factors connected with its development. Students can name a concrete aim of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students competently describe the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They find information about relationships between ethnic groups and use the information to present their opinions. With help of the concepts, students analyse the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. Using the relevant concepts, students reflect on their own cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students describe and justify concrete aims of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students analyse the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They critically evaluate the key concepts of the course. Students are able to connect people's experiences as members of different minorities with their social background. Competently using the concepts, students extensively reflect on their cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students express their aims concerning the development of their culturalsensitivity with comprehensive justifications.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


07.01.2025 - 31.03.2025


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Taja Kiiskilä
Student groups
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students learn to examine relationships between individuals, communities and societies at global, national and local level. They can describe meanings that cultures and ways of life can have in the construction of the individual's identity. Students learn to explain the concepts of multiculturalism and diversity. They learn to describe and analyse relationships between minorities and majorities, describe the global migration and, especially, refugeeism as a general phenomenon and individual experience. Students learn to describe discrimination, prejudice and racism, and identify underlying factors. They examine their national and ethnic identity and preparedness to encounter cultural and social diversity. They independently seek and evaluate the reliability of information about these concepts. Students develop their reflection and observation skills about their own role in local and global communities.


- ethnic, cultural and social diversity, cultural differences, majorities and minorities
- global migration, immigration, refugees
- acculturation, integration
- national and ethnic identity, stereotypes and prejudices, racism
- the effect of immigration and minority role on the individual's identity
- multicultural competence and cultural sensitivity
-dimensions of cultural and social sustainability


Castaneda, A. E., Mäki-Opas, J., Jokela, S., Kivi, N., Lähteenmäki, M., Miettinen, T., Nieminen, S., Santalahti, P. 2018. Pakolaisten mielenterveyden tukeminen Suomessa: PALOMA-käsikirja.

Kääriälä, A., Keski-Säntti, M., Aaltonen, M., Haikkola, L., Huotari, T., Ilmakunnas, I., Juutinen, A., Kiilakoski, T., Merikukka, M., Pekkarinen, E., Rask, S., Ristikari, T., Salo, J. & Gissler, M. 2020. Suomi seuraavan sukupolven kasvuympäristönä. Seuranta Suomessa vuonna 1997 syntyneistä lapsista, joilla on ulkomailla syntynyt vanhempi. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Raportti 15/2020.

Saukkonen, P. 2020. Vimmainen maailma. Kirjoituksia muuttoliikkeestä, monikulttuurisuudesta ja nationalismista. Julkaisuja 35, 2020. Helsinki: Siirtolaisuusinstituutti.

Teaching methods

Contact lessons, virtual studies, independent studying at Moodle, learning assignment

Employer connections

The study course does not include practical training

Student workload

108h: contact lessons, independent studying at Moodle, learning assignment

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students recognise global processes, which cause migration and refugeeism. Students recognise the contents of the key concepts. Students are for the main part able to describe the relationships between ethnic groups in Finland. Students are able to find up-to-date information about key concepts. Students are able to formulate and justify an opinion on one of the issues discussed. Students can describe the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. They can describe their own cultural identity and factors connected with its development. Students can name a concrete aim of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students competently describe the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They find information about relationships between ethnic groups and use the information to present their opinions. With help of the concepts, students analyse the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. Using the relevant concepts, students reflect on their own cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students describe and justify concrete aims of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students analyse the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They critically evaluate the key concepts of the course. Students are able to connect people's experiences as members of different minorities with their social background. Competently using the concepts, students extensively reflect on their cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students express their aims concerning the development of their culturalsensitivity with comprehensive justifications.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


07.01.2025 - 22.02.2025


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students learn to examine relationships between individuals, communities and societies at global, national and local level. They can describe meanings that cultures and ways of life can have in the construction of the individual's identity. Students learn to explain the concepts of multiculturalism and diversity. They learn to describe and analyse relationships between minorities and majorities, describe the global migration and, especially, refugeeism as a general phenomenon and individual experience. Students learn to describe discrimination, prejudice and racism, and identify underlying factors. They examine their national and ethnic identity and preparedness to encounter cultural and social diversity. They independently seek and evaluate the reliability of information about these concepts. Students develop their reflection and observation skills about their own role in local and global communities.


- ethnic, cultural and social diversity, cultural differences, majorities and minorities
- global migration, immigration, refugees
- acculturation, integration
- national and ethnic identity, stereotypes and prejudices, racism
- the effect of immigration and minority role on the individual's identity
- multicultural competence and cultural sensitivity
-dimensions of cultural and social sustainability


Castaneda, A. E., Mäki-Opas, J., Jokela, S., Kivi, N., Lähteenmäki, M., Miettinen, T., Nieminen, S., Santalahti, P. 2018. Pakolaisten mielenterveyden tukeminen Suomessa: PALOMA-käsikirja.

Kääriälä, A., Keski-Säntti, M., Aaltonen, M., Haikkola, L., Huotari, T., Ilmakunnas, I., Juutinen, A., Kiilakoski, T., Merikukka, M., Pekkarinen, E., Rask, S., Ristikari, T., Salo, J. & Gissler, M. 2020. Suomi seuraavan sukupolven kasvuympäristönä. Seuranta Suomessa vuonna 1997 syntyneistä lapsista, joilla on ulkomailla syntynyt vanhempi. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Raportti 15/2020.

Martikainen, T. & Pöyhönen, S. (toim.) 2024. Superdiversiteetti - näkökulmia maahanmuuton moninaisuuteen.

Saukkonen, P. 2020. Vimmainen maailma. Kirjoituksia muuttoliikkeestä, monikulttuurisuudesta ja nationalismista. Julkaisuja 35, 2020. Helsinki: Siirtolaisuusinstituutti.

Teaching methods

Independent studying at Moodle, independent tasks

Employer connections

The study course does not include practical training

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students recognise global processes, which cause migration and refugeeism. Students recognise the contents of the key concepts. Students are for the main part able to describe the relationships between ethnic groups in Finland. Students are able to find up-to-date information about key concepts. Students are able to formulate and justify an opinion on one of the issues discussed. Students can describe the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. They can describe their own cultural identity and factors connected with its development. Students can name a concrete aim of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students competently describe the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They find information about relationships between ethnic groups and use the information to present their opinions. With help of the concepts, students analyse the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. Using the relevant concepts, students reflect on their own cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students describe and justify concrete aims of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students analyse the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They critically evaluate the key concepts of the course. Students are able to connect people's experiences as members of different minorities with their social background. Competently using the concepts, students extensively reflect on their cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students express their aims concerning the development of their culturalsensitivity with comprehensive justifications.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Taja Kiiskilä
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students learn to examine relationships between individuals, communities and societies at global, national and local level. They can describe meanings that cultures and ways of life can have in the construction of the individual's identity. Students learn to explain the concepts of multiculturalism and diversity. They learn to describe and analyse relationships between minorities and majorities, describe the global migration and, especially, refugeeism as a general phenomenon and individual experience. Students learn to describe discrimination, prejudice and racism, and identify underlying factors. They examine their national and ethnic identity and preparedness to encounter cultural and social diversity. They independently seek and evaluate the reliability of information about these concepts. Students develop their reflection and observation skills about their own role in local and global communities.


- ethnic, cultural and social diversity, cultural differences, majorities and minorities
- global migration, immigration, refugees
- acculturation, integration
- national and ethnic identity, stereotypes and prejudices, racism
- the effect of immigration and minority role on the individual's identity
- multicultural competence and cultural sensitivity
-dimensions of cultural and social sustainability


Castaneda, A. E., Mäki-Opas, J., Jokela, S., Kivi, N., Lähteenmäki, M., Miettinen, T., Nieminen, S., Santalahti, P. 2018. Pakolaisten mielenterveyden tukeminen Suomessa: PALOMA-käsikirja.

Kääriälä, A., Keski-Säntti, M., Aaltonen, M., Haikkola, L., Huotari, T., Ilmakunnas, I., Juutinen, A., Kiilakoski, T., Merikukka, M., Pekkarinen, E., Rask, S., Ristikari, T., Salo, J. & Gissler, M. 2020. Suomi seuraavan sukupolven kasvuympäristönä. Seuranta Suomessa vuonna 1997 syntyneistä lapsista, joilla on ulkomailla syntynyt vanhempi. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Raportti 15/2020.

Saukkonen, P. 2020. Vimmainen maailma. Kirjoituksia muuttoliikkeestä, monikulttuurisuudesta ja nationalismista. Julkaisuja 35, 2020. Helsinki: Siirtolaisuusinstituutti.

Teaching methods

Contact lessons, independent studying at Moodle, learning assignment

Employer connections

The study course does not include practical training

Student workload

108 h: contact lessons, independent studying at Moodle, learning assignment

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students recognise global processes, which cause migration and refugeeism. Students recognise the contents of the key concepts. Students are for the main part able to describe the relationships between ethnic groups in Finland. Students are able to find up-to-date information about key concepts. Students are able to formulate and justify an opinion on one of the issues discussed. Students can describe the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. They can describe their own cultural identity and factors connected with its development. Students can name a concrete aim of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students competently describe the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They find information about relationships between ethnic groups and use the information to present their opinions. With help of the concepts, students analyse the experiences of people belonging to different minorities. Using the relevant concepts, students reflect on their own cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students describe and justify concrete aims of how to develop their competence in cultural sensitivity.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students analyse the relevant concepts, when discussing migration and refugeeism caused by global processes. They critically evaluate the key concepts of the course. Students are able to connect people's experiences as members of different minorities with their social background. Competently using the concepts, students extensively reflect on their cultural identity and the factors that influence its development. Students express their aims concerning the development of their culturalsensitivity with comprehensive justifications.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignment


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.09.2024 - 11.10.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students acquire basic skills and knowledge in creative methods and practices of using pictures, for example visual expression, photography, photo, film and digital storytelling. Students understand how creative, culture and art-based methods can promote clients' self-image, self-esteem, self-expression and sense of community. Students know how to organise goal-oriented group activities, in which various methods of visual expression are used. Students are able to motivate and encourage individuals and group members to express themselves with help of pictures. Students know how to work in a goal-oriented manner in creative activities and how to plan a complete creative activity process. Students are aware of their creative resources and are motivated to use and development them in professional work in the social field.


- creative group work methods in the work of Bachelors of Social Services
- process in creative work
- use of pictures as a creative group method
- visual expression, photography, photo, film and digital storytelling
- activity-based and experiential exercises using methods of visual expression
- the process of creative activity
- development of one's creative resources in the context of professional work in social services


- Voimaa Taiteesta. Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla. 2013.Tampereen yliopisto, Tutkivan teatterityön keskus: Tammerprint
- Kohtamäki, T, Palomäki, S-L. 2010. Valokuvat vanhainkodin asukkaiden elämäntarinoiden lähteenä.Janus 2010 vol 18 (1) 2010, 35-47
- Aalto, Anu, Araneva, Marjaana, Kohtamäki, Tiina (2014) Valokuvamenetelmät sosiaalialan työssä. Teoksessa Toikko, Timo (toim.) (2014) Sosiaalityön menetelmien jäljillä. Anja Mäntylän rahasto: Fram Oy, 120?128.
- Voimauttava valokuvaus. Saatavana:
Halkola, U.: Mannermaa, L.: Koffert, T.: Koulu, L. 2009. Valokuvan terapeuttinen voima. Keuruu: Otava,

Teaching methods

individual study, study in pairs, group study, experimental learning, lectures, independent study

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Exam schedules

No examination

Student workload

106 hours

Content scheduling

- group activity methods of social work
- the process of creative
- the creative group activities as a method
- visual expression, photography, photo, film and digital story
- functional and experiential exercises
- to develope students own creative resources in the context of Social work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Use of Drama Methods in Group Activities
- Use of Narrative Methods in Group Activitities

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- have a good possession of the knowledge about creative methods and concepts in use of pictures, described in learning objectives
- are able to plan and to implement a creative process using pictures as working method
- are aware of their creative strengths
- are able to use their creative skills as working tools
- have capacities to reflect how to apply use of pictures in the context of social work.

Assessment methods and criteria

working in lessons, excercises and assignments


Most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Use of Drama Methods in Group Activities
- Use of Narrative Methods in Group Activitities


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


07.01.2025 - 14.03.2025


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Anu Aalto
Student groups
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students acquire basic skills and knowledge in creative methods and practices of using pictures, for example visual expression, photography, photo, film and digital storytelling. Students understand how creative, culture and art-based methods can promote clients' self-image, self-esteem, self-expression and sense of community. Students know how to organise goal-oriented group activities, in which various methods of visual expression are used. Students are able to motivate and encourage individuals and group members to express themselves with help of pictures. Students know how to work in a goal-oriented manner in creative activities and how to plan a complete creative activity process. Students are aware of their creative resources and are motivated to use and development them in professional work in the social field.


- creative group work methods in the work of Bachelors of Social Services
- process in creative work
- use of pictures as a creative group method
- visual expression, photography, photo, film and digital storytelling
- activity-based and experiential exercises using methods of visual expression
- the process of creative activity
- development of one's creative resources in the context of professional work in social services


- Voimaa Taiteesta. Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla. 2013.Tampereen yliopisto, Tutkivan teatterityön keskus: Tammerprint
- Kohtamäki, T, Palomäki, S-L. 2010. Valokuvat vanhainkodin asukkaiden elämäntarinoiden lähteenä.Janus 2010 vol 18 (1) 2010, 35-47
- Aalto, Anu, Araneva, Marjaana, Kohtamäki, Tiina (2014) Valokuvamenetelmät sosiaalialan työssä. Teoksessa Toikko, Timo (toim.) (2014) Sosiaalityön menetelmien jäljillä. Anja Mäntylän rahasto: Fram Oy, 120?128.
- Voimauttava valokuvaus. Saatavana:
Halkola, U.: Mannermaa, L.: Koffert, T.: Koulu, L. 2009. Valokuvan terapeuttinen voima. Keuruu: Otava,

Teaching methods

individual study, study in pairs, group study, experimental learning, lectures, independent study, online-studies

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Exam schedules

No examination

Student workload

106 hours

Content scheduling

- group activity methods of social work
- the process of creative
- the creative group activities as a method
- visual expression, photography, photo, film and digital story
- functional and experiential exercises
- to develope students own creative resources in the context of Social work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Use of Drama Methods in Group Activities
- Use of Narrative Methods in Group Activitities

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- have a good possession of the knowledge about creative methods and concepts in use of pictures, described in learning objectives
- are able to plan and to implement a creative process using pictures as working method
- are aware of their creative strengths
- are able to use their creative skills as working tools
- have capacities to reflect how to apply use of pictures in the context of social work.

Assessment methods and criteria

working in lessons, excercises and assignments


Most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Use of Drama Methods in Group Activities
- Use of Narrative Methods in Group Activitities


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.01.2025 - 09.03.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Sos 1 Nimeämätön
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS23A


Students have adopted a reflective, research- and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence in user-centered development and co-creation. Students are able to define the idea and role of developing services by means of user involvement and co-creation. They know methods used in user-centered development and co-creation. Students know how to organise data collection in cooperation with service users, for example groups of service users, citizens' jury, research cooperation. Based on the results of the data collection, students are able to develop the services. They know how to communicate the results to decision-makers and to the public. Students are able to plan, implement, evaluate and report on client-centered development projects in the social field.


- the idea of user-centered development and co-creation
-planning, implementation and evaluation of user-centered development process together with working life representatives
- communicating the results of user-centred development
- project evaluation and reporting

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- are able to describe the basic idea of user-centered development and co-creation
- are able to recognize different ways of implementation of user-centered development and co-creation
- can describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and implementing methods in user-centered service development and co-creation
- are able to use different ways to report and inform to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to broadly apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different applications of user-centered development and co-creation and analyse their usefulness in service development
- have knowledge, how to report and inform the results of development in varied ways to different actors

Further information

Student choose between this and the following courses:
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services
- Foresight-Based Development


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.01.2025 - 09.03.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students have adopted a reflective, research- and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence in user-centered development and co-creation. Students are able to define the idea and role of developing services by means of user involvement and co-creation. They know methods used in user-centered development and co-creation. Students know how to organise data collection in cooperation with service users, for example groups of service users, citizens' jury, research cooperation. Based on the results of the data collection, students are able to develop the services. They know how to communicate the results to decision-makers and to the public. Students are able to plan, implement, evaluate and report on client-centered development projects in the social field.


- the idea of user-centered development and co-creation
-planning, implementation and evaluation of user-centered development process together with working life representatives
- communicating the results of user-centred development
- project evaluation and reporting

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- are able to describe the basic idea of user-centered development and co-creation
- are able to recognize different ways of implementation of user-centered development and co-creation
- can describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and implementing methods in user-centered service development and co-creation
- are able to use different ways to report and inform to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to broadly apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different applications of user-centered development and co-creation and analyse their usefulness in service development
- have knowledge, how to report and inform the results of development in varied ways to different actors

Further information

Student choose between this and the following courses:
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services
- Foresight-Based Development


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


30.09.2024 - 31.05.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 36

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B
  • SOS23A


Students recognise and are able to verbalise resources and risk factors related to children’s and families’ life situations and they are familiar with the principles of early intervention in early childhood services. Students know how to support children and family according to the principles of educational partnership. They are aware of the importance of dialogical interaction when working in cooperation with families. Students know how to start from the children’s needs and how to take children’s rights into consideration in their professional practice. They are familiar with early childhood education and other services provided by various actors. Students know how to support and help children and families to become heard and participate in various communities.


- early childhood services and services for families with children
- educational partnership and multiprofessional co-operation in early childhood education
- recognizing strenghts and risks in childrens and families situation and bringing them up for discussion
- principles of dialogical interaction
- principles and implementation of early support
- the child's best interests and child-centered activities as part of early childhood services
- promoting participation in early childhood services

Location and time



-Ahonen, Liisa (2019). Haastavat kasvatustilanteet. Lämpimän vuorovaikutuksen käsikirja.
-Pienet tuetut askeleet. Varhaiskasvatuksen uudistuva tuki ja kehittyvät käytänteet (2022). Heiskanen, Noora & Marja Syrjämäki (toim.). PS-kustannus.
-Sandberg, Erja (2021). Pedagoginen tuki varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa. PS-kustannus.
-Varhaiserityiskasvatus (2019). Päivi Pihlaja & Riitta Viitala (toim.). PS-kustannus.
-Pulkkinen, Lea (2022): Lapsen hyvinvointi alkaa kodista. PS-kustannus.
-Pöyhönen, Julia & Heidi Livingston (2023). Hyvän vanhemman salaisuus. Tuuma.
-Ahonen, Liisa (2023). Tiimin voima varhaiskasvatuksessa. PS-Kustannus.

Other material will be announced at Moodle platform.

Teaching methods

The course implemented online. Can be performed independently.
Course starts two times on 2024-2025 period: 1. autumn 2024 and 2. on spring 2025 on the Moodle platform. Primarily for early childhood education students
Includes: Online orientation, orientation lectures on the online platform, literature exam, independent assignments.

Employer connections

Does not include training.

Exam schedules

It will be announced on the course's Moodle platform.

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

3 credits = 81 hours

Content scheduling


Further information

The course is first aimed at degree students studying early childhood education.
Before participating in the course, the student must have completed other studies related to early childhood education: 1) Child development and learning, 2) Early childhood education pedagogy, 3) Small group activities and community spirit in early childhood education

The course is also available for other interested students: The course is suitable for freely chosen studies for those who do not complete the comprehensive early childhood education. In this case, the above-mentioned previous study courses do not need to have been completed.
If student wants to obtain the qualification of an early childhood education social worker, he/she studies all the study courses belonging to the whole of early childhood education according to the plan made at the beginning of the studies.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name some of the principles of educational co-operation and dialogical support. Students are able to recognise some principles concerning the the rights of the child and child-centered practices.
They are able to describe needs of different families, also families and children at risk. Students are able to name some principles of early support. They know providers of services for children and families and they can describe how the services could be used. Students are able to describe some factors which effect promoting participation of children and families.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to support children and families according to the principles of educational co-operation and partnership. Students know how to interact with both children and parents. Students know the rights of the child and principles of child-centered actions. They are able to detect needs of different families, also families and children at risk. Students know the principles of early support and are able to support child and parents by using them. They know main the factors of services of early childhood education and other providers of services for children and families and they can use the services while supporting children and families. Students know and are able to make use of methods which promote participation of children and families in communities and various environments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to support children and families according to the principles of educational co-operation. Students know how to interact with both children and parents using dialogical interaction methods. Students take the best interests of the child into account and they are able to detect needs of different families, also families and children at risk. Students are able to use the methods and the principles of early support taking account his/her individual professional streghts and challenges. They have an overall picture of services of early childhood education and other providers of services for children and families and they can fix the services together to support children and families. Students are able to ensure that the voice of children and parents is heard and their participation in communities and various environments promoted. Students help children and families express their opinions. Students are able to analyse preconditions of early support of children and families.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation based on activity on the Moodle platform, assignments and exam of litterary.


Study Cources: The Child's Growth and Learning, Early Childhood Pedagogy, Small Group Activities and Communality in Early Childhood Education

Further information

For the students, who take Early Childhood Studies.


26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024


07.01.2025 - 12.05.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Virpi Nikkola
Student groups
  • SOS24B
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS24C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


The student identifies key laws related to a child's growth, development and learning. He / she is aware of the importance of child empowerment and inclusion for the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to strengthen child empowerment and inclusion. The student knows what a child’s play skills consist of at different ages. She recognizes the importance of play and physical activity as well as children’s peer culture for a child’s development. The student is able to tell about the development of the child's interaction and social skills and is able to support them. The student is able to justify the importance of pedagogy in the child's holistic growth, development and learning. The student is able to assess both the factors that have a positive effect on the child's development and learning and the factors that slow down or endanger development and learning.


- The child's growth, development and learning
- Strengthening the child's empowerment and inclusion
- The importance of play and physical activity
- Children's peer culture
-Development of a child's interaction and social skills
- The role of pedagogy in a child's growth, development and learning

Location and time

The exam is done in Kampustalo´s exam-room.

Teaching methods

This course is part of the Early childhood education studies.
Independent study. Exam.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student identifies some issues related to a child’s growth, development, and learning. She is familiar with some of the factors involved in strengthening a child’s empowerment and inclusion. The student is able to tell to some extent about the development of a child's play and is familiar with the concept of children's peer culture. He / she is able to define some of the factors involved in a child's interaction skills. The student recognizes the importance of pedagogy in relation to a child's growth, development and learning.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows the main factors influencing a child's growth, development and learning and is able to describe these factors using theoretical knowledge. The student is able to tell about the importance of a child's empowerment and inclusion in the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to point out ways to strengthen the child's empowerment and inclusion. The student knows what the child's play skills consist of at different ages. He / she recognizes the importance of play and physical activity as well as the peer culture of children in the child's development and is able to bring this knowledge to the fore with reference to theory. The student is able to tell about the development of the child's interaction and social skills and is able to support them. The student is able to evaluate the importance of pedagogy in connection with a child's growth, development and learning. He recognizes the connections between different factors.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to analyze the factors influencing a child's growth, development and learning with the help of educational and developmental psychological theories. He / she is able to explain the importance of the child's authority and involvement in the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to point out the different ways of strengthening them by analyzing them. The student knows what the child's play skills consist of at different ages and is able to explain in a variety of ways the importance of play and physical activity as well as children's peer culture for the child's development. The student is able to point out the factors related to the development of the child's interaction and social skills with reference to the theory and is able to support them in various ways. The student is able to explain in a versatile way the importance of pedagogy in a child's growth, development and learning. He / she is able to analyze a child's development from the perspective of the laws of growth and learning on the one hand and as an individual developmental process on the other. The student is able to analyze and justify the factors that positively affect the child's development and learning, as well as the factors that slow down or endanger it. He has the ability to analyze the connections between different factors in a variety of ways.


previous studies are not required

Further information

The Study Course has to be done before other Early Childhood Studies.


07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 30.05.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Virpi Nikkola
Student groups
  • MSOS25K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation
  • SOS25A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


The student identifies key laws related to a child's growth, development and learning. He / she is aware of the importance of child empowerment and inclusion for the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to strengthen child empowerment and inclusion. The student knows what a child’s play skills consist of at different ages. She recognizes the importance of play and physical activity as well as children’s peer culture for a child’s development. The student is able to tell about the development of the child's interaction and social skills and is able to support them. The student is able to justify the importance of pedagogy in the child's holistic growth, development and learning. The student is able to assess both the factors that have a positive effect on the child's development and learning and the factors that slow down or endanger development and learning.


- The child's growth, development and learning
- Strengthening the child's empowerment and inclusion
- The importance of play and physical activity
- Children's peer culture
-Development of a child's interaction and social skills
- The role of pedagogy in a child's growth, development and learning

Location and time

The exam is done in kampustalo´s exam-room.

Teaching methods

This course is part of the Early childhood education studies.
Independent study. Exam.

Employer connections

Does not include practical training.

Exam schedules

Independent Exam. Exam is done by using Exam-room in Kampustalo.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student identifies some issues related to a child’s growth, development, and learning. She is familiar with some of the factors involved in strengthening a child’s empowerment and inclusion. The student is able to tell to some extent about the development of a child's play and is familiar with the concept of children's peer culture. He / she is able to define some of the factors involved in a child's interaction skills. The student recognizes the importance of pedagogy in relation to a child's growth, development and learning.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows the main factors influencing a child's growth, development and learning and is able to describe these factors using theoretical knowledge. The student is able to tell about the importance of a child's empowerment and inclusion in the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to point out ways to strengthen the child's empowerment and inclusion. The student knows what the child's play skills consist of at different ages. He / she recognizes the importance of play and physical activity as well as the peer culture of children in the child's development and is able to bring this knowledge to the fore with reference to theory. The student is able to tell about the development of the child's interaction and social skills and is able to support them. The student is able to evaluate the importance of pedagogy in connection with a child's growth, development and learning. He recognizes the connections between different factors.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to analyze the factors influencing a child's growth, development and learning with the help of educational and developmental psychological theories. He / she is able to explain the importance of the child's authority and involvement in the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to point out the different ways of strengthening them by analyzing them. The student knows what the child's play skills consist of at different ages and is able to explain in a variety of ways the importance of play and physical activity as well as children's peer culture for the child's development. The student is able to point out the factors related to the development of the child's interaction and social skills with reference to the theory and is able to support them in various ways. The student is able to explain in a versatile way the importance of pedagogy in a child's growth, development and learning. He / she is able to analyze a child's development from the perspective of the laws of growth and learning on the one hand and as an individual developmental process on the other. The student is able to analyze and justify the factors that positively affect the child's development and learning, as well as the factors that slow down or endanger it. He has the ability to analyze the connections between different factors in a variety of ways.


previous studies are not required

Further information

The Study Course has to be done before other Early Childhood Studies.


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
Student groups
  • VAKA24
    Varhaiskasvatuksen täydentävät opinnot


The student identifies key laws related to a child's growth, development and learning. He / she is aware of the importance of child empowerment and inclusion for the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to strengthen child empowerment and inclusion. The student knows what a child’s play skills consist of at different ages. She recognizes the importance of play and physical activity as well as children’s peer culture for a child’s development. The student is able to tell about the development of the child's interaction and social skills and is able to support them. The student is able to justify the importance of pedagogy in the child's holistic growth, development and learning. The student is able to assess both the factors that have a positive effect on the child's development and learning and the factors that slow down or endanger development and learning.


- The child's growth, development and learning
- Strengthening the child's empowerment and inclusion
- The importance of play and physical activity
- Children's peer culture
-Development of a child's interaction and social skills
- The role of pedagogy in a child's growth, development and learning

Location and time

The exam is done in kampustalo´s exam-room.


Koivula, M. & Siippainen, A. & Eerola-Pennanen, P. (toim.) (2017). Valloittava varhaiskasvatus: Oppimista, osallisuutta ja hyvinvointia. Tampere: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Vastapaino Oy, s. 7 – 177 ja 283 – 322.

Köngäs, M. (2019). Tunneäly varhaiskasvatuksessa. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Pulkkinen, Lea. Ahonen, Timo., Kuoppala, Isto. (toim). Ihmisen psykologinen kehitys. (2023) PS-kustannus, s. 12 – 141. For those reading the e-book, the section starts with a foreword and the last section to be read is Middle Childhood. The Youth chapter is no longer part of the exam area.

This literature can be found also in e-material.

Teaching methods

This course is part of the Early childhood education studies.
Independent study. Exam.

Employer connections

Does not include practical training.

Exam schedules

Independent Exam. Exam is done by using Exam-room in Kampustalo.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student identifies some issues related to a child’s growth, development, and learning. She is familiar with some of the factors involved in strengthening a child’s empowerment and inclusion. The student is able to tell to some extent about the development of a child's play and is familiar with the concept of children's peer culture. He / she is able to define some of the factors involved in a child's interaction skills. The student recognizes the importance of pedagogy in relation to a child's growth, development and learning.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows the main factors influencing a child's growth, development and learning and is able to describe these factors using theoretical knowledge. The student is able to tell about the importance of a child's empowerment and inclusion in the child's growth, development and learning, and is able to point out ways to strengthen the child's empowerment and inclusion. The student knows what the child's play skills consist of at different ages. He / she recognizes the importance of play and physical activity as well as the peer culture of children in the child's development and is able to bring this knowledge to the fore with reference to theory. The student is able to tell about the development of the child's interaction and social skills and is able to support them. The student is able to evaluate the importance of pedagogy in connection with a child's growth, development and learning. He recognizes the connections between different factors.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to analyze the f