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Holistic Tourism Product Development (5 cr)

Code: LT00CK98-3004

General information


24.05.2023 - 09.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 03.03.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management


  • Sanna Jyllilä

Student groups

  • RESTO22
  • MRESTO23
    Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality, Part-time studies
  • VVO


The student is able to define the processes of producing and consuming tourism products, services, and experiences and their relationship with each other. The student understands the holistic product development process of tourism, its different stages, and continuity in a customer and operational environment. The student is able to design, plan, price and critically evaluate travel products and services. The student recognizes and is able to evaluate future megatrends and trends in support of proactive product development processes of a travel company.


Travel products and services, adventures
A comprehensive tourism product development process, customer orientation and co-development
Pricing principles for tourism services
Basics of Tourism Marketing
Future trends and multidisciplinarity as part of tourism product development


García-Rosell, J-C., Haanpää, M. E., & Kyyrä, S. M. (2017). Matkailun tuotekehitys. teoksessa J. Edelheim, & H. Ilola (Toimittajat), Matkailututkimuksen avainkäsitteet (Sivut 148-152). Lapland University Press.

Haanpää, M., Garcia-Rosell, J-C. & Kyyrä, S. (2013). Ennakoiva tuotekehitys matkailussa. Teoksessa Veijola, S. (toim.) Matkailututkimuksen Lukukirja (102-114). Porvoo: Bookwell.

Janhunen, J. (2014). Stakeholder approach to tourism product development. A Nordic perspective. A Master's thesis. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland.

Komppula, R. & Boxberg, M. (2002). Matkailuyrityksen tuotekehitys. Helsinki: Edita.

Konu, H., Pesonen, J., Reijonen, H., & Alakoski, L. (2020). Matkailuliiketoimintaa teoriasta käytäntöön. Vastapaino.

Järvinen, E., Jyllilä, S. & Janhunen, J. (2020). Vieraanvarainen Etelä-Pohjanmaa: Etelä-Pohjanmaan matkailustrategia 2020 - 2028 ja toimenpide-ehdotukset 2020 - 2025. Seinäjoki.

Teaching methods

Online lectures; includes time-bound online lectures. Lectures will be recorded.

Employer connections

The course has an assignment from a tourism company.

Student workload

5 ECTS, working load is about 135 h. Lectures 28 h, indipendent study 107 h.

Content scheduling

1. Tourism products and themes
2. Customer orientation in product development
3. From the idea of a tourist product
4. Marketing and sales of tourism services

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has completed the assignments and participated in the course. The student is able to define satisfactorily the processes of producing and consuming tourism products, services, and experiences and their relationship with each other. The student understands the comprehensive product development process of tourism, its different stages, and continuity in a customer and operating environment. The student is able to design, plan and price travel products and services. The student is able to identify future megatrends and trends in support of proactive product development processes of a travel company.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has completed the assignments well and has actively participated in the course. The student is able to define well the processes of producing and consuming tourism products, services, and experiences and the relationship between them. The student understands the comprehensive product development process of tourism, its different stages, and continuity in a customer and operating environment. The student is able to design, plan and price travel products and services. The student recognizes and is able to evaluate future megatrends and trends well in support of a tourism company's proactive product development processes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has completed the assignments in an excellent manner and has participated actively and constructively in the course. The student is able to define the processes of producing and consuming tourism products, services and experiences and their relation to each other. The student understands very well the comprehensive tourism product development process, its different stages, and continuity in a customer and operating environment. The student is able to critically examine tourism services and assess their profitability and potential in the tourism market. The student is able to design, plan, price and evaluate travel products and services. The student recognizes and is able to evaluate future megatrends and trends in support of proactive product development processes of a travel company.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course includes an advance assignment, a learning task and self-evaluation. The evaluation is based on the learning task.


Tourism as a global phenomenon
Responsible tourism