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Software Project Methods and Software EngineeringLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: LT00DB47


The student knows the most common project methods used in software projects. The student is able to choose a suitable method for the project and is able to apply it in practice. The student understands the concepts related to the software life cycle and knows the methodological principles and practices of software production. The student is able to list and understand the typical stages of software production.


Fundamentals of project methods
Choice of method
Application of the method in practice
Software production steps and methods

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the most common methods and knows what they mean. The student is able to list the concepts related to the software life cycle and software production methods. The student is able to list typical stages of software production.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows the most common methods and is able to apply them in practice. The student is able to list the concepts related to the software life cycle and the methods of software production. The student is able to list and understand the typical stages of software production.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student understands the differences between different methods and is able to make an informed choice about the method to be used. The student is able to apply the method in practice. The student is able to list the concepts related to the software life cycle and the methods of software production. He knows how to apply them to software design. The student understands the typical steps of software production.


22.04.2024 - 09.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 18.12.2024


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • Mikko Kulmala
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
  • LITA22D
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student knows the most common project methods used in software projects. The student is able to choose a suitable method for the project and is able to apply it in practice. The student understands the concepts related to the software life cycle and knows the methodological principles and practices of software production. The student is able to list and understand the typical stages of software production.


Fundamentals of project methods
Choice of method
Application of the method in practice
Software production steps and methods


Moodle and online materials provided by lecturer

Teaching methods

Lectures and practical workshops

Student workload

27h lectures, 81h independent work

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the most common methods and knows what they mean. The student is able to list the concepts related to the software life cycle and software production methods. The student is able to list typical stages of software production.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows the most common methods and is able to apply them in practice. The student is able to list the concepts related to the software life cycle and the methods of software production. The student is able to list and understand the typical stages of software production.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student understands the differences between different methods and is able to make an informed choice about the method to be used. The student is able to apply the method in practice. The student is able to list the concepts related to the software life cycle and the methods of software production. He knows how to apply them to software design. The student understands the typical steps of software production.

Assessment methods and criteria
