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Public Health of a Family Expecting a ChildLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TH00DQ49


The student
- is able to guide and support clients in matters related to partnership and family planning.
- can plan, implement, and evaluate the health, well-being, and resources monitoring and strengthening the family waiting for the child in cooperation with the family.
- is able to carry out nursing work in a maternity and family planning clinic.
- is able to evaluate the health of the expectant mother and the fetus, identify the risk factors related to pregnancy and childbirth, and counsel the client for further care.
- knows the main points about childbirth and how to plan and implement family training groups.
- can identify the possible support needs of the newborn baby and his/her family and can support them and refer them to further care if necessary.


Maternity care service system, and the legislation governing it, counseling and family center activities
Family planning, sexual and reproductive health.
Family counselling, support for parenthood, motherhood, paternity and couple relationship.
Diverse families as maternity care clients.
Health examinations, screening, health counseling and guidance for the mother and the family during pregnancy and puerperium, special support and follow-up
Pregnancy risk factors and their identification and management guidance, .
Preparing for childbirth and monitoring the newborn.
Early interaction and support.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- demonstrates and manages the basic knowledge of the different aspects in the maternity care and family planning clinic
- seeks for information and justifies the use of data sources in maternity health care.
- justifies the action with evidence-based information for the development of maternity health care.
- is capable of independent decision-making in different situations and operating environments in maternity health care.
- operates in a client-oriented and client-friendly manner in maternity health care.
- is able to guide individual clients and their families in maternity health care.
- is able to promote group health.
- works safely in public health nurse work and in accordance with the principles of professional ethics of public health nurses.
- works as a health care expert in multidisciplinary groups.
- is able to develop himself/herself professionally in public health nursing work.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- demonstrates mastery of the knowledge base in the different areas of public health nursing and applies knowledge widely in maternity and family planning counselling
- is able to make independent decisions in a variety of maternity care situations and settings
- work in a client-oriented, responsible and client-safe manner in maternity care
- be able to listen to, support and guide expectant and family expecting a child in the work of maternity nursing
- work in a safe and ethical manner in public health nurse work
- work as a public health nurse expert in multidisciplinary teams and projects in a multidisciplinary partnership

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- demonstrates a broad knowledge of the knowledge base in different areas of public health nursing and apply it competently in maternity and family planning counselling.
- is able to make independent decisions in a variety of maternity care situations and settings.
- works in a client-oriented, responsible and client-safe manner in maternity care.
- is able to listen to, support and guide clients and their families in a way that is appropriate to their needs and versatile in maternity care public health nurse work.
- develops self-awareness, professional ethics and safety in public health nurse work.
- acts as an expert in public health nurse work in multidisciplinary teams and projects in a multidisciplinary collaboration.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student
- appreciates and demonstrates an inadequate command of basic knowledge in the various aspects of health care and its application in maternity care.
- inadequately justifies his/her performance as a maternity clinic public health nurse.
- is not able to act in a sufficiently client-oriented and client-safe manner in public health nursing maternity work.
- has inadequate independent client-centred decision-making skills in public health nurse maternity work.
- does not take sufficient account of the ethical principles of the profession in the public health nurse work.


Paananen, U. K., Pietiläinen, S., Raussi-Lehto, E., Äimälä, A., Rusanen, S., & Laajasalo, S. (2015). Kätilötyö: Raskaus, synnytys ja lapsivuodeaika (6. uud. p.). Edita.
Neuko-tietokanta (Terveysportti) Ohjeistukset neuvoloiden sekä koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollon ammattilaisille
Klemetti, R., & Hakulinen-Viitanen T. (2013) Äitiysneuvolaopas. Suosituksia äitiysneuvolatoimintaan.