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Coaching for Studies and Work (4 cr)

Code: BE00DC29-3001

General information


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


08.01.2024 - 01.03.2024


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


12 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Social Services


  • Annukka Haapa-aho

Student groups

  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS23A


The student is able to name the actors in employment care. In addition, the student is able to identify phenomena that are currently related to the job field and service structure. The student has the ability to use a psychosocial approach and professional interaction in studies and work in a coaching position. The student is able to name the special needs to be taken into account in supporting the studies and working life of young people, immigrants, the long-term unemployed and people with disabilities for various reasons. The student is able to describe in which work environments study and work coaching is carried out. In addition, the student is able to describe the ideas and processes of rehabilitative work.


- employment care actors and current phenomena
- challenges in studying or worklife in the lives of various client groups
- coaching for studies or worklife: settings, work orientations and practices
- collaboration partners and their operational logic
- rehabilitative work
- the role and tasks of the coach
- motivating discussion


Hakala, K.2017.Työllistymistarinoita.Kehitysvammaliitto ry.
Jahnukainen, M.ym.2019.Oma paikka haussa - maahanmuuttotaustaiset nuoret ja koulutus. Gaudeamus.
Kuntouttavan työtoiminnan käsikirja
Lämsä, A-L.2015.Erityistä tukea tarvitsevien nuorten työllistyminen.
Oksanen, J.2014.Motivointi työvälineenä.

Teaching methods

Independent online study, two distance learning sessions, group work

Employer connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

108 hours, of which 4 hours are distance learning.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the actors in employment care. In addition, the student is able to identify phenomena that are currently related to the job field and service structure. can arque why coaching for studies and work needs competences of psychosocial work. Students can list challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students describe working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted. They name co-operating partners.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to name the actors in employment care. In addition, the student is able to identify phenomena that are currently related to the job field and service structure. are from multiple perspectives, able to observe challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students analyze working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted, considering especially clients' perspective . They observe co-operating partners related to the field.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to name the actors in employment care. In addition, the student is able to identify phenomena that are currently related to the job field and service structure. differentiate and compare work-orientations and work methods in coaching for studies and work. They analyze challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students compare working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted, considering especially clients' perspective. They analyze co-operating partner s and their practices from many perspectives.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignments online, participation in distance education. The course ends with an applied essay assignment to be completed in Moodle

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to name the actors in employment care. In addition, the student is able to identify phenomena that are currently related to the job field and service structure. can arque why coaching for studies and work needs competences of psychosocial work. Students can list challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students describe working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted. They name co-operating partners.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to name the actors in employment care. In addition, the student is able to identify phenomena that are currently related to the job field and service structure. are from multiple perspectives, able to observe challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students analyze working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted, considering especially clients' perspective . They observe co-operating partners related to the field.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to name the actors in employment care. In addition, the student is able to identify phenomena that are currently related to the job field and service structure. differentiate and compare work-orientations and work methods in coaching for studies and work. They analyze challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students compare working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted, considering especially clients' perspective. They analyze co-operating partner s and their practices from many perspectives.


Most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this course and the following courses:
- Family Counselling
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Social Work in Multiprofessional Settings