Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods and Seeking Research Knowledge (5 cr)
Code: BC00BS91-3005
General information
22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024
09.09.2024 - 08.12.2024
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
4 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
12 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology
- Leena Koivumäki
- Leena Elenius
- Katariina Perttula
Student groups
Students are aware of the theoretical, methodological and ethical background of qualitative and quantitative research. They know how to formulate research questions that suit the research approach. They are able to plan and implement a research process using basic qualitative research methods. They know how to plan and implement a quantitative research process, construct a data collection tool and use SPSS statistics. Students are able to propose how research findings can be applied to the practice of elderly care and services. They know how to analyse their need for research knowledge, use suitable sources of information and read research literature.
- basic concepts in qualitative and quantitative research, research problems, plan and process
- planning data collection, scales of measurement, sampling
- basic methods in qualitative data collection and analysis
- SPSS analysis for quantitative data
- illustrating and reporting on the results
- ethical issues and reliability, producing knowledge and applying it to the practice and development of elderly care and services
- domestic and international sources of research knowledge
- seeking and reading research and statistical information
- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Helsinki: Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän
ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. 2011. Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. Helsinki: JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. 2009. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Helsinki:Tammi.
- Other Literature provided by the teachers.
- SeAMK Library websites and other web resources and materials.
- SeAMK Instructions for Written Work and Thesis Template.
Teaching methods
Lectures, online-studies and assignments
Quantitative methods: online-studies.
Student workload
104 hours:
- Quantitative Research Methods: e-learning 52 hours
- Qualitative Research Methods: lectures 20 hours, independent work 32 hours
Content scheduling
-basic concepts in qualitative and quantitative research, research problems, plan and process
- planning data collection, scales of measurement, sampling
- using Webropol in data collection
- basic methods in qualitative data collection and analysis
- Webropols Report and Professional Statistics analysis for quantitative data, possibility to use also SPSS
- illustrating and reporting on the results
- ethical issues and reliability; producing knowledge and applying it to the practice and development of elderly care and services
- information seeking, search terms, research databases (thesis, reports, articles), evaluation and use of information
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Students are able to describe approaches and methods in qualitative and quantitative research. Under supervision, they know how to implement a qualitative and quantitative research process using basic methods. Students are aware of research ethical norms. They are able to give examples of applying research knowledge to elderly care practice and services. Students know how to present and use sources of research knowledge in the social and health field. They know how to read research.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Students are able to compare the approaches, formulation of research problems and methods in qualitative and quantitative research. They know how to implement a research process, taking ethical factors into consideration. They know how to use data collection methods for qualitative and quantitative research and analyse the data using SPSS software and basic methods of qualitative research. Students know how to report on and illustrate the results and present their conclusions for the development of elderly care practice and services. They know how to read and analyse research.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Students are able to analyse the theoretical, methodological and ethical background of qualitative and quantitative research. They know how to implement and justify a research process. They select suitable material, plan the data collection and analyse the data using basic methods of qualitative research and SPSS software. Students know how to report on and illustrate the results and present their conclusions for the development of elderly care practice and services. They know how to critically read research and, based on the information found, develop their information seeking practices.
Introduction to Research and Development