Finnish 3 (3 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: AE00CW70-3003
Toteutuksen perustiedot
06.02.2023 - 23.02.2023
06.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
3 op
VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering
- Virpi Masonen
AFE22ABachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering, full time studies
Students are more confident in using Finnish. After the course, they are able to tell and write about their daily life by using simple expressions and to communicate in everyday situations, such as telling about their daily life at work and running errands in a bank, post office and hotel. They are acquainted with the Finnish enterprises and working life.
Students are able to communicate in everyday situations, e.g.:
- telling about daily life, holiday and travelling
- telling about work and professions
- running errands in bank, post office and hotel
- seeking a job (Level A1)
- telling the basic information of an enterprise in Finnish.
- grammar e.g. the most common noun types, object, more about the consonant gradation and the use of the local cases
Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni: Suomen mestari 1. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
Teacher's material and Web-material given in the beginning of the course
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
The student knows some vocabulary learnt during the course. He can use simple sentences but mistakes can impede comprehension. He can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. He understands slow and clearly articulated speech to some extent and he recognizes the topic of written texts and understands some words and expressions in them. The student is able to write short and simple texts, but mistakes impede comprehension. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation. The student can tell only a few main facts about Finnish enterprises.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
The student knows the most of the vocabulary learnt during the course. He can use simple sentences making a few mistakes. He manages independently in most of the everyday situations, mistakes do not impede comprehension. He understands most of the normal speed speech and the content of written texts. He is able to write mainly understandable texts while still making some mistakes. The pronunciation is mainly understandable. The student knows detailed facts widely about Finnish enterprises - although some false information might appear.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student knows the vocabulary learnt during the course. He can use simple sentences making hardly any mistakes. He manages independently and fluently in everyday situations. He understands normal speed speech and the content of written texts and he can write understandable texts, which may contain minor mistakes.The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker. The student knows precise and detailed facts about Finnish enterprises.
Finnish 1 and Finnish 2