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Assessment of Functional Capacity in Aging and Special Features of PhysiotherapyLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: BB00DL53


The student can:

- Explain the effects of exercise on the aging body and justify the key factors when guiding the elderly's exercise
- Apply different research methods when assessing the functional capacity and independent survival of the elderly
- Apply research results when guiding therapeutic practice for the elderly
- Uses the ICF classification and the TOIMIA database when describing the functional capacity and functional limitations of the elderly
- Guide the elderly using aids that support functional ability
- Find solutions in technology that support the daily activities of the elderly
- Apply qualitative research in their interview task

- can explain what RAI assessment means as part of a reliable assessment of the client's service needs and support for functional capacity and agency.
- knows the structure of the RAI assessment, the steps of the assessment process and his/her role in a reliable, multidisciplinary and client-centred RAI assessment.
- know how to use the RAI assessment manual when conducting a client assessment.
- recognise the importance of involving the client and his/her family in the RAI assessment


- Health promotion and aging
- Different research methods of functional ability and independent survival in aging
- Exercising aging muscle strength and motor skills using different sensory channels
- ICF classification system and TOIMIA database
- Auxiliary process
- Robotics, wellness technology and digitalization
- Qualitative research
- RAI assessment

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student:

- Identifies health-promoting and disease-preventing factors related to an aging person's life situation
- Knows how to use several research methods when assessing the functional capacity and independent survival of an aging person
- Recognizes functional ability research results and is able to guide therapeutic exercise that promotes the functional ability of an aging person
- can carry out a RAI assessment of the client with assistance
- Can partially use the ICF classification system and the TOIMIA database
- Understands the assistive technology process of the elderly
- Recognizes the opportunities of wellness technology to support physiotherapy for the elderly
- Partially applies the basic methods of qualitative research

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student:

- Understands the health-promoting and disease-preventing factors related to the life situation of an aging person
- Uses different research methods when assessing the functional capacity and independent survival of the elderly
- Can interpret functional ability research results and guide evidence-based therapeutic exercise that promotes the functional capacity of an aging person
- can carry out a RAI assessment of the client
- Knows how to use the ICF classification system and the TOIMIA database
- Knows how to guide elderly people in the assistive technology process
- Utilizes wellness technology to support physiotherapy for the elderly
- Applies the basic methods of qualitative research

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student:

- Can analyze health-promoting and disease-preventing factors related to an aging person's life situation
- Makes versatile use of different research methods when assessing the functional capacity and independent survival of an aging person
- Applies research results when directing an evidence-based therapeutic exercise that promotes the functional capacity of the aging population
- can carry out a RAI assessment together with the client
- make informed use of the ICF classification system and the TOIMIA database
- can provide professional guidance to older people in the assistive technology process
- make good use of wellness technology to support physiotherapy for older people
- apply basic qualitative research methods appropriately


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Sarvimäki, A. & Heimonen, S. & Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, A. 2010. Vanhuus ja haavoittuvuus. Helsinki: Edita.
Soinila, S. et al. (toim.) 2015. Neurologia. Duodecim.