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Developmental Disorders of Children and Young People and PhysiotherapyLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: BB00DL98


The student:

- can identify the most typical musculoskeletal disorders in children and young people and their effects on their ability to move and function
- can explain the most common diseases and developmental disorders of children and young people, and their effects on their ability to move and function
- can describe the physiotherapy process for children and young people
- can use the ICF classification and the TOIMIA database to support physiotherapy planning
- can use the methods of adapted physical exercise in the guidance of special children and young people
- identifies the specific features of assistive devices for children and young people


- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children and young people
- The most common developmental disorders in children and young people and physiotherapy
- Specific features of physiotherapy for children and young people
- ICF classification and TOIMIA database
- Applied physical exercise
- Mobility aid for children and young people

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student

- can partially apply the basic knowledge they learned earlier about children's normal development and developmental disorders, but needs some support and guidance when assessing the child's and young person's mobility and functional ability and when choosing and implementing physiotherapy situations
- can justify their physiotherapeutic solutions using limited theoretical knowledge, knows how to deal with children and young people of different ages, and acts proactively and responsibly when considering/evaluating the family's needs and opportunities to support their child's functional ability
- knows how to deal with children and young people of different ages and acts under the guidance when considering/evaluating the family's needs and opportunities to support their child's functional ability
- can use the TOIMIA database and the ICF classification to a limited extent
- can narrowly explain the stages of the physiotherapy process in the physiotherapy rehabilitation of children and young people
- can recognizes some special features related to mobility aid for children and young people

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student

- can apply previously learned knowledge about the child's/young people’s normal development and developmental disorders when assessing the mobility and functional ability and when planning and implementing physiotherapy situations for them
- can justify their physiotherapeutic solutions based on evidence
- knows how to deal with children and young people of different ages and act proactively and responsibly when considering/assessing the family's needs and opportunities to support their child's functional ability
- can use the TOIMIA database and the ICF classification
- can explain the stages of the physiotherapy process in the physiotherapy rehabilitation of children and young people
- can identify the special features related to mobility aid for children and young people

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can

- can apply previously learned knowledge about a child's normal development and developmental disorders independently when assessing the their mobility and functional ability, and when planning and implementing versatile and high-quality physiotherapy situations for them
- justify their physiotherapeutic solutions clearly and based on evidence
- is able to deal with children and young people of different ages naturally and acts proactively and responsibly when considering/evaluating the family's needs and opportunities to support their child's functional ability
- can use and apply the TOIMIA database and the ICF classification
- can explain the stages of the physiotherapy process in the physiotherapy rehabilitation of children and young people
- can identify the special features related to mobility aid for children and young people


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