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Sales and Sales ManagementLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: LT00DR51


The student can apply the basics of sales work. The student can describe the role of sales in integrated marketing communications. The student can evaluate sales situations and his/her own strengths and development needs as a salesperson. The student can analyze and plan sales work and sales management.


- Basics of sales work, role of sales in marketing communications
- Qualities and practices of a good salesperson
- The phases of a sales process
- Social selling
- Areas of sales management

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has done the work and participated as instructed. The student can describe the role of sales in integrated marketing communications. The student can apply an outline of the basics of sales work. The student can evaluate sales situations and his/her own strengths and development needs as a salesperson.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has done the work well and participated actively. The student can describe the role of sales in integrated marketing communications. The student can apply the basics of sales work to a good standard. The student can evaluate sales situations and his/her own strengths and development needs as a salesperson.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has done the work thoroughly and participated actively and constructively. The student can describe the role of sales in integrated marketing communications. He/she can apply the basics of sales work versatile. The student can evaluate sales situations and his/her own strengths and development needs as a salesperson. The student can plan sales management.


Study material related to marketing modules:
Bergström, S., & Leppänen, A. (2021). Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi (19., uudistettu painos.). Edita.
To be announced by the lecturer.