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Communication Skills (4 cr)

Code: XX00DM04-3060

General information


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025


4 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Construction Site Management
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Processing and Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology


  • Helena Myllymäki

Student groups

  • MAGRO25
    Bachelor of Natural Resources


The student can
- act adequately in different public presentation and group communication situations
- act in interactive situations in digital environments, too
- analyse and assess communication skills as part of professional growth
- produce formal style text and apply SeAMK’s Instructions for Written Work


- Communication style analysis
- Public presentation skills and interaction
- Group communication skills (e.g., meetings and negotiations, incl. online)
- Principles of a digital environment and interaction
- Production of formal style texts
- SeAMK’s Instructions for Written Work


Juholin, E. (2022). Communicare! Ota viestinnän ilmiöt ja strategiat haltuun (8. uud. p.). Infor / Management Institute of Finland MIF.; Kielitoimiston ohjepankki (Kotus); Opintokeskus Sivis; SeAMKin kirjallisten töiden ohje

Teaching methods

Team learning

Student workload

108 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can communicate in a sender-focused manner: they cannot pay sufficient attention to the goal, receiver, or situation. Text structure is incoherent and illogical, and argumentation is biased and scarce. Illustration is limited and irrelevant. The student can only assess their communication from the perspective of the sender of the message. They recognise the principles of digital communication only partially.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

In their communication, the student can only partially pay attention to the goal, situation, and the receiver of the message. Can maintain interaction in communication. Recognises to some extent the cultural-specific character of communication. Can take the principles of digital communication into account. Text structure is mainly clear and consistent, and argumentation is varied and trustworthy. Illustration is adequate. The student can assess their communication to some extent and partly in a realistic way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In their communication, the student can pay attention to the goal, situation, and the receiver of the message in a commendable and convincing manner, they can act responsibly and according to the agreed principles. Interaction in communication is very skilful. Can recognise the cultural-specific character of communication. Masters the policies of digital communication and can apply them. Text structure is typical of the genre, text is logical, clear, coherent, and argumentation is varied, unbiased, and convincing. consistent, and argumentation is varied and trustworthy. Illustration is adequate, efficient, and thought-out. The student can assess their own communication in a varied and realistic way from the perspective of the goal, purpose, receiver, and their own professional field.

Assessment methods and criteria

Self and peer aevaluation, teacher's evaluation

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Communication is sender orientated; student is not able to take the objective, recipient or the situation into account sufficiently. The structure of the academic texts is disconnected and illogical. Argumentation is biased and scant. The student is not able to illustrate required parts of the texts sufficiently. Student is able to assess communication only from the viewpoint of the sender of the message.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to take the objective, recipient and the situation into account in most parts. Student is able to uphold interaction and is able to recognize some cultural aspects of communication. The structure of the academic texts is mainly consistent and coherent. Argumentation is versatile and convincing. Student is able to illustrate required parts of the texts sufficiently. Student is able to assess his/her communication skills for the most part.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student is very good at taking the objective, recipient and the situation into account. Student is able to perform in accordance with the agreed upon method. Interaction in communication situations is very skilled. The student recognizes the cultural aspects of communication. The structure of the academic texts complies with the given instructions, and is logical and cohesive. Argumentation is versatile and convincing and takes different viewpoints into account. The student is able to illustrate required parts of the texts effectively and in a considered way. Student is able to assess his/her communication skills with regard to professional field.