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Guidance and Education Competence and Supporting Self-Care (2 cr)

Code: SH00CN76-3006

General information


16.04.2022 - 07.09.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022


2 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing


  • Sinikka Vainionpää

Student groups

  • SH22K


The Student
-is able to assess the client's / patient's needs, resources and own responsibility in planning guidance and self-care.
-can plan and implement individual and group counseling together with the client / patient and other experts.
-can use customer / patient-oriented teaching and guidance methods.
-can evaluate the results of guidance together with the client / patient, relatives and health care staff.
-is able to plan, implement and evaluate counseling that supports the client's / patient's self-care on pedagogical and ethical grounds.
-is able to support the client / patient and his/ her next-of-kin in committing to care.
-knows the client's / patient's care path and knows the basics of service guidance.


Assessment of the needs, resources and responsibility of the client/patient in planning guidance and self-care.
Identification of persons in need of multiple services.
Requirements for implementation of patient guidance.
Knowledge-based, social and emotional guidance.
Significance of patient background in guidance.
Client/patient-centered education and guidance methods.
Patient-centered and diversified use of guidance methods: oral and written guidance, demonstration, telephone and audio-visual guidance, group guidance and individual guidance.
Ability to evaluate guidance outcomes together with the client /patient, their next-of-kin and health care professionals.
Impact, quality and sufficiency of guidance
Pedagogy and ethics in plans, implementation and evaluation of guidance supporting the client’s /patient’s self-care.
Legislation supporting guidance
Evidence-based contents of client guidance
Evidence-based pedagogic methods in client guidance

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- knows superficially the concept of guidance and the factors influencing the quality of the guiding process and is able to superficially adapt the guiding methods.
- is able to analyze guidance, but it remains brief and superficial considering the profession.
- is able to handle sources of knowledge, expert and empirical knowledge outside the phenomenon.
- is not able to synthesize information.
--uses little elucidation tools or these tools do not support the presentation.
- is able to show a dismissive attitude regarding the guidance.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- knows the concept of guiding and the factors influencing the quality of guidance and is able to use evidence-based guiding methods.
- is able to handle the topic according to the goals of the study course and is able to present some relations within the professional framework.
- is able to justify the sources of knowledge, his/ her own expertise and experiential knowledge.
- is able to show expert and empirical knowledge.
- has a positive attitude towards guidance.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to understand the concept of the guidance and the factors influencing the quality of guidance, as well as to apply the evidence-based guiding methods in nursing practice.
- deals with the topic comprehensively setting the phenomenon into the wider frames of the profession.
- is able to seek the latest research knowledge on guidance and to use the latest nursing recommendations.
- is able to handle the knowledge critically and constructively.
- is able to justify solutions by utilizing the sources of knowledge, his/ her own expertise and empirical knowledge.
- is able to show independent, critical and creative thinking, as well as expertise of one's own profession.
- has a positive attitude towards guidance and is able to provide constructive feedback.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Failed = 0
The student
- is unfamiliar with the concept of guidance and its manifestation in nursing practice.
- is not able to recognize the factors influencing the quality of guidance or to name the guiding methods.