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Brand Management (3 cr)

Code: LT00DC23-3001

General information


11.11.2024 - 12.01.2025


20.01.2025 - 30.03.2025


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management


  • Terhi Anttila

Student groups

  • MLITA22


The student can explain the meaning of brand management when determining and attaining a market position. The student will be competent in analysing, planning, building, developing, and managing brands. The student will also be competent in recognizing and applying methods for constructing and developing brands in innovative and creative ways.


- Defining a brand
- Personality of brands
- Core promise and values
- Meaning of brands to consumers and companies
- Constructing a brand
- Personal brand
- Storytelling
- Managing the lifespan of a brand
- Measuring the performance of a brand


-Ahto, O., Kahri, A., Kahri, T. & Mäkinen, M. (2016). Bulkista brändiksi. Käsikirja kasvuun ja kannattavuuteen.
-Ruokolainen, P. (2020). Brändikäsikirja: näin teet yritysbrändistä vetovoimaisen.
-Vahtola, M. (2020). Intohimona brändit. Kolme vuosikymmentä brändien parissa.
-Aaker, D. (2002). Building Strong Brands.
-Laakso, H. (2004). Brandit kilpailuetuna. Miten rakennan ja kehitän tuotemerkkiä.
-Kurvinen, J., Laine, T. & Tolvanen, V. (2017). Henkilöbrändi. Asiantuntijasta vaikuttajaksi.
-Huhta, M. & Myllyntaus, V. (2021). Työantajabrändi ja työntekijäkokemus. Erityisesti luku 5, työantajabrändi & alaluku 6.4.Työntekijöiden ja brändin aktivointi
-The material in Moodle

Teaching methods

- Virtual teaching
- Independent work (learning assignments)
- Common feedback

Student workload

Total workload: 80 h
-Familiarization with the course material
-Learning assignments

Content scheduling

- Defining a brand
- Personality of brands
- Core promise and values
-Personal brand
- Meaning of brands to consumers and organizations
- Building a brand
- Measuring the performance of a brand
- Managing the life cycle of a brand

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has completed the assigned tasks/sections. The student can explain the importance of building a brand in achieving a company's competitive advantage and finding the company's market position. The student recognizes the key features of building and developing a brand.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has carried out work and participated actively. Students can explain the meaning of brand management when determining and attaining a market position. Students will be competent in analyzing, planning, and building brands. Students will also be competent in recognizing and applying methods for constructing and developing brands.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has carried out work thoroughly and participated actively and constructively. Students can explain the meaning of brand management when determining and attaining a market position. Students will be competent in analyzing, planning, building, developing, and managing brands. Students will also be competent in recognizing and applying methods for constructing and developing brands in innovative and creative ways.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignments