Tutoring SkillsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 4A00CW79
Having completed the course the student can distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he can explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student can analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he can use varied teaching methods and choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation. The student knows how to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student can plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues. Students are also able to recognize the different cultural backgrounds of the participants in the guidance situation and are able to act in the situation with respect to each person.
- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student can itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he can tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. As an active member of a group, the student can implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Vehviläinen, S. (2014). Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta; Krokfors, L., Kangas, M. & Kopisto, K. (toimi.). (2014). Pelit, pelillisyys ja leikillisyys opetuksessa; Ojanen, S. (2009). Ohjauksesta oivallukseen. Ohjausteorian käsittelyä.
11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025
02.01.2025 - 25.05.2025
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
- Laura Liikavainio
Student groups
KTDIPL24SKirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan korkeakouludiplomi
Having completed the course the student can distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he can explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student can analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he can use varied teaching methods and choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation. The student knows how to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student can plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues. Students are also able to recognize the different cultural backgrounds of the participants in the guidance situation and are able to act in the situation with respect to each person.
- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations
Vehviläinen, S. (2014). Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta; Krokfors, L., Kangas, M. & Kopisto, K. (toimi.). (2014). Pelit, pelillisyys ja leikillisyys opetuksessa; Ojanen, S. (2009). Ohjauksesta oivallukseen. Ohjausteorian käsittelyä.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student can itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he can tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. As an active member of a group, the student can implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024
21.10.2024 - 18.12.2024
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
- Laura Liikavainio
Student groups
KTDIPL24Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan korkeakouludiplomi
Having completed the course the student can distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he can explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student can analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he can use varied teaching methods and choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation. The student knows how to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student can plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues. Students are also able to recognize the different cultural backgrounds of the participants in the guidance situation and are able to act in the situation with respect to each person.
- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations
Vehviläinen, S. (2014). Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta; Krokfors, L., Kangas, M. & Kopisto, K. (toimi.). (2014). Pelit, pelillisyys ja leikillisyys opetuksessa; Ojanen, S. (2009). Ohjauksesta oivallukseen. Ohjausteorian käsittelyä.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student can itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he can tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. As an active member of a group, the student can implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024
09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
- Laura Liikavainio
Student groups
KITI23Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
Having completed the course the student can distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he can explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student can analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he can use varied teaching methods and choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation. The student knows how to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student can plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues. Students are also able to recognize the different cultural backgrounds of the participants in the guidance situation and are able to act in the situation with respect to each person.
- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations
Vehviläinen, S. (2014). Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta; Krokfors, L., Kangas, M. & Kopisto, K. (toimi.). (2014). Pelit, pelillisyys ja leikillisyys opetuksessa; Ojanen, S. (2009). Ohjauksesta oivallukseen. Ohjausteorian käsittelyä.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student can itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he can tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. As an active member of a group, the student can implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
17.04.2023 - 04.09.2023
14.09.2023 - 17.12.2023
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
- Sari Mäkinen-Laitila
Student groups
KTDIPL23Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan korkeakouludiplomi
Having completed the course the student can distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he can explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student can analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he can use varied teaching methods and choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation. The student knows how to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student can plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues. Students are also able to recognize the different cultural backgrounds of the participants in the guidance situation and are able to act in the situation with respect to each person.
- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations
Study material in Moodle and recommended literature:
Identiteetistä informaatiolukutaitoon. Tavoitteena itsenäinen ja yhteisöllinen oppija. (2015). Eero Repo, Eero Sormunen & Jannica Heinström (toim.). Tampere University Press.
Kantojärvi, Piritta (2012). Fasilitointi luo uutta. Menesty ryhmän vetäjänä.
Koiranen, Joona (2019).Pedagogiset pakopelit. Ääres eduEscape.
Kortesuo, Katleena (2018). Pakohuone. Suunnittele, toteuta, pakene.
Kupias, Päivi (2002). Oppia opetusmenetelmistä.
Lonka, Kirsti (2015). Oivaltava oppiminen. Otava.
Meillä on idea! Fasilitaattorin työkirja. (2016). Toimittaneet Pauliina Liukkonen ja Sanna Ovaska.
Monikulttuurinen ohjaus- ja neuvontatyö (2013). Vesa Korhonen ja Sauli Puukari (toim.). PS-kustannus.
Monilukutaitoa oppimassa. Oppaat ja käsikirjat 2019:2. (toim.) Minna Harmanen, Mikko Hartikainen. Opetushallitus.
Ojanen, Sinikka. Ohjauksesta oivallukseen. Ohjausteorian käsittelyä.(2009).
Oppiminen pelissä. Pelit, pelillisyys ja leikillisyys opetuksessa.(2014). Leena Krokfors, Marjaana Kangas& Kaisa Kopisto (toim.). Tampere: Vastapaino.
Pelikasvattajan käsikirja 1-2, pelikasvatus.fi
Salo, Sari. (2017). Peppu irti penkistä. Yli 150 toiminnallista ideaa innostavaan oppimiseen. PS-kustannus + muut saman tekijän oppaat
Ryhmä oppimaan! Toiminnallisia työtapoja ja tehtäväkehyksiä. Juho Norrena (toim.). (2016)
Sormunen, Eero & Poikela, Esa (toim.) (2008) Informaatio, informaatiolukutaito ja oppiminen
Toivola, M., Peura, P., Humaloja, M. (2017). Flipped learning. Käänteinen oppiminen. Edita.
Tänk om…! Pedagogiska metoder i biblioteket. (2005). Sammanställd av Svensk biblioteksförening, Specialgruppen för bibliotekspedagogik. Stockholm: Svensk biblioteksförening.
Vehviläinen, Sanna. Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta. (2014)
Vuorinen, I.: (1993). Tuhat tapaa opettaa: menetelmäopas opettajille, kouluttajille ja ryhmän ohjaajille. Naantali: Resurssi.
Yhdessä oppiminen. Yhteistoiminnallisuuden käytäntö ja periaatteet. Martti Hellström, Peter Johnson, Asko Leppilampi & Pasi Sahlberg. (2015)
Teaching methods
Virtual lectures, practical training, learning diary, peer review and self-assessment
Student workload
135 h whick consists of online teaching, discussions at Moodle and independent work.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student can itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he can tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. As an active member of a group, the student can implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the course consists of learning diary (two parts), assignment (practical training) and peer review and self assessment. Acitivity at virtual lessons raises the grade.
17.04.2023 - 06.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 17.12.2023
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
1 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
- Sari Mäkinen-Laitila
Student groups
Having completed the course the student can distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he can explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student can analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he can use varied teaching methods and choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation. The student knows how to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student can plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues. Students are also able to recognize the different cultural backgrounds of the participants in the guidance situation and are able to act in the situation with respect to each person.
- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations
Identiteetistä informaatiolukutaitoon. Tavoitteena itsenäinen ja yhteisöllinen oppija. (2015). Eero Repo, Eero Sormunen & Jannica Heinström (toim.). Tampere University Press.
Kantojärvi, Piritta (2012). Fasilitointi luo uutta. Menesty ryhmän vetäjänä.
Koiranen, Joona (2019).Pedagogiset pakopelit. Ääres eduEscape.
Kortesuo, Katleena (2018). Pakohuone. Suunnittele, toteuta, pakene.
Kupias, Päivi (2002). Oppia opetusmenetelmistä.
Lonka, Kirsti (2015). Oivaltava oppiminen. Otava.
Meillä on idea! Fasilitaattorin työkirja. (2016). Toimittaneet Pauliina Liukkonen ja Sanna Ovaska.
Monikulttuurinen ohjaus- ja neuvontatyö (2013). Vesa Korhonen ja Sauli Puukari (toim.). PS-kustannus.
Monilukutaitoa oppimassa. Oppaat ja käsikirjat 2019:2. (toim.) Minna Harmanen, Mikko Hartikainen. Opetushallitus.
Ojanen, Sinikka. Ohjauksesta oivallukseen. Ohjausteorian käsittelyä.(2009).
Oppiminen pelissä. Pelit, pelillisyys ja leikillisyys opetuksessa.(2014). Leena Krokfors, Marjaana Kangas& Kaisa Kopisto (toim.). Tampere: Vastapaino.
Pelikasvattajan käsikirja 1-2, pelikasvatus.fi
Salo, Sari. (2017). Peppu irti penkistä. Yli 150 toiminnallista ideaa innostavaan oppimiseen. PS-kustannus + muut saman tekijän oppaat
Ryhmä oppimaan! Toiminnallisia työtapoja ja tehtäväkehyksiä. Juho Norrena (toim.). (2016)
Sormunen, Eero & Poikela, Esa (toim.) (2008) Informaatio, informaatiolukutaito ja oppiminen
Toivola, M., Peura, P., Humaloja, M. (2017). Flipped learning. Käänteinen oppiminen. Edita.
Tänk om…! Pedagogiska metoder i biblioteket. (2005). Sammanställd av Svensk biblioteksförening, Specialgruppen för bibliotekspedagogik. Stockholm: Svensk biblioteksförening.
Vehviläinen, Sanna. Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta. (2014)
Vuorinen, I.: (1993). Tuhat tapaa opettaa: menetelmäopas opettajille, kouluttajille ja ryhmän ohjaajille. Naantali: Resurssi.
Yhdessä oppiminen. Yhteistoiminnallisuuden käytäntö ja periaatteet. Martti Hellström, Peter Johnson, Asko Leppilampi & Pasi Sahlberg. (2015)
Teaching methods
contact lessons, practical training, pair and group work, learning diary, peer review and self-assessment
Student workload
135 h, of which 46 h contact lessons and 89 h virtual lessons, group works and independent work.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student can itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he can tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. As an active member of a group, the student can implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the course consists of learning diary, pair and group work and peer review. Acitivity at contact lessons raises the grade.
16.04.2022 - 07.09.2022
05.09.2022 - 18.12.2022
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services
- Sari Mäkinen-Laitila
Student groups
Having completed the course the student can distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he can explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student can analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he can use varied teaching methods and choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation. The student knows how to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student can plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues. Students are also able to recognize the different cultural backgrounds of the participants in the guidance situation and are able to act in the situation with respect to each person.
- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations
Flipped learning. Käänteinen oppiminen. (2017). Toivola, M., Peura, P., Humaloja, M. Edita.
Identiteetistä informaatiolukutaitoon. Tavoitteena itsenäinen ja yhteisöllinen oppija. (2015). Eero Repo, Eero Sormunen & Jannica Heinström (toim.). Tampere University Press.
Kantojärvi, Piritta (2012). Fasilitointi luo uutta. Menesty ryhmän vetäjänä.
Koiranen, Joona (2019).Pedagogiset pakopelit. Ääres eduEscape.
Kortesuo, Katleena (2018). Pakohuone. Suunnittele, toteuta, pakene.
Kupias, Päivi (2002). Oppia opetusmenetelmistä.
Lonka, Kirsti (2015). Oivaltava oppiminen. Otava.
Meillä on idea! Fasilitaattorin työkirja. (2016). Toimittaneet Pauliina Liukkonen ja Sanna Ovaska.
Monikulttuurinen ohjaus- ja neuvontatyö (2013). Vesa Korhonen ja Sauli Puukari (toim.). PS-kustannus.
Monilukutaitoa oppimassa. Oppaat ja käsikirjat 2019:2. (toim.) Minna Harmanen, Mikko Hartikainen. Opetushallitus.
Ojanen, Sinikka. Ohjauksesta oivallukseen. Ohjausteorian käsittelyä.(2009).
Oppiminen pelissä. Pelit, pelillisyys ja leikillisyys opetuksessa.(2014). Leena Krokfors, Marjaana Kangas& Kaisa Kopisto (toim.). Tampere: Vastapaino.
Pelikasvattajan käsikirja 1-2, pelikasvatus.fi
Ryhmä oppimaan! Toiminnallisia työtapoja ja tehtäväkehyksiä. Juho Norrena (toim.). (2016)
Sormunen, Eero & Poikela, Esa (toim.) (2008) Informaatio, informaatiolukutaito ja oppiminen
Vehviläinen, Sanna. Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta. (2014)
Vuorinen, I.: (1993). Tuhat tapaa opettaa: menetelmäopas opettajille, kouluttajille ja ryhmän ohjaajille. Naantali: Resurssi.
Yhdessä oppiminen. Yhteistoiminnallisuuden käytäntö ja periaatteet. Martti Hellström, Peter Johnson, Asko Leppilampi & Pasi Sahlberg. (2015)
Teaching methods
Lectures, discussions, group works, independent work, learning diary.
Employer connections
The course includes observing a guiding situation and practicing guiding in a library.
Student workload
Total workload of the course is 130h of which
contact lessons 30h
groupwork 10h
independent work 80 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student can itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he can tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. As an active member of a group, the student can implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student can itemize and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he can propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The Student can tell about co-operation between library and school. The student can implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.
Assessment methods and criteria
Activity at contact lessons and group works, learning diary, written group work and its presentation, reports of practising and observing guiding.