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Facilitating Activity-Based GroupsLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: SOSATO10


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


17.03.2025 - 16.05.2025


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 24

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Marja-Liisa Saariaho
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


- Leskinen, E. (2009). Ryhmä toimimaan. Vinkkejä tutustumiseen, oppimiseen ja yhteistyöhön.
- Kataja J., Jaakkola T. ja Liukkonen J. (2011): Ryhmä liikkeelle! Toiminnallisia harjoituksia ryhmän kehittämiseksi.
- Niemistö, R. (2007). (7.p) Ryhmän luovuus ja kehitysehdot. Palmenia-kustannus
- Toseland, Ronald. W., Rivas, Robert. F. (2012). An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Seventh Edition.
- Kurki, L. (2000). Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
- Malte-Colliard, K. & Marjukka L. (toim.) (2013). Voimaa taiteesta - Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla.
- Levine Madori L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming - Menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa.
- Ruuskanen P., Savolainen K. ja Suonio M. (toim.) (2011). Toivo sosiaalisessa: Toivoa luova toimintakulttuuri sosiaalityössä.
- Karjalainen, A-L. (2019). Luovan toiminnan työtavat Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle

Teaching methods

- lectures, excercises in group facilitation (supervision), independent study, expert visits
- group supervision
- reporting in presenting in seminar
- Studyfying is possibly

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Student workload

106 hours, of which lectures 24 hours, excercises 40 hours, independent study 42 hours

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

to be announced in the beginning of the study course

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


16.09.2024 - 13.12.2024


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 26

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


- Juha Kilpiä (2022): Kontekstin taju. Karttakirja voimavarakeskeiseen ryhmän ohjaamiseen.
- Leskinen, E. (2009). Ryhmä toimimaan. Vinkkejä tutustumiseen, oppimiseen ja yhteistyöhön.
- Kataja J., Jaakkola T. ja Liukkonen J. (2011): Ryhmä liikkeelle! Toiminnallisia harjoituksia ryhmän kehittämiseksi.
- Niemistö, R. (2007). (7.p) Ryhmän luovuus ja kehitysehdot. Palmenia-kustannus
- Toseland, Ronald. W., Rivas, Robert. F. (2012). An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Seventh Edition.
- Kurki, L. (2000). Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
- Malte-Colliard, K. & Marjukka L. (toim.) (2013). Voimaa taiteesta - Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla.
- Levine Madori L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming - Menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa.
- Ruuskanen P., Savolainen K. ja Suonio M. (toim.) (2011). Toivo sosiaalisessa: Toivoa luova toimintakulttuuri sosiaalityössä.
- Karjalainen, A-L. (2019). Luovan toiminnan työtavat Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle

Teaching methods

- online and face-to-face teaching
- lectures, excercises in group facilitation (supervision), independent study, expert visits
- group supervision
- reporting in presenting in seminar
- Moodle -space with exercises
- Studyfying is possibly

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Completion alternatives

Studyfying is possibly

Student workload

108 hours, of which lectures 26 hours, excercises and independent study 82 hours

Further information

A material fee of 5 € is charged for the course.
Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

to be announced in the beginning of the study course

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


18.03.2024 - 17.05.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 24

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Tiina Kohtamäki
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


- Leskinen, E. (2009). Ryhmä toimimaan. Vinkkejä tutustumiseen, oppimiseen ja yhteistyöhön.
- Kataja J., Jaakkola T. ja Liukkonen J. (2011): Ryhmä liikkeelle! Toiminnallisia harjoituksia ryhmän kehittämiseksi.
- Niemistö, R. (2007). (7.p) Ryhmän luovuus ja kehitysehdot. Palmenia-kustannus
- Toseland, Ronald. W., Rivas, Robert. F. (2012). An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Seventh Edition.
- Kurki, L. (2000). Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
- Malte-Colliard, K. & Marjukka L. (toim.) (2013). Voimaa taiteesta - Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla.
- Levine Madori L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming - Menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa.
- Ruuskanen P., Savolainen K. ja Suonio M. (toim.) (2011). Toivo sosiaalisessa: Toivoa luova toimintakulttuuri sosiaalityössä.
- Karjalainen, A-L. (2019). Luovan toiminnan työtavat Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle

Teaching methods

- lectures, excercises in group facilitation (supervision), independent study, expert visits
- group supervision
- reporting in presenting in seminar
- Studyfying is possibly

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Student workload

106 hours, of which lectures 24 hours, excercises 40 hours, independent study 42 hours

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

to be announced in the beginning of the study course

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


04.09.2023 - 22.10.2023


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 24

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Tiina Kohtamäki
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS23A


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


- Leskinen, E. (2009). Ryhmä toimimaan. Vinkkejä tutustumiseen, oppimiseen ja yhteistyöhön.
- Kataja J., Jaakkola T. ja Liukkonen J. (2011): Ryhmä liikkeelle! Toiminnallisia harjoituksia ryhmän kehittämiseksi.
- Niemistö, R. (2007). (7.p) Ryhmän luovuus ja kehitysehdot. Palmenia-kustannus
- Toseland, Ronald. W., Rivas, Robert. F. (2012). An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Seventh Edition.
- Kurki, L. (2000). Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
- Malte-Colliard, K. & Marjukka L. (toim.) (2013). Voimaa taiteesta - Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla.
- Levine Madori L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming - Menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa.
- Ruuskanen P., Savolainen K. ja Suonio M. (toim.) (2011). Toivo sosiaalisessa: Toivoa luova toimintakulttuuri sosiaalityössä.
- Karjalainen, A-L. (2019). Luovan toiminnan työtavat Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle

Teaching methods

- lectures, excercises in group facilitation (supervision), independent study, expert visits
- group supervision
- reporting
- Studyfying is possibly

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Student workload

106 hours, of which lectures 24 hours, excercises 40 hours, independent study 42 hours

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

to be announced in the beginning of the study course

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 38

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • MSOS22SV


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement

Location and time


Teaching methods

Online implementation, but in addition to that, the Study Course makes use of the group's close sessions in the workshop in weeks 35, 39, and 50. In the course utilizes the Moodle platform for independent, pair and small group assignments.

Employer connections

Does not including practical training.
Visiting to a social welfare or early childhood education office.
Possibility to visit and have visitors in the coming weeks

Exam schedules

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

4 credits = 108 hours, some of which are in contact classes and workshops in the next few weeks and some are online independently working on the Moodle platform.

Content scheduling


Further information

During of the course, we try and planning different functional and creative methods.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on the student's active participation, producing a plan of functional methods and reporting on it, visiting the study and reporting the visit, and the seminar presentation.


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


02.05.2022 - 05.05.2022


09.01.2023 - 10.03.2023


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 24

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Tiina Kohtamäki
Student groups
  • SOS21B
  • SOS21C


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


- Leskinen, E. (2009). Ryhmä toimimaan. Vinkkejä tutustumiseen, oppimiseen ja yhteistyöhön.
- Kataja J., Jaakkola T. ja Liukkonen J. (2011): Ryhmä liikkeelle! Toiminnallisia harjoituksia ryhmän kehittämiseksi.
- Niemistö, R. (2007). (7.p) Ryhmän luovuus ja kehitysehdot. Palmenia-kustannus
- Toseland, Ronald. W., Rivas, Robert. F. (2012). An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Seventh Edition.
- Kurki, L. (2000). Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
- Malte-Colliard, K. & Marjukka L. (toim.) (2013). Voimaa taiteesta - Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla.
- Levine Madori L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming - Menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa.
- Ruuskanen P., Savolainen K. ja Suonio M. (toim.) (2011). Toivo sosiaalisessa: Toivoa luova toimintakulttuuri sosiaalityössä.
- Karjalainen, A-L. (2019). Luovan toiminnan työtavat Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle

Teaching methods

- lectures, excercises in group facilitation (supervision), independent study, expert visits
- group supervision
- reporting in presenting in seminar
- Studyfying is possibly

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Student workload

106 hours, of which lectures 32 hours, excercises 40 hours, independent study 34 hours

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation 1-5

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


02.05.2022 - 05.05.2022


01.09.2022 - 21.10.2022


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 24

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Tiina Kohtamäki
Student groups
  • SOS22A
  • MSOS22K


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


- Leskinen, E. (2009). Ryhmä toimimaan. Vinkkejä tutustumiseen, oppimiseen ja yhteistyöhön.
- Kataja J., Jaakkola T. ja Liukkonen J. (2011): Ryhmä liikkeelle! Toiminnallisia harjoituksia ryhmän kehittämiseksi.
- Niemistö, R. (2007). (7.p) Ryhmän luovuus ja kehitysehdot. Palmenia-kustannus
- Toseland, Ronald. W., Rivas, Robert. F. (2012). An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Seventh Edition.
- Kurki, L. (2000). Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
- Malte-Colliard, K. & Marjukka L. (toim.) (2013). Voimaa taiteesta - Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla.
- Levine Madori L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming - Menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa.
- Ruuskanen P., Savolainen K. ja Suonio M. (toim.) (2011). Toivo sosiaalisessa: Toivoa luova toimintakulttuuri sosiaalityössä.
- Karjalainen, A-L. (2019). Luovan toiminnan työtavat Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle

Teaching methods

- lectures, excercises in group facilitation (supervision), independent study, expert visits
- group supervision
- reporting in presenting in seminar
- Studyfying is possibly

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Student workload

106 hours, of which lectures 24 hours, excercises 40 hours, independent study 42 hours

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

to be announced in the beginning of the study course

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group
- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way
- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups


03.01.2022 - 14.03.2022


21.03.2022 - 20.05.2022


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • SOS20B
  • MSOS21K
  • SOS20C


Students are prepared to use activity-based group work methods in their work with clients. Students know laws of group dynamics. They know which factors influence starting, maintaining and ending group processes. Students recognise needs for activity-based group methods and are familiar with various action models. Students know how activity-based methods can be used to support various client group's wellbeing, ability to function and self-realization and how the methods can promote group formation, sense of community and clients' goals. Students know the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work in Finnish and international contexts. They know how to encourage groups of clients to recognise their own way of expressing themselves through activities or interests and how to encourage clients to acquire the necessary skills and other resources and to commit themselves to common activity. Students are able to promote the group process to ensure group members' participation and constructive solutions to potential conflicts.


- group work as a method in social work
- group dynamics, group process
- goal-oriented group facilitation
- sociocultural methods. social encouragement
- activity-based group methods in the Bachelor of Social Services' work, TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming)
- music, drama, exercise, craft
- Activity-based group work from the perspective of social engouragement


-- Leskinen, E. 2009. Ryhmä toimimaan. Vinkkejä tutustumiseen, oppimiseen ja yhteistyöhön. Taito. PS-kustannus.
- Kataja J., Jaakkola T. ja Liukkonen J. 2011: Ryhmä liikkeelle! Toiminnallisia harjoituksia ryhmän kehittämiseksi. PS- kustannus. Juva.
- Niemistö, R. 2007. (7.p) Ryhmän luovuus ja kehitysehdot. Palmenia-kustannus
- Toseland, Ronald. W., Rivas, Robert. F. 2012. An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education, Inc: Allyn & Bacon
- Kurki, Leena. 2000. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
- Malte-Colliard, Katri & Marjukka Lampo (toim.). Voimaa taiteesta - Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla. Tutkivan teatterityön keskuksen julkaisu, Tampereen yliopisto, 2013. Saatavana:
- Levine Madori L., 2010. Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming ?menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa. HAMKin julkaisuja 3/2010.
- Ruuskanen P., Savolainen K. ja Suonio M. (toim.) 2011. Toivo sosiaalisessa: Toivoa luova toimintakulttuuri sosiaalityössä. UNIpress:Kuopio.
- Luovan toiminnan työtavat Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle 2019. Karjalainen, Anna-Liisa (toim.). Jyväskylä: ps-kustannus.
Additional material introduced by the teacher

Teaching methods

- lectures, excercises in group facilitation (supervision), independent study, expert visits (if it is possible)
- group supervision
- reporting in presenting in seminar

Employer connections

the study course does not include practice

Completion alternatives

- Studyfying is possibly

Student workload

106 hours

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to name activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the main principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- they have capacities to promote the group-process in activity-based groups under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to use activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- know the principles of group dynamics
- are able to recognize the needs for and models of activity-based group work
- are able to recognize, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group can support well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- can recognize, how to act in different activity-based group supervising situations
- are able to recognize the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have competences to client-centered and sensitive acting in different supervision situations
- have competences to goal-oriented acting in complex group situations
- know how to be flexible, systematic, creative and active while supervising a activity-based group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to use different activity-based group work methods in the field of social work
- have competences to indicate creative and innovative problem-solving capacity while supervising activity-based groups
- are able to analyze, how a goal-oriented, activity-based group supports well-being, functional capacities and self-realization , how it strengthens group process and community spirit.
- possess the knowledge of the principles of social encouragement and sociocultural work both in national and in international context
- have capacities to review and critically evaluate their individual group supervision skills and acting in the group

- have capacities to supervise activity-based groups in flexible, systematic, creative and active way

- have readiness to create and develop professional interaction and co-operation which support the clients? participation, while acting as supervisor of a activity-based group

Assessment methods and criteria

to be announced in the beginning of the study course


major part of the module Knowledge Base of Social Work

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Facilitating Pedagogical Groups
- Facilitating Psychosocial Groups