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Tutoring SkillsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KD18BKPM01


Having completed the course the student is able to distinguish between learning theories, learning methods and guidance styles. S/he is able to explain how different learning theories and learning styles influence the tutoring process. The student is able to analyze tutorial situations as planned and target-oriented interactional situations. S/he is able to use varied teaching methods ja choose suitable methods for each tutoring situation.The student is able to function as a tutor in different learning environments. The student is able to plan, execute and evaluate individual and group tutoring situations for customers and colleagues.


- introduction to learning theories and teaching methods
- stages of guiding process
- various target groups
- co-operation between library and school
- planning, executing and evaluating individual and group tutoring situations


No prerequisites.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Saticfactory (1-2)
The student has completed all the course tasks but hasn't always followed the instructions or timetables. The student is able to itemize briefly the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching event. S/he is able to tell what kind of teaching and tutoring library work involves. The student is able to implement a small-scale teaching event in a group.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3-4)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student is able to distinguish and analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he is able to organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. As an active member of a group, the student is able to implement a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)
The student has completed all the course tasks according to the instructions and timetables. The student is able to distinguish and comprehensively analyse the elements of planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching event. S/he is able to propose and organize different kinds of tutoring situations in libraries. The student is able to implement, as an active and inspirational member of a group, a teaching event that puts the theory of learning into practice.


- Kupias, P. 2001. Oppia opetusmenetelmistä. Helsinki: Edita.

- Learning and Libraries in an Information Age: Principles and practice. Edited by Barbara K. Stripling. Englewood: Libraries unlimited 1999.

- Sormunen, E. & Poikela, E. 2008. Informaatio, informaatiolukutaito ja oppiminen. Tampere: University press.

- Tänk om...! pedagogiska metoder i biblioteket.2005. Stockholm: Svensk biblioteksförening.

Vuorinen, I. 2005. Tuhat tapaa opettaa. Menetelmäopas opettajille, kouluttajille ja ryhmän ohjaajille. 7. painos. Naantali: Resurssi.

Other material to be announced in the beginning of the course.