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Introduction to Research and DevelopmentLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: LT00DS06


The student can
- recognize the differences between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge
- define different approaches to research and basic concepts of research
- present the stages of a research process and reporting (structure)
- explain the importance of critical thinking in research and development work
- give examples of the meaning of research ethics


- scientific and everyday thinking
- general research ethics
- central research methods
- basic concepts and structure of research
- states of research process and report
- research and development approach to work


No prerequisites

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student recognizes the difference between everyday knowledge and scientific knowledge and the importance of scientific knowledge in development work. He can explain the stages of research processes and recognize the various stages of reporting. The student masters the basic concepts related to research. He recognizes quantitative and qualitative research samples and the difference between them both in theory and in practice. The student can define the basic features of ethically sustainable research and understand its importance in research work.


Heikkilä, Tarja (2014): Tilastollinen tutkimus. 9.uud.p.;
Hirsjärvi, Remes, Sajavaara (2008): Tutki ja kirjoita;
Kananen Jorma (2008). Kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen teoria ja käytänteet.;
Opettajan opintojaksolla ilmoittama materiaali