Community-based Social and Education Work (5 cr)
Code: BH00DR21-3001
General information
11.11.2024 - 31.12.2024
13.01.2025 - 31.05.2026
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree in Social Services and Health Care, Social Work
- Pirita Hakoneva
- Tiina Hautamäki
- Pia-Christine Sainio
Scheduling groups
- Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 20. Open UAS: 20.)
Student groups
YSOS24Master's Degree in Social Services and Health Care, Social Work
Education groups
- Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)
Student recognizes community-based social work as an essential form of social work and education. Student explores the historical ground of community-based social work and education and finds out more closely community-based social work or education.
Contents and objectives of community-based social work and education.
The historical background of community-based social work and education.
Definitions and meanings of community-based social work and education.
Historical ground of community-based as part of social work and education. Applications of community-based social work or education.
Literature (e.g.)
Banks, J.A. (2006). Cultural Diversity and Education. Foundations, Curriculum, and Teaching. Pearson Education, Inc.
Hujala, E., Valpas, A., Roos, P., & Vlasov, J. (2016). The success story of Finnish early childhood education. Vertikal.
OPH (2023). Opetushallitus. Yhteisöllisyys.
Korkiamäki, R., Nylund, M. Raitakari, S. & Roivanen, I. (2008). Yhteisösosiaalityö kansalaisyhteiskunnan rajapinnassa. Teoksessa: Roivanen, I., Nylund, M. Raitakari, S. (Toim.) Yhteisöt ja sosiaalityö: Kansalaisen vai asiakkaan asialla? Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.
Koskinen, S. (2003). Suomalaisen yhteisösosiaalityön kehitys ja nykysuuntaukset. Teoksessa Laitinen, M. & Pohjola, A. (toim.). Sosiaalisen vaihtuvat vastuut. PS Kustannus.
Kostamo-Pääkkö, K., Ojaniemi, P. & Väyrynen, S. (2017). Sosiaalityön yhteisöllisyyttä etsimässä. United press global.
Pehkonen, A. (2005). Kylä kutsuu…Tutkimus tulomuuttoprosesseista maaseudulle. Helsingin yliopisto. Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta. Akateeminen väitöskirja. Siirtolaisinstituutti.
Roivainen, I., Kostiainen, T., & Metteri, A. (2019). Yhteisösosiaalityötä muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Teoksessa: Pohjola, A., Kemppainen, T., Niskala, A. & Peronius, N. (toim.) Yhteiskunnallisen asemansa ottava sosiaalityö. Vastapaino.
Teaching methods
Online teaching, independent tasks
Student workload
5 credits = 135 hours
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Student recognizes community-based social work and education and their historical development. Student explains the historical ground of community-based social work and education and community-based social work or education.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Student recognizes and explain about community-based social work and education and their historical development. Student explains and analyzes the historical ground of community-based social work and education and community-based social work or education.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student recognizes and explain and critically analyzes community-based social work and education and their historical development. Student explains, comments and critically analyzes the historical ground of community-based social work and education and community-based social work or education.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation 1-5
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student recognizes community-based social work as an essential form of social work and education. Student defines the historical ground of community-based social work and education and describes community-based social work or education.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student recognizes community-based social work as an essential form of social work and education. Student defines and explores the historical ground of community-based social work and education and finds out community-based social work or education.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student explains community-based social work as an essential form of social work and education. Student defines, explores and analyzes the historical ground of community-based social work and education and finds out more closely community-based social work or education.
No previous studies are required.