Food development project (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: CA00CG19-3008
Toteutuksen perustiedot
31.10.2022 - 27.01.2023
16.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
5 op
VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Suomi
- Restonomi (AMK), Ravitsemispalvelut
- Kirta Nieminen
MRESTO21Restonomi (AMK), monimuotototeutus
RESTO20Restonomi (AMK), Ravitsemispalvelut
The student masters the R & D process and the phases, as well as be able to apply a customer-oriented product development process and methods. Students are able to design, implement and manage a customer-oriented, cost-efficient, notices nutritional quality aspects and being innovative in food product development. The student knows the recipe / manufacture optimization. He is able to apply sensory methods in the development project.
Career-oriented R & D project. Consumer research, ideation, product design, recipe optimization, cost calculations, process design, product tests, sensory evaluation, product test and compression tests, design of experiments, test marketing, marketing and various methods of analyzing the results.
Tuorila, H. & Appelbye, U. 2008. Elintarvikkeiden aistinvaraiset tutkimusmenetelmät. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino.
Fuller, G. 2011. New Food Product Development: from concept to marketplace.
Muu opintojaksolla ilmoitettu materiaali.
Luennot, harjoitukset ja tuotekehitysprojekti ryhmätyönä
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
OT ja opinnollistaminen mahdollista
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Työmäärä yhteensä 135 h, luennot ja tuotekehitys lähiopetuksena (päiväopiskelija 49 h, monimuoto-opiskelijat 40 h) itsenäinen opiskelu ja tuotekehitysprojekti (86 h päiväopiskelijat, monimuoto-opiskelijat 95 h)
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Opintojakso toteutetaan tarvittaessa englanniksi
Opintojakson voi opinnollistaa
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
The student understands the basic concepts of the product development process steps and methods, as well as be able to apply them to the usual R & D projects to solve. Students are able to develop and test a recipe.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
The student knows well the food industry product development steps and methods, as well as be able to apply them to solve different types of R & D projects. The student can carry out the design and testing of recipes.The student is able to combine his knowledge with previous experiences in the subject.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student knows excellently food industry product development process steps and methods, as well as be able to apply them to a variety of different types of R & D project issues and problems. Students are able to organize and carry out design and testing of recipes. The student has demonstrated the ability to create new meanings and to show innovation in applying what he has learned.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Aktiivinen osallistuminen lähiopetukseen, harjoitukset, tuotekehitysprojekti, itse- ja vertaisarvioinnit
Planning of menus (RESTO)
Packaging Technology and Legislation (BIELI)
Food processes (BIELI)
R&D part 5