The professional competence base of a physiotherapist (5 cr)
Code: BB00DJ97-3003
General information
17.04.2024 - 04.09.2024
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
Student groups
FYSPE24SFysioterapiatyön perusteet
The student
- acts as an equal member of their group to contribute to a safe, healthy, barrier-free and tolerant study environment
- evaluates their learning and development as a physiotherapist through self-reflection, learning reports and functional mini-seminars
- knows the responsibilities, duties and rights of a licensed professional and can talk about core competence areas of physiotherapy
- can apply the ethical principles of a physiotherapist in their profession
- knows what can be measured in physiotherapy and what reliable measurement is
- is able to search for research and recommendations/guidelines in the field of physiotherapy
- can explain what is meant by evidence-based physiotherapy and is able to justify with examples the positive results of exercise training in relation to surgical treatments (perspective of economic sustainable development)
- can use scientific and evidence-based knowledge in various physiotherapy situations
- can use evidence-based information when working in different physiotherapy situations and combine a sustainable development perspective with evidence-based work (eg promoting well-being, health and functional capacity from a social, cultural and economic perspective).
- As a student in the physiotherapy degree program and as a member of one's own group, group bonding day - trip to nature
- Growing and developing as a physiotherapist, planning and implementing functional mini-seminars
- Valvira, Avi, Julki-Terhikki, the core competence of a physiotherapist
- Ethical principles of physiotherapist
- Reliable measurement in physiotherapy, TOIMIA database, reliability and validity of measurement
- Evidence-based physiotherapy, effectiveness in physiotherapy, sustainable development, finding a research article
- Evidence-based clinical decision-making at different stages of the physiotherapy process
- Relevant physiotherapy databases and guidelines
Kauranen, K. 2021. Fysioterapeutin käsikirja. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Puro, L. 2023. Olkaamme siis fysioterapeutteja. Suomalaisen fysioterapian tarina. Otavan Kirjapaino Oy, Keuruu 2023
Tapio, J & Vilén, V. 2020. Fysioterapia 2.0 – kuntoutuksen tiede ja taide. VK-kustannus.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student
- participates in the group bonding day and the content planning of the day, as well as in the annual functional mini-seminars and course lectures
- completes the tasks assigned to the course according to the timetable
- finds a relevant scientific article about measurement
- completes a group assignment based on the article and measurement together with members of the group
- does not participate in the group bonding day or in planning the content of the day
- participates only occasionally in annual functional mini-seminars and course lectures
- does not complete the tasks assigned to the course in a timely manner
- does not find relevant scientific articles dealing with measurement, and does not participate in the implementation of the article assignment as a member of the group
Opinnot alkavat heti ensimmäisellä viikolla orientaatioluennolla ja jatkuvat aina
tammikuulle saakka, jolloin pidetään opinnäytetyömarkkinat. Ryhmä FYS 21
osallistuu FYS 20 ONT-seminaariesityksiin 14.9. tai 15.9.
Opinnäytetyöviikot ovat 41-42.
Siljan tiedonhakutunnit ja ont-suunnitelma.