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The Child's Growth and Learning (3 cr)

Code: BE00BS18-3008

General information


10.01.2022 - 17.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 04.06.2022


3 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Social Services


  • Virpi Nikkola

Student groups

  • SOS22A
  • MSOS22K


Students learn theories on child education and development .They know the child's developmental tasks at different ages and regularities of learning in the individual's development. Students can explain the meaning of pedagogy for the child’s development, learning and welfare. Students are able to assess factors that can promote the child’s development and learning and factors that can slow down or jeopardise their development and learning.


- psychological theories on development and learning from early childhood to youth
- development of self-regulatory skills, supporting the development
- factors that promote the child’s agency and learning


Koivula, M. & Siippainen, A. & Eerola-Pennanen, P. (toim.) (2017). Valloittava varhaiskasvatus: Oppimista, osallisuutta ja hyvinvointia. Tampere: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Vastapaino Oy, s. 7 – 177 ja 283 – 322.

Köngäs, M. (2019). Tunneäly varhaiskasvatuksessa. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Nurmi, J-E., Ahonen, T. & Lyytinen, H. (2014). Ihmisen psykologinen kehitys.
Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus, s. 12 – 141.

Kirjallisuus löytyy kokonaisuudessaan myös e-aineistona.

Teaching methods

Independent study. Exam.

Employer connections

Does not include practical training.

Exam schedules

Independent Exam. Exam is done by using Exam space in SeAMK

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students recognize some stages in the child’s development and learning and some factors that influence them. They recognize the meaning of pedagogy for the child’s development, welfare and learning. Student can to some extent define what factors influence the child’s development and learning.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students have knowledge about the key stages in children’s learning and development and about factors that influence them. Students know how to describe them using theoretical knowledge. They can evaluate the meaning of pedagogy for the child’s development, welfare and learning. Students can describe some regularities of growth and learning in child development. They recognize some elements in an individual development process. They know how to describe some factors that influence the child’s development and learning. Students are able to observe connections between various factors.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Using psychological theories on development and learning, students analyse factors that influence the child’s development and learning. Students can explain the meaning of pedagogy for the child’s , developmentwelfare and learning. On one hand, they analyse the child’s development from the perspective of regularities of growth and learning, and on the other hand, as an individual development process. Students have capacity to analyse and explain factors that can promote or slow down or jeopardise children's development and learning. Students are able to observe connections between various factors from multiple perspectives.


previous studies are not required

Further information

The Study Course has to be done before other Early Childhood Studies.