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Drug Care and Drug Calculations (4 cr)

Code: SH00DF05-3006

General information


19.08.2024 - 20.10.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


4 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing


  • Meri Matala-Aho
  • Paula Paloniemi


The student
-is familiar with statutes and regulations that concern pharmaceutical care.
- is familiar with the pharmaceutical dosage forms and routes of administration.
-knows the correct and careful storage, handling and disposal of medicines in pharmaceutical care in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
-knows how to use pharmaceutical databases.
-understands his/her professional responsibility for securing and promoting the safety of patients receiving drug care.
-can perform drug calculations without error and administer the correct dose of medicine to the patient.
-understands the need of patient counseling about medication management in the implementation of medication treatment.


- common concepts in pharmaceutical care
- pharmaceutical acts and regulations
- client- and patient safety in drug care
- pharmaceutical dosage forms, handling and administration routes of drugs
- the routes and effects of drugs on human`s body
- storage, handling and disposal of medicines in accordance with the principles of sustainable development
- documentation in pharmaceutical care
- use of pharmaceutical databases and evaluation of pharmaceutical information
- patient counselling in drug care
- drug calculations
- subcutaneus, indermal and intramuscular injections

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- has some knowledge of regulations on pharmaceutical care.
- has the command of various pharmaceutical dosage forms and knows how to appropriately and carefully handle medicines.
- uses pharmaceutical databases randomly.
- is mostly aware of his/her responsibility for safe drug care.
- can do drug calculations correctly.
- has some knowledge about the process in client-/patientsafe drug care.
- is able to administer the medicine safely.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is familiar with regulations on pharmaceutical care.
- is familiar with the various pharmaceutical dosage forms and routes and knows how to appropriately and carefully handle and store medicines.
- mostly uses pharmaceutical databases correctly.
- is aware of his/her professional responsibility for safe drug care.
- can do drug calculations correctly.
- has knowledge about the process in safe drug care.
- is able to administer the medicine safely.
- knows and can use the principles of sustainable development in drug care.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is familiar with regulations on pharmaceutical care.
- is familiar with various pharmaceutical dosage forms and of the appropriate and careful handling and storage of medicines.
- uses pharmaceutical databases correctly.
- is aware of his/her responsibility for client- /patient safe drug care.
- is competent in the process of safe drug care.
- can perform drug calculations correctly.
- is able to administer medicine safely.
- knows and is able to implement the principles of sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail = 0
The student
- is not familiar with the regulations on pharmaceutical care.
- does not know pharmaceutical dosage forms or how to appropriately handle and store medicines.
- does not know how to use pharmaceutical databases.
- is not aware of his/her responsibility for client/patient safe drug care.
- cannot perform drug calculations correctly.
- is not familiar with the process of safe drug treatment.
- does not know how to safely administer drugs.
- does not know the principles of sustainable development.