Multi-Professional and Multicultural Simulations in Home EnvironmentLaajuus (2 op)
Tunnus: BB00DE55
- knows how to work in a multi-professional work group and utilize the expertise of group members in different areas -can map and comprehensively support the functional capacity of the elderly -identify the factors affecting the elderly client's survival at home -can assess the resources of clients with different cultural backgrounds and their loved ones and take these into account in the planning and implementation of care work and rehabilitation -knows how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by technology in supporting elderly living at home
- Student encounters multicultural peer students and other people with respect and equality and gives and takes feedback
-Student evaluates and develops the work, assumes responsibility for his/her actions and becomes aware of the interaction and co-operation skills and development needs of him/ herself
-Student practices simulated client situations in Finnish and in English
- Multi-professional collaboration in healthcare services
- Rehabilitation and supporting the functional capacity of the elderly at home
- Utilizing technological solutions and taking multicultural backgrounds account in the client work for the elderly
30 op previous studies are required
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Accepted: The student participates in the meetings of the study period and demonstrates the competence presented in the competence objectives during them and by successfully completing the tasks belonging to the study period.
Fail: -The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course and cannot demonstrate his competence in them.
-The student is not able to reflect and to recognize strengths and weaknesses in his/ her interaction and co-operation skills and does not seek to develop himself/ herself or to adapt his/her course of action accordingly.
- The student is not able to act in a professional manner in interaction and co-operation in simulated client situations. The student does not participate in the learning process nor shares knowledge with the peers.
- The student has not actively participated in studies and in simulations.
11.11.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 18.04.2025
2 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
1 op
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo
- Englanti
12 - 20
- Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
- Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
- Sosionomi (AMK)
- Vapaasti valittavat opinnot
- Terveydenhoitaja (AMK)
- Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
- Geronomi (AMK)
- Maria Valli
- Fys Nimeämätön
FYS24Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
MRN24Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
SOS23CSosionomi (AMK)
MGERO24Geronomi (AMK), monimuotototeutus
SOS23BSosionomi (AMK)
SH23SSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
MGERO23Geronomi (AMK), monimuotototeutus
MRN23Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
FYS23Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
SOS23ASosionomi (AMK)
SH23KSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
- knows how to work in a multi-professional work group and utilize the expertise of group members in different areas -can map and comprehensively support the functional capacity of the elderly -identify the factors affecting the elderly client's survival at home -can assess the resources of clients with different cultural backgrounds and their loved ones and take these into account in the planning and implementation of care work and rehabilitation -knows how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by technology in supporting elderly living at home
- Student encounters multicultural peer students and other people with respect and equality and gives and takes feedback
-Student evaluates and develops the work, assumes responsibility for his/her actions and becomes aware of the interaction and co-operation skills and development needs of him/ herself
-Student practices simulated client situations in Finnish and in English
- Multi-professional collaboration in healthcare services
- Rehabilitation and supporting the functional capacity of the elderly at home
- Utilizing technological solutions and taking multicultural backgrounds account in the client work for the elderly
Opettajien osoittama materiaali Moodle alustalla
Simulaatiot, luennot, oppimispäiväkirja, tutustumiskäynnit ja verkkotehtävät
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
54 h
- Opiskelija osallistuu opintojakson tapaamisiin ja osoittaa osaamistavoitteissa esitetyn osaamisen niiden aikana ja suorittamalla opintojaksoon kuuluvat tehtävät hyväksytysti.
- Opiskelija ei saavuta opintojakson osaamistavoitteita eikä pysty osoittamaan osaamistaan niissä.
-Opiskelija ei osaa reflektoida ja tunnistaa vuorovaikutus- ja yhteistyötaitojensa vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia, eikä pyri kehittämään itseään tai mukauttamaan toimintatapaansa sen mukaisesti.
- Opiskelija ei osaa toimia ammattimaisesti vuorovaikutuksessa ja yhteistyössä simuloiduissa asiakastilanteissa. Opiskelija ei osallistu oppimisprosessiin eikä jaa tietoa opiskelijatovereiden kanssa.
- Opiskelija ei ole osallistunut aktiivisesti opintoihin ja simulaatioihin.
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Opintojakso on kaksikielinen.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Accepted: The student participates in the meetings of the study period and demonstrates the competence presented in the competence objectives during them and by successfully completing the tasks belonging to the study period.
Fail: -The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course and cannot demonstrate his competence in them.
-The student is not able to reflect and to recognize strengths and weaknesses in his/ her interaction and co-operation skills and does not seek to develop himself/ herself or to adapt his/her course of action accordingly.
- The student is not able to act in a professional manner in interaction and co-operation in simulated client situations. The student does not participate in the learning process nor shares knowledge with the peers.
- The student has not actively participated in studies and in simulations.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Simulaatioihin osallistuminen
30 op previous studies are required