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Peak Experience EventLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: CA00DV55


Student understands the preconditions for extraordinary customer experience and understands the diversity in producing extraordinary customer experiences. The student can plan, implement and manage a multisensorial and memorable food service concept. He can promote his own creativity and innovate various customer-oriented service packages. The student masters working in multidisciplinary project tasks and is able to evaluate the quality of experience production holistically. 


Event planning and organization 
Space and atmosphere 
Food product 
Service path 


Food service production
Food service management

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Students can name the main principles of experience production. The student can plan and implement a multi-sensory and memorable food event in a guided way, considering the theme of the experience. Students recognize some aspects of food products, atmosphere, customer service and managing the whole, when planning and realizing a service package. 

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the main principles of experience production and evaluates their significance in experience production. The student is able to plan and implement a multi-sensory and memorable food event, taking into account resources and the theme of the experience. In the planning and implementation of the service package, the student takes into account aspects related to the food product itself, the atmosphere, the customer's encounter and the management of the whole. 

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

the customer's experience. The student is able to plan, implement and organize a multi-sensory and memorable food event, taking into account the required level of quality, resources and the theme of the experience. In thFe planning and implementation of the service package, the student takes into account aspects related to the food product itself, the atmosphere, the encounter with the customer and the management of the entity. 


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