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Open UAS Pathway Studies, Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology: POLKUTITE23


1 years (60 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2023


This curriculum is for open UAS students. The curriculum includes first year studies and Basic Studies Common To All In SEAMK (Open UAS Path Studies, Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology). There is also some personal study planning in the open university's path studies.


The information technology and software engineering education of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciencs (SeAMK) combines technology and entrepreneurship studies. The education is based on SeAMK's nationally significant areas of strength: Industrial internet and the promotion of entrepreneurship and growth.

Information technology is needed everywhere and without it, society and business life would not work. More and more services are produced digitally using information systems. Information technology is also needed in industry, for example in the control of production lines, machines and devices. Nowadays, more and more devices are connected to the Internet, and data from the devices is analyzed in cloud services for business needs. With digitalisation, IT professionals are increasingly needed and there is currently a crying need for software designers.

In addition to technical expertise in IT and software development tasks, understanding the customer needs and entrepreneurial working methods play a very important role.

The studies of the degree program combine theoretical studies and project studies into a seamless whole, in which, from the beginning of the studies, students learn in an environment that simulates working life, for example, in the form of a virtual company. Business competence and understanding the customer's needs are present throughout the degree program. This provides the student with excellent capabilities for working at the forefront of IT expert tasks or, if desired, as an entrepreneur.

During the studies, the student receives not only comprehensive software development competence but also strong competence in industrial Internet applications and data communications. In advanced studies, students can also familiarize themselves with server technologies, electronics, embedded systems, game programming and online business. There are several alternative modules for advanced studies.


The degree program provides excellent capabilities for working in both industrial and software companies and as software entrepreneurs. In the detailed planning and implementation of the training, we cooperate closely with the companies in the region.

After graduating as an IT engineer, you can work as software designer, IT specialist or IT entrepreneur.


The degree program studies are partly grounded on a strong theory base and related project courses. During the studies, projects related to IoT systems, software production and corporate assignments are carried out. Close cooperation between partner companies in the teaching of the degree program also creates contacts with potential future employers.

Some of the studies take place with international exchange students in English. This improves language skills and develops the student's competence also for international work tasks.

Sustainable development is also taken into account in the studies. If used correctly, information technology can help save natural resources and reduce emissions. On the other hand, IT infrastructure has become a significant source of consumption of energy and emissions. The impact of information technology on sustainable development will be considered, for example, in courses related to data communications and industrial Internet.

The learning takes into account the learner’s prior knowledge and interpretations and helps them link the new learning material to their previous knowledge and experiences (socio-constructivism).

The curriculum includes five seams permeating through the studies and extending over them. They are based on SeAMK’s reports, studies and strategy, as well as on the national and international recommendations and regulations related to education provided by universities of applied sciences.

• The Information Search seam strengthens the student’s professional and field-specific information search skills throughout the studies.
• The Internationalization seam secures the improvement of the student’s international competencies during their studies. Home internationality is strengthened by utilizing scientific articles and our international partners in our theory studies. Intensive weeks create more opportunities for internationalization at home.
• The studies corresponding to the Entrepreneurship seam help the student understand the central and growing role of entrepreneurship in society.
• The Sustainable Development seam makes the student aware of social responsibility and helps them understand the diversity of sustainable development as a working life skill. Sustainable development is taken into account in different ways throughout the studies (ecological, social, cultural and economic sustainability).
• The seam of Career Guidance helps the student recognise their competencies and own strengths. It also includes working life knowledge, job search skills, and lifelong learning.

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Code Name Credits (cr) 2023-2024 Autumn
1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 5. / 2024

(Choose all)

Study skills

(Choose all)

XX00DM02 Academic Studies and Career Planning 2 2 2 1 1
XX00DM03 Information and Communication Technology 4 4 4 2 2
XX00DM04 Communication Skills 4 4 4 1.3 1.3 1.3
Entrepreneurship and innovation

(Choose all)

KL00DL30 Business and entrepreneurship 1 3 3 3 1 1 1

(Choose all)


(Choose all)

KC00CG77 Working Life English 3 3 3 1 1 1

(Choose all)

KC00AMT1030 Algebra and Geometry 4 4 4 2 2
KC00AMT1010 Vectors and Matrices 3 3 3 1 1 1

(Choose all)

KC00AFY1000 Mechanics 3 3 3 1 1 1
KC00AFY1010 Electrical and Thermal Physics 3 3 3 1.5 1.5

(Choose all)


(Choose all)

Software engineering

(Choose all)

KL00CX05 Basics of Programming 1 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
KL00CX06 Basics of Programming 2 4 4 4 2 2
KL00CT67 Basics of Web Programming 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
KL00CQ10 Object-oriented Programming 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
KL00CQ18 Operating Systems 4 4 4 1.3 1.3 1.3
Data Communications and Computer Networks

(Choose all)

KL00CQ30 Data Communication 3 3 3 1 1 1
Industrial Internet of Things

(Choose all)

KL00CT68 Basics of IoT Systems 6 6 6 3 3
KL00CT69 Project Work of IoT Systems 6 6 6 2 2 2
Alternative studies

(Choose ects: 4)

KC00CD03 The basic course of mathematics 2 2 2 1 1
KC00CD05 Refresher course in English 2 2 2 1 1
Total 60 67 33 34 16.5 16.5 11.3 11.3 11.3

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

General competencies (Bachelor’s Degrees)

1 Learning competence

- is able to self-evaluate and develop one’s competence and learning style orientation
- is able to retrieve and analyze information and evaluate it critically
- is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams

Basics of Programming 1
Basics of Programming 2
Basics of Web Programming
Data Communication
Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
The basic course of mathematics
2 Ethical competence

- is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and for the consequences of these actions
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
- is able to take other people into account in one’s actions
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development
- is capable of social influencing using one’s know-how and based on ethical values

No attached course units

3 Working community competence

- is able to operate as a member of a work community
- is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
- is able to utilize information and communications technology in one’s subject field
- knows the working life in one’s subject field and is able to create personal contacts in working life and to operate in professional networks
- is capable of decision making in unpredicted situations
- is able to apply the principles of organizational management and leadership in working life and has abilities for supervision tasks
- possesses entrepreneurial skills

Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
4 Innovation competence

- is able to conduct research, development and innovation projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
- is able to work in projects
- is capable of creative problem solving and development of working methods
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions

No attached course units

5 Internationalization competence

- possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field
- is able to operate in a multicultural environment
- takes into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalization development in one’s own field

Working Life English
6 Entrepreneurial competence

- Understanding of the interaction involved in the operations in a company and the business environment, and of the concept of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial way of working.
- Understanding of the principles associated with a profitable business, and ability to analyse the operations and risks in a business.

Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
7 Quality control competence

- Knowledge of the typical field-related quality control systems
- Understanding of quality-control and the requirements of quality-control systems.

No attached course units

Not grouped
Academic Studies and Career Planning
Information and Communication Technology
Communication Skills
Business and entrepreneurship 1
Algebra and Geometry
Vectors and Matrices
Electrical and Thermal Physics
Object-oriented Programming
Operating Systems
Refresher course in English

Information Technology competencies

1 Mathematical and scientific competence

A Bachelor of Engineering (IT):
- engages in logical-mathematical thinking and applies a logical-mathematical approach to problem solving in technology
- utilises mathematical principles, methods and tools
- understands the laws of physics needed in field-related applications and the principles of sustainable development.

Algebra and Geometry
Vectors and Matrices
Electrical and Thermal Physics
Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
The basic course of mathematics
2 Hardware competence

A Bachelor of Engineering (IT):
- has command of electrical engineering and the safety issues associated with electricity
- possesses knowledge of the more common electronics components and how they work
- understands the processes involved in developing and manufacturing electronics
- understands the architecture of computers and how the essential components work
- understands IP-based information networks and how their active devices work
- is competent in developing, implementing and maintaining simple networks.

Operating Systems
Data Communication
Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
3 Software competence

A Bachelor of Engineering (IT) ; has command of programming technology, i.e. understands programming logic and possesses knowledge of common algorithms and information structures; is competent in interpreting programme codes and utilising programming to solve problems; possesses knowledge of object design and programming; has command of the development of databases and how to execute them; is competent in working in software projects and considering the needs of the company and client.

Basics of Programming 1
Basics of Programming 2
Basics of Web Programming
Operating Systems
Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
4 Competence in ICT business

A Bachelor of Engineering (IT):
- possesses knowledge of the prerequisites for profitable business and utilises the more significant tools needed to plan and manage finances
- understands the productisation processes in the ICT field
- possesses comprehensive understanding of product development, profitable production, and the essential issues related to customer relations
- possesses the knowledge and skills needed to supervise people, processes and projects, especially in a product development organisation
- is competent in establishing a business and working as an entrepreneur in technology, and understands the significance of his/her efforts as regards the profitability of an enterprise's operations.

Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
5 Competence in ICT engineering

A Bachelor of Engineering (IT):
- is knowledgeable of the theoretical foundation of his/her chosen field, i.e. line of specialisation
- is competent in finding, combining and applying the latest field-related information in technology utilising typical development methods and practices and to document the results of his/her work
- communicates with clients and executes technical solutions that meet their needs
- engages in disciplined product development work independently and as a member of a project group, and effectively communicates with professionals representing different areas of the ICT field.

Operating Systems
Data Communication
Basics of IoT Systems
Project Work of IoT Systems
Not grouped
Academic Studies and Career Planning
Information and Communication Technology
Communication Skills
Business and entrepreneurship 1
Working Life English
Object-oriented Programming
Refresher course in English

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

Study skills

(Choose all)

XX00DM02 Academic Studies and Career Planning 2
XX00DM03 Information and Communication Technology 4
XX00DM04 Communication Skills 4
Entrepreneurship and innovation

(Choose all)

KL00DL30 Business and entrepreneurship 1 3

(Choose all)


(Choose all)

KC00CG77 Working Life English 3

(Choose all)

KC00AMT1030 Algebra and Geometry 4
KC00AMT1010 Vectors and Matrices 3

(Choose all)

KC00AFY1000 Mechanics 3
KC00AFY1010 Electrical and Thermal Physics 3

(Choose all)


(Choose all)

Software engineering

(Choose all)

KL00CX05 Basics of Programming 1 3
KL00CX06 Basics of Programming 2 4
KL00CT67 Basics of Web Programming 3
KL00CQ10 Object-oriented Programming 5
KL00CQ18 Operating Systems 4
Data Communications and Computer Networks

(Choose all)

KL00CQ30 Data Communication 3
Industrial Internet of Things

(Choose all)

KL00CT68 Basics of IoT Systems 6
KL00CT69 Project Work of IoT Systems 6
Alternative studies

(Choose ects: 4)

KC00CD03 The basic course of mathematics 2
KC00CD05 Refresher course in English 2