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Communication and Media in Social WorkLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: SOSAVY10


Students are familiar with social importance of media and communication from different perspectives of social work and activities. Students analytically examine media contents and recognise perspectives presented by various interest groups. They can explain how media acts and what kind of meanings it keeps inside.They can apply means of communication and influence. Students have argumentation and information seeking skills. They are familiar with the internal and external communication principles and practices in work communities. Students are familiar with the professional etiquette in social media. Students also examine communication culture from the perspective of sustainable development.


- media literacy: perceiving media reality and working as social work professional in media environment
- influence in society as part of empowering social work
- communication in society
- ethical instructions and legislation of media



major part of basic studies of the degree programme

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to recognize the importance of communication and media in society
- are able to recognize the wholeness of methods which media uses
- are able to recognize their individual behavior concerning media and communication and connected attitudes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have capacities to itemize contents of media
- can bring out topics, which are essential from the perspective of citizens' empowerment
- are able to recognize their individual values and attitudes
- are able to recognize their responsibilities in communication-related tasks
- have capacities to assess media contents and use the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have competencies to evaluate and analyze critically the contents produced by different media sources
- have skills to act in network of citizens, media and other interest groups based on principles of empowering social work
- have capacities to recognize the influence of their individual values and attitudes to their actions
- are able to use the the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work


- Journalistin ohjeet 2014. Saatava:
- Juholin, Elisa 2009. Viestinnän vallankumous: Löydä uusi työyhteisöviestintä. 2. p. WSOYPro, Talentum.
- Siukosaari, A. 2002. Yhteisöviestinnän opas: yrityksen, järjestön, laitoksen, julkishallinnon yksikön ja muun yhteisön yhteydenpito ja tiedotustoiminta. 2., tarkistettu painos. Tietosanoma Oy.
- Pönkä, H. 2014. Sosiaalisen median käsikirja. Docendo Oy.

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work


02.05.2022 - 05.05.2022


09.01.2023 - 10.03.2023


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Viivi Heikura
Student groups
  • SOS21A
  • MSOS21K


Students are familiar with social importance of media and communication from different perspectives of social work and activities. Students analytically examine media contents and recognise perspectives presented by various interest groups. They can explain how media acts and what kind of meanings it keeps inside.They can apply means of communication and influence. Students have argumentation and information seeking skills. They are familiar with the internal and external communication principles and practices in work communities. Students are familiar with the professional etiquette in social media. Students also examine communication culture from the perspective of sustainable development.


- media literacy: perceiving media reality and working as social work professional in media environment
- influence in society as part of empowering social work
- communication in society
- ethical instructions and legislation of media



Hall, C. Slembrouck, S. & Sarangi S. 2006. Language Practises in Social Work: Categorisation and Accountability in Child Welfare. : luku 9, s. 145 - 163 Narrative transformation in media reporting; Luku 10, s. 164 - 173 Conclusion.
Stocchetti, M. & Kukkonen, K. 2010. Critical Media Analysis: An Introduction for Media Professionals. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG. E-kirja.
Katleena Kortesuo (2016). Riko lasi hätätilanteessa. (Käsittelee kriisiviestintää, suunnattu lähinnä esimiesasemassa työskenteleville.)
Elina Nivala & Sanna Ryynänen (2019): Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Kohti inhimillisempää yhteiskuntaa. Gaudeamus. (128-143)
A.-P. Pietilä (2018): Uutisissa valheita, valheista uutisia.
Laura, Tiitinen (2017): Sosiaalityö ja viestintä. Teoksessa: Sosiaalityön käsikirja. Kananoja, Miettinen & Marjamäki (toim.). Tietosanoma. Helsinki. (Luku 33. Palveluviestintä, Julkinen viestintä rakenteellisen sosiaalityön välineenä, Kriisiviestintä).

Teaching methods

Lectures, self-access learning, group work and discussions, media analyses. Assignment as agreed in the course.

Employer connections

Does not include any practice period.
Visitor presenting Media

Student workload

106 hours, including contact learning.

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to recognize the importance of communication and media in society
- are able to recognize the wholeness of methods which media uses
- are able to recognize their individual behavior concerning media and communication and connected attitudes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have capacities to itemize contents of media
- can bring out topics, which are essential from the perspective of citizens' empowerment
- are able to recognize their individual values and attitudes
- are able to recognize their responsibilities in communication-related tasks
- have capacities to assess media contents and use the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have competencies to evaluate and analyze critically the contents produced by different media sources
- have skills to act in network of citizens, media and other interest groups based on principles of empowering social work
- have capacities to recognize the influence of their individual values and attitudes to their actions
- are able to use the the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation is based on activity in contact learning and assignments.


major part of basic studies of the degree programme

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work


02.05.2022 - 05.05.2022


05.09.2022 - 21.10.2022


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Pirita Hakoneva
  • Viivi Heikura
Student groups
  • SOS20B
  • SOS20C


Students are familiar with social importance of media and communication from different perspectives of social work and activities. Students analytically examine media contents and recognise perspectives presented by various interest groups. They can explain how media acts and what kind of meanings it keeps inside.They can apply means of communication and influence. Students have argumentation and information seeking skills. They are familiar with the internal and external communication principles and practices in work communities. Students are familiar with the professional etiquette in social media. Students also examine communication culture from the perspective of sustainable development.


- media literacy: perceiving media reality and working as social work professional in media environment
- influence in society as part of empowering social work
- communication in society
- ethical instructions and legislation of media



Hall, C. Slembrouck, S. & Sarangi S. 2006. Language Practises in Social Work: Categorisation and Accountability in Child Welfare. : luku 9, s. 145 - 163 Narrative transformation in media reporting; Luku 10, s. 164 - 173 Conclusion.
Stocchetti, M. & Kukkonen, K. 2010. Critical Media Analysis: An Introduction for Media Professionals. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG. E-kirja.
Katleena Kortesuo (2016). Riko lasi hätätilanteessa. (Käsittelee kriisiviestintää, suunnattu lähinnä esimiesasemassa työskenteleville.)
Elina Nivala & Sanna Ryynänen (2019): Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Kohti inhimillisempää yhteiskuntaa. Gaudeamus. (128-143)
A.-P. Pietilä (2018): Uutisissa valheita, valheista uutisia.
Laura, Tiitinen (2017): Sosiaalityö ja viestintä. Teoksessa: Sosiaalityön käsikirja. Kananoja, Miettinen & Marjamäki (toim.). Tietosanoma. Helsinki. (Luku 33. Palveluviestintä, Julkinen viestintä rakenteellisen sosiaalityön välineenä, Kriisiviestintä).

Teaching methods

Lectures, self-access learning, group work and discussions, media analyses. Assignment as agreed in the course.

Employer connections

Does not include any practise period.
Visitor presenting Media.

Student workload

106 hours, including contact learning

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to recognize the importance of communication and media in society
- are able to recognize the wholeness of methods which media uses
- are able to recognize their individual behavior concerning media and communication and connected attitudes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have capacities to itemize contents of media
- can bring out topics, which are essential from the perspective of citizens' empowerment
- are able to recognize their individual values and attitudes
- are able to recognize their responsibilities in communication-related tasks
- have capacities to assess media contents and use the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have competencies to evaluate and analyze critically the contents produced by different media sources
- have skills to act in network of citizens, media and other interest groups based on principles of empowering social work
- have capacities to recognize the influence of their individual values and attitudes to their actions
- are able to use the the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation is based on activity in contact learning and assignments.


major part of basic studies of the degree programme

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work


05.05.2021 - 09.05.2021


10.01.2022 - 04.03.2022


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 24

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Helena Sarvikas
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • MSOS20
  • SOS20A


Students are familiar with social importance of media and communication from different perspectives of social work and activities. Students analytically examine media contents and recognise perspectives presented by various interest groups. They can explain how media acts and what kind of meanings it keeps inside.They can apply means of communication and influence. Students have argumentation and information seeking skills. They are familiar with the internal and external communication principles and practices in work communities. Students are familiar with the professional etiquette in social media. Students also examine communication culture from the perspective of sustainable development.


- media literacy: perceiving media reality and working as social work professional in media environment
- influence in society as part of empowering social work
- communication in society
- ethical instructions and legislation of media



Hall, C. Slembrouck, S. & Sarangi S. 2006. Language Practises in Social Work: Categorisation and Accountability in Child Welfare. : luku 9, s. 145 - 163 Narrative transformation in media reporting; Luku 10, s. 164 - 173 Conclusion.
Stocchetti, M. & Kukkonen, K. 2010. Critical Media Analysis: An Introduction for Media Professionals. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG. E-kirja.
Katleena Kortesuo (2016). Riko lasi hätätilanteessa. (Käsittelee kriisiviestintää, suunnattu lähinnä esimiesasemassa työskenteleville.)
Elina Nivala & Sanna Ryynänen (2019): Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Kohti inhimillisempää yhteiskuntaa. Gaudeamus. (128-143)
A.-P. Pietilä (2018): Uutisissa valheita, valheista uutisia.
Laura, Tiitinen (2017): Sosiaalityö ja viestintä. Teoksessa: Sosiaalityön käsikirja. Kananoja, Miettinen & Marjamäki (toim.). Tietosanoma. Helsinki. (Luku 33. Palveluviestintä, Julkinen viestintä rakenteellisen sosiaalityön välineenä, Kriisiviestintä).

Teaching methods

Lectures, self-access learning, group work and discussions, media analyses. Assignment as agreed in the course.

Employer connections

Does not include any practise period.
Visitor presenting Media.

Student workload

106 hours, including contact learning

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- are able to recognize the importance of communication and media in society
- are able to recognize the wholeness of methods which media uses
- are able to recognize their individual behavior concerning media and communication and connected attitudes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have capacities to itemize contents of media
- can bring out topics, which are essential from the perspective of citizens' empowerment
- are able to recognize their individual values and attitudes
- are able to recognize their responsibilities in communication-related tasks
- have capacities to assess media contents and use the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have competencies to evaluate and analyze critically the contents produced by different media sources
- have skills to act in network of citizens, media and other interest groups based on principles of empowering social work
- have capacities to recognize the influence of their individual values and attitudes to their actions
- are able to use the the means of media and communication as part of empowering social work

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation is based on activity in contact learning and assignments.


major part of basic studies of the degree programme

Further information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work