Management Orientations (5 cr)
Code: BH00DR26-3001
General information
22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024
10.10.2024 - 12.12.2024
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
3 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree in Social Services and Health Care, Social Work
- Katja Valkama
- Tiina Hautamäki
Student groups
YSOS24Master's Degree in Social Services and Health Care, Social Work
Student is familiar with the main types of management theories and with some of their contemporary applications. Student recognizes own way of managing and being managed, and develops these skills. Student examines various areas of management, for example strategic management, financial management and human resources management, and student is able to propose means for developing management.
Scientific management, the human relations movement, managerialism and other management theories.
Change management and multiprofessional organizations.
Financial management.
The manager’s role and impact on development activity.
Literature (e.g.)
Carlsson, M. & Forssell, C. (2008). Esimies ja coaching. Helsinki: Art House.
Huotari, Päivi (2009) Strateginen osaamisen johtaminen kuntien sosiaali- ja terveystoimessa - neljän kunnan sosiaali- ja terveystoimen esimiesten käsityksiä strategisesta osaamisen johtamisesta. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis: 1382. Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Kujala, A. (2015). Esimiesten ammattijohtamisvalmiuksien mittaaminen visuaalisella kehyskertomuksella - murtuuko myytti? Tarkastelussa terveys- ja sosiaaliala. Acta Wasaensia 333. Vaasa: Vaasan yliopisto.
Kulmala, J. (2017) toim. Parempi vanhustyö. Menetelmiä johtamisen kehittämiseen. PS-kustannus.
Niiranen, V. & Seppänen-Järvelä, R. & Sinkkonen, M. (2019). Johtaminen sosiaalialalla. Gaudeamus. E-kirja.
Rissanen, S. & Lammintakanen, J. (toim.) (2017). Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtaminen. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Seeck, H. (2021). Johtamisopit Suomessa. Taylorismista innovaatioteorioihin. (6.painos) Gaudeamus.
Teaching methods
Lectures, independent and group tasks
Student workload
5 credits = 135 hours
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Students know and are able to describe various management theories, various areas and objects of management.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Student compares various management styles and evaluate in practice the management styles in various organizations. Student explains various areas and objects of management.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student critically analyzes different management styles and relate them to their own and other people’s action. Student explains and analyzes various areas and objects of management.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation 1-5
No previous studies are required.