Sociocultural Methods (4 cr)
Code: BC00CK52-3002
General information
17.04.2023 - 06.09.2023
11.09.2023 - 31.12.2023
4 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
- Tiina Kohtamäki
Student groups
Students have basic knowledge and skills in art and culture methods and opportunities in the field of elderly care. Student can work goal orientated and plan the creative process from start to finish. Students are aware of their creative resources and know how to use them. Student understand the importance of methods for strengthening self-image, self-esteem and community.
Student has skills to guide clients using socio-cultural methods. Student knows the laws of group dynamics and is familiar with the factors involved in starting, maintaining and terminating a group process. Student knows how socio-cultural functional methods can support the wellbeing, functional ability and self-fulfillment of client groups and strengthen inclusion. The student is able to guide the elderly as individuals and as part of a group.
- Group, group dynamics, group process
- Targeted group leadership
- Socio-cultural methods, social inspiration
- Socio-cultural methods in the work of a geronomist: art, music, drama, physical training, nature, photo
- The use of different functional group methods for social inspiration
- Levine Madori, L. (2010).Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming- menetelmä ikääntyneiden aikuisten hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa.
- Rankanen M., Hentinen M. & Mantere M-H. (2007). Taideterapian perusteet. Duodecim. (sov. osin)
- Hakola U. & al. (2009). Valokuvan terapeuttinen voima. Duodecium
- Malte-Colliard, K. & Lampo, M. (toim.) (2013). Voimaa Taiteesta. Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla.
- Kohtamäki, T & Palomäki, S-L. (2010). Valokuvat vanhainkodin asukkaiden elämäntarinoiden lähteenä. Janus 2010 vol 18 (1) 2010, 35-47.
- Kurki, L. (2008). Innostava vanhuus. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen vanhempien aikuisten parissa.
- Bojner-Horowitz, E.&Bojner, G. (2007) Mielihyvää musiikista.
- Draxl, E.; Fischer, A.; Kokko, S.; Kästik, H.; Salovaara, M. & Stedman, J. (Edit). (2017) Handmade Wellbeing Handbook. Facilitating art and craft workshops for older people in care settings.
- Cutler, D.; Karttunen, R. & Räsänen, J. (2021). Love in cold climate, Creative ageing in Finland. The Baring Foundation.
Teaching methods
Workshop, lectures, assignment alone or pairs and in groups. We use Moodle-learning page.
Student workload
104 h:
- 24h lectures and individual and group exercice
- 60h independent work
- 20h exercice
Content scheduling
- TTAP (Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming) and related exercises
- use of photographs
- use of picture
- the importance of students' own motivation and enthusiasm in arranging creative activities.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Student are familiar with the methods of socio-cultural work. They know the basics of working in creative activity. They are able to plan and execute the work process for the team. The student is able to apply and use his / her creative skills as a tool and empowerment in client work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Pass / Fail
Students are familiar with sociocultural methods. They know some creative activities and are able to plan and implement a work process as team members. Students use their creative abilities as a tool to promote community spirit. Students take part in classroom activity and write the assignment given.
Students do not take part in classroom activity and fail to write the assignment given
previous studies are not required