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Duties of the LibraryLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: 4A00DI96


Note: This course applies only to students with a Diploma in Library and Information Services.

The purpose of the Practical Training is to provide students will skills in independently finding a practical training placement based on their professional goals and making an employment contract with an employer, planning a training scheme together with the supervisor at the workplace, applying the knowledge and skills they have learned while studying in practice developing those skills. The Students will be working as an active, communicative members in the work community. They are able to n report about their practical training period according to the degree programme's set guidelines.


Participation in the information sessions, finding a practical training placement and making an employment contract, Job orientation, Taking part in various duties as opportunities arise.
Compilation of a final report at the end.
Seminar presentation of the experiences encountered during practical training,

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has completed all the parts and tasks of practical training:
- participation in information events related to practical training
- the training is guided by a person designated by the place of training;
- search for a traineeship position and signing of a traineeship contract
- 7-week full-time practical training at the selected workplace
- Traineeship completed several days a week for your part-time job
- Trainee completed in one episode at the same place
- evaluation discussion at the workplace and submitting an evaluation form to the teacher in charge of practical training
- submission of a final report of the traineeship period
- participation in the final reporting event


16.09.2024 - 31.12.2026


16.09.2024 - 31.12.2026


10 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Diploma of Higher Education, Library and Information Services
  • Satu Salmela
Student groups
    Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan korkeakouludiplomi


Note: This course applies only to students with a Diploma in Library and Information Services.

The purpose of the Practical Training is to provide students will skills in independently finding a practical training placement based on their professional goals and making an employment contract with an employer, planning a training scheme together with the supervisor at the workplace, applying the knowledge and skills they have learned while studying in practice developing those skills. The Students will be working as an active, communicative members in the work community. They are able to n report about their practical training period according to the degree programme's set guidelines.


Participation in the information sessions, finding a practical training placement and making an employment contract, Job orientation, Taking part in various duties as opportunities arise.
Compilation of a final report at the end.
Seminar presentation of the experiences encountered during practical training,

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has completed all the parts and tasks of practical training:
- participation in information events related to practical training
- the training is guided by a person designated by the place of training;
- search for a traineeship position and signing of a traineeship contract
- 7-week full-time practical training at the selected workplace
- Traineeship completed several days a week for your part-time job
- Trainee completed in one episode at the same place
- evaluation discussion at the workplace and submitting an evaluation form to the teacher in charge of practical training
- submission of a final report of the traineeship period
- participation in the final reporting event


01.01.2024 - 31.05.2025


01.06.2024 - 31.07.2025


10 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Diploma of Higher Education, Library and Information Services
  • Satu Salmela
Student groups
  • KTDIPL24
    Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan korkeakouludiplomi


Note: This course applies only to students with a Diploma in Library and Information Services.

The purpose of the Practical Training is to provide students will skills in independently finding a practical training placement based on their professional goals and making an employment contract with an employer, planning a training scheme together with the supervisor at the workplace, applying the knowledge and skills they have learned while studying in practice developing those skills. The Students will be working as an active, communicative members in the work community. They are able to n report about their practical training period according to the degree programme's set guidelines.


Participation in the information sessions, finding a practical training placement and making an employment contract, Job orientation, Taking part in various duties as opportunities arise.
Compilation of a final report at the end.
Seminar presentation of the experiences encountered during practical training,

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has completed all the parts and tasks of practical training:
- participation in information events related to practical training
- the training is guided by a person designated by the place of training;
- search for a traineeship position and signing of a traineeship contract
- 7-week full-time practical training at the selected workplace
- Traineeship completed several days a week for your part-time job
- Trainee completed in one episode at the same place
- evaluation discussion at the workplace and submitting an evaluation form to the teacher in charge of practical training
- submission of a final report of the traineeship period
- participation in the final reporting event


01.08.2023 - 31.05.2024


01.08.2023 - 31.05.2024


10 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Diploma of Higher Education, Library and Information Services
  • Sari Mäkinen-Laitila
  • Satu Salmela
Student groups
  • KTDIPL23
    Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan korkeakouludiplomi


Note: This course applies only to students with a Diploma in Library and Information Services.

The purpose of the Practical Training is to provide students will skills in independently finding a practical training placement based on their professional goals and making an employment contract with an employer, planning a training scheme together with the supervisor at the workplace, applying the knowledge and skills they have learned while studying in practice developing those skills. The Students will be working as an active, communicative members in the work community. They are able to n report about their practical training period according to the degree programme's set guidelines.


Participation in the information sessions, finding a practical training placement and making an employment contract, Job orientation, Taking part in various duties as opportunities arise.
Compilation of a final report at the end.
Seminar presentation of the experiences encountered during practical training,

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has completed all the parts and tasks of practical training:
- participation in information events related to practical training
- the training is guided by a person designated by the place of training;
- search for a traineeship position and signing of a traineeship contract
- 7-week full-time practical training at the selected workplace
- Traineeship completed several days a week for your part-time job
- Trainee completed in one episode at the same place
- evaluation discussion at the workplace and submitting an evaluation form to the teacher in charge of practical training
- submission of a final report of the traineeship period
- participation in the final reporting event