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Professional Finnish 4Laajuus (2 cr)

Code: BA00CI88


The student is able to communicate fluently and accurately in more specific professional situations. He/she understands more detailed and complex texts related to work and he/she is able to write coherent texts on specific professional topics. The student enhances his/her spoken Finnish skills related to professional topics..

The target level of the course is B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


The course will be connected e.g. to practical training.

personal aims for the course; weekly diary on language and professional contents student has learned in his/her work (incl. written & spoken assignments); presentation that is based on personal learning goals and weekly diary; self-assessment


Professional Finnish 3 or equivalent knowledge

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)


Assessment criteria, good (3)


Assessment criteria, excellent (5)


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: The student is able to set personal goals for the course. He/she is able to communicate about his/her work and its professional content according to the personal goals. He/she submits all the assignments. The assignments are sufficient in comparison with the learning outcomes.
Fail: The student is not able to set personal goals for the course. He/she is not able to communicate about his/her work and its professional content in Finnish. The activities and learning outcomes concerning personal aims and assignments are not sufficient in comparison with the total number of the credit points of the course.