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Business Governance Process 1Laajuus (2 cr)

Code: LT00DR49


The student understands the importance of financial management and law in the corporate governance process. He/she can search for information on the regulations concerning the establishment and operation of a limited liability company and partnerships and to apply the information he/she finds in practice. The student masters the basic principles of company accounting and the preparation of financial statements and is familiar with the provisions of the corporate governance process concerning taxation (AVL, EVL, VML).

The student can act as a contracting party when acquiring ERP systems. He is familiar with contract technology and is able to draw up a contract for the above-mentioned systems, which is not burdened by interpretative ambiguities.


- Establishment of a limited liability company and partnerships
- Representation and responsibility in a limited liability company
- Institutions of a limited liability company
- The importance of equity in a limited company
- Drawing up the contract


Basics of law 1 and Basics of law 2

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can search for information on the most important regulations related to partnerships and joint-stock companies and is able to solve simple legal cases. He can explain what the owner's responsibility is for the company's commitments and who has the right to represent the company. The student can prepare the founding documents of both a limited company and partnerships.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can search for information on the most important regulations related to partnerships and limited companies and apply the information he/she finds in practice. He can present the main differences between several types of companies. The student can independently prepare the founding documents of both a limited company and partnerships.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can search for information on regulations related to partnerships and limited companies and apply the information he/she finds in practice. He can compare several types of companies. The student can independently prepare the founding documents of a limited company and partnerships and understand the legal significance of their content.


Holopainen, T. (2023). Yrityksen perustamisopas 2023: Käytännön käsikirja aloittavalle yritykselle. Asiatieto.

Further information

Corporate Governance Process 1 must be completed in conjunction with the course Corporate Governance Process 2.