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English Preparatory Course (Business Administration) (0 cr)

Code: XX00DT31-3001

General information


23.08.2024 - 09.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 18.12.2024


0 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management


  • Mari Heinonen

Student groups

  • LITA24D
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • LITA24A
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • LITA24B
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management
  • LITA24C
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management


The student is able to use the English standard language in spoken and written communication situations. They are also to some extent acquainted with the field-specific vocabulary needed in studies. They know and can use several language tools and resources which can help to improve their language skills.


Language structures and grammar
Spoken exercises and pronunciation
Writing and reading activities
Language tools


Material on Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students use simple structures and limited vocabulary in spoken and written communication. Mistakes may to some extent disturb understanding. They understand slow and clear speech and field-related texts and manage reasonably well in familiar everyday situations. The pronunciation is understandable.


Previous English language studies e.g. at the secondary level are required.

Further information

The student advisor will recommend optional program components for each student based on their individual study plan.
The course cannot be completed with competence demonstration (recognition of prior learning).
The minimum attendance 80 %.