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Degree Programme in Agriculture and Rural Enterprises, Part-time studies: MAGRO22

Code: MAGRO22

Bachelor of Natural Resources

Degree title:
Bachelor of Natural Resources

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2022



A Bachelor of Agriculture is professional of future agriculture. Studies will offer tools to develop sustainable, productive and profitable agriculture which take into account the welfare of people, animals and the environment. Studies give the capacity to meet future challenges such as in pursuit of carbon neutrality and circular economics, new methods and the introduction of policies in climate change and environmental conditions.

The agrology studies at SeAMK focus on the entire food production chain, its origins, processing, and the consumer's perspective. During studies it is possible to concentrate on primary production or to augment studies, for example, with business or food processing and biotechnology.

At the beginning of their studies, students study professional modules such as plant production, domestic animal production, agrotechnological subjects, agricultural economics, and business economics. The professional studies are supported by studies in communication, natural sciences, and languages.

In the early summer, after the second year of study, there is summer studies- a Growing season study -course, where students apply the theoretical knowledge gained during the winter. In the summer, students also have traditionally made a study trip to Central Europe, which gives them a glimpse of farming cultures in other countries.

During their third of fourth year of study, students specialize, based on their own choices, either in agricultural business economics or production processes (plant or domestic animal production, agricultural technology). You can expand your competencies further in food processing by studying biotechnology or food engineering. If you wish, you can also deepen your competencies with studies in business economics or engineering.

The practical trainings includes a traineeship period at farm and so called specialization traineeship period in some company or at farm in Finland or abroad. Thesis is implemented at the final stage of the studies. In agricultural studies, the subject choice for the final thesis is free, but it is worthwhile keeping in mind the possibility of utilizing the final project for career planning and employment.

The studies include contact teaching, self-study, practical training, and a final thesis. The contact teaching combines theory and diverse practical studies. Studying in the programme is flexible, and students can concentrate on courses they find the most interesting. The production and reproduction cycles of farm animals as well as seasons and periods of growth and harvest in the fields set the pace for studying in the degree programme. Modern facilities for farm animals, laboratory work and teaching allow students to engage in hands-on and problem-based, reflective learning.

At the beginning of the studies, every student prepares a personal curriculum assisted by a study counselor or tutor. The student's studies proceed in accordance with their personal curriculum and goals.

An agrologist works as an advisor in domestic animal or plant production, as an expert in administration, education and research, and as a developer of rural areas. Also trade and industry as well as the insurance sector employ agronomists. Developing farms require diverse competencies and a great many agrologists have their own business. There are diverse work assignments available for agrologists and they find employment easily.


In Agrology studies; the learner is an active information gatherer, processor, producer, and implementer. Learning is carried out alone or with others using a network. The lessons to be learned are related to the learner's own experience, work and environment. Learning is a process in which everyone sets their own learning goals and also self-assesses their own learning. The role of the teacher is to be the supervisor of the learning process. The learning process is designed with the help of a personal study plan that defines the courses that the student chooses.

Professional studies consist of themes that use different pedagogical methods to study. The lesson to be learned can be approached as problem-based or as a phenomenon where the learner builds his / her own learning process utilizing his / her knowledge, skills and experience. For example, in the production environment and welfare of domestic animals. During the course, the student choses a specific animal and builds-up knowledge about that animal’s legislation and environment and their impact on the animal’s welfare. Team learning and collaborative projects with working life develop not only project management skills and expertise in the field, but also communication, networking and interpersonal skills. Business partners’ or students' own companies provide examples and concrete learning tasks.

Learning by doing is included in a number of study courses, especially in work practice and Growing season - summer studies with functional learning. Work-related skills can be included in the degree through the recognition of skills.

At the beginning of his / her studies, the student makes a personal study plan, in which he / she maps out his / her previous skills and learning goals with the HOPS supervisor or study counselor. During the studies, the curriculum will be examined from the perspective of the career plan and possibly taking into account the skills acquired in the field during the studies. During your studies your own professional identity develops. During studies, the student analyzes his / her own development, for example, through a learning diary. The development of professional identity is supported by annual development discussions with the HOPS instructor, under the guidance of the work practice and thesis. A graduating agrologist is a learning, developing expert.

Assessing takes place at the beginning, during and after studying, assessment is carried out using self-assessment, peer review, working life and by the teacher. For example, you can show your expertise by analyzing a soil sample, identifying plants, writing a learning diary, or developing a business development plan for your business.

Throughout their Agrology studies the core themes are:
• Information retrieval and career planning
• entrepreneurship and internationality
• Network and communication skills
• sustainable development and circular economy
• digitalisation and its uses

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 Spring
3. / 2022 4. / 2022 5. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 5. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 5. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 5. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025

(Choose all)

Building competence

(Choose all)

XX00CG82 Studying at a University of Applied Sciences 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
XX00CG83 Career Planning and Internationalisation 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3
YPO3A3 Communication Skills 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
YPO4A3 ICT Skills 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Business and entrepreneurship competence

(Choose all)

XX00CL55 Basics of Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
XX00BE91 SeAMK Innovation Week 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Research and project work skills

(Choose all)

YPO1C2 Introduction to Research and Development 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
YPO2C3 Introduction to Project Work 3 3 3 1.5 1.5

(Choose all)

Communication Abilities

(Choose all)

YE00BW35 Business Communication in Finnish 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
YE00BW37 Swedish 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
VI00BW39 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written 0
VI00BW41 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral 0
YE00BW43 English 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
Competence of Mathematics

(Choose all)

9A00BW45 Mathematics 5 5 5 5
YE00BW49 Chemistry in Food Chain 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Competence of RDI

(Choose all)

KA00BW51 Statistical Deduction 2 2 2 1 1
Food Chain

(Choose all)

XX00CX20 Structure of Food Chain 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
XX00CX21 Sustainability of Food Chain 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Food Chain Business

(Choose all)

YE00BW57 Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
YE00CY05 Human Resource Management 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7

(Choose all)


(Choose all)

9A00CY06 The Countryside as an Operating Environment 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Crop Production

(Choose all)

9A00CY07 Growth factors and plant growth 10 10 10 5 5
9A00CY08 Field Crop Production 10 10 10 10
Animal Husbandry

(Choose all)

9A00CY09 Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
KA00BW71 Animal Feed and Feeding 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
The Basics of Agricultural Economics

(Choose all)

9A00CY10 Introduction to Agribusiness 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
KA00BW79 Agricultural Policy 5 5 5 5
9A00BW77 The Taxation of a Rural Enterprise 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Techology and Energy Management

(Choose all)

KA00BW81 Agrotechnology 10 10 10 5 5
Summer studies - Learning by doing

(Choose all)

KA00BW87 The Growing Season 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Free-choice Professional studies

(Choose ects: 44)


(Choose ects: 0)

9A00BW89 Investment Analysis and Financial Management 10 10 10 3.3 3.3 3.3
9A00CY11 Crop Production Planning and Management 10 10 10 5 5
9A00CD83 Special Plant Production 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CY59 Smart Farming in Crop Production 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
9A00BX01 Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CY13 Animal Breeding 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
9A00CY14 Dairy Production 4 - 10 10 10 5 5
9A00CY16 Key Figures of Production Cycle and Fertility in Milk Production 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CY15 Beef Cow Production 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
9A00CD78 Pig Production 5 - 10 10 10 3.3 3.3 3.3
9A00CD79 Poultry Production 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CD82 Other Farm Animals 2 - 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
9A00BX03 New Innovations in Agricultural Production 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CY12 Organic Production 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
Circulareconomy in Food System

(Choose ects: 0)

9A00CZ10 Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms 3 3 3 1 1 1
9A00CM08 Carbon Cycle and Low-Carbon Food Chain 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
9A00CN02 Biogas Production in Food Chain 2
9A00CN03 Solar Energy in Food Chain 2
CA00CN07 Food Loss and its Reduction 2
9A00CM11 Circular economy project 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Green care

(Choose ects: 0)

9A00CN05 Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
9A00CN06 Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
Frami Pro

(Choose 30)

5 - 30
Food Processing studies

(Choose ects: 44)

0 - 44

(Choose ects: 10)

KA00BX11 Bioenergy 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
9A00BI17 Construction at Farm 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CI30 Protein Crops 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CL17 Protein Production - Project 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00CN01 Basics for Forest Ownership 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
9A00BX13 Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
9A00CG15 Balcony and terrace cultivation 3 3 3 1 1 1
9A00BK29 Feeding and Healthcare of Horses 3 3 3 1 1 1
9A00CY24 Special Course in Sales 2 2 2 1 1
9A00BX29 Better Writing 2 2 2 1 1
9A00CN28 SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect) 2 - 3 3 3 1 1 1
9A00CZ11 Competence management 3 3 3 1 1 1
9A00DI97 BIP - Future Proof Animal Production System 3
9A00DC58 Grassland Production and Use as Forage 5
9A00DT28 Farm as joint stock company 3

(Choose all)

Farming Practice

(Choose all)

9A00CY25 Farming Practice part 1 16 16 16 8 8
9A00CY26 Farming Practice part 2 14 14 14 7 7
Specialisation practice

(Choose all)

9A00CY17 Specialisation Practice 20 20 20 10 10

(Choose ects: 15)

KA00BX41 Thesis 15 15 15 5 5 5
Total 240 26 85 54 174 0 26 45 40 26 28 47 127 0 9.9 9.9 6.4 22.5 22.5 11.5 11.5 17 13 13 9.9 9.9 8.9 23.5 23.5 47.6 47.6 32.6 0 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

General competencies (Bachelor’s Degrees)

1 Learning competence

- is able to self-evaluate and develop one’s competence and learning style orientation
- is able to retrieve and analyze information and evaluate it critically
- is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams

Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
Career Planning and Internationalisation
Communication Skills
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
Business Communication in Finnish
Chemistry in Food Chain
Statistical Deduction
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Growth factors and plant growth
Field Crop Production
Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare
Animal Feed and Feeding
Introduction to Agribusiness
Agricultural Policy
The Taxation of a Rural Enterprise
The Growing Season
Investment Analysis and Financial Management
Crop Production Planning and Management
Special Plant Production
Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology
Animal Breeding
Dairy Production
Key Figures of Production Cycle and Fertility in Milk Production
Beef Cow Production
Pig Production
Poultry Production
Other Farm Animals
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Organic Production
Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms
Carbon Cycle and Low-Carbon Food Chain
Biogas Production in Food Chain
Solar Energy in Food Chain
Food Loss and its Reduction
Circular economy project
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship
Construction at Farm
Protein Crops
Protein Production - Project
Basics for Forest Ownership
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
Balcony and terrace cultivation
Feeding and Healthcare of Horses
Special Course in Sales
Better Writing
SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect)
Farm as joint stock company
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
2 Ethical competence

- is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and for the consequences of these actions
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
- is able to take other people into account in one’s actions
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development
- is capable of social influencing using one’s know-how and based on ethical values

Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
Career Planning and Internationalisation
Communication Skills
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
Statistical Deduction
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Growth factors and plant growth
Field Crop Production
Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare
Animal Feed and Feeding
Crop Production Planning and Management
Special Plant Production
Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology
Animal Breeding
Dairy Production
Beef Cow Production
Pig Production
Poultry Production
Other Farm Animals
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Organic Production
Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms
Carbon Cycle and Low-Carbon Food Chain
Biogas Production in Food Chain
Solar Energy in Food Chain
Food Loss and its Reduction
Circular economy project
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Protein Crops
Protein Production - Project
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
Feeding and Healthcare of Horses
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
3 Working community competence

- is able to operate as a member of a work community
- is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
- is able to utilize information and communications technology in one’s subject field
- knows the working life in one’s subject field and is able to create personal contacts in working life and to operate in professional networks
- is capable of decision making in unpredicted situations
- is able to apply the principles of organizational management and leadership in working life and has abilities for supervision tasks
- possesses entrepreneurial skills

Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
ICT Skills
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
Business Communication in Finnish
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Human Resource Management
Farm as joint stock company
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
4 Innovation competence

- is able to conduct research, development and innovation projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
- is able to work in projects
- is capable of creative problem solving and development of working methods
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions

SeAMK Innovation Week
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
The Growing Season
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Circular economy project
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship
Construction at Farm
Protein Production - Project
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect)
5 Internationalization competence

- possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field
- is able to operate in a multicultural environment
- takes into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalization development in one’s own field

Communication Skills
ICT Skills
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Field Crop Production
Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare
Agricultural Policy
Animal Breeding
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship
SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect)
Farm as joint stock company
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
6 Entrepreneurial competence

- Understanding of the interaction involved in the operations in a company and the business environment, and of the concept of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial way of working.
- Understanding of the principles associated with a profitable business, and ability to analyse the operations and risks in a business.

Basics of Entrepreneurship
SeAMK Innovation Week
Business Communication in Finnish
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Introduction to Agribusiness
Agricultural Policy
The Taxation of a Rural Enterprise
Investment Analysis and Financial Management
Crop Production Planning and Management
Organic Production
Circular economy project
Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship
Construction at Farm
Protein Production - Project
Basics for Forest Ownership
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
Special Course in Sales
SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect)
Farm as joint stock company
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
7 Quality control competence

- Knowledge of the typical field-related quality control systems
- Understanding of quality-control and the requirements of quality-control systems.

Chemistry in Food Chain
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
Growth factors and plant growth
Field Crop Production
Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare
Animal Feed and Feeding
The Growing Season
Crop Production Planning and Management
Special Plant Production
Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology
Animal Breeding
Dairy Production
Key Figures of Production Cycle and Fertility in Milk Production
Beef Cow Production
Pig Production
Poultry Production
Other Farm Animals
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Organic Production
Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms
Construction at Farm
Protein Crops
Protein Production - Project
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
Balcony and terrace cultivation
Not grouped
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral
Smart Farming in Crop Production
Competence management
BIP - Future Proof Animal Production System
Grassland Production and Use as Forage

Bachelor of Agriculture competencies

1 Agricultural production skills

The student is able to integrate primary production into the food chain.

The student knows the whole farm and its functions and work. They are familiar with the principles of plant nutrition and the nutrient and carbon cycles. They are able to plan the cultivation of arable crops using cultivation technology in an appropriate and profitable way. They know the basics of animal welfare and health maintenance, basic animal husbandry and typical production environment solutions. They are able to select animal feeds as well as plan and evaluate the feeding of farm animals. They know how to use a tractor and its associated machinery safely.

Chemistry in Food Chain
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Growth factors and plant growth
Field Crop Production
Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare
Animal Feed and Feeding
Introduction to Agribusiness
Agricultural Policy
The Taxation of a Rural Enterprise
The Growing Season
Investment Analysis and Financial Management
Crop Production Planning and Management
Special Plant Production
Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology
Animal Breeding
Dairy Production
Key Figures of Production Cycle and Fertility in Milk Production
Beef Cow Production
Pig Production
Poultry Production
Other Farm Animals
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Organic Production
Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms
Construction at Farm
Protein Crops
Protein Production - Project
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
Balcony and terrace cultivation
Feeding and Healthcare of Horses
Farm as joint stock company
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
2 Rural area as an operational environment

Students are familiar with the rural networks and are able to function in those networks. They have knowledge of national and international rural policies and are aware of their impacts on the operations and development of regions, rural areas and agriculture.

Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
Career Planning and Internationalisation
Introduction to Project Work
Business Communication in Finnish
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Introduction to Agribusiness
The Growing Season
Biogas Production in Food Chain
Solar Energy in Food Chain
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship
Basics for Forest Ownership
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect)
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
3 Business and entrepreneurship competence

Students have knowledge of the principles of entrepreneurship and the areas of business. They are competent in systematically managing and developing rural enterprises in a financially profitable way.

Basics of Entrepreneurship
Business Communication in Finnish
Statistical Deduction
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Introduction to Agribusiness
Agricultural Policy
The Taxation of a Rural Enterprise
The Growing Season
Investment Analysis and Financial Management
Crop Production Planning and Management
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Organic Production
Circular economy project
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship
Construction at Farm
Protein Production - Project
Basics for Forest Ownership
Balcony and terrace cultivation
Special Course in Sales
SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect)
Farm as joint stock company
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
4 Environmental competence

Students are aware of the impacts their activities have on the environment and of the interaction between rural enterprises and the environment. They are competent in developing enterprises in an environmentally sustainable way.

Chemistry in Food Chain
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Growth factors and plant growth
Field Crop Production
Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare
Animal Feed and Feeding
The Growing Season
Crop Production Planning and Management
Special Plant Production
Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology
Animal Breeding
Dairy Production
Key Figures of Production Cycle and Fertility in Milk Production
Beef Cow Production
Pig Production
Poultry Production
Other Farm Animals
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Organic Production
Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms
Carbon Cycle and Low-Carbon Food Chain
Biogas Production in Food Chain
Solar Energy in Food Chain
Food Loss and its Reduction
Circular economy project
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Protein Crops
Protein Production - Project
Basics for Forest Ownership
Balcony and terrace cultivation
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
Not grouped
Communication Skills
ICT Skills
SeAMK Innovation Week
Introduction to Research and Development
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral
Smart Farming in Crop Production
Better Writing
Competence management
BIP - Future Proof Animal Production System
Grassland Production and Use as Forage

Bachelor’s Degree studies

1 Basic Studies
Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
Career Planning and Internationalisation
Communication Skills
Basics of Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
Business Communication in Finnish
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral
Chemistry in Food Chain
Statistical Deduction
2 Professional Studies
Structure of Food Chain
Sustainability of Food Chain
Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain
Human Resource Management
The Countryside as an Operating Environment
Growth factors and plant growth
Field Crop Production
Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare
Animal Feed and Feeding
Introduction to Agribusiness
Agricultural Policy
The Taxation of a Rural Enterprise
The Growing Season
Investment Analysis and Financial Management
Crop Production Planning and Management
Special Plant Production
Smart Farming in Crop Production
Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology
Animal Breeding
Dairy Production
Key Figures of Production Cycle and Fertility in Milk Production
Beef Cow Production
Pig Production
Poultry Production
Other Farm Animals
New Innovations in Agricultural Production
Organic Production
Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms
Carbon Cycle and Low-Carbon Food Chain
Biogas Production in Food Chain
Solar Energy in Food Chain
Food Loss and its Reduction
Circular economy project
3 Free-Choice Studies
Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature
Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship
Construction at Farm
Protein Crops
Protein Production - Project
Basics for Forest Ownership
Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland
Balcony and terrace cultivation
Feeding and Healthcare of Horses
Special Course in Sales
Better Writing
SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect)
Competence management
BIP - Future Proof Animal Production System
Grassland Production and Use as Forage
Farm as joint stock company
4 Training
Farming Practice part 1
Farming Practice part 2
Specialisation Practice
5 Thesis
Not grouped
ICT Skills
SeAMK Innovation Week

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

Building competence

(Choose all)

XX00CG82 Studying at a University of Applied Sciences 2
XX00CG83 Career Planning and Internationalisation 2
YPO3A3 Communication Skills 3
YPO4A3 ICT Skills 3
Business and entrepreneurship competence

(Choose all)

XX00CL55 Basics of Entrepreneurship 3
XX00BE91 SeAMK Innovation Week 2
Research and project work skills

(Choose all)

YPO1C2 Introduction to Research and Development 2
YPO2C3 Introduction to Project Work 3

(Choose all)

Communication Abilities

(Choose all)

YE00BW35 Business Communication in Finnish 2
YE00BW37 Swedish 3
VI00BW39 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written 0
VI00BW41 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral 0
YE00BW43 English 5
Competence of Mathematics

(Choose all)

9A00BW45 Mathematics 5
YE00BW49 Chemistry in Food Chain 3
Competence of RDI

(Choose all)

KA00BW51 Statistical Deduction 2
Food Chain

(Choose all)

XX00CX20 Structure of Food Chain 3
XX00CX21 Sustainability of Food Chain 3
Food Chain Business

(Choose all)

YE00BW57 Marketing Planning and Implementation in the Food Chain 5
YE00CY05 Human Resource Management 5

(Choose all)


(Choose all)

9A00CY06 The Countryside as an Operating Environment 5
Crop Production

(Choose all)

9A00CY07 Growth factors and plant growth 10
9A00CY08 Field Crop Production 10
Animal Husbandry

(Choose all)

9A00CY09 Basics of Farm Animal Housing And Welfare 5
KA00BW71 Animal Feed and Feeding 5
The Basics of Agricultural Economics

(Choose all)

9A00CY10 Introduction to Agribusiness 5
KA00BW79 Agricultural Policy 5
9A00BW77 The Taxation of a Rural Enterprise 5
Techology and Energy Management

(Choose all)

KA00BW81 Agrotechnology 10
Summer studies - Learning by doing

(Choose all)

KA00BW87 The Growing Season 5
Free-choice Professional studies

(Choose ects: 44)


(Choose ects: 0)

9A00BW89 Investment Analysis and Financial Management 10
9A00CY11 Crop Production Planning and Management 10
9A00CD83 Special Plant Production 5
9A00CY59 Smart Farming in Crop Production 5
9A00BX01 Domestic Animal Nutrition and Production Biology 5
9A00CY13 Animal Breeding 5
9A00CY14 Dairy Production 4 - 10
9A00CY16 Key Figures of Production Cycle and Fertility in Milk Production 5
9A00CY15 Beef Cow Production 5
9A00CD78 Pig Production 5 - 10
9A00CD79 Poultry Production 5
9A00CD82 Other Farm Animals 2 - 5
9A00BX03 New Innovations in Agricultural Production 5
9A00CY12 Organic Production 5
Circulareconomy in Food System

(Choose ects: 0)

9A00CZ10 Sustainable Nutrient Cycles on Farms 3
9A00CM08 Carbon Cycle and Low-Carbon Food Chain 2
9A00CN02 Biogas Production in Food Chain 2
9A00CN03 Solar Energy in Food Chain 2
CA00CN07 Food Loss and its Reduction 2
9A00CM11 Circular economy project 2
Green care

(Choose ects: 0)

9A00CN05 Green Care – Wellbeing from Nature 5
9A00CN06 Green Care Services and Entrepreneurship 5
Frami Pro

(Choose 30)

5 - 30
Food Processing studies

(Choose ects: 44)

0 - 44

(Choose ects: 10)

KA00BX11 Bioenergy 5
9A00BI17 Construction at Farm 5
9A00CI30 Protein Crops 5
9A00CL17 Protein Production - Project 5
9A00CN01 Basics for Forest Ownership 5
9A00BX13 Multi-purpose Forestry in Finland 5
9A00CG15 Balcony and terrace cultivation 3
9A00BK29 Feeding and Healthcare of Horses 3
9A00CY24 Special Course in Sales 2
9A00BX29 Better Writing 2
9A00CN28 SeAMK Food Challenge (2-3ect) 2 - 3
9A00CZ11 Competence management 3
9A00DI97 BIP - Future Proof Animal Production System 3
9A00DC58 Grassland Production and Use as Forage 5
9A00DT28 Farm as joint stock company 3

(Choose all)

Farming Practice

(Choose all)

9A00CY25 Farming Practice part 1 16
9A00CY26 Farming Practice part 2 14
Specialisation practice

(Choose all)

9A00CY17 Specialisation Practice 20

(Choose ects: 15)

KA00BX41 Thesis 15