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Work with Special Needs Groups in Elderly CareLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: BC00DQ98


Student recognices needs of clients that are in a marginalized position because of physical, psychological or social reasons and is able to take them into account when supporting their daily lives. He / she is able to take into account the needs of support in customer situations and everyday activities in such a way that the involvement of the elderly and the expertise of their own life is ensured.
The student knows the key information producers and third sector actors who provide special support and is able to utilize them when guiding the elderly belonging to special groups. The student is able to utilize the current service system and knows the most important laws and recommendations. He / she knows the knowledge and skills needed for service management concerning customer groups.
The student is able to evaluate his / her own competence and knows his / her own development needs at work.


- belonging to a special group in old age; disability, multiculturalism, minority
belonging, exclusion
- the support and service needs of a special group of older people
- forms of support, recommendations and legislation

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to see the special needs of older people belonging to special groups and take them into account when supporting his or her daily life. The student is aware of the special needs and challenges of the everyday life and well-being of the elderly belonging to special groups. She takes into account the need for support in client situations and everyday activities, striving to enable the inclusion of the elderly and the expertise of their own lives.
The student is able to work in multi-professional cooperation in special work for the elderly. The student sees development needs in his / her own activities.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to describe the special needs of older people belonging to special groups and take them into account when supporting his or her daily life. The student demonstrates knowledge of the special needs and challenges of the daily life and well-being of the elderly belonging to special groups. He / she is able to take into account the needs of support in customer situations and everyday activities in such a way that the involvement of the elderly and the expertise of their own life is ensured.
The student is able to work purposefully in multi-professional co-operation and development in special work for the elderly. The student is able to evaluate development needs and opportunities in his / her own activities.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student demonstrates mastery of the special needs of older people in special groups and masters a variety of solution options while supporting their daily lives. The student demonstrates mastery of the daily needs and well-being of elderly people in special groups. He / she is able to take into account the needs of support in customer situations and everyday activities comprehensively, so that the involvement of the elderly and the expertise of their own life is ensured.
The student is able to act in relation to new solutions in goal-oriented multi-professional cooperation and development in special work for the elderly. The student is able to reasonably assess development needs and opportunities in his / her own activities.