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Innovations and DevelopmentLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: XX00DM01


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


16.12.2024 - 02.03.2025


17.03.2025 - 31.05.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 40. Open UAS: 40.)
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


22.04.2024 - 01.12.2024


10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Laura Liikavainio
  • Viljo Arohonka
  • Mari Heinonen
  • Riina Heinämäki
  • Jarkko Loima
  • Matti-Pekka Pasto
  • Milka Volanto
  • Jussi Kareinen
  • Noora Kivimäki
  • Heli Simon
  • Anna Rauha
  • Pirkko Mäntykivi
  • Riku Uusi-Jaakkola
  • Helena Myllymäki
  • Gero Nimeämätön
  • Jaana Liukkonen
Student groups
  • RESTO23
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • BIELI23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Full-time studies
  • AUTE23SA
    Degree Programme in Automation Engineering, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • AUTE23KA
    Degree Programme in Automation Engineering, Full-time studies
  • AGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • SH23S
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • KITI23
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • FYS23
    Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • TITE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Teaching methods

In English
The course is implemented as a week-long intensive course, SeAMK Innovation Week. During the week, students do not participate in any other SeAMK teaching.
In the multi-mode delivery, the course is delivered online according to a specified timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on course concepts and processes (design thinking, service design, group work)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer data using different methods
- Ideation of possible solutions using different methods
- Testing and development of solutions based on testing
- Presentation of the solution or concept

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


13.11.2024 - 19.02.2025


10.03.2025 - 04.05.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Student groups
  • MTH24
    Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nursing
  • MGERO23
    Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology,Multimodal implementation
  • MRESTO24
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Part-time studies
  • MSH24K
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation
  • MBIELI24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Part-time studies
  • MRKM24
    Bachelor of Construction Site Management, Multimodal implementation


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


22.04.2024 - 25.09.2024


11.11.2024 - 15.11.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Marika Kääriäinen
  • Riina Heinämäki
  • Milka Volanto
  • Jussi Kareinen
  • Noora Kivimäki
  • Terhi Anttila
  • Merja Juppo
  • Heli Simon
  • Anna Rauha
  • Pia Haapala
  • Helena Myllymäki
  • Pekka Lager
  • Jaana Liukkonen
  • Saija Råtts
Student groups
  • SH24K
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Full-time studies
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • KONE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • AUTO23
  • LITA23B
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • LITA23C
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • RAK23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • LITA23D
    Tradenomi (AMK), Liiketalous
  • RKM23
    Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • LITA23A
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Teaching methods

In English
The course is implemented as a week-long intensive course, SeAMK Innovation Week. During the week, students do not participate in any other SeAMK teaching.
In the multi-mode delivery, the course is delivered online according to a specified timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on course concepts and processes (design thinking, service design, group work)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer data using different methods
- Ideation of possible solutions using different methods
- Testing and development of solutions based on testing
- Presentation of the solution or concept

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


05.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 31.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 40. Open UAS: 40.)
Education groups
  • Open UAS


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 08.12.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Merja Juppo
Student groups
  • MKONE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • MAGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources
  • MLITA23
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management, Multimodal implementation
  • MSH23S
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


23.08.2024 - 04.09.2024


23.09.2024 - 27.09.2024


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Jussi Kareinen
  • Jaana Liukkonen
Student groups
  • KUTU24
    Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner


28.08.2023 - 24.09.2023


25.09.2023 - 01.10.2023


2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, SME Business Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
  • Jussi Kareinen
  • Jaana Liukkonen
Student groups
  • KUTU23
    Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management


The student can:
- solve real working-life development tasks (companies, organisations, associations) in small groups, consisting of students of different fields
- conduct a customer survey and, based on it, develop and test different solutions to the commissioner’s problem
- consider the business aspects while choosing their solution
- present the solution, or concept, chosen by the group to the commissioner in a professional way
- apply design thinking and its process in future in development tasks in their own field


In the daytime implementation, the course is implemented as a one-week intensive course during SeAMK Innovation Week. During that time, the students do not attend any other courses at SeAMK.
In the multimodal implementation, the course is implemented online, following a separate timetable.
- Preliminary assignment on the concepts and processes of the course (design thinking, service design, groupwork)
- Analysis of the problem of the development task
- Collection of customer information with different methods
- Brainstorming of solution options with different methods
- Testing of solution options and their development based on the testing
- Presentation of a solution, or concept
- Teamwork skills and daily reporting on one’s work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- By completing the preliminary assignment successfully, the student shows their command of the stages and concepts of the customer-focused development project
- The student shows their command of the customer-focused development process by actively participating in the solving of the development task in the group
- The student can collect customer information using different methods and apply information to solve the development task
- The student has participated in the presentation of the group’s results to the commissioner