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Client and Patient SafetyLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: SH00DM84


The student
- masters the key concepts of client- and patient safety and its sub-areas.
- understands CRM (Crew Resource Management) as a factor that increases client and patient safety.
- understands the various factors that endanger client and patient safety.
- knows how to promote the implementation of client and patient safety and prevent the occurrence of dangerous incidents through his / her own activities.
- knows how to act correctly when a hazardous event occurs.


Concepts and areas related to client and patient safety (treatment safety, device safety, drug safety)
Client and patient safety culture
CRM (Crew Resource Management)
Human factors affect client and patient safety
Structured reporting (ISBAR)
Action protocol in the event of a hazardous event

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Evaluation criteria


Passed = H
The student
- can describe the content of the concept 'client and patient safety'.
- demonstrates familiarity with the various factors of customer and patient safety.
- has actively participated in the lessons / implementation of the course / completed the assigned tasks.

Failed = 0
The student
- cannot describe the content of the concept of client and patient safety.
- is not familiar with the various factors of client and patient safety.
- did not actively participate in the lessons / implementation of the course / did not do the assigned tasks.


Asiakas- ja potilasturvallisuusstrategia ja toimeenpanosuunnitelma 2022 -2026. STM julkaisu 2022:2.


06.01.2025 - 19.02.2025


03.03.2025 - 01.06.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing
  • Tiina Koskela
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Student groups
  • MSH25K
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation
  • MTH25
    Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nursing
  • SH25K
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Full-time studies
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student
- masters the key concepts of client- and patient safety and its sub-areas.
- understands CRM (Crew Resource Management) as a factor that increases client and patient safety.
- understands the various factors that endanger client and patient safety.
- knows how to promote the implementation of client and patient safety and prevent the occurrence of dangerous incidents through his / her own activities.
- knows how to act correctly when a hazardous event occurs.


Concepts and areas related to client and patient safety (treatment safety, device safety, drug safety)
Client and patient safety culture
CRM (Crew Resource Management)
Human factors affect client and patient safety
Structured reporting (ISBAR)
Action protocol in the event of a hazardous event


STM. Asiakas- ja potilasturvallisuusstrategia ja toimeenpanosuunnitelma 2022-2026. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 2022:2. (verkkojulkaisu)

Koivula R, Brotkin H & Saarsalmi O. 2018. Turvallisia sote-palveluja: Opas sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL). Ohjaus 2/2018. Helsinki. (verkkojulkaisu)

STM. Vakavien vaaratapahtumien tutkinta. Opas sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon organisaatioille. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 2023:31. (verkkojulkaisu)

WHO. 2021. Global patient safety action plan 2021-2030. Towards eliminating avoidable harm in health care. (verkkojulkaisu)

And materials on Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Evaluation criteria


Passed = H
The student
- can describe the content of the concept 'client and patient safety'.
- demonstrates familiarity with the various factors of customer and patient safety.
- has actively participated in the lessons / implementation of the course / completed the assigned tasks.

Failed = 0
The student
- cannot describe the content of the concept of client and patient safety.
- is not familiar with the various factors of client and patient safety.
- did not actively participate in the lessons / implementation of the course / did not do the assigned tasks.


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


06.01.2025 - 01.06.2025


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing
  • Tiina Koskela
Student groups
  • SH24S
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • MSH24S
    Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Multimodal implementation


The student
- masters the key concepts of client- and patient safety and its sub-areas.
- understands CRM (Crew Resource Management) as a factor that increases client and patient safety.
- understands the various factors that endanger client and patient safety.
- knows how to promote the implementation of client and patient safety and prevent the occurrence of dangerous incidents through his / her own activities.
- knows how to act correctly when a hazardous event occurs.


Concepts and areas related to client and patient safety (treatment safety, device safety, drug safety)
Client and patient safety culture
CRM (Crew Resource Management)
Human factors affect client and patient safety
Structured reporting (ISBAR)
Action protocol in the event of a hazardous event


STM. Asiakas- ja potilasturvallisuusstrategia ja toimeenpanosuunnitelma 2022-2026. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 2022:2. (verkkojulkaisu)

Koivula R, Brotkin H & Saarsalmi O. 2018. Turvallisia sote-palveluja: Opas sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL). Ohjaus 2/2018. Helsinki. (verkkojulkaisu)

STM. Vakavien vaaratapahtumien tutkinta. Opas sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon organisaatioille. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 2023:31. (verkkojulkaisu)

WHO. 2021. Global patient safety action plan 2021-2030. Towards eliminating avoidable harm in health care. (verkkojulkaisu)

And materials on Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Evaluation criteria


Passed = H
The student
- can describe the content of the concept 'client and patient safety'.
- demonstrates familiarity with the various factors of customer and patient safety.
- has actively participated in the lessons / implementation of the course / completed the assigned tasks.

Failed = 0
The student
- cannot describe the content of the concept of client and patient safety.
- is not familiar with the various factors of client and patient safety.
- did not actively participate in the lessons / implementation of the course / did not do the assigned tasks.