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Participation, Citizenship and Client´s PositionLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: BH00DR01


Student can explain and evaluate how citizens’ life situations and the social policy system are connected and how they can produce welfare or social exclusion. Students critically reflects on the client’s participation and position in social services and evaluate meanings attached to clients´ different positions. Student structures possibilities of digitalization as part of client processes. Student analyzes societal and global changes and anticipates social effects on citizens.


Life stages and life situations of individuals and the role of social policies.
The control side of social policies and what kinds of responsibilities and requirements are given to clients who are named in different ways.
Digitalization and client processes.
Societal and global changes and effects on citizens and clients.


No previous studies required.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student recognizes connections between citizens and social policy systems and the client’s position in social services. Student recognizes effects of digitalization, social and global changes on citizens and clients.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student recognizes connections between citizens and explains how how different names attached to clients affect clients and the provision of services. Student explains how digitalization, social and global changes can effect on citizens and clients.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student describes analytically and critically describe connections between citizens and social policy systems and analytically evaluate how different names attached to clients affect clients and the provision of services. Student explains and gives reasons for effects of digitalization, social and global changes on citizens and clients.


Literature (e.g.)

Kantola, A., Aaltonen, S., Haikkola, L., Junnilainen, L., Luhtakallio, E., Patana, P., Timonen, J., & Tuominen, P. (2022). Kahdeksan kuplan Suomi: Yhteiskunnan muutosten syvät tarinat. Gaudeamus.

Meriluoto, T. (2018). Making Experts-by-experience, Governmental Ethnography of Participatory Iniatives in Finnish Social Welfare Organisations. JYU Dissertations. Jyväskylä.

Nummela, T. (2011). Asiakkaan asema ja oikeuksien toteutuminen aikuissosiaalityössä. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Social Sciences No 17. University of Eastern Finland.

Raitakari, S. (2006). Neuvottelut ja merkinnät minuuksista - vuorovaikutuksellisuus ja retorisuus nuorten tukiasumisyksikön palavereissa ja tukisuunnitelmissa. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis; 1183, Tampereen yliopisto, Tampere.

Törrönen, M., Hänninen, K., Jouttimäki, P., Lehto-Lunden, T., Salovaara, P. & Veistilä, M. (toim.) (2016). Vastavuoroinen sosiaalityö. Gaudeamus.

Valkama, K. (2012). Asiakkuuden dilemma - Näkökulmia sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon asiakkuuteen. Vasa: Acta Wasaensia 267, Sosiaali- ja terveyshallintotiede 7.

Valokivi, H. (2008). Kansalainen asiakkaana. Tutkimus vanhusten ja lainrikkojien osallisuudesta, oikeuksista ja velvollisuuksista, Tampereen Yliopistopaino Oy – Juvenes Print,


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


12.12.2024 - 13.03.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree in Social Services and Health Care, Social Work
  • Minna Laitila
  • Tiina Hautamäki
Student groups
  • YSOS24
    Master's Degree in Social Services and Health Care, Social Work


Student can explain and evaluate how citizens’ life situations and the social policy system are connected and how they can produce welfare or social exclusion. Students critically reflects on the client’s participation and position in social services and evaluate meanings attached to clients´ different positions. Student structures possibilities of digitalization as part of client processes. Student analyzes societal and global changes and anticipates social effects on citizens.


Life stages and life situations of individuals and the role of social policies.
The control side of social policies and what kinds of responsibilities and requirements are given to clients who are named in different ways.
Digitalization and client processes.
Societal and global changes and effects on citizens and clients.


Literature (e.g.)

Kantola, A., Aaltonen, S., Haikkola, L., Junnilainen, L., Luhtakallio, E., Patana, P., Timonen, J., & Tuominen, P. (2022). Kahdeksan kuplan Suomi: Yhteiskunnan muutosten syvät tarinat. Gaudeamus.

Meriluoto, T. (2018). Making Experts-by-experience, Governmental Ethnography of Participatory Iniatives in Finnish Social Welfare Organisations. JYU Dissertations. Jyväskylä.

Nummela, T. (2011). Asiakkaan asema ja oikeuksien toteutuminen aikuissosiaalityössä. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Social Sciences No 17. University of Eastern Finland.

Raitakari, S. (2006). Neuvottelut ja merkinnät minuuksista - vuorovaikutuksellisuus ja retorisuus nuorten tukiasumisyksikön palavereissa ja tukisuunnitelmissa. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis; 1183, Tampereen yliopisto, Tampere.

Törrönen, M., Hänninen, K., Jouttimäki, P., Lehto-Lunden, T., Salovaara, P. & Veistilä, M. (toim.) (2016). Vastavuoroinen sosiaalityö. Gaudeamus.

Valkama, K. (2012). Asiakkuuden dilemma - Näkökulmia sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon asiakkuuteen. Vasa: Acta Wasaensia 267, Sosiaali- ja terveyshallintotiede 7.

Valokivi, H. (2008). Kansalainen asiakkaana. Tutkimus vanhusten ja lainrikkojien osallisuudesta, oikeuksista ja velvollisuuksista, Tampereen Yliopistopaino Oy – Juvenes Print,

Teaching methods

Lectures, independent and group tasks

Student workload

5 credits = about 135 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student recognizes connections between citizens and social policy systems and the client’s position in social services. Student recognizes effects of digitalization, social and global changes on citizens and clients.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student recognizes connections between citizens and explains how how different names attached to clients affect clients and the provision of services. Student explains how digitalization, social and global changes can effect on citizens and clients.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student describes analytically and critically describe connections between citizens and social policy systems and analytically evaluate how different names attached to clients affect clients and the provision of services. Student explains and gives reasons for effects of digitalization, social and global changes on citizens and clients.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation 1-5


No previous studies required.