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Social Work in Multiprofessional SettingsLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: SOSAPS80


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


17.03.2025 - 16.05.2025


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Annukka Haapa-aho
Student groups
  • SOS23C
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • SOS23B
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

Course is studied by face-to-face learning. Course includes lectures, individual and group work, independent study, studying in e-learning environment and exam.

Exam schedules

The time of the exam will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

104 hours.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


01.11.2024 - 31.12.2024


02.01.2025 - 09.02.2025


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 42

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Asta Pohjola
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
  • SOPE23S
    Basics of socionomic work
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

Course is studied by e-learning. Course includes lectures, individual and teamwork, independent study in e-learning environment

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Exam and presentations of learning assignments by groups are at week 6.

Student workload

104 hours

Content scheduling

Course is orientated at 2.1.2025 between 17-18 p.m. Students do an exam and presentate their learning assignments at week 6.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam (50%) and learning assignment and presentation by groups (50%).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


16.09.2024 - 22.11.2024


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Asta Pohjola
Student groups
  • SOS24A
    Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time studies
  • MSOS24K
    Bachelor of Social Services, Multimodal implementation


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

Course is studied by e-learning. Course includes lectures, individual and teamwork, independent study in e-learning environment

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Exam and presentations of learning assignments by groups are at week 47.

Student workload

104 hours

Content scheduling

Course is orientated at week 38. Students do an exam and presentate their learning assignments at week 47.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam (50%) and learning assignment and presentation by groups (50%).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


23.10.2023 - 15.12.2023


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3.5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 34

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Annukka Haapa-aho
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B
  • MSOS22SV


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

Course is studied by e-learning except weeks 3 and 10. Course includes team works and independent study.

Student workload


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation

Assessment methods and criteria

Course includes an exam (50%) and case work doing by small groups (50%).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


04.09.2023 - 22.10.2023


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Asta Pohjola
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • SOS23A


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

This course includes independent studying, face-to-face learning, joining to a multiprofessional seminar and case practicing in classroom.

Employer connections

In this course students join to a multiprofessional seminar in 3rd of October 2023.

Exam schedules

This course includes an exam and case practicing doing by groups.

Completion alternatives

This course can be studied in e-learning environment.

Student workload

106 hours

Content scheduling

Course timetable is 28.8.-20.10.2023. The date of exam is dealed by group in the beginning of the course. Students do their presentations of Case practicing at 18th of October in 2023.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam evaluated 1-5 (50%) and group work presentation evaluated 1-5 (50%).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


02.05.2022 - 05.05.2022


09.01.2023 - 10.03.2023


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Annukka Haapa-aho
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • SOS21B
  • SOS21C


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

Course is studied by face-to-face learning. Course includes lectures, individual and group work, independent study, studying in e-learning environment and exam.

Exam schedules

The course ends with an online exam.
The exam time will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

104 hours.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation

Assessment methods and criteria

Course will end to an exam.


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


05.05.2021 - 16.10.2022


07.11.2022 - 18.12.2022


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Annukka Haapa-aho
Student groups
  • SOPE21S
    Basics of socionomic work


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


02.05.2022 - 05.05.2022


01.09.2022 - 21.10.2022


4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Annukka Haapa-aho
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • SOS22A
  • SOS21B
  • SOS21C
  • MSOS22K


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

Course is studied by face-to-face learning. Course includes lectures, individual and group work, independent study, studying in e-learning environment and exam.

Exam schedules

The time of the exam will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

104 hours.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling


05.05.2021 - 09.05.2021


03.01.2022 - 18.03.2022


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Asta Pohjola
  • Pia-Christine Sainio
Student groups
  • SOS20B
  • SOS21A
  • MSOS21K
  • SOS20C


Students are able to recognize the tasks and the position of social work in the social field in various welfare organizations and in organizations of parallel fields, whose primary mission is not in social welfare or services, e.g. early childhood education, work in schools, health care and rehabilitation organizations, criminal services, employment agencies or in the Social Insurance Institution. Students learn to assess the client's situation and needs from the social perspective and to examine the effects of individual, community and society-level factors on the whole. Students know and can find out what social benefits, services, support activities and sources of help are available and learn to counsel their clients on their use. Students incorporate the knowledge of other experts into the overall assessment and the client's own assessment. They have abilities to act as member of multi-professional team.


- social expertise
- multiprofessionalism, co-operation, multi sectoral work
- assessing the client's situation and need for services
- seeking information about services, benefits and legislation
- teamwork and networking, dialogical interaction
- early childhood education, work in schools, health care, intoxicant abusers, employment agencies


Helminen, J. (toim.).2017.Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollossa. Metteri, A., Valokivi, H.&Ylinen, S.(toim.).2014.Terveys ja sosiaalityö.
Mönkkönen, K., Kekoni, T.&Pehkonen, A.2019.Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.Gaudeamus.
Orjasniemi, T.2014.Moniammatillisen päihdetyön käytäntöjä kehittämässä – kohdeilmiöitä, menetelmiä, strategioita ja rajapintoja
Vierula, T.,Pösö, T.&Paavilainen, E.2019.Moniammatillisuus ja palvelutarvearviointi lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa.Ammattilaisten näkemykset pulmakohdista.Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):3.

Teaching methods

Course is studied by face-to-face learning. Course includes lectures, individual and group work, independent study, simulations, studying in e-learning environment and exam.

Exam schedules

There is an exam at the end of course.

Student workload

104 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation

Assessment methods and criteria

Course will end to an exam.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- can define the concept and the goals of multi-professional work
- are able to name requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to describe social work roles and tasks in different fields
- are able to describe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to combine other experts' knowledge to the knowledge of social work
- are able to clarify the main categories and principles of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team
- are able to review the roles, the tasks and the expectations towards social work professionals in multi-professional fields from many perspectives
- are able to observe client's situation and needs from the perspective of social knowledge
- are able to make use of other experts' knowledge while solving problems
- are able to clarify exactly the essential points of social allowances, social services, social support and help resources, and clarify how they can be reached
- are able to evaluate client's needs from holistic perspective, including challenges in gaining and in using the services

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- are able to observe requirements for acting as member of multi-professional team from multiple perspectives
- can compare the nature of social work expertise to expertise of other professions
- are able to analyze challenges of multi-professional work and the factors that influence to the challenges
- are able to state and to produce creative solutions, how to bring out the client's perspective and how to promote multi-professional co-operation


most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Family Counselling