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Research Methods in Social WorkLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SOSATK10


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


Introduction to Research and Development

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


07.01.2025 - 07.03.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


04.11.2024 - 29.12.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS23A


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Leena Koivumäki
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • MSOS22SV


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


17.04.2023 - 20.04.2023


08.01.2024 - 01.03.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS21B
  • SOS21C


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


17.04.2023 - 20.04.2023


06.11.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS22A


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


17.04.2023 - 20.04.2023


04.09.2023 - 20.10.2023


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • MSOS22K


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


17.04.2023 - 20.04.2023


04.09.2023 - 20.10.2023


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS21B
  • SOS21C


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, possibility to use also SPSS, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.

Quantitative research: independen assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


19.04.2022 - 21.04.2022


09.01.2023 - 10.03.2023


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 36

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS20B
  • SOS20C


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


19.04.2022 - 21.04.2022


07.11.2022 - 31.12.2022


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS21A


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


19.04.2022 - 21.04.2022


05.09.2022 - 21.10.2022


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 34

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS20B
  • SOS20C


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview, observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


19.04.2022 - 21.04.2022


01.09.2022 - 16.12.2022


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 23

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • MSOS21K


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


- Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö. Gaudeamus.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä (Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakolu.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. (2011). Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Vilkka, H. & Airaksinen, T. (2003). Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- Salonen, K. (2013). Näkökulmia tutkimukselliseen ja toiminnalliseen opinnäytetyöhön : opas opiskelijoille, opettajille ja TKI-henkilöstölle. (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja 72). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


26.04.2021 - 02.05.2021


10.01.2022 - 18.02.2022


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS19C
  • SOS19B


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Helsinki: Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän
ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. 2011. Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. Helsinki: JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. 2009. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Helsinki:Tammi.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development


26.04.2021 - 02.05.2021


08.11.2021 - 28.01.2022


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

RD proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Hilkka Latva-Somppi
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS20A


Students can find detect relevant and interesting research targets in their professional field. They are familiar with the research approaches and methods used in social sciences. Students know how to evaluate the suitability of various research approaches and methods for given targets. They know how to define a research task and how to formulate research questions. Students can explain the whole research process and its features in qualitative, quantitative and action research. They know how to use the most important qualitative and quantitative research tools and recognise the action research process. Students select and focus on one approach, qualitative, quantitative or action research.


- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods


Greasley, Pete (2008) Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences. Open University Press. (e-kirja).
- Heikkilä, Tarja (2014) Tilastollinen tutkimus. Helsinki: Edita.
- Hirsjärvi, Sirkka & Hurme, H. Tutkimushaastattelu. teemahaastattelun teoria ja käytäntö.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Laadullinen tutkimus opinnäytetyönä. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 176.
- Kananen, Jorma (2014) Toimintatutkimus kehittämistutkimuksen muotona. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän
ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja.
- Puusa, A & Juuti, P. 2011. Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. Helsinki: JTO.
- Sarajärvi, Anneli & Tuomi, Jouni. 2009. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällön analyysi. Helsinki:Tammi.
- Materials in e-learning environment
-Other Literature provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons, studies in e-learning environment, assignments.
Statistical methods: all studies in e-learning environment
Qualitative methods: partly in e-learning environment, analysis exercises contact studies.

Student workload

Student work 130 h, which includes
- Quantitative research methods
- Qualitative research methods:
- Activity Analysis
- independent work

Content scheduling

- research-mindedness
- research approaches and methods in social sciences
- defining research tasks and research problems
- the qualitative, quantitative and action reseach process
- the Webropol tool, tools for qualitative analysis
- Qualitative research methods: interview. observation
- Quantitative research methos: SPSS software, tables, indicators, graphics
- Action research methods: the action research process, use of multiple methods

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- can define the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- are able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods in analyzing reseach data under supervision
- are able to describe the action research process

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to describe the key features of qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have knowledge concerning the nature and the wholeness of research processes, where previously mentioned orientations are used
- have capacities to assess the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- possess the knowledge of the processes in qualitative, quantitative and action research orientations
- have ability to observe essential and meaningful research topics related to one's professional area
- have capacities to compare the applicibility of qualitative, quantitative and action research methods and orientation related to different research topics
- have ability to implement research by using qualitative, quantitative and action research in wide range.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in lectures, independent assignments.


Introduction to Research and Development