Business and entrepreneurship in creative industriesLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 2E00CR54
The student is able to
- define the typical and special features of business in creative fields
-recognize possibilities and challenges of applying creative competence within other fields
- analyze the entrepreneurial demands and possibilities
- perceive both material and immaterial resources and perspectives needed for business creation
- assess the potential markets and competitive environment of creative competence from business perspective
- special features and essence of business activities in creative industries and interfaces with other industries
- observation and analysis of creative business enviroment
- recognition of entrepreneurial challenges and potentials
- business model thinking as a concept and its elements
-perspectives for business development, such as customer orientation and competitive tools
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Fair (1 to 2): The student recognizes and explains creative business and applies business thinking using basic concepts. The student perceived challenges and possibilities of entrepreneurship. The student plans the development of a product or service idea with a given operational model or process.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good (3 to 4): The student's actions and outputs show clear command of entrepreneurial and business thinking. The student assesses businesses within creative industries and entrepreneurial possibilities and challenges applying various perspectives. The student plans the development of a product or service idea using actively the concepts and methods of business development.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent (5): The student's actions and outputs show very strong command of entrepreneurial and business thinking. The student assesses business opportunities within creative industries and entrepreneurial possibilities and challenges critically and in a diverse way. The student plans the development of a product or service idea using extensively the concepts and methods of business development and searching for new perspective into the area.
13.11.2023 - 17.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 26.05.2024
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
4.5 op
RD proportion (cr)
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master of Culture and Arts
- Satu Lautamäki
Student groups
LUKE24Creative Development of Business
YKUTU23Master of Culture and Arts, Cultural Management
The student is able to
- define the typical and special features of business in creative fields
-recognize possibilities and challenges of applying creative competence within other fields
- analyze the entrepreneurial demands and possibilities
- perceive both material and immaterial resources and perspectives needed for business creation
- assess the potential markets and competitive environment of creative competence from business perspective
- special features and essence of business activities in creative industries and interfaces with other industries
- observation and analysis of creative business enviroment
- recognition of entrepreneurial challenges and potentials
- business model thinking as a concept and its elements
-perspectives for business development, such as customer orientation and competitive tools
Graham, J., & Gandini, A. (2017). Collaborative production in the creative industries. University of Westminster Press.
Heinonen, J., & Hytti, U., & Hytönen, K., & Nieminen, L., & Pukkinen, T., & Stenholm, P. (2022). Between labour markets and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial behaviour in the creative economies. University of Turku.
Oksanen, J., Kuusisto, O., Lima-Toivanen, M., Mäntylä, M., Naumanen, M., Rilla, N., Sachinopoulou, A. & Valkokari, K. (2018). In search of Finnish creative economy ecosystems and their development needs – study based on international benchmarking. Valtioneuvoston kanslia.
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö. (2017). Luova talous ja aineettoman arvon luominen kasvun kärjiksi. Luovat alat Suomen talouden ja työllisyyden vahvistajina- työryhmän raportti. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön julkaisuja 18.
Pellegrin-Boucher, E., Pellegrin-Boucher, E., & Roy, P. (2019). Innovation in the cultural and creative industries (1st edition.). ISTE.
Seitsara, Taina. (2018). Luova osaaminen uuden arvonluonnin tuottajana. Helsingin kaupunginkanslia.
Tarjanne, P., (2020). Luovan talouden tiekartta. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön julkaisuja 48. Helsinki.
Tarjanne, P. (toim.), (2022). Luovien alojen monistettavat sisällöt – keinoja kasvun edistämiseen. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön julkaisuja 22. Helsinki.
Tuominen, T., & Nuora, K., (2022). Kestävyydestä kasvua luoville aloille. Business Finland katsaus 1/2022.
Teaching methods
Contact and hybrid teaching: lessons and activities
Student workload
135 hours of which
-contact hours 20 hours
-independent work 115 hours
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Fair (1 to 2): The student recognizes and explains creative business and applies business thinking using basic concepts. The student perceived challenges and possibilities of entrepreneurship. The student plans the development of a product or service idea with a given operational model or process.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good (3 to 4): The student's actions and outputs show clear command of entrepreneurial and business thinking. The student assesses businesses within creative industries and entrepreneurial possibilities and challenges applying various perspectives. The student plans the development of a product or service idea using actively the concepts and methods of business development.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent (5): The student's actions and outputs show very strong command of entrepreneurial and business thinking. The student assesses business opportunities within creative industries and entrepreneurial possibilities and challenges critically and in a diverse way. The student plans the development of a product or service idea using extensively the concepts and methods of business development and searching for new perspective into the area.
Assessment methods and criteria
Course assignment/s related to creative business development