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Development of Nursing ExpertiseLaajuus (6 cr)

Code: BA00CJ46


The student understands that the promotion of health and functional capacity are both the starting point and the goal of the work. To prepare himself/ herself for future requirements in nursing, he/she evaluates and develops holistic clinical nursing competences as well as teaching and counselling competences. The student know show to work in multi-disciplinary and multi-professional settings in health and social services, paying attention to current development strategies. The student is able to act and prioritise in nursing situations, which involve multiple simultaneous problems. The student is able to work as an expert of nursing in multi-disciplinary and multi-professional work groups, teams and networks. The student knows how to manage work groups and teams. The student applies ehealth, health technology and digital services while ensuring data security and patient safety. The student evaluates and develops the quality of nursing.


Deepening expertise in evidence-based clinical nursing, teaching and counselling. Developing the quality and safety of multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural and multi-professional health and social services. Future development strategies for health and social services and for the management of the services. The challenge of eHealth, health technology and digitalisation in nursing.


The student must have passed all courses in the module Client-Centred Clinical Competence

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- competently uses the nursing scientific database
- uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/ her actions
- is capable of solving tasks and problems in nursing
- is capable of professional, ethical and safe nursing practice
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- is able to develop himself/ herself professionally

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses nursing scientific concepts and evidence-based nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in the development nursing
- is capable of client-centred, responsible and safe nursing practice
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in nursing
- evaluates nursing actions and safety in relation to the principles of professional ethics
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the working community and the nursing practice

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- demonstrates that he/ she masters the nursing scientific knowledge base and applies it as an expert to develop evidence-based nursing
- independently seeks and critically evaluates international evidence-based knowledge
- anticipates needs and applies the professional competence and is capable of independent decision-making in various nursing situations and settings
- takes into account the the client's/patient's entire care and service process
- creates innovative and alternative solutions in decision-making in nursing to develop evidence-based nursing
- develops nursing practice, ethics and safety
- develops the work as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the profession, working community and the nursing practice with a career-oriented approach

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail =0
The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the nursing scientific knowledge base
- cannot adequately explain the nursing actions
- is not adequately capable of applying their professional competence to nursing practice
- does not adequately follow a client-centred approach or observe patient safety
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not take into account safety and ethical principles of the profession
- does not adequately contribute to the development of nursing


03.04.2023 - 27.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


6 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
Student groups
  • RN20


The student understands that the promotion of health and functional capacity are both the starting point and the goal of the work. To prepare himself/ herself for future requirements in nursing, he/she evaluates and develops holistic clinical nursing competences as well as teaching and counselling competences. The student know show to work in multi-disciplinary and multi-professional settings in health and social services, paying attention to current development strategies. The student is able to act and prioritise in nursing situations, which involve multiple simultaneous problems. The student is able to work as an expert of nursing in multi-disciplinary and multi-professional work groups, teams and networks. The student knows how to manage work groups and teams. The student applies ehealth, health technology and digital services while ensuring data security and patient safety. The student evaluates and develops the quality of nursing.


Deepening expertise in evidence-based clinical nursing, teaching and counselling. Developing the quality and safety of multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural and multi-professional health and social services. Future development strategies for health and social services and for the management of the services. The challenge of eHealth, health technology and digitalisation in nursing.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- competently uses the nursing scientific database
- uses evidence-based knowledge to explain his/ her actions
- is capable of solving tasks and problems in nursing
- is capable of professional, ethical and safe nursing practice
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- is able to develop himself/ herself professionally

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- competently and extensively uses nursing scientific concepts and evidence-based nursing
- evaluates and critically uses evidence-based knowledge in the development nursing
- is capable of client-centred, responsible and safe nursing practice
- applies alternative solutions to decision-making in nursing
- evaluates nursing actions and safety in relation to the principles of professional ethics
- acts as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the working community and the nursing practice

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- demonstrates that he/ she masters the nursing scientific knowledge base and applies it as an expert to develop evidence-based nursing
- independently seeks and critically evaluates international evidence-based knowledge
- anticipates needs and applies the professional competence and is capable of independent decision-making in various nursing situations and settings
- takes into account the the client's/patient's entire care and service process
- creates innovative and alternative solutions in decision-making in nursing to develop evidence-based nursing
- develops nursing practice, ethics and safety
- develops the work as an expert of nursing in multidisciplinary teams and projects in collaboration with people who represent different cultures
- purposefully develops himself/ herself, the profession, working community and the nursing practice with a career-oriented approach

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail =0
The student
- does not adequately appreciate or use the nursing scientific knowledge base
- cannot adequately explain the nursing actions
- is not adequately capable of applying their professional competence to nursing practice
- does not adequately follow a client-centred approach or observe patient safety
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making
- does not take into account safety and ethical principles of the profession
- does not adequately contribute to the development of nursing


The student must have passed all courses in the module Client-Centred Clinical Competence