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Business Ideas Development (2 cr)

Code: LT00CI54-3004

General information


01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025


2 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Free Choice Studies


  • Merja Juppo

Responsible person

Nicolas Martinez

Student groups

  • VVO


The student can
- develop her own business idea concretely and comprehensively in key areas of business
- use tools to develop the business idea so that she can write a business plan after coaching
- assess the customer focus, feasibility, and profitability of business idea
- give a sales pitch to customers, partners, and financiers


- Expertise & Personnel
- Competitors & Distinction
- Customers & Needs
- Customer Relationship Management
- Awareness & Visibility
- Marketing - Raising emotions
- Sales - Meeting needs
- Using partners to sell
- Product & Services
- Production control
- Partnerships & Acquisitions
- Profitability & Finance
- Management & Responsibilities
- Risks & Protection

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Approved completion requires active participation in all training evenings and approved completion of all assignments.

Further information

Method of implementation: Co-operative coaching with INTO Seinäjoki.