Psychophysical PhysiotherapyLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: BB00DR97
The student
- is able to examine and guide clients using a psychophysical physiotherapy approach
- is able to list the most common mental health problems and psychiatric illnesses in the population
- know the contents of the Mental Health Act, where applicable
- is able to analyse their own body, mind and emotional states and interpret the links between body and mind
- can explain the impact of clients' mental health challenges on their ability to function
- is able to analyse their own professional growth and emotional distress
- Examination of the client's capacity and resource-based physiotherapy
- Mental health problems, psychiatry and mental health law
- Autonomic nervous system function and neuroregulatory exercises
- Body image and body awareness exercises
- Applications of psychophysical physiotherapy in different situations
- Personal growth and well-being at work and emotional stress
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The Student:
- can briefly list the population´s mental health problems and psychiatric illnesses knows
- knows the Mental Health Act, but lacks understanding of its content
- can analyse the links between their own body and mind in a guided way
- can tell about a few mental health problems, but their connections to the client´s ability to function remain minor
- knows how to examine and guide clients using the approach of psychophysical physiotherapy
- narrowly identifies one´s own professional growth process and the emotional load that affects well-being at work
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The Student:
- can list some of the population´s mental health problems and psychiatric illnesses
- knows the Mental Health Act and can explain its contents
- can analyze the connections between one´s own body and mind to some extend
- can tell some about key mental health problems and their effectson the client´s ability to function
- can examine and guide clients to some extent using the approach of psychophysical physiotherapy
- recognises to some extent his/her own professional growth process and the emotional strain on his/her well-being at work
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The Student:
- can list the most common mental health problems and psychiatric diseases in the population
- can tell key things about the content of the mental health Act
- can analyze the connections between body and mind
- can tell most common mental health problems and their effects on the client´s ability to function
- knows how to examine and guide clients to some extent using the approach of psychophysical physiotherapy
- identifies one´s own professional growth process and the emotional load that affects well-being at work
Hemmings, L. ym. 2022. Healthcare professionals perceptions and experiences of physiotherapy for people with mental illness: a protocol for systematic review and metqa- etnography. BMJ Open. 24.8.2022.
Luomajoki,H. (toim.) 2020. Ammattilaisen kipukirja. Vk- kustannus Oy.
Palomäki, K., & Siira, J. 2022. Kehon viisaat viestit. Kirjapaja Helsinki.
Partonen, T., (toim.) 2021. Psykiatria. 15 uudistettu painos. Duodecim.
Probst, M. 2018. Physiotherapy in Mental Health and Psychiatry- a scientific and clinical based approach. Elsevier
Rosenberg, S. 2017. Opas vagushermon parantavaan voimaan. Viisas elämä 3. painos
Siira, J. & Saarinen, M. 2022. Tunteet kehossa- ymmärrä mitä kehosi kertoo. Kirjapaja Helsinki.
Tarnanen, S., & Holopainen,R. (toim.) 2022. Harjoittelu ja tule- terveys. Vk- kustannus Oy.
Muu opettajan osoittama materiaali (Moodlessa)