Plant protection and harvesting (4 cr)
Code: 9A00DC46-3001
General information
13.11.2023 - 17.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 28.04.2024
4 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
- Anna Tall
- Jori Lahti
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 3 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Student groups
Education groups
- Small group 1
- Small group 2
- Small group 3
The student is able to describe the machinery and equipment used in arable crop harvesting and plant protection, and is able to explain the key design factors. The student knows the principles of grain handling equipment, process of grain drying and other preservation methods of grain and grassland crops. Student is able to classify weeds into different groups and know the most common plant diseases and pests. The student is able to summarize the methods used for herbicide control and know the technology used in the work and its impact. The student is able to plan the economic and environmental aspects of the control work.
Machines for harvesting and plant protection of arable crops; grain handling equipment; process of grain drying and other preservation methods of grain and grassland crops. Classification and properties of weeds; non-chemical methods for controlling weeds; herbicides and their use; plant growth regulators; plant protection technology; environmental and health effects of plant protection products; identification of major diseases and pests
Seppänen, M (toim.) 2008. Peltokasvien tuotanto. Opetushallitus.
Ansalehto ym. 1999. Laatuviljan tuotanto. Tieto tuottamaan 80. Maaseutukeskusten liitto.
Opas rukiin viljelyyn. (2010).
Rypsin ja Rapsinviljelyopas.
Mallasohran viljelyopas.
Peltonen, Puurunen ja Harmoinen (toim). 2010. Nurmirehujen tuotanto ja käyttö. Tieto tuottamaan 132. ProAgria Keskusten liitto.
Herneen tuotanto. 1993. Maaseutukeskusten liiton julkaisuja 860.
Peltonen-Sainio ym. 2005. Viljojen kehityksen ja kasvun ABC. Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus.
Tiainen R. (toim.) 2005. Maatilatalouden teknologia
Klemola, E. ym. 2002. Lohkon koon ja muodon taloudelliset vaikutukset. Työtehoseuran julkaisuja 386
Pentti, S. 2006. Peltoliikenteen optimointi. Työtehoseuran maataloustiedote 593
Jones, J. Benton. 2003. Agronomic handbook : management of crops, soils and their fertility
Teaching methods
Student workload
Total workload of the course is 108 h which consists of lectures and assignments.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is aware of the machines of grain and grassland crop harvesting and plant protection. Student is aware of grain handling equipment, grain drying and other preservation methods of grain and grassland crops. Student knows the classification of weeds and know the most common plant diseases and pests as well as know some control methods of weeds.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student knows the machines of grain and grassland crop harvesting and plant protection. Student knows grain handling equipment, grain drying and other preservation methods of grain and grassland crops. Student is able to classify weeds and know the common plant diseases and pests as well as know the control methods of weeds.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is capable of choosing the most appropriate machines for grain and grassland crop harvesting and plant protection. Student can utilize his knowledge of grain handling equipment, grain drying and other preservation methods of grain and grassland crops. Student utilizes the knowledge of knowing weeds and the most common plant diseases and pests as well as the control methods of weeds.
Assessment methods and criteria
It is recommended to study the following courses first: soil and water management, plant growth and arable crops or to have knowledge of those contents