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Entrepreneurship in Rural EnterprisesLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: 9A00DM00


The student
• is able to outline the entrepreneurial competences and to reflect on their own goals and strengths in relation to them
• recognizes human cognitive structures in themselves and in interaction with other people
• is able to describe and consider international, sustainable, social, cultural and economic value and to perceive their differences
• is able to analyze different value chains and networks
• is able to describe the importance of entrepreneurship for sustainability, society, international and national economy as well as to recognize different manifestations of entrepreneurship in everyday life
• is able to describe the preconditions for profitable business activity
• knows the stages of the establishment of a company
• knows the entrepreneurship opportunities at SeAMK


Entrepreneurial competence, self-knowledge and self-efficacy, motivation, human systems of thought, uncertainty tolerance, and processing of disappointments
• Value creation, recognition of value chains and networks in different environments, value creation in different structures, such as companies and associations
• Basic concepts of entrepreneurship and business and earnings logic, economic literacy, risk management
• Stages of the establishment of business activities
• Business plan as a tool for structuring a business idea
• Business activities as part of society, entrepreneurship as part of life
• Deepening of the student’s entrepreneurial skills at SeAMK (SeAMK Yritystalli, SeAMKPro, SeiES, etc.)

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

To pass the course, the student is required to actively participate in it and to pass all the assignments. In the assignments, the student shows they understand the creation of sustainable, social, international, cultural and economic value and reflects on their importance in business and society. The student demonstrates they know the basic concepts of business and are able to describe the preconditions for profitable business activity in rural areas and food sector. The student demonstrates they are able to reflect on their own relationship with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competence.


11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Marjo Latva-Kyyny
Student groups
  • AGRO24
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises


The student
• is able to outline the entrepreneurial competences and to reflect on their own goals and strengths in relation to them
• recognizes human cognitive structures in themselves and in interaction with other people
• is able to describe and consider international, sustainable, social, cultural and economic value and to perceive their differences
• is able to analyze different value chains and networks
• is able to describe the importance of entrepreneurship for sustainability, society, international and national economy as well as to recognize different manifestations of entrepreneurship in everyday life
• is able to describe the preconditions for profitable business activity
• knows the stages of the establishment of a company
• knows the entrepreneurship opportunities at SeAMK


Entrepreneurial competence, self-knowledge and self-efficacy, motivation, human systems of thought, uncertainty tolerance, and processing of disappointments
• Value creation, recognition of value chains and networks in different environments, value creation in different structures, such as companies and associations
• Basic concepts of entrepreneurship and business and earnings logic, economic literacy, risk management
• Stages of the establishment of business activities
• Business plan as a tool for structuring a business idea
• Business activities as part of society, entrepreneurship as part of life
• Deepening of the student’s entrepreneurial skills at SeAMK (SeAMK Yritystalli, SeAMKPro, SeiES, etc.)


Moodlesta löytyvä materiaali
Oheismateriaali & lisälukemista:
- Taivas ja helvetti 2.0
- Urheilijan taivas ja helvetti, paras versio itsestäsi
- Taivas ja helvetti - Riko rajasi
- Aki Hintsa: Voittamisen anatomia
- Holopainen Tuulikki (2022) Yrityksen perustamisopas: käytännön perustamistoimet. E-kirja

Teaching methods

discussions, operational tasks, group work, tests, network exam, entreprise visits

Employer connections

agricultural business companies

Completion alternatives

learning through your own business (no farm producing meat, grain or raw milk)
Previous studies at university level

Student workload

81 hours

Content scheduling

Self-Knowledge and mePersistence Working life Change Megatrends Value Production Entrepreneurship and Society Business idea Business Model Canvas

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

To pass the course, the student is required to actively participate in it and to pass all the assignments. In the assignments, the student shows they understand the creation of sustainable, social, international, cultural and economic value and reflects on their importance in business and society. The student demonstrates they know the basic concepts of business and are able to describe the preconditions for profitable business activity in rural areas and food sector. The student demonstrates they are able to reflect on their own relationship with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competence.

Assessment methods and criteria

The approved performance requires active participation and the approved performance of all tasks. In the assignments, the student shows that he understands the creation of social, cultural and economic value and considers their importance through business activities


13.11.2023 - 17.01.2024


18.03.2024 - 28.04.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Anu Katila
Student groups
  • AGRO23
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • AGRO23A
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • AGRO23B
    Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises


The student
• is able to outline the entrepreneurial competences and to reflect on their own goals and strengths in relation to them
• recognizes human cognitive structures in themselves and in interaction with other people
• is able to describe and consider international, sustainable, social, cultural and economic value and to perceive their differences
• is able to analyze different value chains and networks
• is able to describe the importance of entrepreneurship for sustainability, society, international and national economy as well as to recognize different manifestations of entrepreneurship in everyday life
• is able to describe the preconditions for profitable business activity
• knows the stages of the establishment of a company
• knows the entrepreneurship opportunities at SeAMK


Entrepreneurial competence, self-knowledge and self-efficacy, motivation, human systems of thought, uncertainty tolerance, and processing of disappointments
• Value creation, recognition of value chains and networks in different environments, value creation in different structures, such as companies and associations
• Basic concepts of entrepreneurship and business and earnings logic, economic literacy, risk management
• Stages of the establishment of business activities
• Business plan as a tool for structuring a business idea
• Business activities as part of society, entrepreneurship as part of life
• Deepening of the student’s entrepreneurial skills at SeAMK (SeAMK Yritystalli, SeAMKPro, SeiES, etc.)


Moodlesta löytyvä materiaali
Oheismateriaali & lisälukemista:
- Taivas ja helvetti 2.0
- Urheilijan taivas ja helvetti, paras versio itsestäsi
- Taivas ja helvetti - Riko rajasi
- Aki Hintsa: Voittamisen anatomia
- Holopainen Tuulikki (2022) Yrityksen perustamisopas: käytännön perustamistoimet. E-kirja

Teaching methods

discussions, operational tasks, group work, tests, network exam, entreprise visits

Employer connections

agricultural business companies

Completion alternatives

learning through your own business (no farm producing meat, grain or raw milk)
Previous studies at university level

Student workload

81 hours

Content scheduling

Self-Knowledge and mePersistence Working life Change Megatrends Value Production Entrepreneurship and Society Business idea Business Model Canvas

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

To pass the course, the student is required to actively participate in it and to pass all the assignments. In the assignments, the student shows they understand the creation of sustainable, social, international, cultural and economic value and reflects on their importance in business and society. The student demonstrates they know the basic concepts of business and are able to describe the preconditions for profitable business activity in rural areas and food sector. The student demonstrates they are able to reflect on their own relationship with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competence.

Assessment methods and criteria

The approved performance requires active participation and the approved performance of all tasks. In the assignments, the student shows that he understands the creation of social, cultural and economic value and considers their importance through business activities