Business Governance Process 2Laajuus (1 cr)
Code: LT00DS02
The student understands the roles of the various institutions of a limited company. The student can explain the different meanings of the regulations related to the limited company's equity and its amount and can assess the state of the limited company's equity. The student recognizes the different asset distribution situations of a limited company and knows the regulations related to them. He/she is able to search for information on the regulations concerning the operation of a limited company and apply the information he/she finds in practice. The student masters the basic principles of company accounting and financial statements and is familiar with the company's tax regulations (AVL, EVL, and VML).
- Institutions of the limited company
- Equity of the limited company
- Asset distribution methods in limited companies and partnerships
Corporate governance process 1
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to search for information on the most important regulations related to partnerships and joint-stock companies and is able to solve simple legal cases. He is generally familiar with the rules for equity and debt as well as share capital. The student knows how the distribution of funds takes place in a limited company and partnerships.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to search for information on the most important regulations related to partnerships and limited companies and apply the information they find in practice. He is well acquainted with the rules regarding equity and debt as well as share capital in a limited company. The student is able to present how the distribution of funds takes place in a limited company on the one hand and in partnerships on the other.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to search for information on regulations related to partnerships and limited companies and apply the information he/she finds in practice. He has an excellent knowledge of the rules governing a company's equity and liabilities as well as its share capital. The student has an in-depth understanding and is able to explain how and why the distribution of the assets of a limited company differs from the distribution of the assets of partnerships.
Holopainen, T. (2023). Yrityksen perustamisopas 2023: Käytännön käsikirja aloittavalle yritykselle. Asiatieto.